  • The Golden Years

    The Golden Years
    Those older and wiser advised
    “Make time, travel the world,
    before you retire, while you still can.”
    I dreaded my golden years.

    I understood that my final decades
    would be fraught with infirmity,
    pain, and misery. If not a shut in,
    my good times would be shut down.

    For years, my job had been my life.
    Almost every hour, it consumed me.
    I no longer must obsess over it
    or worry about the whims of my boss.

    Fortunately, I stayed healthy.
    Now I have the time to do the things
    I’ve wanted. I can hike the national parks,
    sing in a chorale, or write a poem.

    I can volunteer in a homeless shelter.
    I can play tennis or golf, go dancing,
    attend concerts or ballgames, travel
    any place a plane will take me.

    I no longer see my children’s behavior
    as a reflection of my identity.
    I have the gift of grandchildren.
    for whom I am not responsible,

    I enjoy them for who they are.
    No longer in charge of anyone but me,
    I am almost never asked for advice
    As a rule I avoid arguments.

    The best part is getting to know
    my wife and partner with one-on-one time.
    She is not the girl I married, but better,
    wise and discerning in all her ways.

    My life has become one of joy,
    My life sentence is to do whatever
    I want, whenever I want, with whomever
    I want, for whatever time I have left.

    Robert Paul Allen

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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