  • artistphilly shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 years ago

    Crucified by Doubt

    Sometimes I feel drained and weary,
    Having taken on the mantle of Christ.
    But what if I’m the antichrist, truly?
    I worry about my actions,
    And whether my attempts to heal
    Are just a self-deception.
    Perhaps I’m crucifying myself
    By thinking I can show others the way.
    Am I doing more harm than good?
    Are my efforts misguided?
    Or can I guide them towards the light?
    These questions haunt me ceaselessly.

    Am I just a false prophet,
    Leading people astray?
    Or can I truly help them,
    Find hope and a brighter day?
    The weight of my doubts and fears,
    Bears heavy on my soul,
    As I struggle to discern,
    The true path to make me whole.

    Yet still I press on forward,
    With faith and prayer in mind,
    Trusting that in time I’ll find,
    The answers that I seek to find.
    For though the road is long and hard,
    And doubts may cloud my way,
    I know that in the end,
    I’ll find the strength to stay.

    Rashan Speller

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    • God sees you. The devil will pour doubt into your mind. Don’t loose faith in the work you’re doing. Even on our darkest days the light still peaks through. Sending prayers for clarity and wisdom.

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      • Thank you. I know we all fall into a pit of despair, and yet writing is like my resurrection to a better perspective. I like to see new ways of expressing myself and building that bind of wisdom

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    • In moments of weariness and doubt, when the weight of your chosen path as a follower of Christ feels burdensome, it is natural to question yourself and your intentions. You worry about the sincerity of your actions and whether you are deceiving yourself or others. It is important to acknowledge these doubts and fears, for they show a genuine desire to do good and to make a positive impact

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