

  • Thank you, Janet!

    I’m learning kindness and self compassion for self is so important. So happy that the lines resonated with you!

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  • Thank you, Lauren! It means a lot that you took the time to read and sprinkle some love back. I appreciate it, deeply.

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  • Dear Self, I will love you better.

    Dear Self,

    I will do love better next time
    Starting with me
    I will love me better
    Wake up in this body
    Speak prayer over it
    And remember that God
    Ordained me worthy
    Anointed me with special purpose
    Not sacrifice
    I will smile wide and full
    No longer biting my tongue to keep my truth from falling out
    I will love me better
    Discontinuing to be confused on my value
    Or of what I bring to the table
    When I am the home that love is held in
    I will lay flowers at my feet
    So that the ground is blessed twice
    By something sweet
    I will love me better
    Pour all my effort into my dreams
    Instead of into the hands of another
    I will love me better
    Hold myself gently
    when I feel calloused by my own thoughts
    when my mind is spiraling with aspects of my ego
    I will remind myself that this is path of being human
    I will offer myself compassion
    when everyone around me has run out of it
    I will cup my hands
    and whisper kindness into my palms
    And place them on my heart until I feel warm again
    I will make sure my cup overflows
    Make sure to ask no one to fill it
    I will be my own mind reader and interpreter
    Trusting in myself and not needing someone to invalidate the doubt in me
    I will love myself better
    By leaving sticky notes of encouragement on my mirrors
    When I feel like I’m slipping
    I will grasp whichever limb I need
    to keep myself from falling
    And even if I fall
    I will know that loving myself
    means to get back up
    And I will get back up
    I will make mistakes
    But I will love myself enough to learn from them
    I will love myself better
    To love a lover better
    To give and accept love
    For love’s sake
    I will love myself better
    Because there’s no greater love than the love of oneself
    Dear Self,
    You are the love of my life.

    Ariana Manley/ Sage

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    • This is powerful and beautiful. There is nothing more magical in this world than the love we hold for ourselves. The more we love ourselves the more we can truly be ourselves and live our purpose. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Thank you, Lauren! It means a lot that you took the time to read and sprinkle some love back. I appreciate it, deeply.

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    • Dear self, you are the love of my life! I will
      Cusp my hands and whisper kindness 😍😍. I love those lines. It means everything. You’re showing how gentle you will be with yourself. Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves and it’s unnecessary. Great poem!

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      • Thank you, Janet!

        I’m learning kindness and self compassion for self is so important. So happy that the lines resonated with you!

        Write me back 

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