

  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Thank you, Harper. I am happy you enjoyed my poem and appreciate your message. I really had a fun time writing this…thank you!

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 3 days ago


    Are you dead crumpled paper, or origami life?

    Are your edges all torn, or cut precisely by knife?

    Are you watermarked, stained, by ink and by tears?

    Or are you bonded white paper without any smears?

    Are you ruled or unruly, hole-punched or stapled?

    Are you stacked way up high or shoved under a table?

    Are you bound and collated or scattered, mislabeled?

    Are you fiction or truth, poem or fable?

    Are you sold by the sheet, or part of a ream?

    Is your font tight and crisp or illegible stream?

    In the end who’s to say what is better or worse

    For all pages contain a blessing or curse

    So iron the creases and place ink in your well

    Put pen to your paper; its your story to tell

    Don’t fret about spelling or grammar, my friend

    Start “In the beginning…”, and conclude with “The End!”

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, WOW!! What a beautiful poem!! Writing can let so many emotions out that you might not be ready to share with anyone in person. This poem also applies to people! Their stories may be drastically different, so treat every person with kindness, as you never know what they have been through or what they are dealing with. Amazing poem!!

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 4 days ago


    Dear reader,

    My daughter took a fixture of boxing gloves embellished with rhinestones and asked that I write a little poem to go with the image. This is what I came up with:


    Spar with my emotions

    Hit me with your love

    Practice your technique

    With your rhinestone gloves

    Footwork, block, and jab

    Uppercut to my heart

    Dodging knockout punches

    Holding us apart

    Clinch around my neck

    Kiss me with your sweat

    Push me to the ropes

    To neutralize the threat

    The judges hold the score

    Right before the count

    Four and three, two, one

    The winner is pronounced

    Standing side by side

    Fanfair from above

    Bruises, scars, and cuts

    The prize, our rhinestone love

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • OMG! This is so good! I love to box, too. So, this is right up my alley. I love that you were able to look at an object and bring emotions and stories to life from it. As always, thank you for sharing. I’m putting this one in the newsletter, too :). <3 Lauren

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 3 weeks, 4 days ago

    Thank you, Lauren…it means a lot to me. I actually wrote this piece as a letter to my children in hopes they could gain a little understanding of who I was when I raised them and who I am today. My daughter said it made her incredibly sad but also incredibly happy at the same time. My son isn’t ready to read it yet, and I respect that. All I know is that it’s there for him, when the time is right. Thank you for proving me such an incredible outlet for sharing. It has helped me heal. <3

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 5 days ago


    I grew up in a world where you were to be seen, but not heard.

    I grew up in a world of “do as I say, not as I do”.

    I grew up in a world where it was unacceptable to cry lest you be ostracized for being weak or girlish. Unless, of course, you were being beaten, as crying was encouraged.

    I grew up in a world where blue is for boys and pink is for girls, or everything is either black or white. There is no color spectrum in between.

    I grew up in a world where presenting habits, preferences, mannerisms, speech, and style that is not in line with masculine stereotypes meant you are less than a man.

    I grew up in a world of preselected choices and rejection of uniqueness. Rebellion was disrespect. How dare I be different?

    I grew up in a world where you could be a doctor, a lawyer, an accountant, an engineer, or a banker. You could not choose to be an artist or a musician…those were hobbies, not careers.

    I grew up in a world of obligations and not choice.

    I grew up in a world where I learned to survive by hiding in plain sight though conformance, silence, and camouflage.

    I was not of that world, but I complied and conformed to avoid the shame and stigma of being different.

    I grew up cold.

    And one day I realized I escaped that world physically, but never mentally.

    How could I unlearn survival? How would I shed the things that protected and kept me safe all those hidden years.

    How would I drown out shame when it has the loudest voice in my head? How could I escape the prison of my mind?

    How could any small, tenuous steps of liberation become a full hearted sprint toward happiness when I am weighted down by so much baggage? When would the wings of freedom sprout strong enough to carry me away?

    And thus time passed as I struggled to unlearn my upbringing. I tried to suppress these teaching while raising my own children. I succeeded in some ways and failed in many others.

    I now grow old knowing that what I was taught is as wrong today as it was back then.

    I now grow old allowing myself to be the person I always was, from the beginning.

    I now grow old and have to account to no one but myself and those I love.

    I now grow old learning to forgive myself and to humbly ask for forgiveness from those I have hurt.

    I now grow old understanding that to fully demonstrate love to others, I must first have learned to love and accept myself.

    I now grow old endeavoring to live a better, more authentic life.

    I now grow old realizing I have been reborn as my true self, loving art and music, being gentle and caring, crying when I want to cry, wearing what I want to wear, loving black and white and all the colors in between, and understanding that being different is not something to be hidden or ashamed of…

    And this alone has warmed my once young, cold heart.❤️

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, This is a beautiful piece. I will be featuring it in today’s (July 1) newsletter. I am so happy you were able to let go of the restrictive thoughts that you were brought up with and free yourself to live a more authentic life. Your courage and wisdom are quite inspiring. Thank you for sharing and for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren…it means a lot to me. I actually wrote this piece as a letter to my children in hopes they could gain a little understanding of who I was when I raised them and who I am today. My daughter said it made her incredibly sad but also incredibly happy at the same time. My son isn’t ready to read it yet, and I respect that. All I kno…read more

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Parenting 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    Dearest Rebecca…how could I have missed your response?! Thank you for taking your valuable time to respond to my poem. I am deeply appreciative. The fear of what could have been still haunts me and I am still hyper-vigilant of my son’s mental health. He is doing wonderfully and speaks about his therapy in a very positive light. For this I am grateful. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for appreciating my poem, Lauren! I still can’t read it without getting emotional…I guess it’s because I am not “there” yet with what my poem describes. Someday, I hope. <3

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  • Whispers

    You’ll come to me in whispers

    And you’ll visit me in dreams

    I’ll awaken from your kisses

    Softly lit by radiant beams

    In the echos of my life

    I will catch your sweetest voice

    I will hear our love’s pure song

    And my heart will then rejoice

    I will strain my tired ear

    For each whisper that you gift

    As I listen most intently

    In our memories I will drift

    And one day your gentle whispers

    Will be louder and quite clear

    We’ll be standing face to face

    And our love’s song all will hear

    Ricardo Albertorio

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months, 2 weeks ago


    No pain, no gain

    Still holds true

    For biceps and exes

    To name just a few

    How does it feel

    When pain leaves the heart?

    A weight off your shoulders,

    A race ‘bout to start?

    But pain is evidence of life

    And why should you be spared?

    I know it’s easier to go numb

    Than feeling lonely, feeling scared

    But let pain come and let it go

    For only growth comes after

    And transformation can begin

    When bitter tears turn into laughter

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Someone was on our show recently and she had a lot of trauma in her life. She’s really doing well now, and I asked her what her turning point was…

      She essentially said that she had to break down to rise up. She had feel the pain to heal it.

      Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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  • LGBTWho?

    I bleed rainbows and cry stars

    I find community in bars

    I was sorrow, I was sin

    I denied myself to win

    I was lonely and unsure

    But no longer immature

    I am love and I am strong

    I am fearless in my song

    I don’t care what others think

    And I’ll raise another drink

    To brave souls that came before

    And blew the locks upon the doors

    I am free and I run wild

    Like the art made by a child

    No remorse and no regret

    What you see is what you get

    Walk with me and feel my pride

    And you will enjoy the ride

    Of vibrant life and color burst

    Without hunger, without thirst

    I am technicolor smile

    It just took me but a while

    Now I am “alternative”

    Let me love and let me live

    Ricardo Albertorio

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends July 31, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Ricardo, this is sooooo good and perfect for pride month. I love that you are stepping into your authentic self in this chapter of your life and it’s brining you all the peace and happiness you so deserve. This is so creatively and beautifully written. Thank you for sharing, and as always thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for appreciating my poem, Lauren! I still can’t read it without getting emotional…I guess it’s because I am not “there” yet with what my poem describes. Someday, I hope. <3

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    Thank you, Lauren. Isn’t that life’s greatest challenge? The process of learning to love and accept yourself. We’re all “getting there” in the best way we know how.

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  • Thank you Kaylah…it brings me joy to know you appreciated my humble little poem. There is solace in still feeling connected to those we’ve lost. I wanted to express turning sadness into beautiful anticipation of meeting that loved one again beyond this life. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Magical Moments 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    Oh my…thank you Kayjah…I am humbled by your kind words. Thank you for commenting and enjoying my writing. It means a lot to me to have others appreciate and understand the little messages I try to convey. Thank you!

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  • gorilladna shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 4 months, 3 weeks ago


    I am a work in progress

    Orphan baby that time stole

    As I figure out my role

    Though sometime just a hot mess

    I try to find my true self

    Racing time against its toll

    Challenging my self control

    While maintaining mental health

    The haters and the lovers

    Inspire my will to thrive

    And my desire to stay alive

    Lest I dive under the covers

    So, in stepping out of bed

    I take steps toward my goal

    Like a newborn baby foal

    To live life outside my head

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, we are all a work in progress. But, in my humble opinion, you are wonderful just as you are today. You are kind and thoughtful. Keep pursuing your happiness. You deserve it. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you, Lauren. Isn’t that life’s greatest challenge? The process of learning to love and accept yourself. We’re all “getting there” in the best way we know how.

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    • That’s certainly my goal too! Keep pushing forward, you’ll get there. I will too.

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  • Thanks for the kind words, Lauren! Writing (poetry) for me has been a lifesaver, as I am sure it has been for others here on The Unsealed. Thank you for creating a place where we can share the little voice within us for others to enjoy.

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    Sunset comes in muted hues

    Orange fire and baby blues

    Seaside skies, so vast in views

    Birds pass lovers, two by twos

    The day erased to bygone news

    Sunlight fades to starry muse

    Gentle flames from bonfires fuse

    Bring restful bliss from daytime’s ruse

    From sunrise lies to nighttime truths

    Our life resets when dawn renews

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Ricardo, Your letter beautifully captures the essence of a serene sunset. The imagery and rhythm of your poem create a sense of steadiness and renewal.

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    I have roses on my tongue

    Velvet kisses, words with thorns

    I have magnolias in my eyes

    Silver petals that mesmerize

    Orange blossoms on my chest

    Cover my heart with their zest

    I have orchids for my navel

    Like a sprite from woodland fable

    Through my waist and far below

    Hidden garden with its glow

    My body, vase of stems and leaves

    Ivy wrapped around my knees

    Small bouquet of scent and wonder

    Arranged for all to gaze and ponder

    Tend my garden, see me grow

    Water daily, love will flow

    Then pick my flowers with delight

    For they’ll come back throughout the night

    Ricardo Albertorio

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    • Awww Ricardo! I love this. It is very sweet. And it flows so well. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Poetry 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you so much, Saga. It makes me happy to hear you enjoyed my poem. If one has to win over the other, I prefer it to be the heart 🙂

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  • Thank you Rohit…I appreciate your kind words. I am happy that you enjoyed it.

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  • gorilladna responded to a letter in topic Poetry 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Awww! Thank you, Lauren. Yes, we’ve all experienced this “tug ‘o war” internally. Sometimes the mind wins, sometimes the heart wins. Thank you for including it in the newsletter.

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