Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic Poetry 4 days, 21 hours ago
If only you could feel it in person, it is even scarier! I am always driving by this forest and park where these pictures were taken. I felt and heard this creepy fog man. I also have another poem right under this one about him if you want to check it out!
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Kenia Polanco shared a letter in the
Poetry group 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Fog man
He started to mimic the cries of a child
The birds started their clicking sounds
Warnings in another language
Gun shots in the far distance
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Kenia, this is such an eerie and haunting poem. From the very first line, I am left feeling unsettled. What kind of creature, human or otherwise, mimics a child’s cry? To use that kind of deception to lure others in is truly evil and the fact that the birds realize it makes it even more frightening. Thank you for sharing this spooky poem!
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If only you could feel it in person, it is even scarier! I am always driving by this forest and park where these pictures were taken. I felt and heard this creepy fog man. I also have another poem right under this one about him if you want to check it out!
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Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be? 2 months, 3 weeks ago
It’s such a nostalgic and freeing experience! <3
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Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be? 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Yes! I couldn’t agree more. I think people put too much pressure on themselves when they think about writing. Especially in a time where everything is done on a computer. So many editing devices that we forgot what it’s like to have your fingers hurt from writing. I miss that feeling all the time.
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Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic Poetry 3 months ago
That was the goal! It was a creepy day. Thank you Lauren, I appreciate that so much! Hugs! <3
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Kenia Polanco shared a letter in the
Poetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago
The Fog
The Fog
The sky was wet
No drops
You could still smell the fall of it all on the blades of green
I can still hear its naked skin running across the forest
The crackling of the branches sounded like his jaw clicking
I’d open my mouth, trying to mimic his steps
The fear convinced me of what was getting closer
The vicious fog man
Grandiosity in his carnivorous form
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I can feel the energy and atmosphere through your words. Sending hugs. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren
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That was the goal! It was a creepy day. Thank you Lauren, I appreciate that so much! Hugs! <3
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kpolanco94 submitted a contest entry to
If you could send 1 message you’ve learned to every person in the world, what would it be? 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Fight or Write
Write it down. Leave nothing out of the paper. No spaces. You don’t have to buy a fancy notebook that makes it feel like a task or an obligation. It’s just you and your pen. If you use a pencil, you’ll correct yourself. There’s nothing that needs to be fixed or edited. It already happened. Don’t use your screens and fingertips. Take yourself back to a time when you didn’t stop until writing hurt your knuckles. When you were so into it, the writing stopped making sense to anyone but you. Talking to yourself won’t cut it. Let your thoughts watch you ink them out loud. Let your pain jump from you into the white surface. Let your scars open up and ooze onto the parchment. Write about when you’re delighted. When you dropped your first pencil in class. It was so quiet, and everyone was looking.
Did it hurt to be watched? You take these times with you wherever you go. Put them down so you can make space for every day. What now? Read them. You were there. You felt it happen. Being honest with yourself is more challenging when you’re distracted by everything around you. When you’re worried about someone else peeking in. Just make it all stop. Write it down. You don’t have to be a Scrabble champion to scribble. Doodle, turn it into life. Don’t throw it away. Look back at it to see how far your cow jumped over the moon. When it’s over, turn to the next page, get up, and live in the now.Voting is closed
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Kenia, writing is one of the most freeing experiences we can have as humans. We can write without worrying about others judging us. We can also write in order to get our thoughts and opinions out there for the world to see. The line “you don’t have to be a Scrabble champion to scribble” inspires me. Writing can be therapeutic if we let it. Thank…read more
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Yes! I couldn’t agree more. I think people put too much pressure on themselves when they think about writing. Especially in a time where everything is done on a computer. So many editing devices that we forgot what it’s like to have your fingers hurt from writing. I miss that feeling all the time.
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I could not agree more. There is something so freeing about writing, and it is a bit magical to use a pen and paper and sit somewhere beautiful and just write. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren
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It’s such a nostalgic and freeing experience! <3
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Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic Write a letter about leaving your comfort zone 1 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for saying that! I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart 💕
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kpolanco94 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your ideal self 1 years, 3 months ago
Time Capsule
Hey pal,
It’s the first snow of November, and you happened to cross my mind. It’s nice to know you’re still kicking. I’m proud of you. You did it! You overcame the hurdles and made sure you used those boots! I know you must still be hurting from wearing them every day. I know I am. I want you to know it’s okay. Those mistakes you made helped you get to where you are right now. You shouldn’t beat yourself up so much. I’m still your best friend. There’s no need to isolate yourself. I’m glad you put the beer down and bought the house. I feel a sense of fulfillment knowing you exist. I see you in my mind every day and aspire to be you. You’re who I’ve always wanted to be when I grew up.
I’m almost 30 now, but I’m still making some of the same mistakes. You’d be proud to know I’m on my way to you and what I’ve always wanted. Thanks for being patient. I feel like I can hold your hand. I can feel your existence and the sweet aroma of what is you. You can stop trying to be perfect now. I hope you never forget this moment. It’s okay to feel that hunger to grow continuously. You strive; that’s our thing. There will always be more, but that doesn’t mean that what you have right now is less. Smell the air, bask in it. We did it. If I haven’t said it today, I love you.Voting is closed
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Awww Kenia, this is absolutely beautiful! You are right, it’s Ok to be hungry to grow and be better and want more. That’s how we discover all the greatness inside of us. Keep pushing. keep striving. You got this. <3 Lauren
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Kenia Polanco responded to a letter in topic Chasing Your Dreams 1 years, 4 months ago
I really appreciate you for reading it and understanding <3
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kpolanco94 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter about leaving your comfort zone 1 years, 6 months ago
Moon River
What if I told you he took off my clothes like she did for you? If I told you he ignited a passion in me that I had forgotten about, would you survive it? If I told you I was bleeding as I wrote this, would you hand me a tissue or another beer? Comfort? I have left you out of sight and definitely in my mind. My thoughts now stream with anger like a river during a storm. It’s beautiful to see but difficult to endure. It takes everything with it, as you did to me. I’ve left the zone. No one called for help, even when I did. No one came. My tears are flooding the keyboard, like that river I told you about. I left you, my comfort, my zone. It hurt to leave as much as it hurt to stay. I laid my head here to sleep, my soul you kept and laughed as I wept. I felt your heartbeat close to mine, and even as we created love, I was the one who birthed it. I had to feed and care for my comfort. It bit me, and I bled. I wish you could hold me when I need it most, but the memories have turned me into a dustbowl of nothing. I can’t even take you with me. My winds have dwindled, and you have moved away from my desert. Don’t leave, don’t go. As far as comfort goes, this is home. The alcohol putrefied my veins after I convinced myself it was helping, distilling me and my impurities back to comfort. Even if it was for a minute, I wanted to taste your sweet sweat again. Salting my ocean, but really, it’s just your river, again.
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Aww Kenia, Keep pushing forward. You know what is best for you whether it is comfortable or not. Keep fighting for your best and healthiest life. I am cheering you on every step of the way. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren
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Thank you for saying that! I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart 💕
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Kenia Polanco shared a letter in the
Chasing Your Dreams group 2 years, 5 months ago
Dearest she,
I never took the time to thank you; You have carried me through these trials with patience.
I have bled, scarred, and rejuvenated under your tutelage.
I am grateful for your reminder to be better than the shadows that have always followed me so diligently; while darkness spread, you molded caves of truth. As you roamed in the deep crevices of my sentiments, you fabricated dimensions of safety. Cautiously translating those corrupted images into languages only you and I could ever comprehend.
Frankly, I am pained by the routes you have taken. These heels, carved with your roots, still seem to find their way through the trees. I turned a blind eye to the breadcrumbs of my ancestors while passing the familiar yet empty roadstead, only for the outcome to be the same. I am grateful for your beautiful insanity, courage, and your uniqueness.
Carefully cultivated on your terms, I carry your teachings with me as I do my mothers.
I stand forever indebted to you for never shielding me from opportunity.
Your passion has kept me in constant fruition. There is no one I would rather travel through this metamorphosis we call life. I may not have treated you with the fairness you deserved throughout these years.
You have never disregarded my tears.
You have used them to water my fears so I may face them with you by my side. You have demolished my dragons. Your sword has yielded my path towards greatness.
Someone once said that in unity, there is strength, and together we are one.
This matrix may be deadly, but all my strength has come from the cries of our wars.
I am she, you are me, and we are together. There is no “one” dream. I have many. I will keep pushing and shoving through the heavy waterfalls I blindly throw myself in.
I know now that the love I found within you, self, I am strong and can do it all.
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This is a beautiful poem. Thanking the good within you for keeping you strong and encouraging you through all the trials and tribulations. Thank you for sharing your journey with the good within you
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I really appreciate you for reading it and understanding <3
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kpolanco94 submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to someone who inspired you 2 years, 9 months ago
Dear Mom,
Dear mom,
I get it now. I understand the pain.
The regret before the regret. The desire for self-mastery.
But the failure of achievement creeps in like the sleepless nights you
encountered. The self-loathing in the shower. How tired were you? Truly. When Sis and I would fight over remotes while the kitchen
stove burned hot. How your bones must’ve
ached. Where did you find the patience? If so,
can I go to this place? Can you continue to
hold my hand through this? One day
we will all be ash. Somehow oblivion doesn’t
seem so scary looking through your eyes. The
eyes of a hero. My wolf queen. The creator of
us. Your power shines through our voices like
the howl of the moon. I love you. Thank you. I
get it now. The pain in your womb, the
emptiness that lies ahead when we walk our
separate paths, and I trip. You weren’t there to
catch me, and I can hear the fear in your voice.
I hear the echo of your worry ringing in me
when I close my eyes. I worry now too. When she leaves my
sight, even for a split second. I feel the emptiness. The loss of other parents. I feel their sorrow in every heartbeat until I see her again. This world is gross, mommy. You
showed me what it is to love purely. I call it
luck. I’ve seen the unfortunate events that
come with love. Love is pain. There’s beauty in
that. For you, I write. I print these letters with
the blood that came from my birth. With every breath,
these veins pulse with excitement to share the
truth. Your truth. What lies beneath the
umbilical whip of life. The nutrients of your
teachings. I carry them with me like a suitcase.
“Can’t leave home without it!” I always say.
Appreciate me. Know me. Love me. Take me
with you for protection, and I will be your pepper
spray. I will be the x on your map to treasures
unknown. I mark you 3×3 because I am you, and
you are me. We are we. Toes and hands alike.
Warriors against the ink that says we aren’t
worthy. We are not men. We are weak, they say. You
sure showed them! You are a legion of men.
Your strength carries me through every blink,
every inhale. Where did you find it? Where did
you get it? Is this another realm I do not know?
Can we visit it together? If there’s a road less
traveled, take me. Hold my hand as I hold
hers. Will I ever be able to fill your fuzzy socks? I aim to earn your title and wear it like a suit of armor. I hope to be the Matriarch you are to our clan. My dearest teacher, how can I part with you on this journey to your destination? In the end, we’ll all hold the batons. Dear mom. I get it now, I think.Voting is closed
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