

  • Thank you I been having a lot of writers block at the moment so this was a challenge for me but I think it worked out very well I appreciate you.

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  • Attachment of Love

    You were the lock that kept us together.
    A divine grace which sweep the insecure adolescence, and brought many to be loved in essence. Like lessons we to hold to mistakes in time and grew to understand the deception of divide.
    Like a mist I was clouded for we were the stepping stones to a peace of Eden. In unity we found solace, a bond unbroken and never to be hidden.
    For you were the lock, and we the key, a tapestry of love forever woven.

    Rashan Speller

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    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Aww this is very sweet. It sounds like having a love so strong and beautiful is how you are creating change in the world. That is such a sweet sentiment. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you I been having a lot of writers block at the moment so this was a challenge for me but I think it worked out very well I appreciate you.

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  • I appreciate you welcoming me into the family and enjoying the writing and expression I bring. It’s really great opportunity for me to share and read everyone’s work.

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  • Iron will

    Tall and proud, cast in shadows, the silhouette of a man,
    A figure forged from fire and pain, his spirit steadfast, a fan.
    For every trial, a lesson learned, inscribed upon his skin,
    Like ancient symbols etched in ink, his countenance within.

    His body, made of steel and stone, a vessel unbreakable,
    A force to be reckoned with, unyielding and unshakable.
    His muscles, like the roots of trees, unbreakable in their grip,
    The bond of ancestors unbroken, through every trial and slip.

    His eyes, like burning embers, flames flickering within,
    A soul that’s seen a thousand years, yet still alive and raring to win.
    His scars, like tales of triumph, etched upon his flesh,
    A testament to fortitude, a spirit that won’t rest.

    Through every desert, every storm, he’s journeyed through the night,
    Rising ever higher, like the phoenix, taking flight.
    Breathing in winds of change, igniting flames of hope,
    His heart beats with a newfound strength, a soul that’s learned to cope.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, this is so good! I love how you ended it. This idea that we become stronger as we learn to cope with all the adversity life throws at us and our bodies. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Poetry 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    Thank you. I know we all fall into a pit of despair, and yet writing is like my resurrection to a better perspective. I like to see new ways of expressing myself and building that bind of wisdom

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Poetry 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    I appreciate it. I’m trying to reflect more and see what comes out of it. See if it can take me to a place where my writing can evolve and grow.

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    "Language of Love: Feasting on the Black Beauty of Seasons"

    Behold the celestial canvas above, strewn with the starry gems of our dreams, shimmering in the darkness like a black velvet cloak. Such is the beauty that captivates our gaze, and as we reach out to touch it, we are blessed with the manifestation of love.

    The touch of language, like a soft caress, weaves a tapestry of words that paints a picture of seasons in black. And in the midst of this monochromatic beauty, we find the essence of true love.

    Like a graceful dance, our hearts sway to the rhythm of this elegant language, and we are enraptured by the sublime beauty of it all. And as we feast on the sweet nectar of love, our souls are nourished and our spirits lifted to new heights.

    For in this black love of seasons, we find a sanctuary of peace, a haven of hope, and a promise of eternal joy. And so we dance, lost in the beauty of this moment, grateful for the gift of love that has been bestowed upon us.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, I feel like this poem is such a wonderful reflection of your ability to see what really matters and what really makes people and the world beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!! <3 Lauren

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      • I appreciate it. I’m trying to reflect more and see what comes out of it. See if it can take me to a place where my writing can evolve and grow.

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    • This is a beautiful stance on love and happiness. The way you describe love is so detailed and unique. Using the universe as a “canvas” to paint a dazzling picture. Thank you for sharing

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Parenting 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    I appreciate you and the time you took to respond and send positive energy to me. Thank you and yes it was very hard but I know she is watching over me every day.

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    Embracing Change: Pondering Personal Evolution and Striving for Growth

    Dear America,

    As Friday unfurls its grandeur upon us, let us take a moment to ponder our personal evolution. Have we shed the skin of our former selves to embody a better version of us? Or are we stuck in the mire of the familiar, resisting the clarion call to change and swimming in the stagnation of the past?

    Let us shine a light on our path ahead and strive towards a new dawn. Do memories of our journey loom large, threatening to hold us back from fulfilling our potential for growth and freedom? Consider what your legacy would say to your present self- does your life matter enough to push for positive change for yourself, your loved ones, and your communities?

    Perhaps you’ve been running from change like a plague, unable to articulate why it feels so alien and daunting. But remember, with every failure comes the invaluable gift of wisdom. And with sacrifice comes abundance. Embrace change with open arms, for it may shake the very foundations of your existence- but only to take you to heights you’ve never previously imagined.

    Love without Regret,
    Rashan Speller

    Rashan Speller

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    • I feel like we get so lost in the swing of things we forget that evolving is part of growth. Thank you for sharing your take on person evolution. <3

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    • Great words to ponder. We must shine a light on all that we do going forward. Embrace the good things you do, and learn form the wrong or mistaken things you go through.

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    • We’ve been to caught up in everyday things to even think of evolving and becoming the better version of ourselves. Your words are very wise. Thank you for sharing.

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    "Fortuitous Chances: Embracing Life's Surprises"

    Fortuitousness, a whimsical term
    Evoking wonder in life’s constant churn
    As if fate could sprout from random acts
    A paradox that cements the facts

    In the complexity of daily life
    Lie serendipitous moments rife
    With opportunities for destiny
    To unfold its pages of mystery

    A stranger’s kind gesture, a wrong turn
    Altering life’s trajectory, we learn
    That in these fleeting moments we see
    The extraordinary in ordinary

    For such happenings are a vibrant prize
    An invitation to life’s surprise
    Guiding us towards the unknown
    Where we may make a place our own

    Let us celebrate fortuitous chance
    Embracing life’s spontaneous dance
    For in the chaos, we will find
    A design that leaves us breathless and aligned.

    Rashan Speller

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    • This is absolutely beautiful!!! I love it! I love how you ended it. It was so powerful and so wise. “For in the chaos, we will find
      A design that leaves us breathless and aligned.” This is so true. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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    • Nicely said. Life is full of surprises and unexpected moments. It’s a beautiful chaos that never stops. This is such a wise take on life. A painting that is constantly changing. Thank you for sharing.

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    Crucified by Doubt

    Sometimes I feel drained and weary,
    Having taken on the mantle of Christ.
    But what if I’m the antichrist, truly?
    I worry about my actions,
    And whether my attempts to heal
    Are just a self-deception.
    Perhaps I’m crucifying myself
    By thinking I can show others the way.
    Am I doing more harm than good?
    Are my efforts misguided?
    Or can I guide them towards the light?
    These questions haunt me ceaselessly.

    Am I just a false prophet,
    Leading people astray?
    Or can I truly help them,
    Find hope and a brighter day?
    The weight of my doubts and fears,
    Bears heavy on my soul,
    As I struggle to discern,
    The true path to make me whole.

    Yet still I press on forward,
    With faith and prayer in mind,
    Trusting that in time I’ll find,
    The answers that I seek to find.
    For though the road is long and hard,
    And doubts may cloud my way,
    I know that in the end,
    I’ll find the strength to stay.

    Rashan Speller

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    • God sees you. The devil will pour doubt into your mind. Don’t loose faith in the work you’re doing. Even on our darkest days the light still peaks through. Sending prayers for clarity and wisdom.

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      • Thank you. I know we all fall into a pit of despair, and yet writing is like my resurrection to a better perspective. I like to see new ways of expressing myself and building that bind of wisdom

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    • In moments of weariness and doubt, when the weight of your chosen path as a follower of Christ feels burdensome, it is natural to question yourself and your intentions. You worry about the sincerity of your actions and whether you are deceiving yourself or others. It is important to acknowledge these doubts and fears, for they show a genuine…read more

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  • Advice to My Teenage Self: Finding Purpose, Building Confidence, and Navigating Life's Challenges

    Dear Younger Self,

    I hope this letter finds you well. As you navigate through your teenage years, I want to share some advice that I wish I had known at your age.

    First, I urge you to focus on finding your purpose in life. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day activities and distractions of teenage life, but it’s important to take some time to think about what you truly want to do with your life. When I was your age, I often felt lost and uncertain about my future. I wish I had taken the time to explore different career options and reflect on what really mattered to me. Once you find your purpose, commit to it and work hard to achieve your goals. This will give you direction, motivation, and a sense of fulfillment in life.

    Second, I want to emphasize the importance of building your confidence. Without confidence, life can be a long and hard journey. I remember feeling insecure and doubting myself often during my teenage years. It’s important to work on believing in yourself and your abilities. Start by focusing on your strengths, being proud of who you are, and not letting anyone else’s opinions define you. With time and effort, you can build the confidence you need to achieve your dreams and navigate life’s challenges.

    Third, relationships are important, but they should not be your main focus at this stage in your life. Take time to heal and mature before pursuing romantic relationships. I remember feeling pressure from peers to date and fit in during my teenage years, but looking back, I wish I had focused more on building strong friendships and nurturing my family relationships. These relationships will give you a support system and a sense of belonging that will be invaluable as you move through life.

    Fourth, take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise regularly, eat well, and get enough sleep. I know that it’s easy to neglect your health when you’re busy with school, activities, and socializing, but taking care of yourself is essential to your well-being. When I was your age, I struggled with anxiety and depression, and I wish I had known the positive impact that exercise and self-care can have on mental health. Make time for yourself and engage in activities that make you happy.

    Finally, learn how to communicate effectively with others. Good communication is essential in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to your career. Be an active listener, speak clearly and respectfully, and be willing to compromise when necessary. I remember feeling frustrated and misunderstood during my teenage years, and I wish I had learned better communication skills earlier. Practice communicating with your family, friends, and teachers, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help or clarification when needed.

    In conclusion, remember that life is a journey, and it’s important to take care of yourself along the way. Keep these things in mind, and I know you will be successful in all that you do.

    Your Future Self

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, This is very well-written and very wise, Each piece of advice you give to your younger self is something that we all need to hear and be reminded of from time to time. My favorite line of your piece comes at the end.

      ” Remember that life is a journey, and it’s important to take care of yourself along the way.”

      It is so true, so real a…read more

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of Current EventsCurrent Events group 1 years ago

    Rising Above Tragedy: A Letter of Resilience and Solidarity for Ralph Yarl

    Dear Ralph,

    I am writing to you today with a heart that is heavy with sadness and a mind that is filled with outrage. The news of your shooting has shaken me to my core, and I cannot imagine the pain and trauma that you and your loved ones are going through.

    It is as if a storm has descended upon you, a storm that you did not see coming and were powerless to prevent. And yet, in the midst of this storm, you have shown remarkable strength and resilience. You are a beacon of hope in the darkness, a reminder that even in the face of senseless violence, there is still love and compassion in the world.

    The path ahead of you may be long and difficult, much like a winding road through a treacherous landscape. But I know that you are strong enough to navigate this road, and that you will emerge from this experience even stronger and more determined to make a positive impact on the world.

    It is my hope that this tragedy will serve as a wake-up call to all of us, a call to action to stand up against the senseless violence and injustice that plagues our society. Let us work together to build a world where young people like you can walk freely and safely, where the color of your skin or the zip code you live in does not determine your fate.

    As you continue on your journey of recovery, know that you are not alone. You have an army of supporters and well-wishers behind you, cheering you on every step of the way. You are a symbol of hope and resilience, a living testament to the power of the human spirit.

    I send you my deepest love and support, and I pray that you will find the strength and courage to overcome this storm. May the sun shine brightly on your path, and may you always know that you are loved and valued.


    Your brother

    Rashan Speller

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    • We truly cannot imagine the pain and trauma he and his family has gone through. It really isn’t fair for something so traumatizing to happen to someone his age. Thank you for sharing

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  • Unexpected Wisdom: How a Stranger's Story Changed My Perspective

    Dear Stranger,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the positive impact that you have had on my life. Our deep conversation while playing Viking chess was truly enlightening, and the wisdom that you shared with me about life, love, being a man, and the hard work that it takes to receive blessings has stayed with me ever since.

    I remember how you spoke about your own struggles with self-doubt, and how you overcame them through hard work and perseverance. Your story about how working out and reading books helped you during your time in jail was truly inspiring. It was clear to me that you value your family and are determined to make things right with them.

    I also appreciate the way that you shared your vulnerability with me. It takes a lot of courage to open up and speak honestly about our struggles and doubts. Your willingness to share your story has taught me the importance of being honest with ourselves and others, even when it is difficult.

    Your words touched me deeply, and I am grateful for the time that we spent together. You showed me that no matter what challenges we face in life, we can overcome them with hard work, determination, and a positive attitude. I still think about our conversation often, and I wanted to express my gratitude for the wisdom that you shared with me about life, love, and the pursuit of knowledge. I also appreciate the way that you listened to me when I shared my story about the death of my child. Your words of comfort and encouragement helped me to see that even in the darkest moments, there is always an opportunity to learn and grow. Your reminder that we all make mistakes, but it’s what we do with those mistakes that makes the difference, gave me hope and strength to keep moving forward.

    I remember how you found my passion for art, the universe, and the occult sciences of the body interesting. Your encouragement to reach out to others who share these interests and to teach them about the things I love has stayed with me. Your words reminded me of the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences with others, and of the joy that comes from connecting with like-minded individuals.

    There is a quote you told me that I never forgot do you remember it, it goes a little something like this.

    “The greatest gift that we can give ourselves is the gift of self-belief. When we believe in ourselves, anything is possible. We can accomplish our wildest dreams, overcome our biggest fears, and become the person that we were meant to be. So let’s believe in ourselves, no matter what the world may say, and let our inner light shine bright.”

    This is something I always keep in with for when I’m down and out or just need a remember of that conversation we had.

    Thank you for sharing your story with me, and for being a positive influence in my life. I wish you all the best in your journey, and I hope that you continue to inspire others as you have inspired me.

    Rashan Speller

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, this is absolutely beautiful. I am sorry about the loss of your baby. But this stranger is right. There is growth even in our darkest moments. I think the fact that you took the time to listen and really take the time to absorb what this stranger told you is a testament to both your open mind and your open heart. It sounds like this…read more

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      • I appreciate you welcoming me into the family and enjoying the writing and expression I bring. It’s really great opportunity for me to share and read everyone’s work.

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Parenting 1 years ago

    😍 I have healed a lot since then gone to therapy to understand and speak about my feelings and grow from them. I even started a business with my daughters name so she can always be here with me.

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  • Thank you 😊 I always thought I lack the ability to be a writer. It was something I always had trouble with so i strayed away from it. Now I feel a sense of relief and comfort when I write💯

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    • You know my high school English teacher told me I couldn’t write either. I truly believe anyone who has a heart can write a good story. You ARE writer and a good one at that!

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Poetry 1 years ago

    Thank you for enjoying and adding to the poem with engaging words and positivity I appreciate it a lot. And I love the quote a lot making me think of something else to write 💯

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  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    Whispers from the Ether: Illuminating the Path of the Seeker

    As the winds of change test our patience,
    And shatter the molds of our momentum,
    We must find the courage to move forward,
    And embark on our journey through time.

    May we embrace the challenges ahead,
    And learn from the lessons they impart,
    For every obstacle we overcome,
    Brings us closer to our desired endpoint.

    So let us not fear the unknown,
    But instead, welcome it with open arms,
    As we navigate this path of life,
    And discover the treasures it holds in store.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Someone once said to me, “We may not move on, but we must move forward.” I think sometimes our past stays with us but we can’t let it stop us from continuing to live and move forward. This poem is so strong and so inspiring. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for enjoying and adding to the poem with engaging words and positivity I appreciate it a lot. And I love the quote a lot making me think of something else to write 💯

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    • My father use to say “adapt and overcome”. He would say that every time we would move to a new place. My life changed with the wind often. Sometimes the best part about life is the consistent ebb and flow. Thank you for sharing your outlook on life.

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  • artistphilly responded to a letter in topic Parenting 1 years ago

    Thank you for your kind words and understanding. It’s true that we all face challenges and regrets in life, but it’s important to learn from them and grow. Your empathy means a lot to me.
    It can be helpful to remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Many people have faced similar challenges and have found ways to overcome them. It’s important to seek support from loved ones, friends, or professionals when we need it. And even though we can’t change the past, we can always choose to move forward and make positive changes in our lives. Thank you again for your kind words and support.

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  • Awakening of The Way

    Amidst the trees of ignorance,
    Folly dangles in the breeze.
    Its roots entwined in falsehood,
    Its fruit a bitter disease.

    And yet, many still reach for it,
    Unaware of its unease.
    For the tree of ignorance grows tall,
    And its branches sway with ease.

    But when the storm comes, and the tree begins to heave,
    Some may learn to let go, and in their pain, perceive.
    For it is often in moments of hardship,
    We find the strength to leave.

    But what of those who cling tight,
    Too afraid to believe?
    They wander lost in the forest,
    Unable to perceive the light they could receive.

    But even for those who feel they’re too far gone,
    Change can come, and a new path can dawn.
    True change starts from within,
    As we shift our thoughts like the changing of the wind.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Wow!! This poem is a amazing. I am a big believer that strength is revealed in hard time and change comes from a desire and determination within. This is a really well-written and wise piece. I love it!

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      • Thank you 😊 I always thought I lack the ability to be a writer. It was something I always had trouble with so i strayed away from it. Now I feel a sense of relief and comfort when I write💯

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        • You know my high school English teacher told me I couldn’t write either. I truly believe anyone who has a heart can write a good story. You ARE writer and a good one at that!

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