

  • To My New Year,

    On January 1st of 2024, I found myself making a vision board for the year.
    I had done the same last year and looking back and seeing all that I had accomplished and followed through with gave me closure to the depressive episode I experienced in all 12 months of 2022. I had learned to ask for help, I learned to speak up, and place fresh soil under my feet to ascend me from the hole I had dug for myself. The hole a part of me planned to die in turned into a place for me to plant my feet and give myself flowers.
    My flowers have blossomed for this new year… and vision board… my goals are going to help me water them.
    For the first time in 10 years, I felt connected to a Bible verse. God and I’s letters have gotten mixed up in the mail and I eventually stopped writing him. I hated what he had put me through and the way he watched me suffer for years, but I realized… in moments when I sat on the floor of my bathroom, unable to breath, sleeves salty from crying into them, I spoke to him. I wanted someone to listen and he did, and now I know it’s time to break my “no- contact”. The night of January 8th I wrote to him for the first time. I apologized for my absence, explaining why I had been away for so long, and I felt… forgiven. In a moment where I expected ridicule and mercilessness, I was forgiven before my ink dried. I want to forgive myself in this way, learn to forgive others the same. I want to heal this year. This is the focus of my vision board. I want to express the kind of love I used to when I was growing up, the unknowing, the unconditional, the innocent. My goal is closing chapters from my childhood that felt unfinished. Stories I cannot rewrite for an outcome that better suits who I am today, but instead MAKE me who I am.
    So, in 2024 I ask God to grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Sydnee Cabrera

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    • That is one of my favorite quotes from the bible as well. And I am glad you reconnected with your faith. Faith in God, faith in yourself, faith in the universal — anything connected to faith is so powerful and can heal and give you peace. I think this year will be a continuation of your rise to happiness and making your dreams come true. You are t…read more

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  • in this moment, i am grounded

    imagine that you are a plant,
    tree, shrub, flower,
    whatever plant you desire to be,
    you are that plant.

    your feet are roots,
    grounded deep within the earth,
    you become one with nature,
    peacefully and gracefully growing.

    the sun rises casting a warm glow upon you,
    wind gently blows through your petals or leaves,
    bees and butterflies settle onto you,
    such small majestic beings.

    you stay grounded,
    in awe of the beauty found within nature,
    in awe of how the sunshine, grassy plains, mountains, and bodies of water,
    are the most magical of all.

    you are present in the moment,
    accepting that, you are in fact- a force of nature,
    filled with beauty and uniqueness,
    character found in each thorn, leaf, petal, or branch.

    storms come through from time to time,
    however; your roots are planted deeply into earth’s crust,
    thunder and lightning strike and rumble,
    just as the sun shall rise once more.

    i ask of you, to imagine yourself as a plant,
    to stay grounded, present, and most of all,
    embrace the fact that – you are a force of nature,
    even on the darkest, coldest, nights.

    i, myself, will do the same.

    i will grow in the sunshine,
    keep grounded during storms,
    be present in the moment,
    as each day passes on.

    Hannah Gray

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    • Hannah, This is so beautiful and a great mentality.
      I love this part:

      “i will grow in the sunshine,
      keep grounded during storms,
      be present in the moment,
      as each day passes on.”

      It is a great affirmation to read and say often. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and creativity with us and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you SO much! I try to actively remind myself of this everyday, especially on the hard days. With that being said, I greatly appreciate your kind feedback! 🙂

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  • 2024 is the year I choose me

    For years, I have chosen everyone else first
    I allowed myself to not even be on my own list of priorities
    I did not think I deserved to recognize on my own time with deserving the merits of love for myself
    I had everyone categorized in my mind as more important than me
    I was determined to not be a nuisance or cause anyone discomfort

    2020 changed me as it did others

    2020 made me aware of the importance of self stillness
    2021 taught me that I do not need to live up to others timelines, my own is important
    2022 woke up my internal clock of no longer delaying my own growth
    2023 broke me of any self doubt that was leftover of 2022 and set my path on fire
    2024 is the year I choose Me

    I choose to make myself a top priority on my own list
    I choose to make sure I know my worth and my value even when others question me
    I choose to be uncomfortable with not taking care of everyone else, first
    I choose making sure I know I am allowed to love myself honestly and fully
    I choose living up to my own expectations and I am looking forward to how this adventure unwinds over this year

    2024 is the year I choose me

    S. Ludlum

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    • Yes! Yes! Yes! Giving you the loudest standing ovation!

      I love this line, “I choose making sure I know I am allowed to love myself honestly and fully”

      I can’t wait to see where your life takes you as you follow your happiness!

      Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. This year is the beginning of so many…read more

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      • Thank you for your inspiration and support! This year is so far taking off to be one of meaningful connections and unfathomable opportunities! I am looking forward to being apart of a community that is part of uplifting one another! 2024 is a year for progress of self discovery as well as growth into the future!

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  • Goals for 2024

    In the Year 2024 Poem
    By Cyantha Key

    My goals in the Year 2024,
    In the year 2024, the word that comes to mind, is simply more.
    I want to expand my creativity and explore the depths of my creative capacity.
    I want to write the sonnets and poems etched in my heart.
    I want to tell tales from my neighborhood in short stories.
    I want to step out of the shadows of doubt and into the light of hopes and dreams.
    I want to make my mark on the world with my own voice and flair.
    I want to be a painter and a poet,
    A writer and a thinker,
    I want to be a visionary and artist,
    An innovator and an dreamer,
    In this year, I want to overcome trial and tribulations.
    I want the world to know I have a rich imagination.
    I want to bring joy and excitement to the minds of the gallery viewers.
    I want to motivate the minds of spectator, and plant joy in their hearts.
    I want to have the courage to say I was brave and bold.
    I won’t keep my genius stored in my heart,
    At the end of this year,
    I want the message to be clear,
    In 2024,
    I will be more,
    More braver,
    More stronger,
    More creative,
    More hopeful,
    More inspiring,
    More bolder,
    This year will be a year of more.

    Cyantha Key

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    • Cyantha! I can’t wait to see where all your mores take you! This is such an empowering piece! Keep demanding more from yourself and the world around you. You inspire me! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Ye Welcome The Year 2024

    The sound of a thousand semi automatic guns rang in the distant
    Echoing a turbulent welcome for a new years celebration once the clock struck 12
    With my body aching, Battling a cold with massive migraines marked the end to this year of 7.
    What a powerful flush of an energetic cleanse to my DNA as I transcend
    “I smiled with the knowing that This year means the scales are about to be balanced in my life once again” .
    In my mind I Watched the last piece of sand fell through the hour glass modeling the figure 8… a year of infinite possibilities, perhaps an overflow of delayed blessings ?
    As I sit now, writing at my desk draped in a cloak of protection. The Arch angels stand near as I pray for divine intervention for all the years I’ve cried JUSTICE
    Staring into the image of the jaguars eyes I know I’m next in line for a miracle.
    Goals for a peaceful life, a safe home somewhere near the mountains.
    Eager to be closer to God as I embark on this destined journey with my baby fish tinkering at my side.
    “Goals to find my tribe, and model world peace
    “ heal with the earth,”
    What a blessing to envision a silent escape from a ghost town, ridden in 7 deadly sins .
    A land of body bags covered in blood shed.
    I got my sights set forward, So now I can sow seeds on a land upon inheritance where the ancestors once weep.

    “ The mountainous red turf in a vortex of manna.”

    I Amplify my holy Trinity of self as I denounce the spirit of fear , for it was written as described from the words above.
    when I foretold the looming truth of unjust crimes covered up by crooked cops and greedy ken who would rather see me held in asylum counting down the days waiting for me to die!
    Too much truth? I think not.
    So many goals but that also includes to let my voice shake as I speak from the heart and share hidden prophecy
    Break down the walls, let the birds sing . It’s time for my fiery soul to be ‘Unsealed’.
    I want to paint with sand and quantify in knowledge. Sit with shamans and monks on grassy lands taking notes as we read books.
    There has been too many years gone by where I lived in hyper vigilance , writing down dreams waiting for the day to express myself a burning desire to live free.
    I woke up this morning, nasal path ways wide open …noticing I could breathe.
    “The storm is over this year it’s all about giving life to the beautiful visions I’ve seen.”
    These are my goals for the new years closing out the year 2023

    Ye Welcome The Year 2024, Time to let freedom Ring.

    Ashley Suttle

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    • Ashley, I love this line, “I know I’m next in line for a miracle.” I like the idea of feeling that and believing it. It is a beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 lauren

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  • May All Your Wildest Dreams Come True

    When I imagine you working towards your goals this new year, I see you vividly thriving in competence, pursuit of financial stability and, creating a world for yourself that you have only wildly dreamed of. Thriving in competence will take great focus and determination while learning to become the writer within you. Pursuit of financial stability will take grout to take yourself higher than the Sommelier you deeply dream of letting go. I promise you, my love, there is a second career waiting for you outside the walls of a restaurant and inside your magnificent, ingenious mind. Building on a world for yourself that you have always wildly dreamed of will create a path of confidence and deep understanding of the woman you are yearning to become.

    The journey you seek is lit with blazing stars of ideas and deep rooted desires painted with yellow bricks made of love; you must continue to love yourself through every cutting challenge and every heart wrenching bad day. As much as it feels like there is no end to start your new beginning, these challenges will only lead you to the greater purpose that you dream of achieving. You will support your every wish with every story you choose to tell, every word you put on paper, and every idea you design from your imagination.

    You will travel through foreign countries, speak romance languages with locals, experience cultures outside of your own, and my love, you will produce a life full of magical moments with the man you never knew could love you so deeply. Everything you wildly dream of is waiting to come together in every wild dream you continue to pursue. If you continue to follow the love you have for yourself, the lights will become easier to see and all of your wildest dreams may come true.

    I love you, always.

    Yours Sincerely, JD

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    • I love this piece and I so agree with you. This line is everything, ” Everything you wildly dream of is waiting to come together in every wild dream you continue to pursue.” Your dreams await you. I am excited for your future. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family <3 Lauren

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  • Happy New Year

    If what they say is true
    and you can really be anything
    I hope you’ll be your own stars and lavender skies
    and every phase of every moon

    Be your sun that meets the day
    Be your air, breath, and fire
    Be your lungs that haven’t quit

    Be the postcard in the mail
    on the way to greet old friends
    Be your neighbor bringing laughter
    and togetherness in cups of tea
    Be paintings, puzzles and dreams still left to finish
    Be the ladybugs gathered in three

    Be every ocean too big to photograph
    Be the snapshot from outer space
    Be the embers in the backyard woodpile burning
    and your midweek coffee date

    Be the fireworks and the celebration
    Be the rain jumping off concrete
    Be the flowers you plant, and more importantly,
    Be the roots that no one else sees

    Be the first time listening to the song you’ve been needing
    Be the dance class you’re scared to take
    Be your stumbling and uncertainty
    Be every season in its wake

    Be the time capsule revisiting every hometown place
    you thought surely you outgrew
    Be elbows deep in a sink full of dishes
    Be the vinyl crackling from the next room

    Be open windows and fresh clean sheets
    Be the moment to gather your thoughts
    Be your voice of grace that says
    You are more than “what you ought”

    Be summer heat’s rest stop for gasoline
    Be afternoon’s happily snoring dogs
    Be the birdhouse in the yard
    and the flock of magpies in their waltz

    Because if what they say is true
    and our lives are up to us
    I’d like to think we can be brave enough
    to be everything that’s been given to us

    Stef Masters

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    • Stef, this is so creative and so wise. I love this ended:

      “and our lives are up to us
      I’d like to think we can be brave enough
      to be everything that’s been given to us”

      There is so much truth to this. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • 2024: Hours to Goal!

    2024: hours to go–
    Til the New Year’s Party’s over and
    Aileen leans in to show me a meme, a little dated, about being sedated by the Ramones:
    Twenty, twenty-four hours to go.

    That’s how this leap year lept in: on word play, a guffaw, and a grin. And: THAT’S IT!
    That’s my goal for 2024. That’s all. That’s it:

    To play with words and laugh along to poetry and song,
    joke and jape all night long–right or wrong–
    With a throng of my favorite people to ring it in with–
    Including and increasingly especially always–ME.

    Nothing else needs doing or achieving except being. Accept BEING.
    It is my goal that that finally be enough for me.

    For, I have spent all the years before 2024–up to and including 2023–
    making lists of buckets and wishes of all the things
    I need to do or be.

    So, new year, new list usually–but NO!–not this!
    This time I want only one–okay, maybe a few–things:

    To curate and appreciate all that did accumulate before 2024
    to make it what it is already about to be.

    We all set out to improve ourselves in the DEAD OF WINTER

    When all the smart mammals are out there staying in:
    investing in their future
    by staying asleep–perchance to dream

    Of what’s soon coming: life and love in store. But they don’t start acting on those mores until the actual (fucking) Spring.

    So, my only goal for now is to sit back and marvel how I even got here to THIS place and time of being.

    It’s the start of 2024, and my one and only chore is to see what happens next without expecting a single thing…

    Except maybe some more laughs and a few hours left to pass…

    Til 2025 has me sedately asking myself the exact same thing.

    (Who knows by then what the answer will be?)


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    • I LOVE LOVE Love this piece and its message. And I can hear your voice and how you delivery poems as I was reading this, which was really cool. This idea is so powerful:

      “Nothing else needs doing or achieving except being. Accept BEING.
      It is my goal that that finally be enough for me.”

      You are enough as you are and life is enough as it is.…read more

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  • Once the storm leaves

    One day
    I want the glass bottle once thrown into the ocean with a message inside
    To Float back to the shores it was flung from and discovered that the wreckage is no longer
    That the parts have been salvaged and repurposed
    that there were a pair of footprints facing north
    that made it far pass the point of being washed back into the sea
    Towards something beyond the wilderness
    And the bottle rests between the cusps of the waves never being disturbed

    Steven Small

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    • How sweet and simple. I can feel the energy you are trying to convey. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Something Special In Me

    There’s something special in me, but the sheets around me invite me to lie still.
    There’s something special in me, but the voice of the newest drama calls
    out my name.
    There’s something special in me, but the hours of scrolling make it easier to stay put, liking, commenting, and laughing my precious time away.

    As 2024 dawns, I aim to awaken the thing that is special in me.
    But not by any unimaginable might nor by any unprecedented event.
    The path to results is simpler than I realize. More obtainable than the maze my mind has painted, full of winding paths, convoluted plans, and unforgiving puzzles.

    The steps are as follows:
    Record the vlog.
    Write the story.
    Create the choreography.
    Master the language.
    Learn the instrument.
    Love and be loved.

    This is the moment I start to create the things I have always wanted to make,
    I start to enjoy the things that make my creative spirit sing,
    I start to find my rhythm.
    I start to find my tempo.

    Do not delay, I say. The thing that is special in me grows restless.
    And I cannot ignore it any longer.

    Victoria Atterberry

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    • Aww Victoria, I love this piece. I hope you have started living your dream life and fully stepping into your best self. This is a great poem to read over and over again to yourself. You are giving yourself the courage you need to unseal your greatness. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • missjoy121 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 4 months ago

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    2024, Provisions and more

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  • New Flowers

    Another year down this road
    In many ways I’ve grown
    Spontaneity, once my greatest fear
    A trip into the unknown

    I’ll stop seeing my body as a prison
    A cage that I can’t escape
    For this “prison” has fought many fights
    And is still fighting until this day

    I’ll view the world with a little less fear
    And give open doors a chance
    Tomorrow isn’t promised
    So I’ll make every moment last

    I’ll tend to my own garden
    Watering the field in which I lay
    No more searching for greener pastures
    Just staying in my lane

    The spring will bring new flowers
    The weeds may still arise
    I’ll nip all problems in the bud
    I’ll no longer keep them inside

    I’ll be a better person
    I’ll learn from my mistakes
    I’m not as lost as I once was
    Maybe this year I will find my way

    Cherie Matzen

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    • Wow Wow Wow! This is an amazing piece. I love the ending. It is really one of those mic-drop endings. I really think this year will be the year you find your way but just by reading this I have a feeling you’re already on your way to wherever you want to go in life. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being such a special part of our Unsealed…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lauren! This has definitely been a great year so far, and a huge reason is because of this community <3

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  • Dear Self, I will love you better.

    Dear Self,

    I will do love better next time
    Starting with me
    I will love me better
    Wake up in this body
    Speak prayer over it
    And remember that God
    Ordained me worthy
    Anointed me with special purpose
    Not sacrifice
    I will smile wide and full
    No longer biting my tongue to keep my truth from falling out
    I will love me better
    Discontinuing to be confused on my value
    Or of what I bring to the table
    When I am the home that love is held in
    I will lay flowers at my feet
    So that the ground is blessed twice
    By something sweet
    I will love me better
    Pour all my effort into my dreams
    Instead of into the hands of another
    I will love me better
    Hold myself gently
    when I feel calloused by my own thoughts
    when my mind is spiraling with aspects of my ego
    I will remind myself that this is path of being human
    I will offer myself compassion
    when everyone around me has run out of it
    I will cup my hands
    and whisper kindness into my palms
    And place them on my heart until I feel warm again
    I will make sure my cup overflows
    Make sure to ask no one to fill it
    I will be my own mind reader and interpreter
    Trusting in myself and not needing someone to invalidate the doubt in me
    I will love myself better
    By leaving sticky notes of encouragement on my mirrors
    When I feel like I’m slipping
    I will grasp whichever limb I need
    to keep myself from falling
    And even if I fall
    I will know that loving myself
    means to get back up
    And I will get back up
    I will make mistakes
    But I will love myself enough to learn from them
    I will love myself better
    To love a lover better
    To give and accept love
    For love’s sake
    I will love myself better
    Because there’s no greater love than the love of oneself
    Dear Self,
    You are the love of my life.

    Ariana Manley/ Sage

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    • This is powerful and beautiful. There is nothing more magical in this world than the love we hold for ourselves. The more we love ourselves the more we can truly be ourselves and live our purpose. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Thank you, Lauren! It means a lot that you took the time to read and sprinkle some love back. I appreciate it, deeply.

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    • Dear self, you are the love of my life! I will
      Cusp my hands and whisper kindness 😍😍. I love those lines. It means everything. You’re showing how gentle you will be with yourself. Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and it’s unnecessary. Great poem!

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  • Your goal is to just BE

    Dear Me,
    You did the work
    You trusted the process
    Look, I know you, you’re going to move on to the next thing, to finish that next task but might I suggest your goal is to be present in what you’ve achieved?
    You live in a house of your own
    So feel at home
    You’re feeling a lightness like never before
    Step into that freedom
    You learned things do work out in the most beautifully unexpected ways
    Keep believing

    Happy New Year.



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    • Aww Chris — Short but so very sweet. I love this part “but might I suggest your goal is to be present in what you’ve achieved?”

      Being present is something I struggle with. I am always moving to the next thing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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      • Hi Lauren. Thank you for your thoughtful reply, it’s so exciting to have someone reading my work! And thank you for creating this space for us to create.

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  • Born to Remember

    This year I choose no
    Placating niceties
    Diet plans
    Burn, burn, count calories
    Ignore your purpose and call it “eating right”
    Shrink shrink shrink till your body
    I mean your voice is so small
    You must go to one to find it again

    I chose no
    Good girl cinderella
    Good wife housekeeper, cook, event planner

    This year I choose
    Real over nice
    Ice Cream dripping down my chin
    Chocolate from another’s tongue
    Melt me on your lips
    Expand expand expand arch, cry out YES
    Till my presence, I mean voice, is so big
    There is no room for fear or pounds or calories
    I am worth the weight, the space, the time
    And the best thing I ever shed was every voice that ever said

    No. I choose storm.
    I choose rain and electricity
    And cry and jump in the puddles
    Because I am not made of sugar

    And I will let you make me the villian in your story
    If it means being the hero in my own
    Sew your red envy into a gown
    That makes men kneel
    And pity the cages you built around yourself

    This year I choose no.
    I mean me. I mean knowing myself.
    Eat the fries. Travel, orgasm, take a lover

    We were never born to weight
    To be saved or rescued or paid for
    Never born to lose and lose and lose and lose

    We were born to remember
    What it feels like to live
    Muddy toes, the bubbles in champagne
    Lipstick and and well placed expletives
    The smell or orange peels and your own laughter
    This year I choose no.


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    • This poem is so inspiring and empowering. I love this part:

      “Eat the fries. Travel, orgasm, take a lover

      Go live your best life and don’t question it. Congrats for having the courage to live how you want and be who you are.

      Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • My Ascension

    Dear Unsealed,

    My name is Chrys Takashige and I am sending my poem for your January writing contest. Thank you for taking the time to consider my entry,

    Take care…Chrys

    My Ascension

    The year to
    rise and shine.
    “So long” to what was.
    “Hello” to what is.
    Still thriving.
    Thankful to be sustained
    by technology and humans
    two decades plus.
    Time to live more freely.
    No cerebral road blocks,
    nor abandoning of self.
    Marching forward
    to where euphoric states await,
    in the ocean, on the greens, up on the hills.
    Returning to acts of love,
    from hermit to butterfly,
    out and about it shall be.
    The dormant right brain
    to be awakened
    on paper, with rhythms and cuisine.
    Moving and grooving
    through each day.
    Attaining yin-yang status
    on the see-saw of life.
    The freedom to choose
    what is ideal
    for the life deserved.
    No more compromising.
    Forget wasting energy.
    Drop the ungrateful.
    Evolve into a light-weight
    ready to fly and soar
    beyond measure.

    Chrys Takashige

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    • Aww Chrys! This is a lovely poem. Go fly, go soar, and live your happiest life. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Mahalo, Lauren! I am having a great year so far and it is a plus to have been exposed to and accepted into your writing community. I am feeling so blessed!

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  • emonteres submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 4 months ago

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    Me and Mine

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  • Vision Reality 🌥️ (Poem—3 parts)

    Vision reality — Pt.1✨
    Dreams VS. Vision 💭
    Dreams to me—
    are what you see when you’re asleep

    Vision, is what you set goals for—
    to execute & achieve

    I have so many goals in mind
    & I believe what the mind can see—
    you can bring to life

    From Vision to Reality

    But There’s just this little catch though

    Sometimes it feels like it works
    & sometimes—it feels like it don’t

    Sometimes you get to keep somethings
    Sometimes you won’t

    Then there’s times—
    you don’t even get to have it

    Unless it’s in your dreams
    & not reality

    I know at times its felt so real
    But then it quickly disappeared
    Like quick sand slippen thru your hands
    On it went—to never ever land

    At first it hurts so much
    You question everything—including you & your self-worth

    Somethings are just not meant—for you though

    Sometimes it’s just wrong size—
    perhaps wrong address

    Or simply just—
    wrong timing

    Alotta times—
    things tend to look all pretty & shiny ✨

    So much so—
    they can easily become blinding

    From afar they’ll bling —
    attracting anyone & anything

    Just remember—things aren’t always what they seem

    Sometimes the ring don’t fit
    Or your body don’t accept it

    Sometimes I’m allergic
    & my body rejects it

    But with so many options in this world
    Just Sometimes—
    Less is more

    But don’t get discouraged—
    I just want you to know

    Worry bout yourself & your home

    Everything else will fall into place for you—along the road

    Vision reality — Pt 2. ✨✨
    2024 Goals 📝

    So when they ask me about my 2024
    This is what I wrote

    I set some goals
    & I could easily tell you now
    but my goals aren’t for everyone to know
    I would rather show you how

    I rather create my master plan—
    have a talk upstairs w my old man
    Jot them down—
    remember how

    The struggle is real
    but God is Realer

    How—plans are a guide
    But usually never—fully set in stone

    Sometimes you’ll go straight ahead—
    sometimes you detour

    Stay on your toes—
    & ready for redirection

    Cause the time will come—
    when plans ain’t steady

    Sometimes they go south
    Sometimes they’ll go North

    But don’t you worry—just hold tight
    & don’t let go

    Keep in mind—
    there is more than one way—you can go

    Just hand him the wheel—let him steer
    & put your blinders on—
    so you can see clear

    Listen up & listen close
    Be careful with all that—outside noise

    Sometimes his voice can be real quite
    So I do my best—to quite my surroundings

    How I’m suppose to hear him talking—
    while listening to—“Yo Gotti”

    God be tryna reach out to me—
    after me asking him to guide me

    But then—
    I go straight into hiding

    Hiding behind memes & streams—
    that contradict what he believes

    Catch what I’m saying?

    I’m sorry Lord—I’m trying

    I know you know best—
    where I am—where I’m headed
    & what needs—be left—behind me

    Like that one time—
    I had that vision of a business
    But it didn’t make it

    Named it—Vision Reality
    I was so hopeful & determined

    I held on to the idea—for some time
    Tryna not—let go of it

    I paid a lot of money out of pocket
    Until I couldn’t pay—no more of it

    Spent months & months—working on it
    Alot of frustrating late nights—
    that felt like wasted time

    But no time is ever wasted—
    if you chose to learn—from all the unexpected lessons

    I know more now—then I did back then
    & perhaps that—one failed attempt
    will help me—perfect the next
    Vision reality — Pt 3. ✨✨✨
    Love Note Back To You 💙

    So when I think about 2024
    & my goals I have set forth—
    I write them down & plan ahead
    Always keeping in mind—Remembering

    I’m never fully in charge—
    I’ve never been

    I always wanna be in control
    & I know it’s time—I learn to let go

    Let go—of my so called “Master Plans”
    Lay them down into—the Real Masters Hands

    Let him help me quite all the noise
    Take my lil social media breaks—as needed
    so I can fully hear his voice

    Focus on my own goals & life—
    not just sit back-chillin—
    watching y’all live yours

    Live my life for me

    Not everything in life—
    needs to be shared
    Not everyone—
    needs to know everything

    W so many distractions—
    It can be easy to be sucked into the madness
    To forget—our own goals & visions

    So I take breaks—when I start to feel low or stagnant
    & I revisit

    Revisit my goals & pray on em’
    Cause soon as I get comfortable—
    i’m uncomfortable again
    knowin I should—be working on the next one

    So I ask him to help me—shut the world out again
    & all it’s nonsense
    To give me back my tunnel vision
    & let me get a lil glimpse of him

    To not let this world stain my lenses
    cause I hate to become blind
    & a prisoner of my own mind
    & rob myself—of my own blessings

    But when everything around me’s—
    fake news
    When everything is wrong—
    that I once thought to be true

    All this & more—can really weigh on me
    & I can’t lie—it can really get depressing

    So I ask my God—
    for some love notes—here & there
    To let me get a glimpse of heaven—
    util I myself—can finally get there

    So for 2024—
    there’s so much—that I plan to do

    Most of all—I just want to become—
    less of me & more of you

    I really love to brag about your love for us
    Cause I wish the world knew—it’s true

    But vise versa—I could never brag about MY love for you

    I know I fail you—every day
    Real quick tho—I just wanna say

    Thank you—Lord
    For your provision & my daily bread

    For the day you told me

    Just hold on—you won’t regret it
    Trust me—I got it

    Cause even though it sometimes hurts—
    I’ll take it

    15 yrs later—You were right
    I don’t regret it

    2024—is yours Lord
    Show me—just what you can do

    I think I’m ready now
    I wanna see you move

    Let’s go—Let’s get it

    This is My Love Note back to you



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    • Your writing always is so heartfelt, authentic, and powerful. Keep trusting in God, but more importantly, keep trusting in yourself. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • sneppystan submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 4 months ago

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    You Are Worth My Time

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  • infinite power

    I don’t have resolutions and despite popular belief
    I really don’t know what I’m doing
    (especially going into this next year.)
    Instead, I know more about who I am not
    & I know what I will not do.

    I will not wait.
    for anyone or anything to like me
    I have no desire to be likable to the people who see as debatable
    I want to be loved fully and completely
    I want to know that I am worth the fight
    worth the discomfort
    And worth the effort to try to get it right this time.

    I will not linger.
    on the pain or ambiguity.
    part of the awakening / is the awareness /
    that everything works out as it should.
    there’s nothing I can do
    there’s nothing you can do
    there’s nothing anyone can do
    to keep me from what’s mine and
    anything ‘lost’ in the middle is merely practice
    to lay my own impatience to rest.
    “as I think, so I shall be.”
    so I let go, consciously
    knowing that I will be okay with the energy of the cosmos leading the way.

    I will not be afraid.
    I used to believe that fear was a super power capable enough of making me
    smarter, sharper, faster,
    but I clung to that too much
    holding onto that belief until fear crippled me.
    // I’m not doing that anymore //
    living with fear at the forefront
    has made me lose more than its ever made me gain.

    last night, I drove to pahrump
    alone at midnight.
    it was pitch black out
    nothing but mountains for miles and a thousands threats of danger lined both sides of the roadway.
    But I kept driving
    I kept going
    and I prevailed by repeating that “I am not afraid”
    // A new mantra when I start to lose my way. //

    I will not doubt myself.
    my sacral authority has been strengthened by
    18,976 minutes of meditations.
    my intuition is more than capable
    of interpreting the signs
    the numbers
    and the meaning
    of everything around me.
    This is the power of woman
    and all I need to do is listen.

    I will not define myself by insanity.
    I will not repeat the same patterns
    and the same behaviors in hopes
    of different outcomes.
    there is an ebb and flow to everything / the yin and the yang /
    perfect pairs that present truths
    that I keep persuading myself as wrong.

    “Maybe if I try harder, this time it’ll be different”.
    “Maybe this time, they do just need space”
    Maybe this. Maybe that.
    But maybe not.

    These are not chances that I am willing to take as I gamble my life away.

    I will not stay silent.
    I will not say yes when I mean no
    I will not sit by and watch atrocities unfold
    when I have a voice.
    My boundaries
    My emotions
    My thoughts
    My peace
    are all inherently valid and will not be ignored.

    This year
    I don’t have resolutions
    and I have no clue what I’m doing
    but instead I have this simple equation
    where I subtracting the distractions
    add in new wisdom
    multiply the joy
    and diving the things I love
    to find the real value.
    to find the real me
    the who already has everything
    she needs because she understands her power
    and know it lives inside her.

    and I hope you can connect to that, too.

    happy new year.


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    • Ala, This is incredible!

      I love this part:

      “I will not stay silent.
      I will not say yes when I mean no
      I will not sit by and watch atrocities unfold
      when I have a voice.
      My boundaries
      My emotions
      My thoughts
      My peace
      are all inherently valid and will not be ignored.”

      I also love the ending! This is such a wise, strong, and creative-written…read more

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      • Thank you so much <3

        As a collective, there is so much happening on a global and interpersonal level that I think we are all doing ourselves a DISSERVICE by shying away from the hard conversations and shying away from our authentic selves. And part of that authenticity is owning the messiness of the journey.

        Above all else, I hope this piece…read more

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