  • stevengaps submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 4 months ago

    Once the storm leaves

    One day
    I want the glass bottle once thrown into the ocean with a message inside
    To Float back to the shores it was flung from and discovered that the wreckage is no longer
    That the parts have been salvaged and repurposed
    that there were a pair of footprints facing north
    that made it far pass the point of being washed back into the sea
    Towards something beyond the wilderness
    And the bottle rests between the cusps of the waves never being disturbed

    Steven Small

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    • How sweet and simple. I can feel the energy you are trying to convey. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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