  • rickwrites submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem about what you are grateful for in your lifeWrite a poem about what you are grateful for in your life 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Grateful, thankful, faithful

    I am grateful For:

    My sons laugh, where his eyes close and he reveals a smile that heals every wound that’s ever been afflicted,

    For the woman who has always been in my corner even when I was circling my darkest days,

    For the abundance of energy that I curate and the way my attitude has shifted,

    For my parents who worked hard and showed me the old ways,

    For the fortitude I’ve been afforded when my troubles were consistent,

    For the metal rods holding me together and there was no co pay,

    For my friends that heard my poetry and made me perform, they insisted,

    For my fellow vets who checked on me when they knew I wasn’t ok,

    For the love I now give my body and the openness to holistics,

    For me living with love and not having room for no hate,

    For all my friends that deployed who were never injured by ballistics,

    For the opportunity to switch school that I took back in 08,

    For he work ethic instilled in me I project with persistence,

    For the faith that i wont live forever, but my words will succumb to no date,

    For the truth in my tongue that wants to help elevate extistince,

    No late times in the grand design,

    For the great spirit and to my future self I’m so faithful,

    I hope I emanate all things I am so grateful.


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    • “No late times in the grand design,”—
      I can assure you, this one’s gonna stick <3

      Thanks for sharing 🙂

      Write me back 

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    • Rick,

      I love the ending.

      “For the great spirit and to my future self I’m so faithful,

      I hope I emanate all things I am so grateful.”

      Definitely a drop mic ending. Your heart and your talent shine through ever piece you write. You are amazing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being a heartbeat of this unsealed family. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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