  • artistphilly submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 11 months ago

    Iron will

    Tall and proud, cast in shadows, the silhouette of a man,
    A figure forged from fire and pain, his spirit steadfast, a fan.
    For every trial, a lesson learned, inscribed upon his skin,
    Like ancient symbols etched in ink, his countenance within.

    His body, made of steel and stone, a vessel unbreakable,
    A force to be reckoned with, unyielding and unshakable.
    His muscles, like the roots of trees, unbreakable in their grip,
    The bond of ancestors unbroken, through every trial and slip.

    His eyes, like burning embers, flames flickering within,
    A soul that’s seen a thousand years, yet still alive and raring to win.
    His scars, like tales of triumph, etched upon his flesh,
    A testament to fortitude, a spirit that won’t rest.

    Through every desert, every storm, he’s journeyed through the night,
    Rising ever higher, like the phoenix, taking flight.
    Breathing in winds of change, igniting flames of hope,
    His heart beats with a newfound strength, a soul that’s learned to cope.

    Rashan Speller

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    • Rashan, this is so good! I love how you ended it. This idea that we become stronger as we learn to cope with all the adversity life throws at us and our bodies. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece and thank you for being a part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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