

  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 days, 4 hours ago

    Writers Block

    The Tortured Poets Department has a writer’s division that has to approve every poem before it goes out
    And my mind is tired of being held hostage
    A loose-leaf definition of writer’s block was once defined by the utter of: I don’t feel like writing, this isn’t good enough, my hand only works for the remote today
    Then she interrupts my train of thought to ask: why have you never wrote a poem about me
    It’s not that I haven’t
    There are 100s getting as comfortable as you can be in the waste basket
    The last poem I Kobe shot, Melo made, and Curry posed to the trash can started like this:
    An eye lash is trying to make your cheek more than just a Sunday service sanctuary
    It wants a home
    I know you’d like me to remove it
    But who am I to destroy a home
    I can’t help but think how beautiful you look with that eye lash
    As it rests there like a pair of doves flirting on a branch not far away from me
    What are you starring at, she exclaims
    Oh, nothing I reply, today I’ll let the eye lash remain
    Your rosy cheeks, kissed by my dead rose petal lips
    Reminding you of the time we went camping and you hated that you smelled the outside
    You hated that you smelled like outside
    And I kept teasing you but hiking, visualizing, and tenting next to nature is maybe the closest thing to
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your gorgeous
    Ugh, I can never find the right words to describe a tenth of your gorgeous
    And it makes me want to drop dead out of frustration
    Because the writers need to feel exactly what I do when they read:
    Holding her hand is to get a glimpse of forever before I die
    Holding her makes my heart resemble the flight of a butterfly
    Holding her hand is to hold my battles in the palm of my hand and make them cry
    The writers consist of a delicious various assortment of personality; often referred to as me, myself, and I
    Every time I get ready to seal this poem to you the writer’s block me from letting you receive it
    p.s. I haven’t learned to love myself enough to love you…


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    • Aww Roses, sending you the biggest hug. There is a lot of softness in this. I hope you learn to love yourself because you have so much love to give. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 days, 4 hours ago

    The Last Breath of the Flame

    The clock, the watch, the phone all have eyes that watch from the view of 2 AM untamed
    Heart rates jumping like the heat of the flame
    Me plus You is a movie, what is the name
    Our love doesn’t fit in the frame
    So, cameras get jealous of the panorama pane
    Real love never goes without pain that can be immense
    So, if you’re hurt let patience play offense
    Slow dancing with your memories is a nostalgic essence
    Sweat dancing with the burning scent
    Wick burning with confidence
    Mirroring our silhouette, naked thoughts present tense
    My hands without your curves, a death sentence
    Each kiss turns a page of my sixth sense
    I don’t need a third eye to see your imperfect contents
    Table this: beauty is born from cracks so use the hurt as accents
    She is priceless so keep your two cents
    Temptation is off limits but I climbed the fence
    The candle falls asleep to our aroma, hence
    The flame goes out, conclusion love making after an argument
    Sweet dreams enter in the tango of sheets, legs, hearts, rest swiftly to the comfort of her name
    My heart is tied to yours, no more games
    I’ve played tug of war and came out lame
    No more burns unless it’s from the candle tamed
    p.s. this is what it feels like when peace kisses love…


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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 6 hours ago

    Cherry Blossum Cheeks

    Have you ever let your mind sit under a cherry blossom tree
    The poetic renewal massages the stress away the same way as the beach waves
    Copy and paste, lying next to you is like closing your eyes under the sunset oceanside
    A bright blushing sky with kisses of orange, and blue with a honeyed taste that simply grabs you
    But nothing is as sweet as your sugar, under the shade of this suite
    Fresh chill of a neutral setting is cooked by our body temperature
    Peace in the reflection is bringing us closer
    When I look back at how we arrived at this destination within the calm ripples I see a truth in the tomb of love at first sight
    Our photograph under the light being born from fallen petals is a coveted site
    I had to see the treasure I already had instead of searching for gold
    That’s when our story began to unfold, I hate folding clothes
    I rather unfold and devour deep conversations over shallow beverages
    She likes easy ice, but I want more, as deep as the roots of this tree
    The ying and yang
    Discovering the ocean intricacies when it closes its eyes to dream and wakes up with a kiss complemented by a southern twang
    She’s my main thang, calling my land line
    Our language reads between the lines
    Wrinkled with age or bitten white chocolate sheets
    I love seeing your cherry blossom cheeks
    p.s. you be the pink and I’ll be the red for Valentine’s…


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  • Danielle

    Don’t worry little one, this will all be forgiven and forgotten I know you’re going through a lot right now and I pray that you make it through this with open eyes And a keen sense. You are on your own now
    nothing more, nothing less. My information is true
    and I know what you’re going to do. I know because I’m you. Don’t listen to any negativity from any one and always be yourself! I know it’s rough but it’ll get better I hope you find solace in this letter.


    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • Presently

    In his arms, the world aligns just right,
    A place where heartbeats synchronize in the quiet night.
    The hustle fades, the stress melts away,
    In his arms, it’s easier to face the day.

    Under open skies or beneath the city lights,
    His embrace cuts through the coldest nights.
    A gentle strength, a quiet might,
    With him, even the darkest moments become light.

    Time softens its relentless march,
    In his arms, there’s no need to guard my heart.
    A soft touch, a steady hand,
    In his hold, I truly understand.

    Each worry lifts, each fear retreats,
    In his arms, life feels complete.
    He’s the calm when life gets tough,
    In his arms, I have more than enough.

    No place else I’d rather be,
    Than here with him, where I’m free to be me.
    All that’s gentle, all that’s warm,
    I find right here, safely wrapped in his arms.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Unbroken

    In the vast silence where words once failed,
    Among shadows where fears prevailed,
    You, so young with steps unsure,
    A silent fighter, pure and demure.

    Born into a world unkind, you struggled to find your voice,
    A journey not chosen, but imposed without a choice.
    Nonverbal, delayed, they labeled you, placing limits they saw fit,
    But even without words, your spirit refused to quit.

    Taunted and teased, a playground’s cruel jest,
    The bullies and mockers putting courage to the test.
    Harsh boundaries crossed, a young heart betrayed,
    In those silent battles, your resilience was displayed.

    From the depths of these trials, your mission took root,
    A desire to shield others from the oppressor’s boot.
    With every tear shed, a resolve grew within,
    To fight for those silenced, a war you could win.

    Now, your voice is finding its mighty roar,
    Speaking out for justice, opening new doors.
    Each injustice you faced fuels your fervent plea,
    Advocating for change, setting the silenced free.

    The pain once endured now powers your cause,
    Championing rights without a pause.
    With each step forward, you reclaim your might,
    Turning darkness encountered into future bright.

    So march on, unbroken, with your head held high,
    Proud of the battles fought, under life’s gray sky.
    Creating a world kinder, just, and true,
    From the ashes of your past, the best of you anew.

    With courage and love, stronger than ever before,
    Your journey from silence has opened the door.
    You’re not just surviving; you are setting the pace,
    For a world that sees all, beyond any disability’s trace.

    With love and pride,
    Your older self, unbroken and proud.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • LGBTWho?

    I bleed rainbows and cry stars

    I find community in bars

    I was sorrow, I was sin

    I denied myself to win

    I was lonely and unsure

    But no longer immature

    I am love and I am strong

    I am fearless in my song

    I don’t care what others think

    And I’ll raise another drink

    To brave souls that came before

    And blew the locks upon the doors

    I am free and I run wild

    Like the art made by a child

    No remorse and no regret

    What you see is what you get

    Walk with me and feel my pride

    And you will enjoy the ride

    Of vibrant life and color burst

    Without hunger, without thirst

    I am technicolor smile

    It just took me but a while

    Now I am “alternative”

    Let me love and let me live

    Ricardo Albertorio

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Rebecca Engle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 3 weeks ago


    Birds still chirp their fucking hearts out on crap days,
    Like a karaoke star who’s totally lost his way.
    And flowers? They’re gatecrashing funerals with sass,
    Whispering, “Was it our fucking fragrance, perhaps?”

    People scatter when shit really starts to hit the fan,
    Quicker than I say “fuck it” to my diet plan.
    But the ride-or-dies? They stick like fucking glue,
    Like that piece of gum on your shoe, never bidding adieu.

    The moon’s up there, changing her damn mind,
    Like me in front of the fridge, a late-night find.
    So hey, give yourself a break, don’t stress the fucking phase,
    We’re all just bumbling through life’s mad, crazy maze.

    In the cracks and crevices, we find our fucking groove,
    Dodging life’s big-ass feet, we move and we improve.
    Escaping the drizzle, dodging the damn pee,
    We’re the fucking misfits, making it, wild and free.

    So when life feels as tough as a week-old fucking baguette,
    Remember, we’re rocking this shit, no need to fret.
    In this grand ol’ mess, we might seem fucking small,
    But we’re damn well blooming, giving it our fucking all.

    Rebecca Engle

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    • Rebecca , your letter is filled with raw and honest emotion. Life may be chaotic, but remember, you’re resilient. Embrace your uniqueness and keep pushing forward. You’re blooming and giving it your all, no matter how tough things get.

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  • My flame

    They said I’d burn, but I found my fire,
    Defying the limits of their uninspired mire.
    Tales of a perfect life, a distant, elusive dream,
    Yet here I stand, my reality upstream.

    Solving my Rubik’s with time, each turn a surprise,
    The colors align in ways they couldn’t visualize.
    A mosaic of triumph, far beyond their design,
    A life that’s unfolding, uniquely mine.

    Now, a grad student, my ambitions taking flight,
    In a happy relationship, my heart alight.
    Only 21, and stepping into my first role,
    The future’s a canvas for my eager soul.

    Looking ahead, I see a path of my own making,
    A journey of dreams, for the taking.
    Years stretch before me, a vast, open sea,
    Every wave whispers, “This is meant to be.”

    So let them talk of flames, of battles lost and won,
    I’m the architect of a life that’s only just begun.
    Conquering dreams, with each dawn I rise,
    For the future is mine, a boundless prize.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Handouts

    In a town where promises are plenty and the government hands out aid,
    A question echoes softly, under the shade.
    “Why try hard, why aim high, when help is just a call away?
    Why bother with the struggle, if you’re okay day by day?”

    The government says, “We’ll help you, keep you safe and fed,
    You won’t need to worry, we’ve got your back,” they said.
    But this kindness has a shadow, a kind of hidden chain,
    It keeps you in your place, with not much to gain.

    “Why go for the mountain,” some wonder, “when the valley’s just fine?
    Why face the storm, when you can just recline?”
    Because in that easy comfort, there’s a trap so sly,
    It tells you, “Don’t bother,” and time just passes by.

    But some folks aren’t buying, they want to chase their own dream,
    Not just live on handouts, or so it would seem.
    They talk about doing things, making their own way,
    Not just taking what’s given, but having their say.

    They gather in the streets, their voices loud and brave,
    “We want to earn our keep, not just quietly behave.”
    For freedom and the chance to chase what they deem sweet,
    To work hard for their wins, and not just take a seat.

    So why aim for something bigger, why try to break free?
    It’s about making your own path, as far as I can see.
    Not just going with the flow, but steering your own boat,
    And in that hard-earned journey, you’ll have your own note.

    So let’s not be fooled by an easy ride, bought and sold,
    But aim for the horizon, with courage bold.
    The road might be rougher, and the climb can be steep,
    But in that effort, you’ll find a joy so deep.

    Rebecca Engle

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  • Being Human

    The other day I told someone about you
    what you left for me
    what you left of me
    their wet stone tone replied: I’m so sorry
    and like a sprout through concrete
    so instinct and automatically
    I told them: don’t be.
    I’m not.
    there are no words
    for gifts this big
    what you taught me
    what you brought me
    in our innocence like daisies
    how your sacrifice had saved me
    better than Christ himself
    anyone can say
    my lover
    anyone can say
    my partner
    anyone can say
    and break
    and suffer.
    But for me—I know it’s real.
    Far beyond what children feel.
    We learned what
    passion was,
    what freedom was,
    what making love was
    as if we were human
    and nothing else
    as if being human
    was enough
    and when you stopped
    being human
    the world didn’t notice
    night fell
    dawn broke
    and how I tantrumed in contortions
    in rebellion of this earth
    to be so brash
    betraying me
    to keep turning, turning, turn.
    And I learned that living takes effort
    even just to breathe
    and eat
    and move
    and speak
    I wished my ribs would splinter
    wished the cars would halt their noise
    and every morning
    I would touch myself
    and pray I’d hear your voice
    and the sensation
    of forgetting
    the way you sound and smell
    was a wicked type of torture
    —it’s own dynasty of hell.
    You’re just as incomparable
    as the pain you left behind
    and how living was unbearable
    and yet, somehow, I survived.
    I couldn’t follow you
    for the honor of our love
    for the wittiness to the horrors
    and all the pain that I had felt—
    I needed it.
    It’s my evidence, my proof.
    I was a runner—not a warrior.
    A deserter—not a soldier.
    Yet, I learned trust
    and kindness
    bravery beyond—
    birthed in ashes of despair
    I bloomed into something else.
    And that something is so pure
    even moreso than our love.
    Patient. Understanding.
    I am gentle and I’m strong.
    I am wise and I am generous.
    All the things I didn’t have to be
    until you were gone and out.
    Wish you could see me now.
    And what your death had brought me—
    is so much more profound
    than anybody’s life
    and I know it’s strange to say,
    but I’m not angry at you anymore.
    I’m glad you got away.
    Because I always have you,
    and I’m more beautiful like this.
    Overcoming losing you—
    the most amazing thing I did.
    And I don’t need your voice, or scent,
    to remember how to love
    out of all we learned together;
    being human is enough.

    Lore X

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Not 1 moment

    In the intricate fabric of life, both dark and bright threads intertwine,
    Weaving a story of joy and sorrow, uniquely mine.
    No single moment shines so bright,
    But every hue blends just right.

    From peaks of joy, where hearts soar free,
    To valleys deep, where eyes barely see,
    Each step, each stumble, and each stride,
    Together, they guide me inside.

    The laughter that echoes after tears,
    The courage that grows from facing fears,
    In every up and down, I find my way,
    In darkest days and in the lightest fray.

    Lessons learned from love that’s lost,
    Strength gained, no matter the cost,
    Wisdom from making amends,
    An open heart when the journey bends.

    It’s not just one moment, but the collective thread
    That weaves the path I tread,
    Both storms that raged and calm that followed,
    Dreams that soared and sorrows swallowed.

    I stand grateful for every scar,
    Every healed wound, every star,
    For what has shaped me is life’s complex weave,
    A journey rich, in which I believe.

    In gratitude, I embrace both joy and pain,
    Recognizing each moment’s unique gain,
    A step in life’s perpetual ballet,
    Changing me for the better, in its own way.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • I’ve Awoken

    I’ve awoken
    in cars
    off a shoulder
    overlooking the sea
    started my day
    with morphine
    and coffee
    and vomit on the street
    I’ve awoken
    in deserts
    under one single tree
    beside strangers
    on carpets
    slipped away quietly
    I’ve driven til shadows
    melt into sands
    and the stars bleed
    into purples and pinks
    when cold weather
    has dried out my hands
    and I’m too hungover
    to speak
    I’ve awoken
    in twin beds
    in distant lands
    with lillies draping my canopy
    with no one around
    to marvel at scenery
    with me
    throughout this wide world
    all my wheel’s quick rotations
    all the planes
    and the trains
    and the rides
    from London’s Heathrow
    to Grand Central Station
    every dawn
    I’ve awoken
    to rise
    everyday is impeccable
    all the struggles
    and pain
    so delectable
    as the earth
    flips through the slides
    in my eyes a
    projection of beauty
    the greatest adventures
    the prefect day
    is the day
    I’m alive
    and I live it
    and seize it—no matter the risk
    perfection is this
    what we all
    wake up with
    this wonderful gift
    all scared and excited
    to be welcome; invited
    to live for the sake of living
    to rise and to fall
    to feel love and
    feel lost
    and the awe to awaken—
    awaken at all.


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    • Your poem beautifully captures the raw essence of life’s experiences, from moments of vulnerability to the joy of being alive. It reminds us to embrace every day as a precious gift and cherish the beauty that surrounds us. Great poem.

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    • This was an exhilarating read! I agree with Keyjah about how raw and open it is. Thank for you writing this!

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 1 weeks ago


    I am a work in progress

    Orphan baby that time stole

    As I figure out my role

    Though sometime just a hot mess

    I try to find my true self

    Racing time against its toll

    Challenging my self control

    While maintaining mental health

    The haters and the lovers

    Inspire my will to thrive

    And my desire to stay alive

    Lest I dive under the covers

    So, in stepping out of bed

    I take steps toward my goal

    Like a newborn baby foal

    To live life outside my head

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, we are all a work in progress. But, in my humble opinion, you are wonderful just as you are today. You are kind and thoughtful. Keep pursuing your happiness. You deserve it. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren. Isn’t that life’s greatest challenge? The process of learning to love and accept yourself. We’re all “getting there” in the best way we know how.

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    • That’s certainly my goal too! Keep pushing forward, you’ll get there. I will too.

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  • You

    During my nights facing failures stare
    I discovered myself ensnared wandering in a daunting labyrinth.
    My freshman year, a nightmare, with grades dismal,
    A future so bleak it seemed to extinguish my passion.

    The phone would ring, its updates a blow
    Each call clinging harshly to my mother’s heart.
    Alone, in the darkness of night tears would freely flow,
    Engaged in a struggle hidden from all.

    With nobody to confide in guidance felt scarce
    “Just study harder ” they’d advise as if oblivious.
    Where to start when hope appeared faint
    Every attempt felt doomed as if fated to whirl away.

    Amidst that desolation I unearthed a glimmer of hope
    A murmur urging me to mend.
    “Why surrender ” it whispered softly “on dreams yet untold?
    Why not resist the urge to give up and step beyond despair?”

    gradually with resolve
    I confronted each obstacle and subdued my fears.From failures, to achievements a long journey I’ve traveled
    With dedication and determination that never unraveled.

    Now standing as a graduate student and teacher in my right
    Recalling the times when things weren’t so bright.
    A message I hold for those in lifes sea
    “Don’t lose hope your tale is still unfolding, wait and see.”

    To souls at risk feeling trapped in a cage
    Your story is yours to write on this page.
    Growth can emerge from despair’s stage
    Keep pushing ahead keep dreaming with unwavering courage.

    In moments of despair when all seemed lost
    I found strength within me at personal cost.
    Hold fast to your dreams like a guiding light
    For the strength you seek resides, within who you will be.

    Rebecca Engle

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rebecca, I so admire your drive and your tenacity. I truly believe there is nothing you can’t do, as your spirit and resilience are just so strong. Congratulations on being your own hero and making your dreams come true. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    My History Is Black

    Black is the new poetry my dear
    Authored by our ancestors so I could have a voice that is heard beyond the volume of fear
    The ink has always been dark so see with your ears
    Black is the new love, now let your heart hear
    The strength born from blood, sweat, and tears
    That grew into a sunrise of a smile, my dear
    My darling I keep your Melanin near
    And your beauty adds depth to my mirror
    The reflection tells me weapons are forming but they will stay in the rear
    My black is the sunset to my depressed anxiety to steer
    A blooming future in the right direction never to veer
    Toward negativity, my dear
    My black is the armor that never cracked, from the roots of scars and ignored facts
    My black has always got my back so even if my eyes close you will still see this color, add a period to that!
    My black is a promise painted like a rainbow you’ll never grey wash my faith, peace never cracks
    p.s. my black has wings that sang…


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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Tongue twister

    My screen is a scene of something obscene
    It’s so serene I hear Myself scream I deemed it extreme
    Im not to keen to dream it seems, I mean…..

    DB cooper

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Shadows in the Mirror

    Have I really been working on myself or did I just change from my work clothes to something more comfortable
    Is this depression or is it just the pigment of my skin
    Can I defeat you, detach from you or are you so fingerprinted to my thoughts that I’m simply running away from me
    Sometimes I wish I could just escape me, myself wears a mask, and I am tired of getting dressed up just to still feel down
    I’m black said my mind, I live in the shadows of sadness watching the sunlight from a distance
    If only the heat from the suns smile would kiss me, maybe it would melt away my sadness
    I’m black said my words, followed by you’re different, they won’t accept you, you don’t fit in
    I’m black says the mirror looking at a reflection of depression
    I get so lost in my waning emotions my waxing moon can barely breathe
    It’s so cold that even the rays of light feel sad
    I’m black, I’m depressed, I’m black, I’m oppressed, I’m black I’m obsessed with the idea of my feelings living on equal ground
    I’m black, I’m depressed the two interchange while beginning to sound the same so much so I took depressions last name
    When I look at me I see one broken piece
    I can’t find the rest of the lyrics to my song, maybe it’s because the writer will never finish it
    Maybe it’s because I didn’t cry enough to water my heart
    I’m black, I’m dirt, but my soil is killing the last remaining rose
    I am a rose with bloody red regrets for petals, I put my failures on a pedestal
    So, every time I tried to look up it got me nowhere
    I’m lost and I keep letting the grey line give me directions, because there’s a thin line between joy and happiness, and in the middle is pity where you can find me
    I’m black so they think I stole these 5 minutes of happiness, and so what if I did everyone deserves 15 minutes of fame and mine is coming soon
    But right now, I just want to smile and actually feel the laughter hold me instead of the facade that hugs me like a long embrace
    This morning I stopped running and looked depression in the face
    My mind is not yours it is the Lord’s
    p.s. let the battle begin


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    • Roses, your words paint a vivid picture of the struggles you face. Depression may cast a dark shadow, but remember that your identity is not defined by it. Your strength lies in acknowledging the battle and refusing to let it consume you. Hold onto hope and believe that brighter days are ahead. The battle may be tough, but you are not alone. Keep…read more

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dancing Under the Lights of the Waterfall

    Step side to side
    Sway to our song
    Your heart is the lyrics
    My soul the instrumental
    Hold my hand the way Jesus held the nails
    Step side to side
    Nerves waltz to love
    No music is needed
    When sacrifice becomes a verb
    I’ll hold you like the space between us is trying to escape
    Step side to side
    A crowded ball room that only sees us
    Watching movies with the sound off
    Empty hands have the fullest hearts
    And the cup of my rhythmic soul runneth over
    p.s. don’t forget to kiss me under the waterfall chandeliers…


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  • The Guilty Pleasures of Womanhood

    I wish I could wake up in the morning
    To a house that’s prepped and made
    No dishes or mess to clean up
    The laundry is folded and put away

    I wish that I was understood
    That my efforts were noticed
    And in return the context clues I love to scatter
    Get swept up by loved ones
    Offering to return the favor

    I wish that I could walk the streets late at night
    No mace or pepper spray in my line of sight
    My keys are meant to unlock my door
    Not clenched between my knuckles
    Waiting to be bore

    I wish that I could shake the hands
    Of each passerby I encounter
    Grinning widely from cheek to cheek
    Exchanging pleasantries and
    our hopes for the future
    Morals aligning and feeling at ease
    Knowing many people feel the same as me

    I wish I had one perfect day
    To rest and partake in hobbies
    No work to stress
    Just reading my favorite books in hotel lobbies
    I would sing and dance and play in the rain
    No anger left, no unresolved pain

    Because womanhood is often a burden
    That at times feels like a tyrant warden
    Patiently waiting until my time is served
    And knowing my aptitude is mildly absurd
    But I often hope for the little things
    Because to me they feel like extraordinary wins
    And when this mindless duty is fulfilled
    My perfect day will be without guilt

    Poetry Veguez-Chang

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    • this is wonderfully done! very clever to use the prompt to discuss the struggles of being a woman

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    • Your words resonate deeply, Vequez. Your wishes for a peaceful and carefree day, where burdens are lifted and joys are embraced, are shared by many. May your dreams of understanding, safety, and simple pleasures become a reality. Your vulnerability and hopefulness are truly inspiring. Keep holding onto those little moments of joy, for they bring…read more

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