

  • Big Little You

    You wish to be small
    Slight and petite
    Not round like a ball
    Atop two chubby feet

    You want to fit in
    With those in your school
    To be popular, thin
    Not solely uncool

    Why can’t you be skinny
    Like others your grade
    Dress in skirts mini-
    Not big and homemade

    But hold it, I say
    To big little you
    Soon comes the day
    Adolescence is through

    At age twenty-nine
    With determination and grit
    I promise you’re fine
    Keep at it, don’t quit

    Realizing long last
    Being strong is what’s best
    Leaving diets in the past
    You pass the qualifying test

    Now, a personal trainer
    Group fitness leader
    Sometimes entertainer
    Always positivity feeder

    The joy you’ll discover
    In this health career choice
    Will help your recover
    And find your own voice

    So, please don’t you fear
    Dear big, little you
    Your future is near
    Your dream will come true

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • Peace in Pieces

    I find my peace in pieces
    A little here and there
    Chaos never ceases
    Peace is often rare

    I feel it in raindrops
    Dry, falling leaves
    Carefree belly flops
    A humorous sneeze

    Pine needle covered trails
    A brilliant sunrise
    Stylish manicured nails
    Crisp sweet potato fries

    Book clubs with friends
    Pride parades in June
    Multicolored pens
    Naps in the afternoon

    I find my peace in pieces
    Wherever there is spare
    Gather then release it
    Peace is meant to share

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Always An End

    My father sat on the sofa with his elbows resting on his spread knees, and he couldn’t keep his gaze locked on mine. His eyes wandered aimlessly around the room as he forced his throat to expel the truth. I already knew what was wrong, but hearing him confess straight to my face stopped my growing denial. The reality of it all sunk in like a hot brand on my chest, searing my skin. I stared at him as my eyes slowly glazed over. My nails picked so desperately at my fingers, hoping to dull the intense misery that now consumed my head. 
    The excitement I once had for a steady future started slowly draining from beneath me; all I could do was watch helplessly. Reality hit me like a freight train after August. My house was beginning to resemble the house of a hoarder due to a water leak that took months to fix and my father’s inability to close his wallet when he was greeted with a good deal. My dignity gradually dwindled every time someone stepped foot inside the house as our dirty secret was disclosed. The situation was becoming too relatable, like a sick and twisted metaphor for the inside of my mind. Cluttered with reality, shoving it away, desperately, trying to make each box fit while I covered it up from the outside with sophisticated red bricking and dainty flower hedges. 
    Pretty pastel dresses and a caked face adorned with a cheery smile were enough to maintain my bubbly facade. However, there was only so much I could do to ease the aching of my soul. My unconventional methods worked, but I could gradually feel myself falling apart as the cardboard boxes that held my sorrows became soiled with the tears I shed in secret. 
    A long, dreadful day ended with my front door slammed shut, leaving my facade standing on the other side. Heavy feet dragged along the floor when one abruptly slammed into another piece of reality resting by the doorway. The sight of it alone made my heart constrict as rage swelled behind my eyes, spilling over in hot tears that rolled down my cheeks. Begrudgingly, I picked up the box, struggling to force my knees to straighten. The bottom of the dingy box finally gave out, scattering its contents across the floor before me. The irony was so great I almost found the humor in it. Rage exploded into utter desperation as my breath hitched. I stood there for an eternity holding that useless box, staring blankly in front of me. At the same time, the hopelessness grew heavier, weighing my heart down like an anchor. I allowed it to take me down, and my knees made contact with the cold laminate floor. I numbly picked up every piece of my fragmented reality, forced to acknowledge everything I had been trying to deny. So many factors were woven together, and with their frayed ends, it was impossible to see how anything would transpire. Every plan I made collapsed as quickly as that pathetic cardboard box. A renewed vigor filled my veins, eradicating the sorrow as I carelessly shoved everything inside a new box. 
    I picked up that new pristine cardboard box containing the same old problems. I rushed towards my bedroom and flung open the door, chucking the box to the ground with absolute disdain. It crashed to the floor with a loud thud as all the contents inside rattled together. I wished so hard that the box would engulf in flames that I started to see it. I watched as the tan cardboard turned bright red and crumpled in on itself, desperate to escape from the fire that clung to its skin as it charred. I lowered myself to the floor and sat in front of the blistering heat. I felt the warmth of the flames gently kissing my face as I watched my anguish be carried away with every ember that rose to the ceiling. An eerie, soothing calm washed over my body as a shaky breath left my lungs.
    I stared at the pile of ash, finding solace in how everything had been reduced to nothing. The tarnished silver lining was finally revealed to me, and I eventually stood up. Everything that had ever plagued my mind had disintegrated before me, leaving an empty feeling as all my troubles had disappeared in seconds. The only thing left were pre-written pages to look back on to be read repeatedly, always ending eventually. Within a blink, the fire was gone, and my daydream ended, and I was back to staring at that cursed box, but I couldn’t help but love that this chapter would someday eventually end. 

    R. Sterling

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • A Love of Life

    What do I love about this part of my life?
    I wonder aloud to myself.
    I seem to get caught up in the riptide of the ever quickening current of life and sometimes forget that when I ride the waves rather than resisting, I end up exerting much less extra energy and receiving much more than when my attention is caught up, too.
    I do love that I can put this sensation into words, something that creates something from what was once abstract.
    I love that I can pause and take just 3 breaths, and remember the gift that alone is.
    I love that in this moment in my life, I am able to meet the triggers and challenges I face like an old friend who is just in need of a parcel of love, not to be turned away with vengeance.
    I love that I am choosing me, no matter what, in a selfishly selfless way.
    Who can pour from what’s empty?
    I love that I am discovering what confidence means to me, and also for my ability to give grace, especially to myself, when that confidence I discover falters, even just momentarily.
    I love that I can remind myself of all the reasons I have to be confident, and for all the gratitude that I feel for the awareness I’ve cultivated of this, as this practice has at times felt as unnatural as I imagine eating soup on the moon would feel.
    I love that I am meeting myself deeper and with more love than I’ve known from myself ever, and for that I rejoice as I know it will be multiplied outwards.
    I love that trying new things lights me up with excitement instead of cowering in fear.
    I love that I use strength with my voice, no longer one to be bulldozed with others’ words.
    I love that my once thorny boundaries have turned to beautiful vines, soft yet strong, ever enduring with elegance and ease.
    I love that this chapter of my life has brought me a love of life – once a place that was a barren landscape of nothingness – now a fertile garden bursting with new life and the potential of growth beyond all imagination.

    Sofia Grace Armstrong

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Journey Home

    You told me not to leave
    More times than I could count
    Confused young kids
    Having kids
    Not knowing what was what

    Well one day I finally remembered
    I’m worth
    All the love and more
    And that endless love
    It starts within
    And flows forevermore

    The journey has not been easy
    Rocky from the start
    But I’ve grown stronger and wiser
    And all these lessons fill my heart

    I’ve had poison aimed straight to my soul
    From your words and energy
    But despite your lies and anger
    I never will grow cold

    Because if this darkness that I must face most days
    The light I have within my soul
    Re-illuminates me always.

    A. Grace

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Runner

    I pulled on a pair of runners, tied up the laces tight
    Lined up behind the racers, hoping to keep out of sight
    Two minutes in, I struggled for breath, fearing I would meet my death
    I pushed forward despite my pain, dodging blowing northwest rain
    With every puddle I side-stepped, I grew stronger, more confident
    For the moment I was simply me, not a husband’s wife nor a babe’s mommy
    My body moved freely in open space, unconfined by time or place
    And with that first race, on that day one, I found I absolutely love to run
    This revelation did change the way I lived my life both then and today

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Chapter Fifty-Two

    In this chapter of becoming me
    My idea of who I want to be
    Has evolved as a result of life
    Experience in both love and strife
    I find seldom is there black and white
    Or simply wrong or completely right
    But rather in this world of gray
    We must live in our authentic way
    Today I’m proud to say I’m queer
    I’ll shout it out both far and near
    Because in this chapter of becoming me
    I’m exactly who I’m meant to be

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Candi Carroll shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 months, 4 weeks ago

    Losing a Child

    I had thought that I had been through fire, but last year showed me different. On February 2nd of 2023, I received a phone call as I was on my way to the doctor to prepare for back surgery. My son’s boss called to inform me that he had been in an accident and was unresponsive. I canceled my appointment and rushes a little over an hour to where they took him. Little did I know that I was driving up on the accident as it was being cleaned up. I drove by his truck being towed off with nothing left of his truck. The semi that hit him had damage but not as much, and they survived. Falling apart driving to the hospital, and when I arrived the doctor sat us down in the family room to tell us how bad it was. He had six head fractures to his face and skull. He had broken rib that punctured his lung, broken arm that the bone came through the skin and unresponsive until the day he died. I spent 10 days by his side praying and crying, spending it mostly alone because my family had to work and watch my other kids. I refused to leave him. On the 9th, we were informed that he was brain dead and they couldn’t do anything else. They were sorry but we had to talk about letting him go. On the 10th, I came home long enough before anyone else told my kids, that I had to let their brother go the next day. I had to chase them down the highway and my oldest daughter had just found out she was pregnant. When I got back to the house, I fell to the ground and balled my eyes out. My kids had to pick me up and take me inside. When I calmed down and they calmed down, I returned to the hospital to spend one more night before taking him off the machine. On the 11th, at 10:15am they unplugged him, there was no heartbeat, no breath taken, nothing but silence and crying. No pain will ever beat the pain that I felt in those ten days. I struggle everyday fighting depression missing him. It is so hard to bare. Everyday, I have questions that no one can answer about the accident. I just pray that one day maybe the guy who received his heart, will one day let me hear it. I pray for anyone who has to deal with this pain. He was able to help 6 people with his organs that weren’t damaged. I am so proud of him and he is my hero. I miss him so much.

    Candi Carroll

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    • Candi, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son and the pain you have endured. Your strength and love for him are evident in your words. I hope that you find peace in knowing that he was able to help others through organ donation. May his memory bring you comfort and may you find the support you need to navigate through your grief.

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      • Thank you so much. I’m doing my best. I wrote my first book for my kids and my second one is struggling with his loss. I hope to be done with it this year.

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  • Missing My Angel

    As your mom, I birthed you
    And held you in my arms,
    I cuddled you as I tried
    Shielding you from harm.
    Though many years I have missed
    Wishing I could go back,
    Even though I did not see you
    My love for you did not lack.
    A few years ago, when I met you
    Was the best day of my life,
    That filled a missing piece as
    My life started to feel right.
    The day of your accident
    We never left your side
    Through the tears and prayers
    We were hoping you were all right.
    The day we had to say goodbye
    Definitely shattered us all,
    When I got home to the kids
    All I could do was fall.
    It’s not the same without you
    For this is extremely hard for me,
    I did not get enough time
    Before you had to leave.

    Candi Carroll

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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  • Perfect Day

    Hello my friend
    May I share with you my perfect day?
    I hope you’ll stay until the very end.
    First I wake with the golden sun, grateful and joyful – I pray.
    Hydrate and fill this vessel with fuel
    Moving and stretching keeps my emotions cool
    Giving thanks for each moment I’m given
    This life flows with grace like a ribbon
    My love then goes freely to all of Gods creatures
    The large and small – all have different features
    Life sweet like the slow drip of honey straight from the comb
    I never rush, worry or stress because I know in my heart, I am always home.


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  • AnaStasia Eliza Grieff shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Mental Black Hole

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  • Don't Give Up, It's a Lie

    Don’t Give Up, It’s a Lie
    I’ll tell you a story. Four years ago, I sat at the end of my chair at seven at night. I was tired, no exhausted, desperate, fearful, and as hopeless as I have ever felt in this false world, I built around me and played a make-believe character in, and I knew. I don’t know how I hadn’t known before. Maybe I had. Maybe I had always known. But right then I knew for sure.

    It was a lie.

    It was clearer to me in that moment than it had ever been before. I knew it without a doubt in my mind. I knew it and nothing and no one could ever change my mind.

    It was a lie.

    I did all the things you should do in that situation. I bent my head and covered my face and prayed. I prayed and I prayed and then I prayed some more. Tears streamed down my face, dripping on my shoes. The harder I prayed the more I knew.

    It was a lie.

    I had come to this place, this holy sanctuary three years earlier, searching, pleading for healing. I’d spent twenty-seven months on my knees in earnest prayerful repentance. I’d sat in circles surrounded on both sides by sexual addicts, pedophiles, and the sexually broken searching for healing. I’d listened for the voice of God to speak to me and fix my brokenness. To make me whole, make me straight. I’d sung songs, read verses, prayed endless prayers and nothing. But I tell you that night as my tears ran off the sides of my shoes and dripped to the floor, I knew.

    It was a lie.

    There was no amount of prayer or repentance that could make me straight. There was no sickness to heal in me. There was no sin to forgive. I was a lesbian not a sexual deviant, a lesbian. Everything they were telling me was false.

    It was a lie.

    Today I know as I did that night that I am whole just as I am. I’m not broken. I’ve heard a great deal about reparative therapy and trust me when I say it doesn’t work. Whatever else you read, whatever else you hear, remember this, it is not true. You cannot fix a homosexual and make them straight.

    Don’t Give Up, It’s a Lie!

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting starts May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Lorinda, I am sorry you ever felt that you needed to “fix” or “heal” who you are in your heart. I love this line, “Today I know as I did that night that I am whole just as I am. I’m not broken. ” It is so true and so powerful, and I am glad that you know it. As always, thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Perfectly Equal

    Perfectly Equal

    Once upon a perfect day
    All were equal in every way

    Not color nor gender
    Did prevent the render

    Of kindness and care
    Bestowed on everyone everywhere

    In fact, all differences at hand
    We celebrated in fashion most grand

    And an impenetrable sphere
    Protecting both straight and queer

    And those dark skinned and light
    Surrounded our earth, preventing a blight

    Which threatened evil and strife
    Upon this our most perfect life

    For hate may have been the prequel
    But equal would be the sequel

    On this most perfect day
    Conjured and imagined my way

    Lorinda Boyer

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  • Sofia Armstrong shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Heart Grows

    I thought my heart was breaking
    Turned out it was growing pains
    I wondered often if the aching
    I felt so deep inside
    Was a symptom of something else
    Something much more far and wide

    I thought my heart was breaking
    But in all reality
    The stretching sensation that sent me shaking
    Was only a casualty
    Of diving in deep straight to my soul
    Healing, cleansing and making whole
    A place that was once so hidden
    Leaving a shell of me almost bed ridden

    I thought my heart was breaking
    Instead I found I was transcending
    All the preconceived thoughts and teachings
    Which all brings my soul to this beautiful ascending
    New earth that is never ending
    Blessings abound, always mending
    That which was perceived as broken
    Has now been Re birthed
    expansions sending
    Reverberations of healing through nations
    Our one-ness remembered
    Return to the heart bending
    Home within your soul which always waits to warmly
    Welcome you back
    Into a soft embrace.


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  • AnaStasia Eliza Grieff shared a letter in the Group logo of Introductions, Icebreakers and PromptsIntroductions, Icebreakers and Prompts group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

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    Everyone is a author

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  • Sofia Armstrong shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Be Still

    Be still
    Sweet one
    When clouds cover the sun
    And the breaths seem to take just a bit More effort
    Be still
    When the waters of your soul seem to Break through the carefully placed Barriers of life’s wounds and pour Straight from your spirits depths
    Manifest waters of emotion from the Non-physical
    To here
    Be still
    And listen
    For the whispers of your spirit in the Song of the morning dove or the soft Caress of wind on your neck
    Be still
    And feel the awe and love found only When you let go of you and become one With what is
    The melting sherbert colors of the sky Just before the sun sets below the Horizon
    A reminder that goodbyes can be Beautiful too
    And aren’t always the finite things we Make them to be. . .
    Be still
    And rejoice
    For you are alive and able to receive all These blessings and more
    As your breath stills
    And your being remains


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  • I Love You So, Lorindy-Lou

    My dear Lorinda, here’s to you
    Some words of praise I feel you’re due

    Too often quick to criticize
    Much less likely to emphasize

    The abundance of kindness, love, and grace
    You thoughtfully grant those in your space

    And opposite your gentle side
    You’re a lioness who protects her pride

    With fearless strength and fortitude
    You don’t back down from any feud

    I’m proud of the human you strive to be
    And know you’ll continue to work on me

    So, just like mom oft says to you
    I love you so, Lorindy-Lou

    Lorinda Boyer

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • This poem is soooo sweet. The last line made me smile 🙂 You crafted such an excellent flow and told such a sweet story in so little time, which is quite impressive!

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    • Awww this is sweet. I love the nickname. This is one of those poems you read and can’t help but smile! It’s warm, it’s happy, it’s loving! I love it! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Love letter from my soulmate

    Dearest vibrant, beautiful, magical Sofia, when I first laid eyes on you, I instantly felt and saw the kindness, strength and grace you hold in your being. It would be my greatest honor to be given a chance by you to stand in the divine masculine role of protector and support to you. I long to know you deeply, and to consistently show up for you in a way that fully allows you to be in a state of love. My strong hands eagerly anticipate your he moment our fingers intertwine. I vow to you, my beautiful wise love, that I will be ready for you, and I will bring my authentic self to our divine union. I can feel the love I have for you expanding and I so look forward to helping you o create a healthy and stable family dynamic for your children. I want to be a healed male presence in your and your children’s lives. I can’t wait to take you on romantic dates and magical vacations. I really love your parents, especially since they brought you into this world. I am so glad we connected in the right place and time. I love our life together. My love for you expands infinitely, I look forward to being with you soon my love.

    A. Grace

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • This is so beautiful. I love loving people and I think it’s so beautiful that humans get to love each other so deeply. This type of love is special; to love someone so deeply that you need to create new ways to express it. This is such a warm story.

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      • Saga – your response is so gracious and kind. I too, love to love – and I wholeheartedly appreciate you reading and reflecting that beautiful sentiment back to me. Wishing you many days full of many forms of love.

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    • I love that you wrote this as you being the protector yourself. You being the one to allow yourself to love freely. We are the best ones to watch over ourselves, protect ourselves, and allow ourselves the peace and happiness we deserve. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. You have a beautiful heart. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for seeing me and reflecting that back! We really are the wellspring of our love – that which we give to ourselves is multiplied out to so many others. Thank you for creating this beautiful family of writers, I am grateful to you for providing a magnificent writing home for many.
        Your light is so appreciated, Lauren!


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  • Sofia Armstrong shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months ago


    Will you dance with me?
    Creating joy through our new harmonies
    Infinite branches of possibility
    Stretching out …
    Higher towards the Light
    The way a tree grows towards its source as if to say
    “thank you Divine Creator for the Life you bless me with this new day”
    How beautiful it is
    To live in prayer and gratitude
    In the heart
    Of the Most High,
    Always lifted up and up,
    Each day, my prayer asks
    “Lord, please lead me,”
    And His love leads.

    So tell me, beloved, what song lives in your heart?
    More importantly,
    Why is it locked up
    Like the caged bird?
    The time is now
    You will be free
    You will have clarity

    Once again your soul will sing
    The joy will flow
    The peace will ring
    As you remember these forgotten things
    Never are you alone
    But always in harmony
    In all ways

    Harmony within…
    Harmony without

    Attuning to the highest frequency
    We make a perfect harmony
    Flowing freely
    Not always neatly
    But divine and in perfect time
    We are aligned

    A. Grace

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    • I LOVE LOVE LOVE this part; “Once again your soul will sing
      The joy will flow
      The peace will ring
      As you remember these forgotten things
      Never are you alone
      But always in harmony
      In all ways

      I am highlighting this piece in our newsletter today. Keep on the lookout for it.

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  • Sofia Armstrong shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months ago

    Self Love

    Sending love
    Little one
    Wrapping you softly
    In my arms
    Next to my heart
    Rest now
    You are safe
    To bloom
    In the name of
    Self Love

    A. Grace

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