

  • Love Language

    My love language is not overbearing. Its reassurance.
    It’s the effort of learning my favorite coffee order and holding hands as you drive. You bring your hand close on my worst day and bury it beneath my back. You vouch for personal time on the couch and watch comedy sitcoms for hours. I don’t ask to be seen, you want my attention.
    To be in a partnership, to be respected as part of the home and a woman.
    My love langauge symbolizes my temple, the desire to build security.

    My love language is not overbearing, its reassurance.
    I deserve every part o it.

    Chanaly Rodriguez

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    • Awww I love this. You do deserve every bit of it. Keep your standards high. Stay true to yourself and never ever ever settle in love or in life. xo. Thanks for sharing! <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you for your kind words! My first piece, ” love language” was inspired by events that questioned my worth as an individual and also a potential partner. Sometimes, writing your desires down helps you realize that you shouldn’t rely on anyone else.

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    • I love this piece. “Your love language is not overbearing. It’s reassurance”. Of course you deserve this! And Yes you’ll manifest this certainly. So cheers we love to see it!

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      • Thank you, Sel! It’s been a journey through self-reflection that your wants and needs can be fulfilled on your own and not be suppressed by another. Love language to me is understanding your partner.

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    • Dear Chanaly,
      Thank you for sharing your very thoughtful words. I enjoyed them immensely. Keep understanding your partner with an open heart and good communication. That is what love is all about!


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    • This is so great. I know a lot of And I love that yours is reassurance because a lot of people don’t really give people reassurance especially if the person has been through so much things were they lost trust in other people to where it probably affects their future relationships. But I think reinsurance is a Key love language that everyone s…read more

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    • Thank you for sharing! As a woman who’s experienced a world that feels reassurance is clingy, I resonate with this. You have a beautiful soul and a beautiful soul deserves nothing less than this. Never settle and know your worth. Sending good energy your way.

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 5 months ago

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    Hey 2022

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  • Dear 2022

    Dear 2022,

    When the clock struck midnight on January 1st, 2022, I had high hopes for you – the upcoming year. I planned to build a new feature on The Unsealed – a pen pal system allowing users to post their content and write to each other. I was hopeful that this would be the “it” factor that would take my company to the next level. I thought I would sit back and enjoy the show once it launched.

    Personally, with COVID seemingly becoming less severe, I was excited about going out more and meeting new people. Maybe date someone new – or meet some new friends in Miami.

    Per usual, the year didn’t go exactly as planned. Just like every other year, there were some challenges I didn’t foresee. My mother had a cancer scare, and I lost a friend at 40 years old to brain cancer.

    It was tough, but I continued to march forward as I always do.

    When I launched our Pen Pal network, I quickly realized that we were helping people and had something special. However, I also realized that we laid the foundation but still needed to build the house. There are elements we need to add. We still need to figure out a flow and a clearer user-generated experience.

    Outside of work, I have met new people – some were lessons, while others have been a whole lot of laughter.

    While 2022 didn’t lead to everything I wanted, I feel closer to all that I desire. I evolved personally and professionally. I have a better idea of who I want in my life and what I need to do to realize my dreams.

    While my hopes for next year are similar to those from last year, I am thankful for a journey filled with amazing people, passion, and purpose.

    It’s been real. Thanks for the memories, 2022.

    With gratitude,


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    • Great stuff Lauren. I know that you deserve only the best. And if I know you well enough , you will get only the best. It’s what you do 🙂
      Look out 2023!

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    • I truly enjoy this platform. I’ve read stories that have made me laugh and some that have brought me to the. You are truly changing lives through your work. Thank you for all that you do.

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    • Yes, thanks for the memories. I love it. We should all look back at all that we’ve accomplished the year before, if only to see what we did, how we can do it better, and what’s next. You did what you can to build this platform and it will continue as long as you allow it. Yes you will make many decisions, some will pan out and some may not, but…read more

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    • I admire you. You never gave up and continued with your plan no matter the hiccups. And you are so srong, even though you lost a friend (I’m sorry for your loss) you kept it moving like a boss. Thank you for sharing

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  • aliciaw shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 years, 5 months ago

    Save Yourself

    I’ve always wanted deep connection. Honesty. Unwavering loyalty and unquestionable morals. I whined about the lack of depth in relationships each time my expectations weren’t exceeded. I wallowed in my own disappointment because I believed in a fairytale type of love. I thought, “if someone can dream it up, then they can make it happen.” I pushed myself to be what modeled my fantasy. I thought that if I could put myself in that storybook world then someone would love me like princes love princesses.

    And I pushed a relationship for nearly 10 years to be that fairytale love. But no matter how hard I pushed, it just wouldn’t light up how I believed was possible. At first, I tried harder and harder, thinking if I was better, he would love me better. But as time went on, I developed a bit of resentment towards the man that I loved because he wasn’t giving me the relationship I always dreamt of and so patiently ushered him into. After his 28th birthday, he knew he wanted to get a home with me. After his 28th birthday, I knew I couldn’t commit to the absence of my fantasy any longer. I had to stop forcing a fairytale love.

    The need to end things was a devastating realization for someone who thinks that people will love each other forever. But also, a liberating realization for someone who knows that real and whole love exists. It took a lot of days of feeling rejected before I acknowledged that I couldn’t push someone to be what they don’t want to be. And it took even more back and forth to truly acknowledge that someone can be a great person but not your person. In releasing the fantasy that I attached to my relationship, I affirmed to myself that fairytale love does exist. Because I saved myself from a future that wasn’t meant for me, just like how the princes save princesses.

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    • Honestly, this letter is even more beautiful as I read it back right now. There is so much beauty and strength is this piece. You are unbelievable strong and you have such a beautiful heart, you fairytale love story is on its way. And you are right, you can’t make someone love you the way you want and deserve to be loved. You can only refuse to…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your words, Lauren! This was a hard piece to share, but our bit of conversation during the workshop reminded me that is a relatable experience. Hearing you share your bit of your relational history affirmed that we shouldn’t give up on the things we believe in.

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    • Hi Alicia. What an incredible and moving letter. To leave something after so long and something you wanted so much had to be very tough. Took a lot of strength. I’m glad you have that strength

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      • Thank you for recognizing my strength, Jim! I couldn’t have made such a transition if it weren’t for others in my life also reminding me of the strength I have.

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        • Of course Alicia. Your strength is very easily recognizable. Making difficult decisions is not an easy thing to do. Few can. But I think , while others reminding you certainly helps, you are certainly capable of making that transition by yourself, but also smart enough to lean on others to help you too. Your strength is clear. And will only grow 🙂

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    • Alicia,

      I applaud you for making not the right decision, not the wrong decision but the best decision for YOUR life. You analyzed the level of depth that was lacking in your relationship that wasn’t there. You knew what makes you happy and you found yourself still searching. The power and courage it takes to let go of someone rather than to h…read more

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      • Jamie, I absolutely loved that you positioned my decision outside of the terms wrong/right because I struggled with that for a while. Prioritizing myself over my relationship made me feel selfish, but it was truly about me taking control of my future. Thank you for speaking such kind words into my life!

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        • Alicia,

          I definitely felt that struggle in your words in your letter. Your story hits home more than you know and has challenged me to think which I appreciate. You mentioned feeling selfish at that time. If you look at any great person they’ve separated themselves from being average because of the sacrifices they’ve made. That’s why you’v…read more

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    • I know it is hard to lose a relationship especially when you’ve been going on for almost a long time in your life. You are really strong for making a huge decision in order to take care of yourself.

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    • Yes, this is true. I looked for mine dream story and life many years ago and it took me only two years to realize I wasn’t getting it. I grew up on such dreams and now I’m not sure if I really believe in it any longer. We teach our kids, as well as read the fantasy books as they’re growing up and they believe in these stories, just as we did…read more

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    • This is so empowering. Your words speak volumes about your strength. We all have a dream and that dream is reachable always. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow of what we call life to understand ourselves on a deeper level. I’m so happy that you understood your worth. Your person will show up right on time. 🙂

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    • Alicia, thank you for sharing. I too had this experience. I was in a relationship for 12 years, one that I felt like if I kept trying and trying it would be what I wanted. It would be the perfect relationship. Or not perfect, but it would work. We would work. Ending something you have been working on for so long is so difficult. Admitting that you…read more

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  • Why I broke off my engagement and what it taught me

    Dear Unsealed Community,

    When I was 19 years old, I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to chase my dream as a sportscaster. In pursuit of that dream,  I started working at the NBA. I commuted two hours from Columbia University to New Jersey, three days a week, because I was committed. I wanted to network with people who worked in sports. I wanted to hone my writing skills and learn more about the broadcasting industry. This job was supposed to be the first step to the rest of my life. But it nearly took me off course, and everyone, except me, thought I should be thrilled.

    While working at the NBA, I met someone. He was my co-worker. We had the same schedule – or so I thought. I found out later that he was coming to work when he wasn’t scheduled to spend more time with me. We got along so well. We could talk for hours and hours about anything and everything. Soon after meeting, we started dating, and our relationship escalated quickly. Within a year, he left the NBA and began working in finance. We moved in together in an apartment in New York City and got engaged. I was only 21 years old – still a senior in college. He treated me well. We had no drama – no lying, no cheating, no bullshit—just two young people who genuinely enjoyed each other’s company.

    He checked every box.

    My parents were happy. My friends thought I was so lucky. And in society’s eyes, my life was going very well.

    The only problem was that I was miserable. I was not ready to be someone’s wife. I didn’t want to sacrifice opportunities for my career for a relationship. My ring felt like a handcuff, chaining me to a life I didn’t yet want.

    I stayed in the relationship for four years because, logically, we made sense. According to society, this relationship is what I should want. But I was so unhappy which led me to question myself more times than I could count.

    “Why don’t I want this relationship?”

    “How come I am not on cloud nine?”

    “Isn’t this is what I should want?”

    “Is there something wrong with me?”

    Ultimately, it took every ounce of strength I had to end the relationship. It was one the most difficult decisions I have ever made, as I had to hurt someone I loved – someone who never would have hurt me.

    However, I knew, long term, it wasn’t fair to either one of us if I stayed in a relationship that I didn’t genuinely want. In the days, weeks and months following our breakup, I felt a sense of relief and freedom. I pursued my career, moved out of New York, and I have since chased every single dream or goal I’ve ever had.

    To this day, people still think I was crazy to end the relationship – especially since I am now 36 and single. But I have never had any regrets.

    Looking back, I learned that sometimes we doubt ourselves when our desires differ from the expectations the world sets for us. But deep down, each of us know what we want, and all we need is the courage to pursue it relentlessly.

    Be who you are – not who others expect you to be.


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    • Sometimes the hardest this is letting go of what no longer serves you. I’m glad that you left a situation that made you unhappy. You pursued your dream and look where you are now!! Thank you for sharing.

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    • This is amazing. It sucks to let go of those you love but if it doesn’t make you happy you shouldn’t sacrifice your happiness to appease others. Things change but life goes on. Thank you for sharing

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  • I surprised myself

    Dear Unsealers,
    In a world ever changing technologically, it is sometimes difficult to keep up. I know this because I came to the computer late in life.
    About 25 years ago I was hired as a pharmaceutical sales representative. My new employer handed me a computer and told me that everything I do in the field needs to be recorded on the computer. That included physician discussions, sampling activity and goals for the next sales interaction. In addition, I was told to set up my whole territory on excel sheets and create pie charts displaying market share. Oh my gosh! I was overwhelmed and terrified. Could I ever master this machine or would it be my great downfall?
    I decided I was going to have to learn a new skill. I sought guidance and tutorials from my more knowledgeable peers. I practiced every night following the instructions as to how to do different tasks. Also, the company help desk employees became my good friends.
    I discovered in myself that I could actually learn a new skill even when that skill seemed really daunting. Today I am pretty proficient on the computer. It feels like I climbed a tall mountain, got to the top, breathed in some fresh air and then patted myself on the back and screamed I did it!!



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    • And don’t you feel much better about it? We can do anything we truly put our mind to, especially if we’re willing to learn, and the thing is, we’re never too old in life to learn something, even if we’re too old to perform it daily, we can still learn.

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      • Hi Karen, Thank you for your feedback. I really like what you said. You made me feel proud of my accomplishment which came late in my life.Stay in touch!

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    • You did it!! It’s a funny thing fear is. It’ll try to knock you down and tell you that you can’t do it but with strength you over came that and now you have a new valuable skill. Thank you for sharing.

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      • Hi Mavis,
        How sweet of you to recognize my struggle and comment. Yes with determination we can accomplish almost anything in life, i will try to remember this. Thank you for inspiring me. All the best!

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  • What I love about me

    To The Unsealed Community,

    When I was ten years old, I was in love.

    I grew up in the 1990s, and like most other girls in my generation, I thought Jonathan Taylor Thomas, aka JTT, was my future husband. He played Randy on Tim Allen’s Home Improvement. I had posters of him in my room, and I listened to love songs imagining the two of us on long walks in the park.

    Ahead of my eleventh birthday, my father asked what I wanted as a gift.

    I told my Dad, “I would like to meet JTT.”

    My Dad chuckled and said, “What’s your second choice?”

    I said, “Dad, there is no second choice. That is what I want.”

    He told me he didn’t have that kind of power. So, I said fine and told him I would figure it out myself.

    Later that week, I went on the internet and started searching. I knew there had to be a way to meet my crush. It wasn’t long before I stumbled across a charity event for Audrey Hepburn’s charity for children. The event hosted movie premiers, fashion shows, and after-parties with child stars in New York City, forty minutes away from my home. The list of child actors had to be one hundred deep: Mara Wilson, Michelle Trachtenberg, Rider Strong, Devon Sawa, and, sure enough, Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

    Tickets for events were cheap – $10 -$40 per event, per person. So, for my birthday, my mother and I got a hotel room in the city, and I attended JTT’s premiere of the movie Wild America. I manipulated my way to the front of the crowd and befriended JTT’s security, who arrived at the theater a half hour before JTT did. As luck would have it, like every other man in the world, the security guard had a crush on my mother. I ended up in the elevator with JTT and got a picture and a kiss on the cheek. And then, he sat right behind me in the theater. I swear there were moments when he leaned forward, and I could feel him breathing on my neck. The next day at the fashion show, the security guard snuck us backstage. I met nearly every star there, and my 11-year-old self was in heaven.

    One of the qualities I love most about myself is I go after what I want. I don’t take no for an answer. I believe I was born with this relentless and determined spirit.

    Whether it was meeting JTT at eleven years old, becoming a sportscaster in my 20s, or starting a business in my 30’s, I have never taken “No” for an answer. No has always just meant, “Find another way.”

    Through the years, the stakes have increased, and the challenges are sometimes even more unrealistic. But without looking back, I have continued after whatever I have wanted in life.

    Even if some days are hard, I live life with no regrets, no what ifs or would have, could have, should haves.

    And while I may not have married JTT, like I once planned. Going after him, along with all the other things I love in life, has made me love myself and all that I am even more.


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    • You are so inspiring. You have that go getter mentality and I love it. Never lose that let of you. It’s a blessing. To be so motivated and grab what you want most. Thank you for sharing.

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    • You’re like the real life wonder woman. Determined and fearless in your endeavors, and never gives up no matter the situation. You truly are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing

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  • Love was my Safe Haven

    Dear unsealed community,
    When I was 23 years old I was living with my parents and 2 sisters in Nanuet,N. Y. My father, who was a chemical engineer, owned and aerosol factory. One night we got a call from the Haverstraw police. My father’s factory blew up in the middle of the night. My father drove the 20 minutes up to Haverstraw at 3:00am to see his building burnt to the ground. Thank goodness no one was hurt.
    Unfortunately this event meant my Dad had to find another place to make a living. He was offered a job working for a company in Lima,Ohio. He was going to merge with this company before the fire. Now he was forced to go work for them. This turn of events led to a very scary time for me personally. My parents had to move away and leave me and my sister in New york where we were both enrolled in college.
    For the next year I had so much anxiety and felt so sad. My parents were so far away. I missed them so much. I cried every night.
    After a year I met my husband Alan. He was very comforting. He understood how I felt because he was very close with his family.He became my safe space.
    Talking about my feelings with Alan, who was a great listener, helped to release my fears and anxieties. He even came with me the first time I went to visit my parents in Ohio. After a couple of years my coping skills became stronger and I mentally began to accept that I would never be able to live with my parents again. Time does tend to heal wounds. Having a safe space and person like my husband to support me is a gift I will appreciate for the rest of my life.

    Shelley Brill

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    • This is touching, and we don’t realize when we’re growing up that one day we would have to do without our parents. We figured that they will always be with us, until they’re not. It’s very hard, but as you stated, you do heal, you do one day get passed that, but it’s hard at first. What makes it better is when you find someone else to help feel…read more

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    • Isn’t crazy how growing up looks so different for everyone. I can’t imagine what that must have felt like to have your parents move away. I’m so glad that you were able to find your person. Time does heal all wounds and talking about it often helps heal you. We truly don’t realize how fast we’re growing up until we’re forced to become fully indep…read more

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  • To My Surprise, I Found My Courage

    It was 12 months into the covid pandemic. It was a very challenging time for the world. Personally, I was struggling. I hadn’t seen my daughter for a year and only saw my son from a long distance a few times even though he lived close by.
    Then we started to be feel bolstered by the fact that a vaccine was coming in April. Could this vaccine really change the trajectory of this virus? Could I see my daughter again who was isolated alone in a building in florida? A year is a very long time to to be separated from your child. I was hopeful but frightened.
    What was I frightened about? Actually the exact thing that gave me hope at the same time really scared me as well. I wondered. Is this vaccine safe? How would it effect my health, my husband’s health and my children’s health. What would happen when they injected the virus into my body. I had always worked so hard to live a healthy lifestyle. Now I was putting a new vaccine into my body that did not have many years of research behind it. It was not just scary. It was terrifying.
    Well the day came when my
    husband and I had to drive to Jersey City Medical Center to get that first vaccine. We both were nervous but I decided to trust the scientists and pharmaceutical industry which I have been a part of for the last 45 years. Since Alan and I are older we were getting the vaccine before our children. This turned into another form of motivation for me. I thought I will take this vaccine to give researchers more information as to how people tolerate the vaccine. So we masked up to the point that Alan and I looked like astronauts going into space. We gave the nurse our information, rolled up our sleeves. I started to sob. I cried for several reasons. Sadness for all the suffering covid had brought to the world, fear I was going to die at that moment but most importantly I cried because I arrived at this moment where I found my bravery. I faced my fear took the shot and thought perhaps our world would turn around and we could reunite with love ones. Perhaps we could all live again. My tears eventually turned to joy and pride that day. Could there be a light at the end of this dark tunnel? Well I am here and thank goodness my family is too.

    Shelley Brill

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    • Hello Mrs. Brill,

      Thanks for sharing this. You were definitely not alone in having so many emotions related to the vaccine. I had a lot of emotions surrounding it too. I find it refreshing when people are able to share their emotions so freely and vulnerably without putting down people who have different perspectives. Your letter is so raw,…read more

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    • OMG, this touched me so much, I felt it so deeply, because I understood every word stated. I too was scared of the vaccine, not only because it was new, but because I have/had many other illnesses that the vaccine may effect and I think it did, but I wanted to spend time with my daughter/grandkids, so I did it. But a little time after having it, I…read more

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    • Covid was such a scary time. The vaccines were even scarier for a second there. I can’t believe that we as a collective experienced something so chaotic. I’m so glad that you were able to face your fear and we’re able to reunite with your loved ones. Thank you for sharing.

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  • Sade Bess shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

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    Something To Prove

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • J.Lovell shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

    Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

    Historically anytime I really desired to do something that I really wanted to do I just did it, even though sometimes there would be doubt I would still do it. And anytime I just stayed in my comfort zone I almost never got what I desired. So now that I’ve experienced both getting out and staying in a com fort zone I know that going for what you desire is better than the regret of doing anything. Cause then you’ll live in regret, which weights tons
    Right now as I write this letter I’m doing something that’s out of the box for me, which is a program I’m taking which once I accomplish I know it will make me a much better person. Also I desire to take this program for a long time and now I get to take the program after a long time attempting to find it.
    Every time I go out of my comfort zone overall I actually always feel incredibly thankful that I took that jump because if I didn’t or refuse I know it will be on my mind until its accomplished one way or another.

    Overall through the course of this letter I highlighted the consequence of now going after your dreams and staying in your comfort zone so with that being said I desire to say this last thing. Jack Canfield once said “You are not allowed to have a dream that you can’t make come true”. So go and accomplish your dream “You can’t spell the word goal without the word GO” so go do it, manifest it, accomplish it. You Can Do It!!!
    P.S that last quote was one of my own.

    Jairus Lovell

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    • Thank you so much for educating us on what not to do. We all fall victim to our comfort zone all to often I greatly appreciate the chart as I am a visual learner. I will implement this in my career and everyday life. Thank you!

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    • This is great, and I loved that last quote. I never pay any attention to how the word Go just happens to be in the word Goal, it fits. We should always go after our dreams, whether we complete it or not. The idea is to go for it. How would you ever know if you can’t do it, if you don’t even try. A lot of people are afraid of going for their goal,…read more

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    • There’s this saying “YOLO” meaning you only live once and this screams YOLO. Stepping out of your comfort zone to do something you’ve never done before if one of the best things you could do because you’ll just be thinking “what if I did it” if you didn’t do it. You are 100% right

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  • We’ll Be a Dream

    As most young children, I had many different dreams for my future. For a while I was completely set on being a princess. I mean, who doesn’t want that true love that’s portrayed in all of the Disney movies? Over time I ditched the glitz and glamour dream for one a bit more adventurous: I wanted to be a spy! As expected, I didn’t end up pursuing that dream, but I definitely was an observant child. As I grew older, I toyed with the idea of pursuing a career as a teacher. I thought about what subject I’d teach, and for a while I said English and creative writing were my favorite, but that was until I found myself loving my psychology class. The idea of understanding how the brain worked and how people operate was so interesting to me, and over time it has become so much more for me.

    Truth be told, I never saw myself pursuing a career in psychology, and honestly, I still don’t! I could have gone to a university and dove into the field, but I knew that meant more school and taking on thousands of dollars in debt. Instead of doing what everyone else was doing, I did what I felt was right for me, and that was working full time and moving out of my parents’ place. At 19, even though most of my friends were either staying with their parents or living in a dorm, I still felt that I was getting out of there too late. Since the age of seven, I had been living with functioning alcoholics who didn’t seem to enjoy each other’s company. I witnessed angry arguments, suffered emotional and verbal abuse, and knew too much about adult issues as a child. I knew that being in that space with my parents was not healthy for me, and I had to get out as soon as possible. As I sit here at 27, after going through years of being on different anxiety medications and seeing different therapists, I feel so blessed to live in a time where mental health is being discussed, and I want to be part of that discussion.

    In my parents’ generation, and really all of the older generations, mental health was not something that was well known or talked about. People didn’t discuss how childhood trauma affects you later on in life, or how there is usually a psychological reason for addiction, so they all did their best with the information they knew. Nowadays, there is more access to different types, of therapy, as well as helpful resources that are free online. When you know more about yourself and how your brain developed, it makes it easier to understand yourself. For me, growing up in a chaotic environment had an effect on my nervous system, and this was something I discovered once I was living out on my own with my boyfriend. I was so ready to escape from the constant screaming and arguing and just be with the person who made me the happiest. Going from chaos, to a quiet, loving environment was everything I needed, but it didn’t feel that way at first.

    Once we were settled into our new apartment, I had a sense of relief and I felt like I was finally in control of my life. Unfortunately, early on it was apparent that I was obsessed with control and I still felt this irritability and anger deep down inside me. I’d find myself having many “off” days and days where I would have complete breakdowns, and it honestly only made me angrier because I couldn’t understand why this was happening. I felt like my brain was on fire and I was constantly racing some imaginary clock that I could never catch up to, and I was always so hard on myself. It wasn’t until I saw a therapist who actually listened to me that I actually felt like I understood myself. She explained how being in an unpredictable environment as a child can lead to the need to control, and helped me find healthy ways to cope with my anxiety. I finally started feeling like there was hope for me and I would be able to live happily without medications, and I am lucky to say that I am doing that today.

    Seven years ago, I embarked on a healing journey that I am still on today. I tried different anxiety medications over long periods of time, and even took breaks when I probably shouldn’t have. I saw therapists that I didn’t find helpful, and still hung around toxic people. I still had my breakdowns, but breakthroughs as well, and I over time I learned to acknowledge those. Over the years, I had questioned many things about myself and my life, but there was one thing I knew, and that was that I wanted to raise a family in the future. When I was thinking about my future, I knew that I wanted to be a calm mother who didn’t project her own anxieties onto her kids. I knew that I wanted their father to be someone who I enjoyed seeing every day, and we’d have a love that our children would admire and strive for. I knew that if I wanted these things in my life, that I had to be dedicated to my healing and mental health.

    I’d like to say that I was going to therapy for me, but it initially was for my boyfriend. I knew I had a great person by my side, and he truly deserved me at my best self. He didn’t have to deal with my angry outbursts or my coldness, and I didn’t want to keep giving that to him. He saw who I was beneath all of the anxiety and fear from the beginning, and to this day, he still helps me in every way he can. At my lowest, he helped me set up my appointments and would accompany me to them, and today he appreciates and acknowledges my growth. I look forward to the future to when we have a family of our own, knowing we will be able to take the knowledge we have and raise our children in a healthy, loving environment. Of course, life still has challenges, and there is always going to be growing to do; now that I have developed better coping skills, I am able to look to the future with visions of hope and positivity, rather than fear and anxiety. Learning from my therapist taught me so much about myself, and I truly believe everyone can benefit from therapy. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to therapy, which is why it is important to spread awareness by spreading our stories and sharing resources.

    My dream may seem like a simple dream: have a husband and some children- but it is so much deeper than that. Of course, that is my dream for myself and my future family, but overall, my dream is for everyone to be their best selves. Some people may feel like they don’t deserve it, or maybe it feels like healing will be impossible, but this is the best time to do it. People may feel there is still a stigma around going to therapy, but there is nothing wrong with wanting better for yourself. Mental health is finally being talked about more regularly in media and on larger platforms, and the more awareness we spread, the more of us can heal. I truly believe that if everyone learned how to love themselves and stop judging themselves so harshly, the world would be a better place. I honestly also still believe that we all deserve that love that princesses get in the Disney movies! This is why I joined this community, and this is why I continue to raise my voice about mental health and spreading love- I believe that we can all be a dream.


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    • Wow! Jena this is so real. This is so powerful and this is so well written. I am sorry that you grew up in such a toxic environment but I give you a ton of credit for figuring out what you needed to do to heal, to create healthier relationships in your life than the ones you witnessed growing up, and to create home that is filled with love and…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your feedback! I am glad that I was effectively able to get my message across while being my authentic self, and I could show the love we have! I am so blessed do have started on this healing journey and only hope that this gets out to anyone who is struggling with mental health! Thanks again and I am so happy to be here!

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    • Roger, I appreciate this and you so much! I am so happy to hear that you’re working through past traumas and working to be your best self! Life definitely has it’s challenges, but having good support and resources is so nice. I am glad I joined a community full of accepting people and I am touched by your words. I look forward to reading your pos…read more

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    • Hi Jena,
      Your letter is very powerful. I understand how painful it must have been to live with 2 alcoholic parents. No child should have to be exposed to that toxicity. The upside of your journey is that you have gotten the help you needed and you have a vision for a healthy and stable life for yourself. Congratulations on doing the work…read more

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      • Thank you for your kind words, Shelley! I love my parents and luckily today I do have a good relationship with both of them, and it definitely has to do with boundaries that I have set for myself. I do feel like everything happens for a reason, and we can all try to see the good in bad situations; like you said, I was able to get the help I…read more

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    • Amazing letter! I’m glad that mental health is being talked about on social media, especially since it’s also the app that leads many into mental health problems. They are being judged and judging themselves because of it. We need to let people know It’s time to stop judging yourself and start loving yourself. It’s okay to go to therapy, it’…read more

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      • I agree 100%, Kayjuh! Now that more research is coming
        out on the effects of social media, it makes me want to learn and spread more information about it! I found myself a lot happier once I limited my social media accounts (I deleted twitter a couple years ago, and I dont go on Facebook anymore). It’s so important for us to pay attention to w…read more

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    • Hi Jena,

      I got lost in your words because they were so incredible. Like yourself, I fell in love with Psychology. Reading my sister’s school books made me get into it. It was fascinating learning why humans make the decisions that we make. I also learned that I never wanted a career in Psychology either after a few years of studying it. It’s a…read more

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      • Hello Gerald,

        Thank you for being so kind! Yeah, I knew that I didn’t want to be anyone’s therapist, because I knew I needed one of my own. In the past I’d often say to myself “how am I going to help others when I can’t even help myself.” I am blessed to say that I have abandoned that mindset, as I realized that I actually can help myself. I…read more

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        • You’re welcome, Jena! I hear you. I had those same thoughts when I was studying to be a life coach. I can’t guide others when I still need to guide myself. I’m glad I learned that I didn’t want to be a life coach. I love your passion for mental health! You’re welcome btw. I’m glad I saw your letter, and thank you for the well-wishes!

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    • Healing from childhood trauma can be difficult and hard to face. I’m so happy that you were able to develop healthy relationships and create a home full of love. Thank you for sharing.

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    • This is amazing. Even though you had a stressful upbringing you managed to change for the better because you deserved better and because the trauma was eating you up inside. Thank you for sharing

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  • One Opportunity Can Open Many Doors

    Imagine a world where you developed the confidence and positive mindset that you CAN achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to, and just give it a try and go do it!
    Don’t fear that your weakness or negative mindset will take over.
    You may be completely shocked by the outcomes, but here’s the truth:
    You’ve had this positive mindset and confidence in you ALL along.

    Trust me when I say this:
    I NEVER thought I’d see the day where I would finish this extremely challenging 40in.x 60in. commission painting of a customer’s NYC apartment view.
    I NEVER even thought I’d get opportunities THIS huge, in regards to being a small art business owner;
    However, this opportunity and the progression of this painting throughout almost an entire year of so many hours and days of hard work, the time dedicated, and the skills obtained,
    has finally raised the high hopes for me to know in my heart, that I’ve needed all along.
    It helped me feel that I really have been capable ALL along, to step outside of my comfort zone by doing this sort of challenge, and I can accomplish so much more, all while chasing my dreams as a creative and disabled artist.

    This IS why I never give up. It is because of these accomplishments that may “appear” so small in my eyes, but continue to open many others other bigger doors in my artistic journey.

    This city painting may just be the one commission that would help make my whole “tiny”, not so “well-known” art business to truly thrive, and finally allow my artwork to reach and bring joy to many more individuals, as I have always wanted it to.

    This should be an example for you all to NEVER give up, and to not ever fear to step outside of your own comfort zone. This should be an inspiration for you all to never stop holding on to what you hope, dream, and live for.

    I was once there;
    before this painting commission, I doubted myself in more ways than any 27 year old should.
    I am now recently 28 years old, and I am starting to finally try and refuse allowing myself to feel any sort of doubt or let my negative mindset control me from any individuals’ negative words or judgements.

    The positive and optimistic “Alexandra” …IS out there, and despite her letdowns, and her hardships, along with anyone who has ever doubted her or continues to doubt her,
    She is finding the strong woman she has always had inside of her this entire time;
    more than EVER before.

    Each day is a new beginning, and a chance for new positive opportunities to arise.

    It is important to keep in mind that when one door closes, another BIG one opens…
    And those “doors” for opportunities will ALWAYS be there, and will never stop coming or opening.

    Never stop chasing your dreams;
    And if anyone tries to doubt you, know in your heart that you have had the strength and confidence in you all along to believe in yourself to fulfill your dreams.
    You have always had it in you for you to be able to develop the skills to see past the ones who doubt you, and continue to thrive and truly be who and where you have always wanted to be.

    Always remember:
    One opportunity can and WILL open many other doors for you if you continue to never give up on chasing your truest dreams.

    -Alexandra “Allie” Mazzola

    Alexandra Lee Mazzola

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    • Alex your letter is truly amazing! We should never give up on our goals, and always remember it is never too late to chase our dreams. If you ever feel like you’re stuck, remember that it takes a lot of courage to always push forward and not back down. The same strength it takes to strive for something new, is the same strength it takes to stay…read more

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      • Hi, Kayjah!!
        Aw thank you so much for your kind words!! That means a lot to me. I needed to hear and read that this morning, so I appreciate you for commenting this on my letter!! I cannot wait until I am able to keep up with my artistic journey and balance it with everything else that is going on, so I can truly thrive in life!! There is so much…read more

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    • Thank you so much, Roger!!! Everyone I met and continue to meet here through this platform and through Lauren and the Unsealed has truly made me so grateful and blessed. To be able to receive all your kind words and feel a sense of confidence to continue with my art and spreading inspiration is truly rewarding for me as well. Love you all!!

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    • Great letter, Alexandra. It seems like a lot of us have a lot of doubt that keeps us from seeing the greatness we have within. I’m glad you’re starting to overcome the negative mindset and doubt that you felt. It’s a hard road to drive, but with practice, the road gets smoother for us.
      Your paintings are amazing btw! You got mad talent!

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      • Aww thank you so much!! That means a lot to me. I’m glad I am also helping to inspire others. You have such great wisdom as well and It makes me happy that you found this site and Lauren as well!! This is truly a great platform. I for one couldn’t be any happier I found this as well!

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        • You’re welcome!! I’m glad it meant a lot to you. I appreciate the kind comment. I just share what I think could help others (like what you and others do here on The Unsealed). I’m happy I found this site and Lauren too!!! I still can’t believe I know someone who used to be a sportscaster! How wild is that?!? I agree with you, this is an amazing…read more

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    • I love this little reminder to not let a closed door get you down. Opportunities are always arising. It’s like making choices. They ebb and flow. Thank you for sharing.

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      • Thank you so very much! I am glad my story and words can help remind others that opportunities will always come. They most certainly do ebb and flow!!
        You are very welcome. I am just happy to be a part of this lovely community. It makes me happy to be able to continue inspiring others who may need a reminder that they are going to get through any…read more

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    • You are an inspiration. You knew your potential and you would stop at nothing to get there. You knew your greatness and you wouldn’t listen to the negativity. Thank you for sharing

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      • This means a lot to me. Thank you so much. I have recently endured many life challenges and they have tested my own strength and mental health yet again, making me question what is going to come next in my life.
        However, I know something bigger and better is coming.
        I’m sure I will be more active here soon as well. It is taking some time, but I…read more

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

    My motivation

    As far as a childhood dream, there was always baseball player or basketball player. Things like that. But at about the same time I realized those were far fetched, I realized that all I really wanted was to emulate my parents and make them as proud of me as possible. I realized that nothing would be more important. Seeing how they took care of me and my brother and sister made me know that this was all I wanted. And everything would fall in place after that. Modest? Maybe. But it was plenty enough for me
    I guess the challenges of realizing the dream came in the form of every day life. The struggles. The potential wrong paths to hopefully not go down. Situations that would arise that would test my resolve to do what my parents would do. Then as I grew older and didn’t have kids, I was never able to think like a parent and put myself exactly in their shoes. Being on my own at college was when I first had to think “what would mom and dad want me to do”? Because they weren’t there with me.It took some getting used to.
    My why is pretty simple : just to be the best Jim Corrao that I can. Like my parents, I live a pretty modest life. They had their fun w gambling trips, golf trips for dad, things like that. But they always put us first and never let anything distract them from taking care of us. I try to do the same with people around me- take care of them, support them. Just be a good person. Live a good life, be a good brother and friend , and make my parents proud. That’s what drives me
    I’m glad I have my why because it made me what I am today. Perfect? Not even close. Were my parents perfect? Nope. But as they got older and nearing their passing, I knew that the only thing to do was be with them and do whatever possible for them. I did that. And I will never have regrets in that regard. They are gone now, but their voices are as vocal as ever in my mind. Still helping me. To help them and still hear them is why I’m glad I never gave up on my why. Thanks for laying the blueprint mom and dad. Love you and miss you. But I still hear you 🙂
    James Corrao

    James Corrao

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    • James I am glad that you didn’t give up on your why. Your parents helped you build this and your letter of how you kept pushing will help me as long as I keep pushing forward. The only thing that’s changed is that now, instead of being lost in the woods, I, like you, have in a way, a map to guide me. Your letter is an eye opener.

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      • Hi Kayjah. Wow. Thank you for the very kind words. I’m glad that my letter had a positive impact on you. That means a whole bunch. Yeah we had a simple household, but a very fun one. Dad worked hard at Chrysler. We never were without anything. They were tough. But very fair. Their wisdom will be with me through the years. Thanks again for r…read more

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    • Your parents sound to be like amazing people. You are so lucky to have such a support system. It’s important to never give up on your “why”. Thank you for sharing.

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      • Jim replied 12 months ago

        Thank you Mavis. I certainly was lucky to have the parents that I did. All they did was care about us. And yet still lived their lives to the fullest. Thanks again 😊

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    • I so love this, thinking back and having a Why to decide, mostly for your parents. Wanting to do right by them. So, I understand this. My parents weren’t perfect as well, I don’t think any are, but they gave me life and took care of my needs, and that’s a parent. As my parents aged, I wasn’t so much at my father’s side, as he had remarried after…read more

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    • You are so wise and this letter is beautiful. You realized your purpose and you really wanted to do. It took some trial and error but you finally decided and stuck to it. Thank you for sharing

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  • Telina shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

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    I didn’t give up the dream, I adapted it.

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  • She

    Dearest she,

    I never took the time to thank you; You have carried me through these trials with patience.
    I have bled, scarred, and rejuvenated under your tutelage.
    I am grateful for your reminder to be better than the shadows that have always followed me so diligently; while darkness spread, you molded caves of truth. As you roamed in the deep crevices of my sentiments, you fabricated dimensions of safety. Cautiously translating those corrupted images into languages only you and I could ever comprehend.
    Frankly, I am pained by the routes you have taken. These heels, carved with your roots, still seem to find their way through the trees. I turned a blind eye to the breadcrumbs of my ancestors while passing the familiar yet empty roadstead, only for the outcome to be the same. I am grateful for your beautiful insanity, courage, and your uniqueness.
    Carefully cultivated on your terms, I carry your teachings with me as I do my mothers.
    I stand forever indebted to you for never shielding me from opportunity.
    Your passion has kept me in constant fruition. There is no one I would rather travel through this metamorphosis we call life. I may not have treated you with the fairness you deserved throughout these years.
    You have never disregarded my tears.
    You have used them to water my fears so I may face them with you by my side. You have demolished my dragons. Your sword has yielded my path towards greatness.
    Someone once said that in unity, there is strength, and together we are one.
    This matrix may be deadly, but all my strength has come from the cries of our wars.
    I am she, you are me, and we are together. There is no “one” dream. I have many. I will keep pushing and shoving through the heavy waterfalls I blindly throw myself in.
    I know now that the love I found within you, self, I am strong and can do it all.
    Thank you.


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  • sarita shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

    When Push Comes to Love

    Love has taken me many places and taught me so many important lessons. I truly believe that love is the best teacher in the world. Love is vast and can change your life. This is what love has taught me over the years and is what motivates me to make it through the dark days and to celebrate the beautiful ones.
    The Greeks had seven words for the emotion of love. I have always loved this fact since I learned it when I was younger. The form of love that always stood out to me was Agape, which is the word for empathetic, universal love. My younger self was drawn to that because I realized that this type of love I felt in my bones, a love that connects the world.
    This idea of love that can exist between anyone on earth was very moving to me when I was very ill with a Bipolar disorder and a Neurological condition. This condition was caused by the medication I was taking for my Bipolar disorder and ended up having to have multiple brain surgeries. Not only did the idea of Agape help me to survive this very dark time in my life, but love in general gave me strength to always move forward. I was in the hospital for two months with a brain infection. My parents love, love from friends, love in any form, was what pushed me through.
    I worked hard to get better not only physically, but emotionally as well. Learning to lead with love has been such a gift to my life. I finally feel healthy both physically and emotionally. This is something I quite honestly believed might not ever happen for me.
    Love changed my mind. Love saved me and has motivated me to be the best version of myself.

    Sarah Perez

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    • I really enjoyed reading your letter. I completely agree love is so powerful and is definitely capable of healing. I loved the way you explained what love means to you and the type that you feel the most. Love is truly capable of saving people and getting them through their toughest times. You are so strong and it is amazing and inspiring that…read more

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      • Thank you! You are amazing! I throughly enjoyed meeting you via zoom. I can’t wait to see where you will be in journey when you are my age. Reach out anytime you want/need to talk. I think you are an inspiration to all of us and I cannot wait to read more of your work. Thank you for being so supportive!

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    • Although you had a very sick, depressed and negative life at the time, I’m glad that you were able to move forward with love in your heart. Love is your most powerful medicine and as always, if you want it, you can get it. When we are faced with illness or hardships, a friend’s or families love is what helps us to get through it.

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    • I love it, and Love is almost the key to everything, if people just open their eyes and believe. Let it happen. Love is truly what builds the universe, we just don’t share it enough. It would be such a better place to live, if we would just share it more. It’s so easy to share love, it costs nothing. You are worth being loved at all times. During…read more

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    • Love is a very powerful emotion. It can make or break you yet it connects us all. It protects us and nurtures us from the evils of the world. Thank you for sharing

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  • KitWriter shared a letter in the Group logo of Women's EmpowermentWomen's Empowerment group 1 years, 8 months ago

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    Invoking the Muse of Woman's Wisdom

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  • KitWriter shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

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    A Dream of Song

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  • Jim shared a letter in the Group logo of Chasing Your DreamsChasing Your Dreams group 1 years, 8 months ago

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    My motivation

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