

  • cribaby submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    To Love Wide Open.

    Your pages are torn and shredded yet the story inside is so compelling.
    It’s one you can’t put down, as you anticipate what’s to come.
    You’ve been handled so rough but your binding stays unharmed.
    You mustered up courage to survive the harsh storms.
    You who was once closed off and unable to share the contents inside.
    Has now become my favorite novel full of surprises.
    You were afraid of the world and pressures of life.
    Now you embrace the challenge with a smile so bright.
    The story of you is no longer hidden.
    You learned to love wide open, unafraid of what’s written.
    You ignore the corrections made by critics.
    As you are the author of this life and of you.

    Christina Gach

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    • Christina, your resilience and growth have transformed your story into a captivating novel. Embrace your journey, ignore the critics, and continue writing your own narrative with love and courage. You are the author of your life.

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    • I looooovvvee this! So many lines in this made me smile for you! I am so happy you open yourself up and you are unafraid to challenge yourself. That’s how you discover your true greatness! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family! <3 Lauren

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  • flann1994 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Self Love

    Self love
    What is self love?
    Self love is:
    Loving yourself
    Appreciating yourself
    Self love
    It’s different
    For everyone

    I’ve struggled
    With self love
    With loving myself
    With accepting myself
    My whole life
    It’s been a journey
    Finding myself again

    I’ve been
    Made fun of
    For how I look
    For my size
    For the scars
    On my body

    You’re so small
    How tall are you?
    What size shoe do you wear?
    You’re so small
    You’re head is a hand rest
    I could shove you
    In my pocket
    You’re a midget
    A shrimp
    Kids are taller than you
    What’s with all the scars?
    Why do you have them?
    Look at her tummy?
    It’s all messed up
    She’s got two belly buttons
    Look at her neck?
    She’s got a hole in it

    Kids are mean
    Kids are bullies
    Kids are cruel
    Kids don’t understand
    Becoming the girl with the tummy scars
    Becoming the girl with the hole in her neck
    Becoming the small girl with tiny feet

    I was embarrassed
    By my scars
    But I know now
    They show strength
    They show I survived
    They show I lived
    Despite the odds
    Despite the complications
    The multiple surgeries
    I endured as a baby

    I wished my feet were bigger
    To fit into real women’s shoes
    But now I don’t mind
    Having small feet
    I can fit into kids shoes
    Finding shoes for cheap
    I still can fit into women’s shoes
    If I’m looking for something fancy

    I always wished I was taller
    Like it wasn’t fair
    The tall gene skipped me
    Like why?
    But I have expected my size
    I can fit into kids clothes
    For cheaper
    I can still find lots of cute things
    In smaller sizes
    I can fit anywhere
    I can push my way
    Up to the front of concerts
    I’ve Learned to climb
    Things with ease
    To reach high things
    I’m not small
    I’m fun size

    So yeah
    It took awhile
    To find myself again
    To love my self again
    To accept my self again
    To love my body again
    To accept my flaws
    To love my flaws

    I’m still learning everyday
    To love myself
    To accept myself
    To love my body
    Scars, flaws and all
    Some days are better than others
    But I’m no where near where
    I was before

    Flannery Joyce

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    • Flannery, your journey towards self-love and acceptance is inspiring. Embrace your scars, flaws, and uniqueness. You are beautiful and worthy of love, regardless of what others may say. Keep learning and growing on your path to self-discovery.

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    • Flannery! You are perfect just the way you are! You are warrior and that is something you should be proud of! People who are mean and who bully, just have their own insecurities. Happy people don’t hurt people. It’s just a fact. So don’t listen. Their opinions don’t count. Keep leaning into love yourself. You are wonderful. Thank you for sharing…read more

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  • A little love

    Life feels dark and gray
    despite any good, I feel myself going astray.
    Chaos in my mind and sadness in my soul
    Most days I’d like to curl up inside a little hole.
    What I love about myself most
    is even when it’s dark, give up? I don’t.
    Wallow for a moment, feel it and let go-
    What is this teaching me, how can I grow?
    It won’t feel like this forever so I need to just flow.
    Love that I find balance between discipline and rest.
    I swear, not judging yourself amidst the chaos will leave you feeling your best.

    Karissa Howden

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    • Karissa, your resilience is admirable. Embrace the darkness, learn from it, and keep flowing. Finding balance and not judging yourself is key to feeling your best. Keep shining through the chaos.

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    • I love how your poems rhyme and have such great rhythm! I also love the message. You are a fighter and I love it. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being you! <3 Lauren

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  • martham submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Beautiful Me

    Beautiful me,

    It’s been a while! There has been so much noise around us that it makes it feel like we are far away. But that’s impossible. I am always within you, embracing your heart and soul every step of the way.

    I want to say: Thank you for everything! Thank you for the life you have given me! I need to tell you because I can hear your thoughts sometimes, doubting and being so hard on yourself. Please stop that! You have made me incredibly resilient! Ever since we were little curly-haired babies, you have dared to run towards your biggest fears and you keep overcoming them; You wanted to see the world, and here you are, calling home the most incredible places you could ever dream of. You have challenged yourself and you conquered with kindness, hard work and imagination.

    Thank you for being funny! Yes, you are undeniably funny! Even when you don’t want to or even try, you bring smiles to your loved ones and even stranger’s faces. You are always praising people that you think have what you call “transparent souls”, and I am here to tell you that you feel so drawn to them because YOU ARE one of them!

    Thank You for being so strong and breaking up with that due when you had to! Freeing our time and our path to open up to the most beautiful time of your life so far.

    Thank you for giving us time alone, to actually get to know and most importantly, love ourselves.
    Thank you for doing the work! For realizing that sadness and misery were not our natural states, and you got us out of there! You forgave the world, but most importantly, you forgave yourself!

    Thank you for all the sad moments where we have held ourselves with compassion and patience leading us again to the ways of happiness, contentment and peace.

    And lastly; Thank you for getting yourself some traveling poopourri! Saving ourselves from anxiety and providing the comfort to liberate our bodies at any point that we need! It is indeed the little things that make so much impact!

    I hope you hear me and feel me again soon! I can’t wait to laugh with you with all our lungs.

    Love you and admire you infinitely, always!
    Beautiful me <3

    Martha Monteon

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    • Martha, your letter touched my heart. Your gratitude, strength, and self-love are inspiring. Keep embracing who you are and continue to find joy in the little things. You are loved and admired more than you know.

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    • It sounds like you are very self-aware and very in touch with the magic inside of you. Keep being you. Keep loving you! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • imlizkhalifa submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    “Love Yourself a Little Harder”

    To the girl whose always given others love,
    It’s time you put yourself above.

    You’ve always had to care for others,
    so this year, love yourself a little harder.

    Love your laugh, your smile, & the way that you glow.
    Love yourself enough to tell other people “no.”

    You are brightness, you are love, you are more than you think.
    You are creative, you are clever, you are the missing link.

    You’ve cried for nights & been through hurt,
    You’ve been through fights, your name dragged through dirt.

    Love yourself enough to heal & be better.
    Know that along the way you may ruffle some feathers.

    Love yourself enough to always protect your mind,
    Love yourself enough to remember to be kind.

    Even when people aren’t very kind to you,
    Do it cause you know it’s the right thing to do.

    You’re empathetic, loving, and deserve all the wealth,
    So this year, remember to live for yourself.

    Liz Medina

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    • Liz, your words resonate deeply. It’s time to prioritize yourself and give yourself the love you’ve given to others. Embrace your uniqueness, heal from past hurts, and always be kind. Live for yourself and know that you deserve all the happiness in the world.

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    • The ending is definitely a mic drop. I love this piece. Very to the point, it flows well, and has great messages. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family.

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  • aliyhadaniella submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    Why You Should Love Yourself

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • hartsekl submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    My Aura is Black

    My aura is black.
    Black because they tried to singe me with deeds,
    Black like the sooty soil that nurtures her seeds.
    Black because before they knew who I was,
    When I was given no choice or even some gauze
    Black like the bird that sings to be free
    Black because my memories haunt me

    Black like the sheep who’s breaking chains.
    Black like the hole that’s swallowing pain.
    Black like the smoke twirling up through the sky
    Black like the panther and her silent battle cry
    Black like the ash that softens the earth
    Black because now she knows her worth

    Black like THAT little dress, brilliant;
    the one that makes every woman feel resilient.
    Black like the lace of her wings
    Black in the sky that midnight brings
    Black like the velvet in her gentle coos
    Black like silk skin that into she grew

    So now instead of green, red, or indigo
    My aura is black
    Black like obsidian
    Black like pearls
    Black like geodes
    Black because my shadows healed it so.

    K. Hartsell

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    • K, embrace the beauty of your black aura, forged by resilience and growth. It holds the strength of obsidian, the elegance of pearls, and the mystery of geodes. Your shadows have healed you, making your aura a testament to your journey. Embrace it with pride.

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    • I love how you brought that black back to your shadow. This is so honest and so creative. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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      • Thank you! I thoroughly enjoy being a part of such a safe and uplifting community. I find inspiration from so many people. I feel honored to be included with them. Thank you for putting this together. And thank you for your compliment on my poem. I worked really hard on it.

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  • ljoosten submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    A Love Letter To Myself

    Dear Lauren Grace,

    This love letter to you is in the form of a poem, because, as you know, I can’t find the right way to directly express myself. I love you.

    Here we go:

    I looked at them
    My love has always flowed
    In their direction, though
    Cried painful streams of tears
    But it never came my way
    Overlooking my soul everyday

    To him to her
    To me?
    Who’s that?
    Who’s she?

    I had never cared to see
    What’s shining inside,
    ‘Til you finally caught my eye.
    Sparkling, glimmering,
    Amongst the stars in the sky.

    I started thinking it’s love
    I started thinking
    You’re all I’ve ever dreamed of.
    You’re the love you give out,
    I apologize for years of doubt.

    Then I fell,
    Could’ve stayed down,
    Saw no one was around,
    I pushed myself off the ground.
    Then suddenly, the sun was shining down
    On me.
    I saw me.

    Now I cherish your pain, sweet girl.
    Now I praise your name, sweet soul.

    If I don’t love you,
    Nothing else matters.
    If I don’t love you,
    Who else will?

    What do I need from me?
    It feels it has to come from someone else.
    But now I’ve become somebody else,
    And I’m seeing my truth.
    My whole heart belongs to me.

    All the need I love is within me.

    I feel you breathe everyday.
    I hear you talk away the pain.
    I hear the thoughts that nearly,
    Knock you down.
    I see the dreams,
    The nightmares,
    The hopes,
    things they’ll never see.
    I can see you Lauren Grace.
    And I love you wholeheartedly.

    With Unconditional Love,

    Lauren Grace

    Lauren Grace Joosten

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    • Lauren Grace, your words are a beautiful expression of love. Embrace the love within yourself, for it is the most important. You are seen, heard, and cherished. Love yourself wholeheartedly, for no one else’s love can compare to the love you have for yourself. With unconditional love, always.

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    • Aww Lauren Grace, I love this. I see you too. I love this part:

      “I started thinking it’s love
      I started thinking
      You’re all I’ve ever dreamed of.
      You’re the love you give out,
      I apologize for years of doubt.”

      I love this idea that YOU are your very own dream come true. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family.<3 Lauren

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  • ctroselin submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Poem title: Only when, why not Now

    I stand aware of its immensity, the power to which we cling.
    It moves thru us so differently, the” I” the “We.”
    Love cleverly defines everything.
    Am I to believe its virtue arrives with stipulation?
    Only when I am not in good favor.
    Only when the door tilts open and my conscience is clean.
    Why not Now, as I stumble or stand curious, pausing so I can remain open to the larger story, the one that moves forward, the one that leaves no one behind; Not the “I” nor the “We.”
    My “Only When” loses step, non-apologetically softens, lessening its grip and so too does the small gap in the light open to becoming Now.

    Carolyn Roselin

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    • Carolyn, love transcends conditions and expectations. Embrace the present moment, allowing love to flow freely without limitations. Let go of “only when” and embrace the beauty of “now.” Love is inclusive and boundless, leaving no one behind. Embrace the light and the larger story that unfolds.

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    • I love this idea that you should love yourself without stipulations. Very wise and very true. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • seymojl submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    To the Girl Inside


    It’s been way too long. Where do I even start? I’ve been waiting for the right time to send this and realized I should have sent it when I saw you fighting your way through a storm. Please forgive me for taking so long to connect. I may have been silent but you have always been on my mind.

    I am so sorry you were put in a position where your confidence was whittled away until you were left with only the shards remaining of your once fearless spirit. I’m amazed by your strength and resiliency though. Your determination to get back to that place where self-assurance radiates from deep within is impressive. I love that although your journey has been anything but easy, you are finding the beauty in uncovering the person that had slipped away. You are discovering new ways every day to mend your wounded soul. I promise to be there for you to steady you through all of the maelstroms and to show you how deserving you are of a life overflowing with love and joy.

    Exquisite woman, take this moment in. You put yourself in a box with no openings for far too long. You thought you were lost forever. Buried so long, it seemed impossible that you would ever be uncovered. Years of torment that only you can describe. The seed was planted long ago but the clouds overshadowed when the verbal assaults aimed at you started to invade your thoughts as you tried to determine if the words rang true. The rain dried up when your body became a battlefield for the anger and intolerance. You weren’t given the opportunity to grow the way you deserved but you have shown your strength. The sky has opened and the sun is peeking through.

    You have taken the shattered pieces of your soul and crafted them into a mosaic of learned lessons, new discoveries and recovered blessings. I hope you see all the incredible qualities that we do. Your gentle spirit, your kindness that has no limits as well as your ability to see the good in all. You have managed a career and a household and through it all you have kept your sense of humor. The care and nurturing you have shown your three wonderful sons has well-prepared them to go out and tackle the world. You are brave, strong and intelligent. You are beautiful inside and out. You are enough and have always been enough. Your uniqueness and your confidence in embracing it stands out. My heart smiles when I think of you! I hope you know how valuable and cherished you are. I want you to feel peace like you have never felt before. My wish for you is to emerge from the chaos feeling more courageous, happier and deserving of the greatest kind of love.

    The next time you look at your reflection in the mirror and you are trying to determine what to prioritize next, I hope that you look at that gorgeous girl with the beautiful smile and say pick me and you do. Remember your worth. There is something inside you that is greater than any battle you encounter. Keep breathing new life into every day and shine on. Hold on to those dreams. Your wild imagination will help you take flight and soar to heights you thought impossible. I can’t wait to stand with you as you step into a marvelous future and a life filled with happiness.

    Love Always,

    The Girl Inside

    P.S. Keep going, you are doing amazing!

    Jody Seymour

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    • Jody, your strength and resilience are awe-inspiring. You deserve a life overflowing with love and joy. Embrace your uniqueness and confidence. Remember your worth and prioritize your happiness. Keep breathing new life into each day and soar to heights you once thought impossible. I am here to stand with you as you step into a marvelous future.…read more

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    • Jody, This piece so well written and so inspiring. You are definitely worthy, and your sons are definitely proud of their mom. Keep shining and never let the hurt hold you back! You have so much greatness inside of you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • khiala submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago


    I am love up above
    Flying high in my kaleidoscope eye
    I am selfish in leaving crumbs
    Make you and I want more from just a touch
    To be free I need me, yes baby all of me
    Let your tears drop, firm and sent, but we cannot stop holding on to something thought long gone
    Let it go and use your words, mind powerful, do not say that curse
    Pull your veil back, the stars align because heaven is calling you ‘Oh Divine!’
    Open your hands you sculpt the world of your dreams, continue on
    I’ll guide the way, protect your light because we are so much better combined Beaming like the Sun and demure like the Moon
    I am me… fierce, fresh and fun
    No time like today, impatient in victory of us
    Creation in every move we make, swirls of life just speak them into existence where others cannot
    I am you in your boldest moment, all encompassing love pushed to places you thought not
    For we are beauty, yes love I am


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    • Khiala, your words are a powerful affirmation of self-love and empowerment. Embrace your boldness and let your light shine. Together, we are a force of beauty and creation.

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      • Absolutely! I feel I want and need to inspire others that it’s never too late and your own love to yourself is never too little. Thank you!!

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    • This feels like a song. I can almost hear it in my head. So creative and so powerful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • When I saw this prompt, the perfect song came to mind Lucid by Quin. It went perfectly with what I wanted to write and gave me inspiration to finish this piece in a day.

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      • Thank you for your kind words!

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  • cshack88 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Secret Trip

    I took a secret trip to Europe and didn’t tell anyone
    I wanted to feel freedom and chase the sun
    Didn’t want to think, I just wanted to BE
    Too tired of hopping around waiting to be seen
    I wanted what I wanted so much
    , I wasn’t ready
    So I left and waited for my green light, I had go and prepare
    I found myself quiet in awe of ancient beauty
    Got lost and found with history and foodies
    Listening to waterfalls and people pass
    Coming back to realize I was home at last

    I took a secret trip to Europe and only told a few
    This familiar space I recognized felt anew,
    The past, a present, so present was I
    A child like wonder I found in others now in I
    Found triggers and the reason they were aflame
    Understood my love why it ran away
    Walked until my thoughts made sense of that day
    Wasn’t till I was home that I found the courage for what I needed to say
    I let someone else lead so I could be a tourist.
    Found my imagination and what she was waiting for
    To speak up, to be free, and to use her unapologetically

    I took a secret trip to Europe and didn’t tell anyone
    I fell in love, changed my hair, got lost, partied, slept off the day
    Rescued myself and my sisters, was accused and accused others – we were all guilty parties
    I Laughed, I walked 50 miles, had the best sandwich of my life, got found then lost again, handled business, prayed for my brother,
    And found my peace,my calm, my fight, and my joy.

    The beauty of travel is the freedom of self
    To see me through your eyes help me redefine my self
    and it’s worth, now I know I’m made of gold
    I got to live, adventure, make mistakes and I realized I’m a sight to behold and tons of fun.
    So I’m going to take another trip somewhere and not tell anyone

    Reece Ford

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    • Reece, your journey to Europe was a transformative experience. Embrace the freedom and self-discovery that comes with travel. Keep exploring, taking risks, and embracing your worth. The world awaits your next adventure.

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    • Reese, I love the ending. Traveling is truly so magical. I learned that myself last summer. I am so glad that traveling made you see the wonder within you. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • orangeivy submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Feminine Rage

    Her warm curls crash over my pillow
    Like the morning tide,
    There is wild even in the slit of her eyes,
    She holds the sun in her chest
    Beneath her breast is starlight and dreams
    I love her,
    Even when she is a hurricane storm
    Hurling fists and misery
    Her sands of time
    Turns to sharp glass lining those eyes of rage
    I love her so ever more
    It’s those eyes
    that keep me safe.

    Kedrianna Griffin Hiltonen

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    • The imagery here is so good. And I love the painting! Did you paint that? If so, it is Amazing! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3Lauren

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  • kailee submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Dear Me

    All this time
    And I never wrote a note to me
    So here’s to me.
    Dear me,
    You can be so hard to see
    This girl who
    Always had it easy
    Or so that’s what they see
    Heavy is heartbreak
    But you were never made to carry this weight
    So you grew in strength.
    I wish it was as simple
    as telling you how proud I am.
    Imagine me holding your hand
    You walk into dark rooms
    You stand in flames
    You shine when it rains
    You and I are the same.
    Giving has always been easy
    But receiving and feeling
    Leaves room for healing.
    They will teach you lessons of sacrifice
    But darling you only need to play nice
    With the girl who looks back at you in the mirror,
    For her burden is light.

    Kailee Carneau

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    • Kailee! This is absolutely beautiful. And you are right. You only need to play nice with yourself and you are the light. Thank you for sharing this gem of a poem. And thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • beyondme submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Why Do I Love Myself?

    I love myself cause God first loved me

    I love myself because I didn’t like the old me .

    I love myself because I am my longest commitment

    But to love myself ain’t all rainbows and butterflies

    To love myself means
    to lose myself over and over again —in the process

    I love myself because no one else was up for the challenge

    I love myself because I wanna love you better and I can’t without it

    I love myself because home should feel safe, freeing, and calming

    I love myself because I don’t wanna keep on running

    I love myself because I don’t need instant gratification

    I love myself because I’m willing to wait and sacrifice for all things meant for me

    I love myself because I owe it to myself to say goodbye to the old me

    I love myself because I don’t wanna be 35, partying & hoeing

    I love myself because I know what I want & I’m determined to work hard & go get it

    I love myself because I can apologize when I realize of my wrong doings

    I love myself because Depth — is hard to find

    & Superficial — is depressing and boring

    I love myself because Ik I don’t know it all
    & Im willing to continue learning

    I love myself because I love the world around me

    I love myself because I’m humble and loving

    I love myself because I want to give back & show my appreciation & gratitude to the one who
    —despite my imperfections & flaws—

    still chooses to love me ❤️🙏🏽

    These are some of the reasons why

    I love me


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    • Your writing is so heartfelt and so authentic. Your love is powerful. This line stuck out to me a lot “I love myself because I’m willing to wait and sacrifice for all things meant for me” I love that. Your love for yourself will take you to people and places beyond your wildest dreams. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our f…read more

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    • Beyond Me,

      That was/is very beautiful, impressing, and I actually am trying to write one about me loving myself-just having a hard time…Because I don’t love myself. But all you beautiful artists are encouraging/inspiring me to do so, so thank you from the bottom of my heart, God Bless, and I’m sorry-But I wish I could be with someone like you.…read more

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  • kaylas94 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago



    I look into the eyes
    Of the woman in the mirror
    Breathe deep
    And say
    Those who said
    You were hard to love
    Were misinformed

    Every holy man of old
    Used to say
    “Love thine enemies”
    Maybe they include
    All those dark inside places
    Where you were told
    You can’t be loved

    Kayla Shultz

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    • When I was single I had many moments when I really wondered if I was so hard to love. But the truth is you are so easy to love (and so was I), it just starts with us. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • kalisha submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    A love note to me from me

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • gorilladna submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago


    I have roses on my tongue

    Velvet kisses, words with thorns

    I have magnolias in my eyes

    Silver petals that mesmerize

    Orange blossoms on my chest

    Cover my heart with their zest

    I have orchids for my navel

    Like a sprite from woodland fable

    Through my waist and far below

    Hidden garden with its glow

    My body, vase of stems and leaves

    Ivy wrapped around my knees

    Small bouquet of scent and wonder

    Arranged for all to gaze and ponder

    Tend my garden, see me grow

    Water daily, love will flow

    Then pick my flowers with delight

    For they’ll come back throughout the night

    Ricardo Albertorio

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  • occassia1990 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    A Letter Full of Me

    A beautiful love letter filled with the most beautiful array of scents
    My Aroma refreshes the page that it is written on
    My story brightens the letter of love which fills my heart
    When I think about the letters of my past, my pen smiles, knowing how they designed the best version of myself
    The one that sits and writes this letter
    A love letter to myself , what beauty it must be
    To wake up to this masterpiece I call me
    Love letter to myself, not the old me
    The one who has overcame the pain and trauma the helped define me
    Love letter to myself, not the girl you once knew
    But the woman who walks with confidence knowing she is not through
    Love letter to myself, I must say I’m proud of you
    I admire you and congratulate you
    Love letter to myself, who else would I address it to
    You are fearfully and wonderfully made, Special Occassia that you

    Special Cobb

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    • This is beautiful! You are right, you are wonderfully made and you have every reason to be proud. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • babygirlk submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    Loving myself

    As I stand looking in this mirror,
    I’ve never seen myself any clearer.
    I know it took longer than it should
    But I finally love myself more than I thought I could.
    There were nights that I didn’t believe
    I’d ever be truly be happy just being me.
    However, now I can clearly see
    Depression was never a match for me.
    I beat my own nightmares
    I beat them all
    Every night my terrors
    Would again make me fall.
    But the fire in my heart would always prevail;
    For every time I fell, more love for myself, I would inhale.
    It would have been easy for me to run
    But to my darkness, I would not succumb.
    Now the fire in my heart is also in my eyes
    And I love myself more every morning that I rise.


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    • Wow! This is so good. I am so glad you have come to love yourself, and you are seeing how amazing you truly are. Anytime you need a reminder, read this poem. It empowered me just reading it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family <3 Lauren

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