

  • Havoc

    Hello, I’m new to TheUnsealed. This is a poem from a dark time in my life. I’m just so grateful to not be in this position anymore. I’m excited to this as a tool for healing! Thank you for reading.

    I can’t breathe
    A simple death is about to be achieved
    Where it leaves me 6 ft underneath but the thought has always been appeased for all the nights I used to stay up for just a little tweak and depriving my body on every inch of sleep

    Feeling crazy and distraught isn’t as pleasant as it seems
    Death tends to follow me somewhere deep within my dreams
    So I stay awake as part of a better scheme knowing one day it’ll take every ounce of me

    Because now

    But I’m the only one left to take the blame,
    They call me insane because everything I do tends to be the same
    With depressed thoughts hidden deep within my brain
    Hoping one day I’ll have wealth with imaginary fame

    From the beginning I tore everything apart
    Having to big of a heart for the wrong people just from the start just to end up doing hot rails at a park because I felt all alone and left in the dark

    I guess that’s the biggest excuse for an addict always blaming our problems on something just to go and have it, wishin you wouldn’t have had it, bad habits soon to wind us up dead in a casket, this havoc turned you into a savage and living under a bridge in the winter with no jacket.

    Torrie Hrdlicka

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    • Greetings, I commend you for your bravery in exploring addiction’s challenges, portraying raw emotions and struggles with honesty. Your piece vividly depicts the pain and chaos that come with substance abuse, while also conveying a longing for redemption and a way out of darkness. Congratulations and thank you for staying with us!

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  • sunshine psyche

    one day it’s dark,
    actually, it’s been dark, for months,
    so dark that one could not see in front of them.

    however now —
    now, there is light.

    at the flip of a switch what was once dark — is bright.

    the gloomy cloud has passed,
    the rain has stopped,
    beautiful rainbows begin to appear.

    sunlight glistens over the waterfront,
    sunlight that makes brown eyes turn to honey,
    warmth of light that gives you hope,
    fills you full of glee.

    the shadows hide away,
    the light is beaming,
    i can see again,
    i can slow down.

    i can feel positivity in all that surrounds me.

    beauty is in this life,
    beauty is all around.

    skies turn to cotton candy,
    lovers turn to home.

    no longer lost,
    everything i have longed for,
    lays before me.

    i see clearly again.

    this is who i am.

    i am the sunshine,
    the light,
    the gleeful warmth.

    the switch flipped,
    my light is now on,
    newfound growth shines from within,
    creating greater hope for tomorrow.

    Hannah Gray

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    • Salutations,
      Your poetic reflection on finding positivity amidst challenges is very encouraging. The transformation from darkness to light symbolizing hope and inner growth is very touching. Very happy for you! 😀

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      • thank you! having to learn to live with being mentally ill has made me realize all the beauty in the darkness and inspiration in everything “light” around us.

        to quote dumbledore: “happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light.” <3

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  • Mason

    My day could start in ashen gray
    like dried-up winter weed bouquets,
    but then my grandson shrieks, “Mammay!”
    and color swirls in rich array.

    A fingerpainted masterpiece
    infused with snacks and sweetened tea–
    bright backdrop for the tales we read,
    immersed in toddler fantasy.

    Flamboyant toys conceal the floor,
    confetti from a plastic war
    that ranged from couch to Singapore–
    and now he begs to go outdoors.

    Bemusement stains pale cherub cheeks
    and nature springs delighted shrieks
    when stones splash into frothy creeks
    or bluebird skies frame honking geese.

    Aweary fingers grab my hand,
    for will alone cannot withstand
    the golden grains of sleepy sand;
    I lull him into lala land.

    Reflection on this drowsing dear
    who celebrates with heartfelt cheer
    the wonderment of Gaia’s sphere
    is every dark mood’s rainbow cure.

    Necia Campbell

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  • kslove submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    A Perfect Day

    An alarm-clock-free morning,
    There’s nothing more soothing.
    I took my first sip of coffee
    As I lounged by the window,
    Absorbing the beauty of a day minus responsibilities.
    “I love everything about today,”
    I affirmed, consumed by my thoughts:

    Maybe, I’ll make the hour-long drive
    To my favorite beach,
    Visit a couple of discount stores,
    Or stop by that cozy little restaurant, I adore,
    For a savory meal and a delicious treat.

    I could always search for
    A binge-worthy show,
    Grab a bottle of Chardonnay,
    Pop some popcorn and snack,
    Until I drift off into the most pleasant sleep,
    Cultivating the sweetest dreams.

    “You know what?”
    I ask myself aimlessly…
    “You’re overthinking it…
    The only way today will be perfect
    Is if I do all of these things.”
    So, I did.

    K. S. Love

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  • My perfect day oh perfect day

    My perfect day oh perfect day
    I feel like living my life my way
    If I lose the joy of living my life
    My reasonable happiness leaves me with my strife
    I better be living this time of year
    It don’t matter if I shed a tear
    If I’m not living happy or not
    Forever in a web I shall be caught
    My perfect day oh perfect day
    My life shall go on I shall have no dismay
    If I am not happy alive or dead
    Then off the world goes with my head
    I want to live, that is my way
    My perfect day oh perfect day

    My perfect day oh perfect day
    Life shall go on or so they say
    I want to live for I am free
    To do many things of value I see
    I love to play music even swim
    I don’t care if my body is slim
    I live my life breathing and glad
    Glad I don’t die, man that would be bad
    I ain’t afraid to be called up yonder
    But it ain’t my time yet so it I won’t ponder
    My life is mine I won’t be swayed
    My perfect day oh perfect day

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  • Perfect Day

    Hello my friend
    May I share with you my perfect day?
    I hope you’ll stay until the very end.
    First I wake with the golden sun, grateful and joyful – I pray.
    Hydrate and fill this vessel with fuel
    Moving and stretching keeps my emotions cool
    Giving thanks for each moment I’m given
    This life flows with grace like a ribbon
    My love then goes freely to all of Gods creatures
    The large and small – all have different features
    Life sweet like the slow drip of honey straight from the comb
    I never rush, worry or stress because I know in my heart, I am always home.


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  • A Perfect G.W Day

    Another day rises from the ground
    But with a different flavor to it
    A day of traveling and clearing the cluttered mind
    And also creating a wonderful time

    Let the special day start with eating some delicious breakfast
    Food that speaks to my soul
    That makes me feel whole
    And inspires me to conquer the road

    When the road and I meet
    Some of my favorite songs and I greet
    Like it’s the first time
    We’re getting to know each other’s mind
    As I unwind during this special time

    While jamming and cruising on an unknown highway
    Various historical statues and beautiful land catch my eye
    Giving me a positive high
    That I don’t want to end
    But continue to ascend

    And embrace this rare feeling
    A beautiful beach awaits me
    And hypnotizes my eyes
    With its waves

    It waves at me and says ‘’come on in’’
    But, before I take my first jump
    I just want to stare at its beauty
    And take a million pictures of it

    Then I charge to the calming water
    Like a soldier ready to do battle
    But only remain in the safety zone
    While watching others enjoy themselves

    The perfect ending to a perfect day
    It would be great to have another perfect day tomorrow
    If only this could become a reality.
    For now, wishing and dreaming about it will surface


    Gerald Washington

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  • My Perfect Day

    The perfect day for me is a day without pain
    Because I go to sleep sad and I wake up insane
    The perfect day for me is a day without stress
    Because I walk around like I’m happy but deep down I’m depressed
    I smile to keep from crying I smile because it’s all you can do
    The perfect day for me is the day that I’m at peace with you

    Christina Wilder

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    • Hello,
      Your writing has pulled my heartstrings. Very clever with the rhyming. I hope your pain becomes bearable, if it doesn’t cease. Thank you for sharing.

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  • Backwards through Perfect

    What is a “perfect day”?

    My head rested heavily on the pillow. Memories of the long day swirled in my mind. Exhausted, but content from my perfect day.
    The empty tea mug was set gently in the dishwasher. My book lay closed by my ruffled bed. Sleep was calling.
    A movie left unfinished, the kitchen was clean. House reset for another day.
    The evening had been bustling with dinner preparations. The counters dusted with flour, pans, and spices. The food sizzled on the stove. Dessert wafted through the room.
    Sunset called the evening home as we walked along the water. My darling pup ran in ahead as the city lights danced in the eyes of my lover.
    The afternoon vanished from sight as pages were written, rewritten, and tossed. The book was being born.
    Lunch was a quick salad break from a morning of creativity. Papers were strewn across the floor, books on the coffee table, and my favorite mug forgotten amongst the piles. My typewriter pierced the air with the prattle of the keys. Ringing to remind me I was at a new line.
    The late morning awakened my senses as I sat in a quiet coffee shop, mulling over plot lines, speaking commitments, and blog fantasies.
    Breakfast was a moment of calm before the crazy, my mind released all emotion and thought as I journaled a planned my day. The pup dashed around the house, energetic from the morning run.
    Water gushed from the faucet sputtering in protest from the shower head. I washed all sweat and worry away, hopeful for a new day.
    The sun crept from behind buildings and slowly woke up from its sleep. I smiled, walking back from the gym. Another beautiful start to another beautiful day.
    My mind woke up moments before I pulled myself out of bed, my lover squeezed my hand as I left for the gym.
    What is a perfect day if not one spent doing what you love with who you love.

    By Rose

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  • lorex submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    I’ve Awoken

    I’ve awoken
    in cars
    off a shoulder
    overlooking the sea
    started my day
    with morphine
    and coffee
    and vomit on the street
    I’ve awoken
    in deserts
    under one single tree
    beside strangers
    on carpets
    slipped away quietly
    I’ve driven til shadows
    melt into sands
    and the stars bleed
    into purples and pinks
    when cold weather
    has dried out my hands
    and I’m too hungover
    to speak
    I’ve awoken
    in twin beds
    in distant lands
    with lillies draping my canopy
    with no one around
    to marvel at scenery
    with me
    throughout this wide world
    all my wheel’s quick rotations
    all the planes
    and the trains
    and the rides
    from London’s Heathrow
    to Grand Central Station
    every dawn
    I’ve awoken
    to rise
    everyday is impeccable
    all the struggles
    and pain
    so delectable
    as the earth
    flips through the slides
    in my eyes a
    projection of beauty
    the greatest adventures
    the prefect day
    is the day
    I’m alive
    and I live it
    and seize it—no matter the risk
    perfection is this
    what we all
    wake up with
    this wonderful gift
    all scared and excited
    to be welcome; invited
    to live for the sake of living
    to rise and to fall
    to feel love and
    feel lost
    and the awe to awaken—
    awaken at all.


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    • Your poem beautifully captures the raw essence of life’s experiences, from moments of vulnerability to the joy of being alive. It reminds us to embrace every day as a precious gift and cherish the beauty that surrounds us. Great poem.

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    • This was an exhilarating read! I agree with Keyjah about how raw and open it is. Thank for you writing this!

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  • keyraw submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    Letter To Heaven

    Our day starts with coffee. Black, no sugar and two creams. Just how you like it. I would pour myself a cup too, even though I hate coffee, and sit both coffees on the end table by your rocking chair. I can hear your voice now: “Thank you baby.” Your voice hoarse from years of labor. We would pick our cups up and sip at the same time. Well, not quite at the same time. I always forget to blow my drink first and burn my tongue. My face twisted up in pain. Whereas, you always blow your drink first and never take on more than you can bear. Literally and figuratively. Now that I am older, I admire how still you can be. Sitting, day after day, in the comfort of your rocking chair, drinking your coffee and watching Lifetime movies. I relish that stillness. On my perfect day I will definitely have to be still. I wouldn’t want to do anything at all, but put my feet up and drink bitter coffee. To some people the perfect day is a day on the beach but any day spent being still with you would be perfect to me. I would get hungry about halfway through my cup. My stomach growls, which prompts you to rock yourself out of your chair and head to the kitchen. Your walk weary from years of service on your feet. Following behind you, I grab a plate off of the table and hand it to you. You fill it with grits, sausage, eggs, french toast, a waffle and bacon. I could have made my plate, but you always made it for me. “Just sit down at the table, baby. I got your plate.” With an orange juice to match, I sit at the dining table and go to town. With a full belly, I waddle back to the love seat right next to your chair. I look outside and see kids playing, but I don’t feel that pain in my stomach anymore. Growing up without someone to play with and share secrets with has always weighed heavy on me. I carried loneliness with me throughout my adolescent and teenage years. Always an onlooker, a wallflower, the bullied. My perfect day I will not have those feelings or be consumed with looking to something that I don’t have. Even though I didn’t have a friend my age, I had a friend who didn’t mind drinking coffee and watching movies with me on a random Saturday morning. She might have been fifty years older than me, but she was my best friend. She never turned me away and she always made me feel like I belonged. If I can have one more day spent with you, just being still, that will be the perfect day. And I do have a secret to tell you, best friend. I miss you and I still hate coffee.

    kevya sims

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    • Keyva, your letter beautifully captures the depth of your connection with your older friend. The shared moments of stillness, coffee, and watching movies hold a special place in your heart. Your longing for one more day with her is noticeable. Your love shine through your words.

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  • tgal submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    Simply Happy

    Sleeping in until my heart is content
    My kids, my kids, not throwing fits
    No arguments please, it’s what I need
    Breakfast being brought to me in bed
    The food is cooked perfectly
    A coffee cup the size of my head
    Carmel and hazelnut hits my nose
    As I eat, I read my Bible
    Soaking in His Holy fire
    I climb out of bed
    Brush my teeth
    Take a long shower, soaking in the heat
    Getting dress and going to an hair appointment
    She does my hair exactly how I want
    My feet and nails are next
    Feeling relaxed from my head, hands and feet

    We Pack up the car to go have some fun
    Heading to the beach to meet up with family
    It’s not just my kids and husband who’s there
    It’s my family from my youth and His as well
    We stay there all day, enjoying each other’s presence
    Time is flying by as we soak in the sunshine

    Last minute plans are made
    Deciding to go out to eat
    Laughter and smiles and happy vibes
    Hit our hearts as the day ticks by
    We all embrace one another with a hug
    Going home, the kids fall asleep in the car
    Carrying them inside, tucking them in one by one

    Now it’s time for Mom and Dad
    Alone time in our bed
    Loving on one another in the present
    Staying up as long as we can
    Just cracking jokes, cuddling and watching our show
    Until we fall asleep in one another arms and hopes
    Sealed with a kiss we end the day
    With sweet dreams in peace

    Tamara Gallagher

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    • Tamara, Your letter painted a beautiful picture of a perfect day filled with love, relaxation, and adored moments with family. It sounds like a dream come true, and I can imagine how refreshing and fulfilling it must have been. Your words captured the importance of joy and contentment. I hope you continue to create many more days like this, filled…read more

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  • Done Differently


    I have been creating perfect days my entire life
    They weren’t perfect for me
    But what I thought perfect should be

    I’ve been creating a life
    One I thought I wanted
    One I thought I was supposed to have

    My perfect day would look like it does on tv
    I have lived those days
    Those days are not me

    So many times I have had the perfect day
    Shopping with the girls, brunch at a nice restaurant, tanning by the pool
    These things have left me drained, exhausted, confused

    So many times I have created the perfect experience
    To be let down
    To not feel the way they seem

    I’ve had my days
    In comfy clothes, dim lights, friends each doing their favorite thing
    Cooking safe foods together, napping, making sure were hydrated
    Watching things we’ve seen a million times; doing things we’ve done a million and one
    Laughing and giggling and crying and sitting in silence

    I have left those days feeling so at peace
    So rejuvenated
    So myself

    I have also left those days feeling wrong
    It is not what being social is meant to look like
    It doesn’t match the script that is in my head

    I am learning to live life
    The one I didn’t know that I wanted
    The one that I am supposed to have

    I will continue to create perfect days, for the rest of my life.
    perfect for me.
    I define what perfect should be.

    Crystal Frances

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    • Crystal, your powerful poem beautifully captures the journey of self-discovery and redefining what “perfect” means to you. Embrace the life you truly want and continue creating perfect days that reflect your authentic self. You define what perfection should be. Keep shining!

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    • Crystal, I really appreciate that poem about your perfect day. It’s inspirational and hopeful, and a very good job well done. Thank you for accepting my friend request It’s an honor to meet you-God Bless ♥

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  • kelsea submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What is your ”perfect day?”What is your ”perfect day?” 2 months ago

    1,440 Minutes

    My perfect day
    could be fall or spring
    at home or exploring
    solitary or spent with the people who embody my joy.
    There is nothing to be earned
    no aesthetic to be achieved.
    I am outside
    connected with the earth
    moving my body
    in the ways that empower me.
    I am cocooned at home
    connected beyond the physical
    using my creativity
    in the ways that embolden me.
    A perfect day
    makes your soul swell
    so mine,
    I am in my body
    I am in touch with all my parts
    past present future
    and my ties to everything around me.
    My perfect day
    I am at peace
    with the beauty of my life
    I am aware
    of each moment as it comes and goes.
    And now I know:
    Perfection is in the eye of the beholder
    and I behold perfection in abundance.

    Kelsea Guckin

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    • Kelsea, your poem beautifully captures the essence of a perfect day. It’s a celebration of self-acceptance, connection, and mindfulness. Amazing Work!

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  • Childhood

    Growing up on Sailor Moon
    And looney toons
    Slip and slides
    Always with soapy eyes.
    Carefree summers
    We were Beach bummers
    Adulthood far from our minds
    Ice cream of many kinds
    Man hunt and freeze tag
    Always up for a good fart bomb gag.
    Childhood was a bliss
    Something you’ll always miss.

    Antoinette Lucila

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    • Hey Al, your poem perfectly captures the carefree joy of childhood. It brought back memories of summers filled with fun and laughter. Amazing poem, very light hearted and playful use of language. I love it!!!

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  • Pain Free.

    Rise and shine you beautiful soul!
    We have work to do today.
    Roll that delicate body out of bed and awaken to the day of wonders ahead.
    Today, feels like a good day. I Declare it, embrace it and give thanks.
    It’s the perfect day to live.
    I am embracing the relaxation and peace that has been gifted to me on such a beautiful morning.
    I stretch, and sit up, wiggling my my toes as my legs hang down from my bed. A giggle escapes my lips followed by a smile as my dog mimics me. She nudges me and lets me know that it is time to officially wake up.
    I step off of my bed and stand tall. There’s no pain at all. No tingling, no burning, no stiffness at all.
    I am at peace. I playfully ask my kitty Nirvana -“Do I choose coffee, or green tea?” She meows back at me. I dance around the the kitchen and I embrace being pain free. There is no stress or struggle as I start my daily chores. You may think this sounds silly, the happiness that bending down brings me as I slide on my shoes. I did it absolutely pain free and that is perfect. It’s perfect for me.
    The sun is shining so bright, and I put the leash on my dog. Bieng pain free, has blessed me with a morning walk.
    I have energy!
    Enough energy to conquer the world, well, that is, enough energy to conquer “My world” or, at least to conquer the tasks that most days I am unable to. Today, I am pain free, and it is absolutely perfect.
    I think it’s a good day to go to the gym. Perfect day, that is.
    I grab my bag, my book, headphones and my water bottle.
    I’m a little bit nervous that this may not last, but quickly push the thoughts away. As today, this moment I am pain free, and today is the perfect day.
    My body moves freely, and with each breath that I take I am breathing in love and gratitude. These days are few and far between. Today, I woke up pain free.
    I am able to grocery shop without any fears or anxiety. There is no looking over my shoulder I am in the moment. I am safe, and I am living life peacefully. Today, I give thanks for walking up pain free.
    I am able to walk the three flights of stairs to visit my grandmother. We’re going to have lunch and play some games. Her company and her smile bring me so much comfort. I’m giving thanks, for such a perfect day.
    I woke up pain free. I woke up with the chance to show the world the actual me. With a smile on my face, and my posture upright. I am filled with gratitude and peace. I am grateful for my life.
    The perfect day for me, means living without pain.
    Without tears, and strain. Oh how I am grateful when I am blessed with a perfect pain free day.


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    • Shelle, Your letter beautifully captures the serenity of a morning and the gratitude for finding solace within yourself. It’s inspiring to see how your home has become a sanctuary. Keep embracing the blessings and cherishing these perfect moments.

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      • Thank you so much for your kind response to my writing. 💜 I appreciate the support. It is very nice to meet you! This piece was very special to me.

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  • Cloud 10

    A silent thought that now demanded my attention.
    The universe knew exactly how to reveal this to me.
    A problem that I fixed had finally released me from its bind.
    I was going home.
    The road hugged my tires like excited friends reuniting,
    Usually a 7 1/2 min walk, stretched to a 13 min run.
    13 min , the length of a how to video that I’m sure I’ll be frequenting more.
    The garage door
    creaked opened &
    I was ushered inside.
    The love of my life,
    I husband to her Bride
    her face full of:
    wonder ,
    follow me!
    She exclaimed.
    Every noise on the planet dissipated except our foot steps:
    ile, carpet, tile.
    The light switch felt like the weight of the world.
    I found strength from your love to flip it.
    A stranger awaited me in my own bathroom .
    I was to confront this foe without any idea that my life had found the meaning i was searching for
    A vacuum of time,
    my life In the rear view.
    Thankful that I saw words,
    instead of lines on that clearview.
    But I only see one, where is the “not?”
    What a terrible malfunction,
    how could they have forgot?
    Then, the beacon of truth
    began to break through the mystery.
    Those 8 letters have the chance to
    alter history:
    Every emotion that I’ve ever felt became
    all the pain of my adolescence,
    all the courage of my youth,
    all the fun of my independence,
    all the worry of my work,
    all the adoration for your mom,
    They All joined together
    to bring me this unmatchable joy.
    The true essence of what it means to feel happiness,
    I get to be a dad to a beautiful Baby Boy.


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    • Dear RW, your letter beautifully expresses the transformative experience of becoming a father. The emotions and joy you describe are truly heartwarming. I am sure your son will grow up to remember how amazing of a father you are to him.

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  • Changing Reservations About SELF-LOVE

    As I write this, it’s February 14th, Valentine’s Day, a day to celebrate love.

    The phrase that comes to mind when pondering what love is – is “others,” aka being generous to someone else, as in NOT me. It is about making others happy.

    When it comes to me, associating SELF with the word LOVE is as common as someone who doesn’t like Chinese food – very, very, VERY uncommon.

    When the number reads 14, and the month reads February, for me, being single, the day is reserved for images of dark clouds and drooping flowers, instead of a rainbow perfectly expressing your range of beautiful emotions, whoever you are romantically attached to.

    Reserving a table at your favorite restaurant, celebrating the day reserved to enjoy your significant others company is my personal definition of this day.

    So, you can see why, as a single person, MY viewpoint of this day is filled with clouds and drooping flowers instead of the voraciously vibrant red roses.

    I could point out a list of adjectives as large as jumbo popcorn: envy and sadness are a couple of kernels to explain how I feel about not having someone I am smitten over sitting on the other side of the table, making me feel that I’m with the only one and everyone at the same time.

    Skewed and as untrue as it might be, having the one would make me feel whole. That said, as I am writing this, I am learning a very important lesson… there is a reason we have both iced and hot coffee.

    So, with that, I’ll stop bringing out the appetizers and get to the main course: the reservation might be for two, just remember, adding a +1 does not mean you stop loving you, and self-love is love that NO person can give to you except ONE.. YOU!

    And by the way, to my future Valentine (girlfriend) – since we love both of ourselves equally, we are splitting the cup because your self-love and my self-love is equally important to me and you.

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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Jake, this piece is incredibly beautiful, and honest. It truly was a piece written from the heart. Being single on valentine’s day can sting, but I am so glad you a recognizing the importance of loving yourself and treating yourself well. And when you do find that very special lady, having that self-love will allow you to love your partner in a…read more

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  • Sofia Armstrong shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Heart Grows

    I thought my heart was breaking
    Turned out it was growing pains
    I wondered often if the aching
    I felt so deep inside
    Was a symptom of something else
    Something much more far and wide

    I thought my heart was breaking
    But in all reality
    The stretching sensation that sent me shaking
    Was only a casualty
    Of diving in deep straight to my soul
    Healing, cleansing and making whole
    A place that was once so hidden
    Leaving a shell of me almost bed ridden

    I thought my heart was breaking
    Instead I found I was transcending
    All the preconceived thoughts and teachings
    Which all brings my soul to this beautiful ascending
    New earth that is never ending
    Blessings abound, always mending
    That which was perceived as broken
    Has now been Re birthed
    expansions sending
    Reverberations of healing through nations
    Our one-ness remembered
    Return to the heart bending
    Home within your soul which always waits to warmly
    Welcome you back
    Into a soft embrace.


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  • I'm Worth It

    I unapologetically love me unconditionally
    I apologize to my past selves for doing it indiscriminately
    In order to be my best self would mean I am elated
    It took a while and I’m proud to say it’s been reinstated
    I do what makes me happy especially my inner child
    She’s is so over the moon that her little heart smiles
    She loves to color, sing and dance like no one is watching
    It’s the growning soul and the little soul that are interlocking
    She’s making all versions of her past self morph into her best self
    Her happiness is her version of a prosperous wealth
    Self love is psychological, spiritual growth and physical
    With a proportional rainfall strictly biblical
    It’s my definition and my own version
    I am uniquely my own person
    Thank you, God, for all that you have done for me and my family
    I only got one life, and I want to do it right by being happy
    No one can do me better than me. My only competition is me
    My lessons are mine to learn only I would know
    The path it took to get here and I’m not done though
    I learn daily and I don’t claim to be perfect because I am human
    I have to remind myself that life is a classroom
    I’m not afraid of the lessons I let them pass through
    I owe it to my heaven sent angel and angel who fluttered with his wings
    You both are my life and light and also are my kings
    It’s because of you I unapologetically love me unconditionally


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    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Absolutely BEAUTIFUL words. You have such a gift. The way you spoke warmed my heart. I am so proud of you for owning your power and speaking your word! 💜 Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the future. Keep writing

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    • iambrizei,Your letter is a beautiful expression of self-love and gratitude. It showcases your journey towards embracing and cherishing yourself unconditionally. Your words reflect a deep understanding of the importance of personal growth and happiness. Your acknowledgment of your past selves and your commitment to learning and evolving is…read more

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    • BRI!!!!!! This piece is excellent! I absolutely love it! I love the rhyme and how it flows, and of course what a great message. I am so proud of you!! Giving you a standing ovation. <3 Lauren

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