  • martham submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Beautiful Me

    Beautiful me,

    It’s been a while! There has been so much noise around us that it makes it feel like we are far away. But that’s impossible. I am always within you, embracing your heart and soul every step of the way.

    I want to say: Thank you for everything! Thank you for the life you have given me! I need to tell you because I can hear your thoughts sometimes, doubting and being so hard on yourself. Please stop that! You have made me incredibly resilient! Ever since we were little curly-haired babies, you have dared to run towards your biggest fears and you keep overcoming them; You wanted to see the world, and here you are, calling home the most incredible places you could ever dream of. You have challenged yourself and you conquered with kindness, hard work and imagination.

    Thank you for being funny! Yes, you are undeniably funny! Even when you don’t want to or even try, you bring smiles to your loved ones and even stranger’s faces. You are always praising people that you think have what you call “transparent souls”, and I am here to tell you that you feel so drawn to them because YOU ARE one of them!

    Thank You for being so strong and breaking up with that due when you had to! Freeing our time and our path to open up to the most beautiful time of your life so far.

    Thank you for giving us time alone, to actually get to know and most importantly, love ourselves.
    Thank you for doing the work! For realizing that sadness and misery were not our natural states, and you got us out of there! You forgave the world, but most importantly, you forgave yourself!

    Thank you for all the sad moments where we have held ourselves with compassion and patience leading us again to the ways of happiness, contentment and peace.

    And lastly; Thank you for getting yourself some traveling poopourri! Saving ourselves from anxiety and providing the comfort to liberate our bodies at any point that we need! It is indeed the little things that make so much impact!

    I hope you hear me and feel me again soon! I can’t wait to laugh with you with all our lungs.

    Love you and admire you infinitely, always!
    Beautiful me <3

    Martha Monteon

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • Martha, your letter touched my heart. Your gratitude, strength, and self-love are inspiring. Keep embracing who you are and continue to find joy in the little things. You are loved and admired more than you know.

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    • It sounds like you are very self-aware and very in touch with the magic inside of you. Keep being you. Keep loving you! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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