

  • dannicatwhiskers submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 1 years, 1 months ago

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    My body and I

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 2 months ago

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    It’s not an eating disorder, it’s a digestive tract disorder

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 years, 4 months ago

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    Just Because

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  • Hi Kayjah,

    I’ve noticed a lot your wonderful comments on my past posts. Already, just thank you for that, I appreciate it much. Yes, my GAD is a part of me, but I’ve learned that it’s not me and not my identity. Just a part of me, but dosen’t revolve around me. Once I got out of that mindset, it has helped me tremendously! Thank you, yep, I’m letting my anxiety living the life I want!

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  • Hi Lauren,

    Crazy midterms, finally had some time to read and look. Thank you so much for your words, I really appreciate it!

    You’re right money comes and goes. Growing up, money was a constant thing, so sometimes I have trouble turning it off. I really like your suggestions with the anxiety. I’ve been rollerblading a few times, I’ll just say Ice skating was more my speed, but it’s always fun to try something new! Yes, my family has been my rock, and even my friends as well. What really helps for university, some of my friends are or will be attending, and we’ve all been leaning on each other to help each other out.

    I’ve been to the university a few times already, I kind of know what clubs I’ll be joining, and got a feel already where I can go to regroup myself. I found a nice spot already!

    Anyway, being part of unsealed has been wonderful, I’m even feeling like I’m growing as writer on here.

    So thank you!

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  • dannicatwhiskers submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter telling the world about what makes you strongWrite a letter telling the world about what makes you strong 1 years, 4 months ago

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    Strong Enough To See Myself Pretty

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  • dannicatwhiskers submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new yearWrite a poem or a letter to yourself about your goals for the new year 1 years, 4 months ago

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    Dearest Future-Self

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  • dannicatwhiskers responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Kayjah,

    That’s nice to hear you have someone you consider a sister. There’s no such thing as blood sisters only. I feel like in friendship we each teach other.

    Friends are just like any relationships. It’s all about building and trust and communication.

    Glad to hear you have a good friend and support system.

    In my early twenties, I’m learning a lot about friendships which was a lot different in secondary school.

    Keep being true to yourself:)

    Danni cat

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  • I really appreciated your comments btw! I’m 23, same, I can still relate to her. Even now more as I’m navigating the under land of adulthood. Yes age is just a number, I was watching a Disney movie, and someone like how old are you. I’m like a kid at heart who has good taste lol

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  • Hi! Aw, thank you so much: Exactly fun should still be allowed in adulthood. Even stuff you found fun as a kid you can still do as an adult!And I always felt there’s a difference btw growing up and maturity. They tell us to grow up, but it all comes down to maturity in the end I think

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Friendships and Yourself

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  • dannicatwhiskers responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Lauren,

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I felt better when I shared if that makes sense. It’s something I don’t talk about much, I sort of gloss over it, since it was pretty messed up. I think what helps is choosing my outfits and even wearing jewelry gives me a sense of strength and like this is my body don’t touch. I’m a very fashionable person, which has helped me in the long run feel more control. To those who try to hold me back, living my life, and preserving like you said helps me everyday. Again, thank you so much, really meant a lot!

    Danni cat whiskers

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    • Letting your truth out is empowering and freeing and inspiring it. Never hold it in. Always let it out. Keep being you. Keeping being strong. And keep pressing forward. Xox Lauren.

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of To the people we loveTo the people we love group 1 years, 6 months ago

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    Dear Sister

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  • Hi roger,

    Of course, no problem! I also get about going to new places and meeting new people. Anxiety has a funny way to make us see the shadow of ourselves instead of the full stage. I understand about defense mechanisms, keeping people at arms length and trying to read this person intentions like a profiler. But I’m glad Lauren made you feel comfortable and you could be yourself. People like that who can break down an armor I find admirable and you the sense of trust it’s like a huge relief. Sometimes, the darkness we have within ourselves, people can help brings ourselves out and it inspires us to walk away for the darkness at times. Really like your photography, you really did capture something great here! I’m not an artist or photographer, but I can tell this was careful work done on your part. Oh, on how I got on the unseal, I was scrolling through Instagram and it was on my feed, and here I am.

    All the best,

    Danni cat whiskers

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  • Hi Roger,

    I remember you sharing this in the writing workshop. I’m glad you posted and shared your experience. It’s funny how fate works when we meet people! Over a picture too, which was just wild and so cool. I liked how Lauren pushed you out of your comfort zone, but you didn’t feel uncomfortable and you guys got to meet up. The genuine connections I feel is when you can pull down your guard and be yourself around someone.

    Keep on being amazing,

    Danni Catwhiskers

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    • Hi roger,

      Of course, no problem! I also get about going to new places and meeting new people. Anxiety has a funny way to make us see the shadow of ourselves instead of the full stage. I understand about defense mechanisms, keeping people at arms length and trying to read this person intentions like a profiler. But I’m glad Lauren made you feel c…read more

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  • dannicatwhiskers responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Ashley,

    It’s so brave of you to share this with your struggles and put it in beautiful poetic words!

    I like how you poem reminds me of slam poetry, it’s to the point and I can imagine a beat when I read through it. I like your own interpretation with how you deal with OCD. I feel like everyone might have different or relatable experinces . I have GAD, generalized anxiety, but I understood the rut you put there. Ocd is connected to anxiety, which puts its claws in us and can even tear our physical heath.

    Anyway, very well done here, i actully like the picture you put because it normalize Medication. Like it’s no big deal, which I truly like.

    All the best,

    Danni cat whiskers

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  • Hi Laruen,

    I’m glad you liked it and it was nice to hear about your own experiences! Yes, that’s it, we grieve our youth. However, we don’t have to give up things we enjoyed as children. I have a Disney plus account, someone said are you too old for Disney, I stared at them bc I like watching my favorite childhood shows and movies. Just because we get older, the magic doesn’t go away, it’s up to us to believe in the magic and keep dreaming!

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  • Hi Shelley,

    Truly thank you for your kind words, it really means a lot to me. Yes, keeping focus and my ambition have helped me a lot to get through these obstacles. It’s always nice to hear someone has faith in me.

    Warmest regards,

    Danni CatWhiskers

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  • dannicatwhiskers shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 6 months ago

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    Trauma in the Middle

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  • dannicatwhiskers responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Ashley,

    First of all, this poem was just splendid. I liked how, what’s the term, it’s like cut-throat and openly vulnerable to how we feel about ourselves. Shame and trauma, I hate how shame is put near trauma, since we shame ourselves for the trauma we went through but we need to keep reminding ourselves it’s not our faults.

    I liked your ashes and dreams comparisons. Our trauma is burning ashes, intoxicating and basically it has no more life to bite us. However, trauma still lingers as the the taste of burning ashes, and we still dream about and get pulled in this viscous cycle by doing it all over again. It reminds me of a hamster wheel we keep running into and facing our trauma, it feels like an endless cycle.

    I always find wiring and poetry a great outlet with our spiraling emotions. I can see how much you pour into this, I don’t know who’s next in the picture with ya, don’t want to make assumptions. Whoever it is, I hope that person has helped you walk through your own traumas. I find letting people in the hardest, so I hope this person gave you that:)

    Remember, we’re survivors, to the traumas we live through. Keep on thriving and never let your personal demons and monsters win.

    Best wishes,

    Danni cat whiskers

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    • @dannicatwhiskers

      I’m so happy I could write something that lifted our voices together and reminds us how strong we are on the inside. I like that you recognize how powerful writing can be for our therapy and healing. You definitely get me thinking how trauma is like elastic it sticks and it stretches throughout our lifetime but we don’t have to…read more

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