  • Awakening of The Way

    Amidst the trees of ignorance,
    Folly dangles in the breeze.
    Its roots entwined in falsehood,
    Its fruit a bitter disease.

    And yet, many still reach for it,
    Unaware of its unease.
    For the tree of ignorance grows tall,
    And its branches sway with ease.

    But when the storm comes, and the tree begins to heave,
    Some may learn to let go, and in their pain, perceive.
    For it is often in moments of hardship,
    We find the strength to leave.

    But what of those who cling tight,
    Too afraid to believe?
    They wander lost in the forest,
    Unable to perceive the light they could receive.

    But even for those who feel they’re too far gone,
    Change can come, and a new path can dawn.
    True change starts from within,
    As we shift our thoughts like the changing of the wind.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Wow!! This poem is a amazing. I am a big believer that strength is revealed in hard time and change comes from a desire and determination within. This is a really well-written and wise piece. I love it!

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      • Thank you 😊 I always thought I lack the ability to be a writer. It was something I always had trouble with so i strayed away from it. Now I feel a sense of relief and comfort when I write💯

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        • You know my high school English teacher told me I couldn’t write either. I truly believe anyone who has a heart can write a good story. You ARE writer and a good one at that!

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