

  • First of all. Congratulations for graduating College. It’s such an accomplishment. I loved how your words flowed. This letter to you was so full of energy. You are seriously going to go places. You’re already killing it. Keep up the good work. Always believe in yourself and be very proud of yourself. I placed my vote for you. 🤞

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  • Letting go can sometimes be so hard for us. Loving ourselves can be so much harder. You tell it like it is lady! Beauty and the beast. I really enjoyed reading your letter. Your heartfelt words speak to so many. 💜 Thank you. I have voted May good luck and light always be by your side.

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    • Wow, what a beautiful way to begin another day in this journey. Thank you so much for your support and your message. Despite my desire to look internally for validation, I am still a glutton for community. Especially a community that transacts in love, support, encouragement, and critical thinking. Have a blessed journey and I hope our paths meet again.

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  • Trinkets! I love it. I have a believe box. It’s kind of like a trinket box. I hold on to little notes of support and little sentimental items. Your words are so inspiring. I felt that it was okay to be just me. Life has been so crazy recently and sometimes our heads spin like crazy. You really brought so much to light and into perspective for me. Thank you. I voted. May goodness be with you always

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    • You are finding your voice, and honoring whoyou are through all the sifting. That in itself is the power that will drive you forward. That is the love to you that will create that abundance. Keep those trinkets close, and yes, keep being open to newness even in its uncomfortableness. We grow in those zones, and keep being and honest and real as…read more

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  • YES! YES! YES!
    Declare those words of fortune. You are amazing. This letter was beautiful and crafted with such inspiration and power. I am Jazzed! Seriously. Reading your letter makes me feel as if anything is possible as long as we do not give up and believe in ourselves. Sometimes, that’s my toughest struggle. Thank you so much. I voted 💜

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  • Your words touched my soul on a very deep level. TBI survivor from a brain injury connected to D. V. I find your words of strength beyond inspiring as well as so beautiful. I felt as if I was sitting beside you and I wanted to just pay your shoulder and tell you how amazing this letter is. It spoke of so much strength. I am so glad to have read your letter. You have such a gift of words. Thank you for the honor of sharing them with all of us.

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    • It was my pleasure to have been beside you while you read this letter. I can only imagine the depth of your pain, and how you must have endured them. One thing life has taught me is that we are never alone, even in the darkest of times. Someone is always standing nearby—we just have to look around.
      Michelle, today I had the immense pleasure of m…read more

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  • Michelle responded to a letter in topic Mental Health 1 years, 3 months ago

    💜 Thank you so much for your word of encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to write a little something to me. It feels a bit less lonely knowing that my words can be safe here.

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  • Michelle shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 1 years, 3 months ago

    A broken bond? Or a Blessing?

    I loved you before you saw me, before our eyes locked, when we shared a heartbeat. I dreamed of you. I imagined what you would look like when I held you in my arms for the first time. I never realized that I would have to break our bond so that you could thrive.
    You see, I had a monster that followed me. He broke my heart and he broke my bones.
    My spirit was the last to go when he attacked my beautiful dreams of raising you with your brothers and sister. The very thought of the monster finding us, and involving you, drove a sword deep into my chest and pierced my heart. Your innocence had to be protected. I searched my soul and found you a promising Mother and Father.
    I knew they would protect you, that they would teach you to be the best man there ever is/ was. I trusted them to love you, and to honor our precious bond. Things turned out so terribly wrong for me. I’m deeply grateful that everything is amazing for you. Except that my heart broke into a thousand mini pieces the day that I had to say goodbye to you. In the rain, as they wheeled me out of the hospital holding your car seat so close to my heart your beautiful eyes locked onto mine. I felt so ashamed. I loved you so much my beautiful Son. I handed you over to your the wonderful man that was to become your Father. I believe in that moment, I felt my heart snap. You started to cry, and suddenly everything I thought I was doing that was right felt so terribly wrong. I think that it was the breaking of what had been our bond. I never saw you again. They had to move far away, and they told me that they would let me be a part of your life, but you still do not know me. I only receive pictures of you on Christmas, and sometimes your birthday. I never quite understood how a heart could be broken by a situation, yet coming to a realization of the situation being a blessing in disguise would make it whole again.
    That will make no sense at all to many, all that matters is that I know what I am saying. It’s not an “adoption” they are your guardians, yet they are your Mother, and Father to me. However; You are still my Son too. I don’t want to confuse you so I stay far away. I open your pictures when I receive them, and I pray. I hope that one day, you will understand that they needed you, and WE needed them. I am kind of your mother, I love you more that you will ever know. I just hope our bond is strong enough that you will not be harmed by my decision to give you the world while mine was quaking and crumbling with fear and unstableness. They gave you everything that I could not. I love you…


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    • Michelle, this letter to your son really touched me. I am so overwhelmed by your vulnerability and courage. The sacrifices we make for our children can be the most difficult. I too understand what it is to make the toughest decision of your life due to being in a toxic relationship. I pray that one day you will have the opportunity to meet your…read more

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      • Michelle this is so beautifully crafted. Thank you for sharing this with others. The dichotomy of a broken bond or blessing is one that others can relate to you have been in your shoes. The lengths some parents will go for their children to keep them safe is unimaginable, yet very real. I hope one day your son is able to read this and understand…read more

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    • Hello M,
      You made a great sacrifice to give your son happiness. I am sure he appreciates what you did for him. I am sure he is a wonderful young man.


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  • I am beyond grateful to have found The Unsealed. It has given me a safe outlet for my deepest emotions. You are so inspiring. I can’t wait to continue this journey 😊

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  • 🥹 Woah. How I can relate. Your words describe such a beautiful interaction. They bring a silent heartwarming acknowledgement among all young mothers just trying to raise their beautiful babies the best way that they know how. Thank you for this letter ❤️

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  • Ahhhh…. Good old Denver. 🙏 You are amazing. This letter, just so comforting and relatable. Fundraising takes a special person. A strong person. Believing in the cause with all of their heart and soul. Your letter left footprints on my heart. Thank you.

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  • Angel In My Darkness

    I don’t know if you will remember me, but I wanted to let you know, I will never forget you. I was the young mother trying so desperately to survive. Hands holding on to my two little boys, and a car seat at my feet, and had my little ones so closely by my side as I checked into the hotel.
    I was exhausted and I was terrified. I think you saw my blacked eye through the makeup that I tried so hard to hide from the world. I only had cash, as he was closely watching our bank account.
    The woman working the front desk looked down on me and rolled her eyes when I tried to explain that I didn’t have a credit card or debit card for personal reasons, but I promised I was not going to throw any destructive party’s with my babies in tow. The truth is, I didn’t know who I could trust. I just wanted to rest. I wanted to feel secure, and to hold my babies tightly at night instead of standing watch for the headlights to pull into the driveway bringing home a drunken monster. Anyways, enough of that. You stood up from your chair, and you approached the impatient lady with your credit card. You sternly told her to “put a week on your tab” My jaw must have hit the floor because you put your hand on my shoulder ever so gently, and ushered me aside to where your beautiful wife and daughter were sitting. She picked up the car seat and walked with me to the elevator. It was unreal. The silence. You handed me my room card, and softly asked me if someone I loved had left those marks on my body. Through tears, I could only nod my head. They wouldn’t stop coming down. Your beautiful wife held me in her arms. She told me to “let it all out” that I was safe from harm. You explained to me that you held a high position in the local church, and that you and your family were staying at the hotel because your home had flooded. You placed something in my hand, and we parted ways. The next morning, there was a bag of groceries at my door. There was clothes for my kids, and a few items that I needed for myself. The morning after that, a beautiful basket of fruit with a note that said- you are so loved. The morning after that, donuts for us. Each morning, a new blessing was left at my door. My week ran out, and I had to go. I never saw you, or your beautiful wife. I didn’t even know which room was yours. When I checked out, there was no information on the sheet for billing and privacy purposes, they had to cover it with something before I received my copy. I never got to say thank you. For the time I had in that hotel was the most beautiful and relaxing of times. I was able to find clarity. I was able to think about my future for the very first time since the local shelter told me they only had room for myself and one child- I thank you kindly and Sir. With all of my heart. You, and your beautiful wife. For being my Angel. In my darkest time.
    Because of you, I am safe. I am strong. You showed me that there was kindness. Many years later, I think of you, I think of her as I do my very best to create special gift bags for the victims and their children as they enter into what is the scariest of times. Thank you again, for your beautiful light. Grateful beyond words,
    – Michelle

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    • Michelle, this story was profound. The acts of kindness shared here are remarkable. I thought it was going to end at the register, but you kept receiving daily gifts of love and appreciation. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that some people can be so KIND when others are so selfish. I am grateful for your stranger too, for it reminded me that when…read more

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    • Wow! WoW! and Wow! First things first, I am so incredibly sorry for the abuse you endured. But what a beautiful encounter with such kind and wonderful people. I am sure they would be so happy if they knew that you decided to pay their blessing forward by giving blessings to so many others. It is poetic when kindness has this type of ripple effect.…read more

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  • Awesome! I really agree and love what you wrote. Change does start with us from our heart and personal experiences. We create a beautiful canvas from our hopes and experiences. Excellent writing

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  • WOW! BEAUTIFUL. ❤️ This touched my heart. Thank you for sharing such beautiful words. Keep on writing you are amazing. These words will bring about a beautiful change for many. Thank you

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  • Be The Change.

    Kindness has been hidden, everyone is so guilt ridden and full of fear. Believe in your neighbors. Reach out to someone that is struggling.Check on your friends daily. Be the example of love. In my bubble, I feel that judgement is far too common, jealousy is a curse and that negativity is contagious. Greed and power are handed out to those who abuse their privileges loudly. I would love to see a world where you are safe to speak out about your insecurity and weakness instead of the movie and make believe kind of violence and drama each day. Encourage those who are confused and help them find their way back to their truth. Help the less fortunate, but do not make it a dependable process. TEACH instead of preach. Understand that success is not measured by wealth, but by soul. The change starts with our hearts. I would love to see more education and encourage self sufficiency in learning, not just brain skills. It is true, most of us with a college education have spent thousands only to feel lost at the very end. Partner violence is huge, yet there are not enough resources to help those post abuse. I am trying to change that. Beautiful hearts are overwhelmed and overlooked often. A good deed is taken wrong or mistaken for greed. It is run by fear. The news, is never good news anymore. It only focuses on the darker parts of life. Let’s tell the world of the heros and the dreamers. The good deeds and the pure hearts. Instead of selling the darkness that feeds the depressed. I dream of communication and community instead of corruption and conspiracy.
    Reach out a hand to another need. Support and listen to another’s dream. If you can help encourage anyone do that. Be a stepping stone to build another up. Not step on their heart. Believe that change is possible. Believe that we can all be the change. I’d love to see no more wars or fighting. No crime or hate. Maybe just maybe if we took a step back and opened our inner hearts we could understand better.
    Fundraise to make a change for what you believe in. Speak your truth proudly without shame or blame. Believe that each of us are capable to bring about a better world in our own special ways. We can all be the change.

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    • Aww what I love so much about this is everything you say you want to see, you actually do. YOU are an example of Love. YOU encourage others. YOU help the less fortunate. YOU teach instead of preach. You truly are the change you want to see in the world, and for that, you should be so proud. I admire you so very much. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • Michelle shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 years, 4 months ago

    Invisible bruises

    I didn’t think it would be this hard. Accepting the diagnosis of *permanently disabled* The fact is, that I have a brain injury. An invisible injury that no one but myself knows about unless we strike up a conversation. What’s the hardest part? The depression. The untreatable with medication depression. The PTSD and the pains haunt me. When I see another woman my age, so beautiful and fit, so full of energy and life, sometimes I’m hit with grief. Why is that you might ask? The days for me lately have been divided out and measured by how much, or how little energy I have that morning waking up. If my body is screaming at me or being kind to me. It all depends. I proudly carry the badge of a domestic violence survivor, but inside my invisible bruises smother my light as the depression tries to take over. My Dr told me that I was beautifully broken. My heart and my brain agree. I just want to be free from the sadness. It feels impossible. Be “mindful” they say. As the tears pour down my face. I hold on for dear life these days riding the waves. Learning to live myself again, and nurturing my invisible bruises. 🩶

    Shelle Belle

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    • Thank you so much for sharing your inner dialogue. I can’t imagine how difficult your life might be because of what you’ve been through. Being beautifully broken is something I’ve heard before. In china, if fine china is broken it’s mended back together with gold. Showing the beauty in imperfections and that it’s worth is still valuable. You may b…read more

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      • 💜 Thank you so much for your word of encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to write a little something to me. It feels a bit less lonely knowing that my words can be safe here.

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    • Hello Shelle, I understand the invisible illnesses all to well. The physical and the mental that came from first abuse and then MS. PTSD has calmed down as I work on regulating my nervous system and my physical ailments have changed significantly as I changed my life style. The memories of the abuse are still surfacing and I ride those waves as…read more

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    • This is a very beautiful and emotional letter. you’ve clearly been through hell and back yet you’re still here, besides the depression and PTSD you’re still here to share your story. Thank you for sharing your struggle.

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  • Wow! Your words of strength made me tear up just a bit. To see you write it out is so wonderful. The reminder that we don’t need to be strong ALL the time speaks volumes to me. Thank you for the reminder. Good luck. I voted for you. 🙏

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    • Thank you so much! I appreciate that. I’m happy that my words had that effect on you. Yeah, the reminder about not needing to be strong all the time is one I need every now and then. Because I was taught to believe that, it’s been a hard task to get out of that mindset. Thank you once again!

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  • Danni, I love this. Your words are so powerful. I voted for you. You have such a gift of words. They touch the heart. Good luck! Keep on believing in your beautiful, strong, amazing self.

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  • I absolutely love your words of wisdom. A mother is truly a gift to this world. My mother was my Grandmother. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom with all of us.

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  • You are so amazing! I related to your words so deeply. My mother was the cause of my childhood trauma and through it, I became the best mom to my 3 now adult children. Never give up on yourself and your dreams. You have got this Mama!!!

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    • Shelle! thank you soooo much! I’m trying my best everyday, I’m so glad to hear that there are goddesses like you are out here grinding and doing the dang thing everyday. I know things are in my control and hope to mold our future the best way I can! Thank you for your kind words and relating to me. You’re awesome thank you <3

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  • Beginning Again

    Dear world,
    From a young age, I knew you would be challenging. When my mother decided that a fun life was the better life for her and left me alone at age 2, I knew I had to be strong. The fears, the tears, the pain of crying alone at night I waited, I waited for someone to come show me that you were a safe place again. At 3, I got to “begin again.” My grandmother’s gentle and loving hugs and comforting arms held me at night, and she sang to me. The tears over the years began to cleanse my heart and I learned that love was safe. Untill I became an adult and made a terrible, life changing mistake. Altering my belief of what true love was.

    I became weak when his words slashed my soul to pieces and his powerful hands marked my face and body with imprints from his rage. I lived in a cage. I was locked up in the darkness and had to dig myself out of his prison. The night everything went black, after his final attack, I had 3 children to live for.

    With the first blow to my head, I begged him to let me live, and he laughed at me. I fought. I had to be strong. His angry hands took me down, I didn’t think that I could fight any longer, harder, yet I did, and I survived his powerful blow to my head. Because I was strong. My will to survive became my power and when I woke up I knew it was the beginning of the end. I was determined to live that night. That night my grandmothers car and my grandmother became my safe place once again. My babies were safe. We were safe in her arms once again. I looked in the mirror and saw the patchwork bruising that he left all over my face. I cried and I cussed. I looked up for the first time in years, and said to myself “I’m strong enough to survive this” I didn’t give up, when I wanted to give in. My life has not been beautiful, but I am still here, and thanks to my strength, every morning when I wake up, I get to begin again.

    Michelle Ruby

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    • Michelle – I am so very sorry for the hurt and the trauma you had to endure both as a baby and as an adult. Your grandmother sounds like a beautiful and wonderful woman, who passed her strength down to you. I love this line, “I’m strong enough to survive this.” You are incredibly strong and I am so glad you were able to remove yourself from…read more

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    • Michelle, I’m so sorry that you had to go through all those things. No one deserves to treat such a precious human being or any human being like that in general. You are so strong to continue to hold yourself up high. I’m sure going through that was so hard. Your life will get better and I’m glad that you were strong enough to share your story.

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