
rickwrites's Letters

Cloud 10

A silent thought that now demanded my attention.
The universe knew exactly how to reveal this to me.
A problem that I fixed had finally released me from its bind.
I was going home.
The road hugged my tires like excited friends reuniting,
Usually a 7 1/2 min walk, stretched to a 13 min run.
13 min , the length of a how to video that I’m sure I…read more

Rick Writes

Happy birthday!

Lauren I went through our first book, page by page and reached out to everyone that I could find.
I went through all of your tags to see everyone that was associated with the unsealed, and I got to say everyone that I was able to reach was on board with doing this.
I had a small glimpse in everyone’s lives, and your impact was always a shining m…read more

Rick Writes


My body,
What do you think of when I say that phrase ?

Do you cringe in disgust or feel a deep praise?

Whichever side you find yourself on the line..
let me tell you about mine, and how an injury to my spine..

Completely changed the way that I lived life,
I’m grateful to be a father, because my surgeons weren’t sure if I could give lif…read more

Grateful, thankful, faithful

I am grateful For:

My sons laugh, where his eyes close and he reveals a smile that heals every wound that’s ever been afflicted,

For the woman who has always been in my corner even when I was circling my darkest days,

For the abundance of energy that I curate and the way my attitude has shifted,

For my parents who worked hard and showed me…read more

To the man I pray to everyday

You are a man who:
wears his beard fully,
not because he’s handsome but because uncle sam, doesn’t have a say anymore

A man who embraces that hint of wild man that he is

A man in the woods, only answering to the birds call

A man who knows not the name of every tree but all of their essence

A man who isn’t afraid of alarms anymore

A man w…read more

Full moon in Aquarius

Standing at a crossroads and I find my bones feeling lazy,
a vision towards my future but the road is hazy,

I always pour out to those who don’t realize that I’m giving them something sacred,

They let it spill over like the blood of the natives instead trying to save it.

So now I want to save myself, it was a happenstance of a chance , I tol…read more

It starts with me

I want to be that guy that you can be free to speak your mind to, you can lean on all the time.

I want to be the mirror that helps you see yourself clearer, that encourages your true self to get a little nearer,

come and plays devils advocate for the angels make you look at things from different angles ,

Or I help the world value the person…read more

Voting ends on July 31, 2024 12:00am

Bounce back

Can I write something for future me ? Because I know he’s be so proud of what current me, is currently doing.

Undoing 10 years of an identity, that was never meant for me.

Preparing the path to intersect with him, and finding healthy ways to cope mentally

Especially, since they did him kind of dirty

It’s never to late to start over.
Even if…read more

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