

  • Eight Years

    As I took a trip down memory lane
    I thought I’d write you a letter
    It’s a letter in your memory
    One I’ll carry with me forever

    It was Valentine’s Day 2011
    The story of your new life begins
    I wandered through the shelter aisles
    I was looking for a special friend

    Several people passed you by
    And at first, I did too
    But you wouldn’t stop crying in your cage
    Begging me to pick you

    I remember your big hazel eyes
    And your gigantic ears
    And the big red bow tied around your neck
    And how your face was stained with tears

    I knew from that moment you were the one
    And you were the one every day after
    You were sick and you were scared
    But you still managed to bring me laughter

    Those few years went by so fast
    They were almost a blur to me
    We went to the park, you learned new tricks
    And sometimes you struggled to breathe

    Your heart slowly began to give way
    But you still put up a fight
    Every moment was a precious gift
    During your final year of life

    But the time had come, you could fight no more
    I tried everything to keep you alive
    It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done
    But I had to say goodbye

    An empty basket sat in the car beside me
    The night I left the vet’s
    I only had your collar in my hand
    And I came home to your empty bed

    I miss you every day of my life
    But there are days I miss you more
    You were my very first baby boy
    The one I loved and adored

    But you are not suffering anymore
    You are running wild and free
    Over the rainbow bridge
    And watching over me

    Okay, maybe you’re not really watching me
    It’s just my silly dreams
    I’ve been holding onto your memory
    Since September 2019

    You looked back for a moment
    It was time for you to fly
    Over the rainbow bridge
    Our final goodbye

    You could’ve been anyone’s dog
    But I’m so glad that you were mine
    I’ll miss you forever
    My Valentine

    Yes, I’ll miss you forever
    Eight years just wasn’t enough time

    Cherie Matzen

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • I cried reading this; I am sitting holding onto my dog now and she is looking at me like I am nuts. Pets are our family and losing them is heart-breaking. Take pride in the fact that you gave her a wonderful home and loved her until the very end and beyond.

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  • Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lauren! This has definitely been a great year so far, and a huge reason is because of this community <3

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  • New Flowers

    Another year down this road
    In many ways I’ve grown
    Spontaneity, once my greatest fear
    A trip into the unknown

    I’ll stop seeing my body as a prison
    A cage that I can’t escape
    For this “prison” has fought many fights
    And is still fighting until this day

    I’ll view the world with a little less fear
    And give open doors a chance
    Tomorrow isn’t promised
    So I’ll make every moment last

    I’ll tend to my own garden
    Watering the field in which I lay
    No more searching for greener pastures
    Just staying in my lane

    The spring will bring new flowers
    The weeds may still arise
    I’ll nip all problems in the bud
    I’ll no longer keep them inside

    I’ll be a better person
    I’ll learn from my mistakes
    I’m not as lost as I once was
    Maybe this year I will find my way

    Cherie Matzen

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    • Wow Wow Wow! This is an amazing piece. I love the ending. It is really one of those mic-drop endings. I really think this year will be the year you find your way but just by reading this I have a feeling you’re already on your way to wherever you want to go in life. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being such a special part of our Unsealed…read more

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      • Thank you so much for your encouragement, Lauren! This has definitely been a great year so far, and a huge reason is because of this community <3

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  • Thank you, Aisa! Your comment and feedback has made my day! I appreciate your encouragement, and I thank you for taking the time to read my poem 🙂

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  • It Starts With Me

    We are shackled by insecurities
    Followers and likes make up our worth
    External validation is what we seek
    It’s a never-ending curse

    But I was looking in the wrong places
    The answers are found deep within
    So I’m reintroducing myself to me
    And so this new journey begins

    Hello, it’s nice to meet you
    I’ve longed for a best friend
    I decided to become the things I need
    No longer living a life of pretend

    I tell myself I’m worthy
    And validation starts with me
    I no longer need to look elsewhere
    I’m exactly where I need to be

    I was born to be successful
    I was born to share my gifts
    I was born to give love to this world
    I was born to build and uplift

    I am worthy because I’m loving
    I am worthy because I care
    I am worthy and uniquely created
    Hand-crafted with so much to share

    You are worthy when you wake up
    You are worthy when the sun sets
    You are worthy and I love you
    In case no one has told you that yet

    Cherie M.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Cherie, I love this. So beautiful and so strong. Keep walking through the world with your head held high, as your love and power continue to radiate. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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    • Hi, Cherie. Aiša here. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I love a good rhyme and this poem is full of plenty! And then there’s the title…it compliments your message perfectly! Of course, the same can be said about your choice of photograph. Title. Photo. Poem. I felt this sense of completeness, wholeness even, having admired them all. And…read more

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      • Thank you, Aisa! Your comment and feedback has made my day! I appreciate your encouragement, and I thank you for taking the time to read my poem 🙂

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  • I Had to Be Uncomfortable In Order To Set Myself Free

    Hello there,

    I’ve always been painfully shy. I swore that I’d never approach anyone, and that I’d never let anyone know how I feel because being mysterious was my safety blanket. It was my safety blanket for many years, but soon I began to realize that it was also my shackle; a personal prison.

    In order to set myself free, I had to allow myself to be uncomfortable.

    But one day I did it.

    I missed him. I thought about him daily. I worried about him. I needed to let him know how I feel.

    The moment the words left my heart and mind and made their way to him, I felt overcome with anxiety and relief.

    We grow when we leave our comfort zone, but we also battle thoughts from the enemy. Sometimes we are the enemy. But those thoughts in your head are just words. Words have power. They can either build you or break you. You have the power to choose what they will do to you.

    He told me I made his day, but little did he know that he made mine even more.

    Never underestimate the power of words, the power of a simple action.

    It was that moment that constantly reminded me how important it is to let people know how much you care about them. The feeling of regret is much worse than my fears of the unknown. Never again will I cower from opportunities to share what’s in my heart.

    And please friend, don’t let your fears shackle you as well. The greatest opportunities started out with a simple action. May that simple action of yours take place today.

    Love, Cherie.


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    • Cherie – I love love how you ended this piece, “the greatest opportunities started out with a simple action. May that simple action of yours take place today” It is so true. And I am glad you let out your feelings and shared your heart with whoever him maybe. He sounds nice. Your heart is pure and kind and every time you step out of your comfort…read more

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  • Dear Me of the Past:

    Dear Cherie of the past,

    This is a letter from your future self; let’s call me “Future Cherie.” I wanted to let you know that I admire your strength, perseverance, and the fact that you kept moving forward even when you had no idea where you were going. If it wasn’t for your determination, I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to you. As you are reading this, I know that you and I are in different places in our lives. Right now you aren’t sure if you’d be set free from the burdens that have shackled you for so long. But please, keep thinking about me. I am here to keep you going.

    Please don’t look back and wonder why you didn’t take these leaps of faith sooner. Looking back will only hinder you from moving forward. The right time to start is now, as you read this. I know that people keep pressuring you to get married and to start a family because they think that your clock is ticking, but don’t listen to them. We all have our own paths and purposes in our lives. Yours might look unconventional to others but trust me, you know what you are doing. You always have. Don’t just do things for the sake of it. Good things take time.

    I am a huge believer of divine timing. There is no need to regret. If you open your eyes and ears and learn to discern God’s voice from the voices of this world, you will realize that life doesn’t always have to be as complicated as we make it. I say this over and over: trust the process. I know that you are still learning. Please stop leaning on your own understanding, it is causing unnecessary stress.

    I’m telling you right now that I am living the life you dreamed of. It’s not impossible. It just seems impossible to you right now because you are shackled by fear of the unknown. But there is beauty in the unknown. Soon you will take that leap, and you will never look back.

    As you are reading this, your heart is healing from the person who gained your trust and betrayed you. I know you prayed that he would be the one for you. Everything seemed right, but believe me he is not the one. You just need to take off those rose-colored lenses that you were wearing for too long. The man that I love right now was worth the wait, and I can’t wait for you to meet him. He has been praying for someone like you, you just don’t know it yet.

    This journey that you are on right now, is a journey of self-love. It’s a scary one, but this is the most crucial chapter of your life. I look back at it often and I am so grateful for everything. I am grateful for the pain, the heartache, the uncertainty. Everything happens for a reason, and it prepared me for all of the unexpected blessings to come. It’s time you stop hiding, and show everybody the person you were designed to be. You are not here for yourself, you are here for something far greater than you, and always remember that.

    I hope you are smiling as you are reading this letter. I smile every day. I look back and wish that I had taken time to really be present and enjoy the simple moments in life instead of always thinking that I should be somewhere else. We often take precious moments for granted. I am so lucky to have an amazing journey to look back on. I’m so lucky to be able to write this letter and have you read it, because not many people get that chance.

    Don’t look back and wish that you had taken time to be present and enjoy the simple moments of life. Don’t think that you should be somewhere else. Believe me when I say that you are exactly where you need to be right now. Don’t spend time trying to make sense of everything. Everything will fall into place. Trust the process. I’m so glad that I did.

    Please read this letter every day. It’s a daily reminder. One day you will write a letter to your past self too!

    Love Future Cherie.


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    • Cherie, I love this and relate to a lot of it. I, too, have felt pressure from other people to start a family – constantly being reminded of my age. But you are right, you have to do things on your own time. The right man will come at the right time, and he may or may not be different than the person you expected yourself to fall in love with.…read more

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