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  • felicerecuperoaol-com shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 12 months ago

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    First Breath of Gratitude

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 12 months ago

    We Are All a Work in Progress

    Dear whoever needs a reminder,

    At this point in time, you’ve probably heard the term “Gratitude Practice” in pop culture. It centers on looking at the things in your life through a lens of appreciation. It requires an ability to shift your focus and play up the parts of life that we often overlook. Gratitude practice for me has been a long developing perspective shift, but the benefits have been unparalleled. Practicing gratitude in my daily life allows me to stay present, but it also helps me reflect on bigger moments with an appreciation for the work I’ve done. From a bird’s-eye view, I am able to solidify the reality of all I have to be grateful for.

    Graduating with my bachelor’s in psychology at the beginning of the pandemic scared me into thinking that I would never get to do the type of work I had been dreaming of. Schools were closed. Volunteer programs halted. And I felt that I would be stuck working in restaurants for the rest of my life.

    It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.

    But being grateful for all that I did have around me, recognizing the efforts I put in to get there, being coupled with people assuring me that my degree wasn’t going to waste helped me see that a bump in the road or a change of plans doesn’t mean you should throw your life course out the window. So as soon as I could, I started substituting in classrooms again. And during one of my subbing escapades, I stumbled upon an open position in a classroom that felt like exactly what I had been working towards.

    Now Monday through Friday, for 7 hours a day, I get to connect with a small group of high school students in an Emotional Disturbance class.

    I get to teach them in ways no one ever took the time to. I get to expose them to ways of thinking and opportunities that they don’t typically have access to. I get to be a witness to real growth. And I get to learn more about myself through their own special personalities. I have never woken up consistently excited to go to work until this past year. I feel gratitude every day I drive to work, every time I see my students faces, and every time I think of how much I wanted this.

    “Stop and smell the roses.” It’s one of the best things you can do for yourself. Certainly not every day with my students is a magical transformation. Some days feel like quite the opposite. But in the grand scheme of things, I know that I am exactly where I want to be. Connecting and guiding. At the intersection of growth and patience.

    My students remind me that life is not an uphill battle, as much as it may feel that way sometimes. By being grateful for your progress, you can acknowledge that what you have now is what you once wanted. Use this as fuel for the present as much as you use it as fuel for your future.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • I’ve never heard of gratitude practice. I’m glad I’m hearing about it now. Changing your perspective on things and shifting your thoughts from stress to gratitude can’t be extremely beneficial. Just like the saying “stop and smell the roses” there’s also “look at the bright side.” Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thanks for sharing Alicia. This is such an important thing to practice and I needed this reminder. It’s sooo important to practice this during the good times too! When you don’t “need” it. Then it becomes habit and when you’re feeling down you have this tool that is so easily tangible. This reminder to practice gratitude was something that I truly…read more

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    • First off, congrats on your bachelor’s in psychology. Reading this shows that you’ve come a long way and that your journey has surely paid off. When you said “It’s hard to see the path forward when your head is down.” is so deep and powerful. If you don’t mind I just might start using this saying. Thank you for sharing.

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    • Thank you for sharing this inspirational story. We all should be grateful for what we have and what we will achieve in life. We should be happy for small things for the things we wake up in the morning and do the things we do.

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  • Lauren Brill shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 12 months ago

    Dear World, Here is why I am grateful

    Dear World,

    I will admit sometimes I complain. Some days, I am grumpy and exhausted and feel the world’s weight on my shoulders. When I am knee-deep in those moments, I often go for a walk or rollerblade by the beach, where I look around and take a breath, and I am quickly reminded of how lucky I am. There are so many reasons I have to possess tremendous gratitude for my life.

    I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the country, with a roof over my head and food for every meal. A few years ago, I discovered my purpose and was able to start and pursue a business that speaks to my soul. I am, knock on wood, healthy and happy. Also, I have the most amazing people in my life.

    My mom calls me daily to check in, asking, “What are you doing? How’s your day.” She always wants to make sure I am happy and at my best. Throughout the week, you can catch my father sharing all my business social media posts, bursting with pride, and doing whatever he can to support my dreams. My big brother, Andrew, is my lifeline. He gives me the best advice, personally and professionally. He has a way of looking at my life challenges through a clear and logical lens and can always guide me. My friends are loving, supportive, and just a phone call away. Some proofread my writing, give me business tips, or listen to me for hours talk about whatever I need to get off my chest. They want nothing more than to see me live my best life. And my boyfriend is the kind of partner that will surprise me and bring back my favorite meal. He will play with my dog and have dinner with my parents on nights when I know he has a ton of work to do. His thoughtfulness makes it clear that he genuinely cares about me.

    All the people in my life make me feel loved, supported, and joyful. My circle is the source of my strength, as I am flooded with positive energy and kindness. I know that my family and friends will never let me fall too far or hard. So while the universe has blessed me in so many ways, what I love most about my life are the people I am fortunate enough to share it with.



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    • I’m so glad you have such a strong support system. They’re no better feeling in the world than to have the ones you love to also support you and your passion. Thank you for sharing.

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    • You have such a wonderful support system. And the fact that you’re surrounded by people who care about you and aren’t biased and keep it real with you is amazing. Thank you for sharing

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

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    It’s not an eating disorder, it’s a digestive tract disorder

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  • Hannah G. shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    A Letter to my Shame

    It’s about to get personal here. You’ve been with me for way too long. You’ve torn down my self-confidence, you’ve creeped into the narratives that I tell myself, you have kept me grounded and not in a good way, but in a self-isolating way, you’ve even made a place for yourself in my beliefs. You have long outstayed your welcome and you need to leave now.

    I was listening to a podcast recently on shame and I found the hosts definition of shame interesting. Shame was defined (on this podcast at least) as wanting to receive love, affection, and affirmation from someone, but not receiving that love in the presence of others. I remember one of my earliest memories of shame creeping in was in 4th grade. A classmate had quite a hatred towards me, though I don’t recall doing anything to her to make her hate me. Anyways, she put a death threat in my desk. I came to school that day and found it on top of my books and folders. The girl who wrote it came all too perfectly at the exact moment I found it, grabbed it out of my hands and ripped it up (a tactic she employed so she wouldn’t get in trouble). I decided to try and tell the teacher what happened, but without proof she didn’t believe me. I was depressed the whole day and she noticed and asked what was wrong and I told her again what had happened. But she didn’t believe me. I wanted and needed to hear the affirmation that it wasn’t my fault. That someone was on my side and that they were going to help me when this felt like too much for me to handle on my own. My younger self was forced to ask the question “why me?” And even though I understand now that hurt people hurt people, but I still ask “why?” 4th grade me thought the teacher would at least call my parents to let them know what had happened, but since she didn’t believe me she didn’t believe there was a reason to call my parents. Shame is what kept me from telling them. Shame thrives in secrecy and self-isolation.

    It’s taken me years of hard work, therapy and tears to realize that a lot of the healing process includes grieving. I’ve realized that breaking up with you will be beneficial for me. One of my favorite pump up songs “Favorite Sound” by Echosmith says “[I] shouldn’t apologize for just existing…..shouldn’t apologize for just being me…….I’m learning how to turn around all the voices in my head I think I’ve found my favorite sound.” My favorite sound is me writing you this letter. My favorite sound is me unlearning all the lies you told me, like that I was unlovable and that there must be something wrong with me. My favorite sound is me learning that I am loveable after all. I’m learning the joy of just being me. I’m learning that I was not wrong, I was was just someone who had wrong done to them and didn’t know what to do. And I will continue putting the sound of self-love on replay over and over and over until it becomes natural for me.

    But shame your soundtrack is being deleted. Hasta freaking la vista. Goodbye and good riddance shame. You don’t rule anymore.


    Hannah G.

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    • Aww Hannah, this piece really pulled at my heart strings. I am sorry your classmate was so meaner and I am so sorry your teacher didn’t do what she should have done. But you are so sweet, and you are most certainly lovable. I always say, what people say to you about you says more about who they are than who you are… let go of any shame you feel.…read more

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    • This reminded me of the first time I experienced shame. It was the 2nd grade on the playground and a 5th grader told me to get off the monkey bars and before I could she punched me in the stomach. (Pretty hard too.) I never told anyone about it. I even held back my tears so the teachers wouldn’t ask questions. I’m not sure what I did to des…read more

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      • @mavisjohnson I’m so sorry that that happened to you. You did nothing to deserve that. I know that is easier said than to believe, but it is true. That 5th grader was probably hurting inside and didn’t know how to express the hurt they were feeling so it came out sideways and ended up hurting you in the process.

        I am so proud of the steps…read more

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    • This is wonderful and I’m proud of you. You’ve shaken the chains that bogged you down, albeit not in a quick fashion but after all of the pain and realization came together you’ve gained the ability to tell your shame to go kick rocks. Thank you for sharing

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  • Michelle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years ago

    Invisible bruises

    I didn’t think it would be this hard. Accepting the diagnosis of *permanently disabled* The fact is, that I have a brain injury. An invisible injury that no one but myself knows about unless we strike up a conversation. What’s the hardest part? The depression. The untreatable with medication depression. The PTSD and the pains haunt me. When I see another woman my age, so beautiful and fit, so full of energy and life, sometimes I’m hit with grief. Why is that you might ask? The days for me lately have been divided out and measured by how much, or how little energy I have that morning waking up. If my body is screaming at me or being kind to me. It all depends. I proudly carry the badge of a domestic violence survivor, but inside my invisible bruises smother my light as the depression tries to take over. My Dr told me that I was beautifully broken. My heart and my brain agree. I just want to be free from the sadness. It feels impossible. Be “mindful” they say. As the tears pour down my face. I hold on for dear life these days riding the waves. Learning to live myself again, and nurturing my invisible bruises. 🩶

    Shelle Belle

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    • Thank you so much for sharing your inner dialogue. I can’t imagine how difficult your life might be because of what you’ve been through. Being beautifully broken is something I’ve heard before. In china, if fine china is broken it’s mended back together with gold. Showing the beauty in imperfections and that it’s worth is still valuable. You may b…read more

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      • 💜 Thank you so much for your word of encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to write a little something to me. It feels a bit less lonely knowing that my words can be safe here.

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    • Hello Shelle, I understand the invisible illnesses all to well. The physical and the mental that came from first abuse and then MS. PTSD has calmed down as I work on regulating my nervous system and my physical ailments have changed significantly as I changed my life style. The memories of the abuse are still surfacing and I ride those waves as…read more

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    • This is a very beautiful and emotional letter. you’ve clearly been through hell and back yet you’re still here, besides the depression and PTSD you’re still here to share your story. Thank you for sharing your struggle.

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  • Melinda shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Where do I begin

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  • Ashley Rivera shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Sense Stress—a poem about redefining struggle as hope

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

    A Lesson in Holism

    I could say I’ve known you forever, but that wouldn’t seem quite right. I guess I’ve known you for as long as I can remember. But even then, I’ve only known you partially. You’ve revealed yourself in different ways over the years and given me new reasons to love you. You’ve made days worth it. You find meaning in the little things and you know how to dress up a dollar. You go out of your way to make things inclusive and memorable. Most of all, you keep trying when you feel like you have no clue what you’re doing or where you are going.

    We lose contact every once in a while. Sometimes I think I’ll never be with you again. It’s not like I lost your phone number, or you moved far away. It’s just sometimes I forget you’re there. I forget how to access you. In the past, I’d retreat further and further away before I remembered you exist and how to make contact. But now, I know to reach out a little sooner. You always know what to do and how to make things better.

    There’s really no difference between me and you. The separation happens when I compare parts. I look at you as the “healthy version of me” but I should just be seeing me when I’m healthy. Rather than thinking of you as the “me” that I love, I’ll just love me. I’ve learned it’s a lot easier and more genuine to love when you aren’t doing it in parts. So, one day soon, I’ll just love me. After all, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • Alicia, Your heartfelt words capture the journey of self-discovery and self-love. I love that your embracing all parts of yourself, including the healthy and imperfect ones, it is a powerful realization. Remember, you are deserving of love and acceptance, and you are capable of finding wholeness within yourself. Keep embracing your journey and…read more

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

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    Friendships and Yourself

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  • Hannah G. shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 3 months ago

    To Someone Who Is Too Hard on Themselves,

    I’ve been where you are. I’ve always been a bit of a perfectionist myself. I don’t think that’s all bad as we are called to excellence. However, it can make life kind of stressful. Your need for perfection can then spiral into overthinking every little move you make, criticizing yourself for things outside of your control, and shame that is totally unnecessary. You look in the mirror to find that your own worst enemy is staring back at you. You worry that if you make one mistake that people will see you as incapable and incompetent. You’ll show them you can do it all. Until you can’t. Suddenly you feel yourself teetering on the tightrope about to plummet to the ground. This was me before the pandemic started. I believed the lie that this rat race world feeds us that we must stay busy, we must produce results. So I took on added responsibility thinking I could juggle it all and also what was going on in my personal life. But really I was on the edge of burnout. My mental health was not good. My work was suffering. I was exhausted. To make matters worse my boss talked to me about my performance without asking what was going on in my personal life that was making it that way. She seemed to see my poor performance as a character flaw rather than the fact that a check engine light was on, and I desperately needed help. Deeply distressed and beating myself up for my mistakes I ended up with a fender bender. Luckily no one was hurt, but inside I was really hurting.

    In 2020 the pandemic forced everything to a screeching halt. I went to my parents, house with no idea of how long I was going to be there. My parents and I were all working at home under one roof. The extra family time was a much needed blessing. My schedule usually filled to the brim with things to do was completely open for the first time in a long time. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I ended up doing a lot of thinking and realized that I don’t need to do everything. I am human, I make mistakes and I’m going to continue to. When I do make a mistake I can choose how I respond. I can choose to respond with grace and self-compassion. I don’t have to spiral, I don’t have to walk the tight rope. A mistake doesn’t automatically mean falling. I started to prioritize more and suddenly I was worrying less and less about what others thought about my mistakes and taking the opportunity to let my mistakes teach me a lesson.

    Sweetheart I know you want to move mountains and you will. But spiraling won’t get you there. Beating yourself up won’t make you stronger, instead it will tear you down more. You need to learn to rest. You need to learn that your mistakes don’t define you. Learn to embrace your humanity. Learn to love yourself the way that you would love a friend. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of self-forgiveness. You are worthy to live a life that includes mistakes because if you haven’t noticed everyone else is too. When you learn these things you’ll be freer, happier, healthier, and holier. If you don’t hear anything else in this letter hear this; unlike St. Paul, you can’t be everything to everybody, but instead of being your own biggest enemy, you can learn to look in the mirror and embrace yourself in grace and self-compassion.

    With love,

    Hannah G.

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    • Aww Hannah, I love this. We can all be so hard on ourselves. But you are so right that we need give ourselves grace, be kind to ourselves and embrace the fact that we are indeed human. This piece is so real and I, along with I am sure so many others, can relate to your story very easily. Thank you for sharing this. <3Lauren

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    • As fellow a perfectionist I can see a lot of my former self in your letter. At one point I was pushing myself so hard to complete a project at work that I was putting in 18 hour days and working on the weekends even though I was only paid for 35 hours a week. Eventually ended up at the doctor as a result of chest pains. Luckily I was just stressed…read more

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    • This is such a powerful message. I love that your teaching many people to forgive themselves. Because it is one thing to forgive another but forgiving yourself is also a main thing to do because if you don’t it can affect you mentally which is why a lot of people are hard on themselves today. Great Letter!

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    • I feel you, we constantly strive to be perfect and when we cant achieve that we put ourselves down and we don’t forgive. Thank you for sharing your very deep letter.

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 3 months ago

    Your Secret Source of Peace and Power

    Fidgeting and nausea must be a natural state for you. Movement seems to disperse a bit of that nervous energy, but the feeling of your stomach turning is enough to make your mind go blank. I spent most of my life stuck in this mode, chalking it up to a hyperactive personality and a sensitive stomach. But looking closer at my life, I could see the mismatch that was provoking all of this movement. My body was telling me to go somewhere and all I was letting it do was twiddle thumbs and do internal somersaults. I needed to move, but not just physically, I needed to move into my body and start listening to what it was telling me.

    I’ll never forget the beginning of my therapy journey when I explained my visceral anxiety and the advice I was given was “You need to breathe.” Breathe? I’m always breathing. How could I be breathing any better? I came back the next week to tell her “This breathing thing isn’t making a difference; I need something else.” She laughed at me and said, “That’s all I got for you.” So, I kept breathing. Deeper, longer, more fully, more expansive, more peacefully. And now when I start to squirm or my stomach starts to turn, I can take a deep breath and get clear about what I am feeling.

    I know it feels like trying to stop a freight train with your bare hands when the nervousness gears up, but the more often you recognize that chugging and start to pump the brakes, the more often you won’t have to compare your feelings to four-ton vehicles going 50 mph. Also, the more often you get to be present in moments and make conscious decisions. Breath is a place of peace as much as power. And life is so much better when you take a deep breath.

    Alicia Sophia Marie

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    • The power of breathing is truly amazing. I was dealing with some high stress a few years ago. I had rememebered someone recommending me a few meditation podcasts a few years prior to that. I decided to give them a try and found they were really helpful. I was pretty sure it was the slow deep inhales and exhales that were making all the difference.…read more

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      • Pete, I’m so happy my letter reminded you of skills that have been helpful in your life! My therapist introduced me to breathing as a coping mechanism, but yoga taught me all the amazing techniques, would definitely recommend if you’re interested!

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    • When you were reading this monday, I totally felt like this was about me. It is amazing the pressure we put on ourselves and its impact on our well-being. But it’s also amazing the relief we got from a simple breathe. I love this. It’s so real and so relatable. <3Lauren

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      • Lauren, I’m so happy my words were relatable but I’m also sympathetic because I know the struggle!! We just have to keep breathing. I like to think we’re not given anything we can’t ultimately handle!

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    • I remember when I had such a hard time with anxiety and it got so bad to where I started to get panic attacks. What happened was I was going through stress attacks due to a lot of things happening in my life. My sister helped me through my first one by breathing. It always helped me calm down and through that, I’ve been learning to always try and…read more

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  • Ashley Rivera shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 3 months ago

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    Trenches Below the OCD Tunnel

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 3 months ago

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    Trauma in the Middle

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  • Ashley Rivera shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 3 months ago

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    Poem about leaving trauma behind and Waking Up

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  • Telina shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Musing about life

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Life lesson: learned

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Safe space for me

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  • jenawrites shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 6 months ago

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  • Sometimes the helper needs help

    “It is my duty, as an air rescueman, to save life and aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and comforts. These things I do THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE.”

    This is the code of Air Force Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR), my profession, and a sentiment that reflects much of my life. From 6 years of volunteer firefighting and EMS, to my 12 years in the USAF as a Combat Systems Officer (CSO) on HC-130’s the CSAR version of the C-130 cargo plane. I have spent my entire adult life even starting in High School training and preparing in hopes that I can prevent someone’s worst day from becoming their last. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do this a few times as well, and it is a level or rewarding bested only by being a husband and father. My life is dedicated to helping others, but sometimes, I need help.

    I was always able to deal with the traumatic experiences my work has put me through by leaning on friends who understand. This is often the first line of help one can get and it is VITAL even if not always sufficient. Whether it was my first dead body, or seeing an unconscious classmates broken face wedged between the dash and windshield of her car 2 days after graduation, my many close calls, or losing a close friend; I could always find help and relief in the arms and ears of my friends and family. They gave me the strength and support to ensure post traumatic stress never became PTSD. But that doesn’t mean it was easy. All of these events gave me nightmares; sometimes for a night, sometimes for a week, occasionally for a month. There would be sadness, depression, anxiety. But all of this would fade with time and help.

    But what about when that wasn’t enough? For the last 4-5 years I have been struggling with bouts of depression and anxiety. Nothing new, except that it was not tied to anything. I couldn’t get past it because I didn’t have a trauma, life event, or anything else I could associate it with and thus, could not worth through the cause.

    In the early days I just shrugged it off, pushed through and got on with life. But the episodes were getting worse, and more frequent. After years of this I was sick and tired, I needed help. After all, being a good husband and father are my top priorities, and this was degrading that ability…

    But… I’m a military aviator…

    Now, no doubt some of you think you know where this is going. After all, you have seen movies about military aviation, aviators are macho, tough, so surely there is a stigma with getting help! No, actually there isn’t, in fact we share our feelings with each other pretty regularly. No, I was scared I would be grounded from flying and bound to a desk either temporarily or permanently. But enough was enough.

    With the encouragement of my wife, I made an appointment with the aviation psychiatrist at my unit. He reassured me that grounding was unlikely and only even a possibility if I was diagnosed with a mental illness. Ok, so now I am less worried!

    So I opened up about how I was feeling with the psychiatrist. He gave me some great techniques for dealing with the depression and anxiety such as mindfulness and grounding that have been helping. I have follow up appointments to keep working on this and life is already getting better

    Emboldened by that experience, at my annual flight physical with the flight surgeon the next week, I discussed the issue with her as well. She asked some questions about other aspects of my health and determined we should check my red blood count and vitamin D levels. My RBC was in normal limits but low considering I live at 5500ft above sea level and do a lot of running and mountain biking. Probably not contributing to the issue but worth addressing. We also checked my iron which is good so I am now on a B complex supplement. But the real concern was my vitamin D, it was severely low. I never would have thought of it as I spend a ton of time outside. But one of the symptoms is mood swings and depression (hmmm… sounds familiar). So now I am on a high dose vitamin D supplement.

    After 5 years of suffering and worrying I would lose my flight status, my fear was unfounded, and what I needed was vitamin D and professional counseling. My only regret is that I didn’t seek help sooner.

    Please, if you are struggling, even if it is something you have handled without issue before, reach out. Talk to a friend or loved one. If that doesn’t work, or is insufficient, seek professional help. Please don’t suffer in silence. I am still flying, still doing my job, but I am now also a happier and healthier person on the road to further improvement. And most of all, I am able to be the best husband and father I can be.

    Thanks for reading,

    Bryan "SEZ" Singer

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    • Dear Bryan,
      I am so impressed with your extreme bravery and selflessness. I am also so proud of you and feel privileged to say you are my cousin.
      I am so glad you sought and received the help you needed. I am very happy that you are physically and mentally better now.
      It was an honor to read your letter and learn of your…read more

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      • Thanks Shelley! I am definitely glad we have been able to connect and get to know each other a bit in recent years! My work has genuinely been my pleasure and honor, and it is a major relief that I did not have to choose between my work and my health in this case.

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    • Bryan, First of all thank you so very much for your service. This piece is such a testament to your strength and courage. I think it takes a lot of both to go get the help you need, especially when you don’t even understand the root of the problem. I am so happy that you are feeling better. It’s is so important to express yourself. And I am so…read more

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      • Thanks! Because of my past I have very good coping mechanisms and techniques for dealing with a known source of trauma, depression, stress, or anxiety. A lot of it came from counselors during my firefighting days and from family and friends who had been there and done that. But ai was completely at a loss for what do do when the source was unknown.

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        • Mental health is so tricky sometimes. Nothing can chance, and suddenly it can hit you all at once. It won’t let me share the link. But put in the search box “To all the people I could not save” His story reminds me quite a bit of yours.

          <3 Lauren

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    • This is amazing and you are so brave and courageous. Your story is so inspiring and it’s amazing that you have your support system in the form of your wife.

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