

  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 21 hours ago

    Welcome, The Month of June!

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s June 1st. It seems crazy to think that six months of 2024 have gone by. Though the summer doesn’t officially begin until later this month, the season feels like it’s in the air today.

    As is the case with every month of the year so far, I wrote a welcome note for June.

    Welcome to June!

    30 new days are here
    Closing out the first half of this year

    The month is a bridge between seasons
    Starting in spring, and ending in summer
    Filled with celebrations of pride and fatherly figures

    Days are getting longer, then they start to get shorter
    The pace of life begins to slow down
    As warmth moves in, we’re all hanging outdoors

    When you wonder aloud….
    How did we get here?! It was winter five minutes ago
    And spring moved by in the blink of the eye

    The calendar is blank once again
    Ready and waiting for new memories to be made
    Sitting and watching the waves roll on by


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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    Mother's Day

    Dear Unsealers:

    It’s the second Sunday in May.

    I wanted to wish all the mothers in this group and Lauren’s mom too, a Happy Mother’s Day!

    I’ve written a poem to mark the occasion:

    The second Sunday in May
    A day to honor all the motherly figures in our lives

    Mothers, aunts, grandmothers, mothers to be
    To cherish them for all they do
    To hold their memories in our hearts
    More than these words can possibly say

    Mothers are the backbone of the world
    This fact needs to be repeated
    Today, tomorrow and every day

    With all the love if this day is too difficult
    All the comfort and joy abound

    From me to you, I wish all of you
    A Happy Mother’s Day!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Danielle

    Don’t worry little one, this will all be forgiven and forgotten I know you’re going through a lot right now and I pray that you make it through this with open eyes And a keen sense. You are on your own now
    nothing more, nothing less. My information is true
    and I know what you’re going to do. I know because I’m you. Don’t listen to any negativity from any one and always be yourself! I know it’s rough but it’ll get better I hope you find solace in this letter.


    Voting starts July 24, 2024 12:00am

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  • Latte's & Monday's Don't Bring Me Down

    Dear Unsealers,

    This is my answer to the question in the challenge…

    When and where do I feel most at peace?

    As the sun rises over the Canyon of Heroes
    It’s the start of the work week

    But before I arrive at the office
    There’s something that I need to do
    The Monday morning ritual

    As I take my seat in the cafe at 4 Liberty Street
    I see the heart in my Matcha Latte

    At the first sip, the world stands still
    Only the daylight can be seen

    None of the world’s troubles matter
    With each extra sip, I feel warmed bliss

    When the bottom of the cup is reached
    I can take on the slings and arrows of the day

    Oswald Perez

    Voting starts August 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome, May!

    Dear, Unsealers:

    It’s the first day of the month of May.

    April seemed to go by quickly. As one does when they participated in National Poetry Writing Month.

    The calendar resets for the next thirty-one days. Spring is in full bloom.

    With the opening day of the month being a Wednesday, I welcome the month by way of haiku, an imperfect one…

    As the fifth month begins
    Thirty one new days arrive
    A welcome, to May!

    Oswald Perez

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  • Welcome To Spain! ¡Bienvenido a España!

    Dear, Unsealers:

    The following poem is a flashback to November 2015…

    In the early morning hours
    I stepped off the plane in Madrid
    After a long, turbulent flight across the Atlantic

    As I see the window ahead of me
    I’m on the other side, en el Aeropuerto Barajas
    With daylight yet to break

    It doesn’t look like I’m in Spain
    But indeed I am!

    All the waiting and anticipation led here
    To these eight days, my first trip away from home
    Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Sevila & Cordoba await

    To think, this wouldn’t have happened
    If I wasn’t told months earlier, “no”.

    I didn’t know it then….
    I would learn to love traveling solo, joining group trips

    This was a celebration of turning thirty!

    Oswald Perez

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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    • I always love hearing about all your travels! Welcome to the 30’s! It sounds like this was an amazing trip. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family! Did you go to the Alhambra while in Grenada? <3 Lauren

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 1 weeks ago

    Under April Skies

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the first day of April. And that’s no fooling.

    I know, I can hardly believe it either as it felt like the year was just starting five minutes ago.

    But we’ve arrived at the second quarter of this year. And there’s mostly a blank slate right now. That’s the beauty of each day though, the canvas is there for creation to happen in whatever form we choose.

    With that idea in mind, I welcome in the month of April:

    Under the April skies
    A new month begins

    30 days, with a blank slate ahead
    A breather after New Year’s, Valentine’s and Easter have all gone

    A month where rain falls
    The flowers and leaves will surely grow
    Under blissful sunny skies

    So will the creativity
    In the midst of NaPoWriMo
    The poems will come fast and furious

    With a new quarter of the year on tap
    Where will life go from here?

    Under April skies
    I’ll let the days and nights flow
    From there, I’ll know where to go

    Oswald Perez

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    • Oswald Perez, keep embracing the blank slate and let your creativity soar under the April skies. With the rain nurturing growth, immerse yourself in NaPoWriMo and let the poems flow. Trust the journey ahead as you navigate the new quarter of the year and discover where life will take you.

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day

    Dear Unsealers,

    The 25th of March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day. And the month of March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month in the United States.

    It hasn’t been easy to say that I have cerebral palsy. As it was so present in the years that I grew up, it almost became the whole story of who I was. But I’ve come around and accepted the fact that CP is a part of my life. Yet, it’s only one part of the larger story that’s still being written to this very day.

    I’m more than the challenges present, and the same goes for everyone in the community in their own ways.

    I’ve written something in honor of the day:

    National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day

    On the 25th of March
    An underserved community’s turn in the spotlight

    I’ve had my fair share of challenges
    From my eyes, my speech to my feet
    But I’ve risen above all of it
    To be me, a writer and traveler

    CP used to be the entire story
    Defined by all the limitations
    Now it’s just part of the plot
    Of a larger story that’s still being told

    On this day and every day
    A reminder to everyone…

    People with Cerebral Palsy
    Live lives of joy and wonder
    Unbowed by the impossible

    Even if things take more time to do
    After all, we bring our full selves to the forefron

    Oswald Perez

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    • CP used to be the entire story
      Defined by all the limitations
      Now it’s just part of the plot
      Of a larger story that’s still being told

      Oswald this is a beautiful line and piece. CP does not define your whole identity! There is so much more to you! you are wonderful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lau…read more

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the 17th day of March.

    After years of searching for Irish blessings to post on this day, I began to write my own.

    With the luck of the Irish, comes this year’s version:

    On this, the 17th day of March
    A blessing from me to you

    May your days be filled with joy
    And all the craic spent in good company

    For the peace to ease weary times
    As the rainbows fill the skies
    Under bright blue, sunny daylight

    With sweet songs sung in tune
    Carrying this message far and wide

    In this moment of Céad Míle Fáilte
    From the Emerald Isle with love, sent across the world

    Happy St Patrick’s Day!
    Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

    Oswald Perez

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  • *Keep going through*

    ***Trigger warning***
    I have thought long and hard about this entry, the words that are going to follow, will likely be a trigger for so many, but it is my hope that maybe, I can help another feel less alone. I want to let you know, that I’ve likely been right where you are. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to feel like everything is caving in. That life sucks, and that we got the shortest straw. It’s at that point, we know we are human beings. Living life. We just have to feel it all! Then, when we feel it’s time, push through it. Try not to get stuck in the pain and the darkness. Time is different for so many of us.
    My life has been far from easy. I’m guessing yours may not have been either. So we are meeting on common ground. I wanted to give up on everything so many times. My very first memory ever was when I was around 2. It was traumatic. Growing up I didn’t fit in with the others. I was bullied. I had a very emotionally immature mother, and my father, well, he was gone without a forwarding address when they divorced.
    I was the odd girl being raised by her grandparents. I was automatically labeled “different” and not cool.
    I kept going. It was so hard. In 4th grade, the bullying really took its toll on me when a fellow student put a kick me sign on my back and my art teacher saw it. She pulled me aside and took me into the hall. I thought I was going to be in trouble because no one wanted to be in a group with me. Her words changed my life. She told me that I was smart and talented. She told me to leave the kick me sign on my back and to go back in the classroom acting as if I didn’t know anything had happened. I wanted to cry so badly. My heart was crushed. It was hard, but I did it. I kept moving forward.
    In my elementary years, I felt so lost. Absolutely lost inside. Moving on to middle school, the bullying continued. My self esteem was at an all time low. I started to ditch classes and eventually, I constantly messed up all through 7th grade. I didn’t think that I had a chance at anything. At this point, I had some family issues arise and the pressure took its toll on me. I experienced physical abuse from someone in my family due to alcohol abuse they had become a stranger in my eyes. Unrecognizable and terrifying. With each time that I was hit a piece of me shut down. No one was listening to me. It was me, against the world. I was put in a private school for “troubled teens” There were not many girls there but I became friends with a girl that was adopted.
    I opened up to her about feeling fat and un pretty. One day at her home, she gave my my very first diet pill. This resulted in an eating disorder, I will just check that box too. So we now have on the board, traumatic childhood- jumping into Child abuse, leading to full blown self hatred and a very devastating case of both anorexia and boulima. I had absolutely no clue that I was spiraling downward in a very dangerous way. I couldn’t feel anything. I wanted to feel something. I just couldn’t. I was absolutely NUMB. You might be wondering why I’m putting this out there for the world to see. It’s my hope, that you will see that you are not alone. That you are strong and you will pull through the storms. My story didn’t end there. As numb as I was, I kept moving forward. I had no direction but I knew that it had to get better at sometime. Fast forward to 15, I was thrown back with my mother. Within the first month of living with my mother, Plot twist from absolute HELL-
    I was beaten in the school parking lot with leather belts by a group of boys while everyone watched and laughed. This was typical for a Denver high school in the 90’s. “There was no room for stuck up little white girl in their hood” This was what they told me as they continued to whip me with braided belts. This was an assault. The school let it go. I became a shell. I don’t remember too much other than my mother blaming me for the events that transpired shortly after this. I was sexually assaulted by one of the boys in that group. I woke up in a hospital emergency room covered in charcoal with only a blur of the hospital lights above my head. At that point, all I wanted to was die. I didn’t think that I had anything left. The police had taken a report and my mother refused to press charges on grounds that she feared more gang retaliation would follow. I was placed in a group home- Day treatment facility to address the issues. That treatment facility saved my life. For the very first time I was taken seriously. I was not called a liar. I was supported and safe. I had made it to safety.
    It was a lot of work on my part. I still had a many issues with my mother.
    Everything was always about her. I’m wrapping this up ending in a teen pregnancy. The teen pregnancy allowed me to imancipate from my mother at age 16. I want you to believe that you can break your family generational curses/cycles and life may be hard but I can promise you there is a light. The fight and the struggle are very important. They make us who we are.
    I believe in you. In fact, a whole lot of us Unsealers do. You are amazing. You are smart, you are strong, you have a bright future ahead. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You will change the world. I will be over here, a stranger, in the stands rooting for you. 💜 Just believe in every aspect of YOU. You will pull through. You are not alone and you are already doing such great things. Most importantly, thank you for being you.


    Voting is open!

    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Shelle, I am so sorry for all the pain that you had to endure and from such a young age. But I am so glad that you found the love and the support you needed in life to get you on a happier and healthier track. You inspire me! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months ago

    International Women's Day 2024

    Dear Unsealers,

    The 8th of March is International Women’s Day.

    I wanted to show a measure of gratitude to the women in my life, from my mom, sister and all of my female friends and acquaintances. Today, tomorrow and all of the days that follow.

    It’s with that idea in mind, that the following poem comes from…

    On International Women’s Day
    A shout out to all the women

    From all walks, ages of life
    And all corners of the globe

    Showing backbone that keeps the world together
    Through shows of tenacity, strength, kindness and love

    I ought to know this for sure
    For their courage and ambition
    Coming to the forefront time and again

    I look up to the women in my life
    My mother, my sister and oh so many more
    As their encouragement makes me who I am

    We celebrate them and admire them
    Every day of the year, not just today

    Oswald Perez

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    • Aww Oswald, thank you for this. You have such a beautiful heart and I love how you celebrate others, including women. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Pain Free.

    Rise and shine you beautiful soul!
    We have work to do today.
    Roll that delicate body out of bed and awaken to the day of wonders ahead.
    Today, feels like a good day. I Declare it, embrace it and give thanks.
    It’s the perfect day to live.
    I am embracing the relaxation and peace that has been gifted to me on such a beautiful morning.
    I stretch, and sit up, wiggling my my toes as my legs hang down from my bed. A giggle escapes my lips followed by a smile as my dog mimics me. She nudges me and lets me know that it is time to officially wake up.
    I step off of my bed and stand tall. There’s no pain at all. No tingling, no burning, no stiffness at all.
    I am at peace. I playfully ask my kitty Nirvana -“Do I choose coffee, or green tea?” She meows back at me. I dance around the the kitchen and I embrace being pain free. There is no stress or struggle as I start my daily chores. You may think this sounds silly, the happiness that bending down brings me as I slide on my shoes. I did it absolutely pain free and that is perfect. It’s perfect for me.
    The sun is shining so bright, and I put the leash on my dog. Bieng pain free, has blessed me with a morning walk.
    I have energy!
    Enough energy to conquer the world, well, that is, enough energy to conquer “My world” or, at least to conquer the tasks that most days I am unable to. Today, I am pain free, and it is absolutely perfect.
    I think it’s a good day to go to the gym. Perfect day, that is.
    I grab my bag, my book, headphones and my water bottle.
    I’m a little bit nervous that this may not last, but quickly push the thoughts away. As today, this moment I am pain free, and today is the perfect day.
    My body moves freely, and with each breath that I take I am breathing in love and gratitude. These days are few and far between. Today, I woke up pain free.
    I am able to grocery shop without any fears or anxiety. There is no looking over my shoulder I am in the moment. I am safe, and I am living life peacefully. Today, I give thanks for walking up pain free.
    I am able to walk the three flights of stairs to visit my grandmother. We’re going to have lunch and play some games. Her company and her smile bring me so much comfort. I’m giving thanks, for such a perfect day.
    I woke up pain free. I woke up with the chance to show the world the actual me. With a smile on my face, and my posture upright. I am filled with gratitude and peace. I am grateful for my life.
    The perfect day for me, means living without pain.
    Without tears, and strain. Oh how I am grateful when I am blessed with a perfect pain free day.


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    • Shelle, Your letter beautifully captures the serenity of a morning and the gratitude for finding solace within yourself. It’s inspiring to see how your home has become a sanctuary. Keep embracing the blessings and cherishing these perfect moments.

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      • Thank you so much for your kind response to my writing. 💜 I appreciate the support. It is very nice to meet you! This piece was very special to me.

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome To March

    Dear Unsealers,

    It’s the first day of March.

    A new month has just begun. 31 new days to make them as we wish.

    As the new month begins, it’s a season of transitition. From adding more daylight to the days, to the first traces of spring appearing.

    With the new month beginning, it’s my custom to welcome it in verse.

    A moment to welcome the month of March
    31 new days have just arrived

    A month that’s full of transitions
    From the clocks switching ahead an hour
    To winter’s last hurrah, as spring knocks on the door

    To celebrate patron saints, Lá fhéile Pádraig & Dydd Gwyl Dewi
    And painting the town green, in honor of Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

    As the UEFA Euros finalize their 24, MLS & the NWSL begin and MLB’s just a first pitch away
    The Madness of 68 college basketball teams reigns

    The first quarter of 2024, its ending coming near
    There is nothing to fear and everything to embrace

    Oswald Perez

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    • Dear Oswald,
      You have given me reasons to be grateful and excited for the upcoming month of March. Thank you for that!


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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 1 weeks ago

    Tongue twister

    My screen is a scene of something obscene
    It’s so serene I hear Myself scream I deemed it extreme
    Im not to keen to dream it seems, I mean…..

    DB cooper

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  • Autumn shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    The roads we travel

    Two roads diverged ahead of me –
    one known and one less traveled.
    There’s been a lot of talk about
    how one should take the latter.

    They say to seek the new and strange
    is the course that is the wiser,
    but both seemed new and strange to me
    because I’d never taken either.

    I traveled for a bit down one
    and found much there was gold,
    but soon I wondered what glittering things
    the other road might hold.

    Changing course is not a thing
    one can often do with ease.
    I trudged across through underbrush
    in the darkness of the trees.

    I ran into another path-
    who could say where this would go?
    But one I went because of course
    there’s but one way to know.

    I’ve done a lot of traveling now
    and there’s much that I have learned.
    Each path was often weird to walk
    and took many curious turns.

    There are many books that I could fill
    with what I don’t know yet.
    But what I think is true is that
    none knows which path is best.

    So I say if you’re stuck between two roads
    and told that you much choose,
    to say p’shaw to others and
    do what you want to do.

    Autumn Davidson

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    • Dear Autumn,
      Your words are wise and inspiring. Telling us ito choose the path that we truly want is so wise.


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  • Perfect sway

    It’s a perfect day, let’s go slay.
    Waking up feels great, my body’s not in pain. My brain no longer insane, I’m tame.
    I put my doc’s on and stroll out the door on this beautiful 80 degree day.
    My gosh the beauty I see before me,
    neighbors smiling and I am stylin’
    Jeeps workin’ just fine wow that just blew my mind
    I feel like I’m in a Muppet movie surrounded by singing
    And dancing I feel fantastic not a bit sarcastic
    nope…. no work today! Just me, myself, and I

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, It sounds like you’re perfect day is an amazing day filled with joy and positivity! I’m glad that you embrace the beauty around you and enjoy your time off. It’s great to cherish the moments of relaxation and self-care. Keep that upbeat spirit going!

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  • A love letter to me, from Me 

    Hey, Oz:

    I know it’s been a rough start to 2024. The health issues with both parents carried over from 2023. The skies above have been cloudy and gray for so many days. And since the end of the holidays, the days feel the same. Wake up, go to work and go to sleep.

    Add to that, Valentine’s Day is coming up. Which tends to add on an extra layer to the sense of doom and gloom already being felt.

    But I’m here to remind you, you’re not nothing. You light up in the world in so many ways.

    Whether it be your beaming smile in the most candid of moments. The words that you put out that offer hope, even during the most difficult of days. Or, being as relentlessly positive for everyone in your life. The presence you carry each day resonates with other people.

    I totally get it. As much as you appreciate everyone’s kind words, it tends not to stick around for very long.

    This is your inner voice saying that you matter. You always have and always will.

    Now, go forth and be the light that you wish to see in the world!

    Oswald Perez

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    • Hey Oswald, I know it’s been tough lately, but remember that you have a light within you that shines brightly. Your presence and positivity inspire others. Don’t forget that you matter and make a difference in the world. Keep being the light you wish to see. You got this!

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    • Your inner voice is very smart. Of course you matter. And you do light up the world around you! I have been a witness to that! You are wonderful. I am sorry about your parents. I hope they are feeling better. Keep shining. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our family. <3 Lauren

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  • Angel (second chance) to my rainbow 🌈 baby

    I pray God send you back to me
    I loved you before I knew you
    I still love you
    My boo boo
    I will always love you
    You would have been 7 years old
    Some friends tell me Happy mothers day
    I smile to cover up the pain that’s inside of me
    It’s hard for me to open up to explain to others what happened
    I wish I knew what you would have looked like
    Still wonder if you were going to be a baby boy “Legend”
    Or a “Diamond” princess
    I wish I knew your favorite toy
    Your favorite cartoon
    favorite food
    favorite fruit
    favorite veggie
    favorite ice cream
    favorite hobby
    favorite color
    favorite book
    I know uncle Jimmy would have been your favorite uncle
    Sherice & Klanice your favorite twin aunties
    All I wanted was the best for you
    Lead you in the right direction
    I wanted you to have a father
    That knew the definition of being a father
    And act on it
    I was so happy when I confirmed I was due 3/30/2017
    But I was scared too
    So I sat down and thought everything through
    I rather have a child by a real man with father experience
    Even with no father experience but is ready and willing to sacrifice
    And do everything he can to make sure his child is well taken care of
    And I was guaranteed to have a real man that had my back one hundred percent
    Then I would have never had any doubts
    I still look at my ultrasound picture
    My body freezes up looking at my seed I was carrying
    Small thing you
    Sometimes as I sit and write
    But yet my kid not hugging or kissing me
    Or saying, “mommy I love you”
    I feel so empty inside
    The sorrow is so heavy
    So deep
    I pray God
    Bring me back my princess or prince
    Healthy and all.

    My little angel 😇 💛

    Author Dainnese Jackson

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    • Dear Dainnese, your love for your child is evident and heartfelt. I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. May you find comfort and healing in time. Sending you strength and love. Your little angel will always be a part of you.

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  • shelle-belle submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 4 months ago

    Someone, somewhere, has loved ME all along

    I have spent most of my life trying to learn how to love myself.
    After leaving an abusive relationship in January of 2001 I was a complete mess. I was a single mother of three little ones that needed me to pull through. There you will find your strength. Someone, somewhere, still loves you. Deep into your core. Do not be afraid to be who you are, because YOU are love.
    I started to write poetry.
    One lonely night, after my kids were in bed, I started to reflect. The darkness seemed to slowly fade away, and the following words flowed freely, and opened up my closed heart.
    I felt compelled to share it with The Unsealed family. Here goes my heart.
    Someone, somewhere out there loves you. They love you for who you are, and they love you for your heart. They love you for everything that you stand for, and that you believe in. They do not hurt you, but encourage you to follow your dreams. They will not tear you down, but will wipe away the tears. when you are too weak from crying, they will hold you. When you feel as if your heart is breaking, and you do not think that you can go on, there, you will find your inner strength. Your power, your truth. do not ever be afraid, to be who you truly are. YOU are loved by you.
    You will embrace the changes, the struggles and those pains. Please, don’t you ever feel like you need to change to be loved. Love is who you are.
    Your road has been hard. It has been paved with loneliness.
    If being lonely is what it takes to find YOU again, then let it be. Don’t be afraid to travel this world alone. take time to observe all of humanity.
    You have found that we are all different on the outside, but we all bleed the same. Broken people will hurt you often due to their own pains. You will learn to spot them. Careful who you let in. Do not be cold, that is not who you are. Expand love within.
    When all is said and done, you will find that you have walked many journeys in solitude. Alone. You have learned that people, are people, they trip up just like you. You have learned that holding onto bitterness, and anger is a huge mistake. It will only hurt you. Knowing that you are unstoppable. You keep moving on. At the end of the road, you will find that someone, somewhere, has been with you through the battles and that they have loved you all along…

    I wrote these words the night that I found myself again. When I realized that all I needed to do was to love myself. It is still an every day battle at times, but I love the woman that I have become. Thank you for reading. I hope that it makes a bit of sense to someone.

    Shelle Belle

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    • This is such a wholesome piece! I love how you spoke about loneliness being positive. Sometimes the things we think we don’t want can be the best for us and that’s okay; it’s okay to travel the word alone and break and crumble. And it’s a beautiful reminder that the love is within us and we are love 🙂

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      • Saga.
        Thank you for taking the time to read and to comment about my poem. It was very special to me and I wasn’t sure if any of it made sense. Your words of support are very much appreciated! It is so nice to meet you.

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        • It definitely made sense and I’m super glad you shared! It’s nice to meet you too 🙂 Hopefully I’ll get to read more of your work <3

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    • Michelle, you have such. a good heart and I am so happy you are using that heart of yours to give yourself the love you deserve. You are such an easy person to love, so keep that bar high. This was another sweet and beautiful piece. Thank you for all the love you pour into The Unsealed. You are pure light. <3 Lauren

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    • This is a lovely piece! As a single mother, this definitely resonated with me. 🙏🏼 look forward to reading more of your work. 😊

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  • Touched without permission (violated)

    Based on a true story

    My sibling
    Her oldest child father always gave me the creeps since i was 9 years old
    I always felt awkward around this creep
    I was so happy when this creep got sentence threw years in prison
    I did not have to see his face for a while
    My sibling accused me of having a crush
    This situation is one of the reasons
    My sibling and I cannot ever be sisters

    1998 this creep ends up getting released from prison
    My parents gave him a roof over his head
    Which was the biggest mistake ever
    When my sibling eyes were not looking
    This creep bull dog evil eyes were watching me
    When my family members were not watching this creep would stimulate his own penis with his hand
    Yo cause himself to ejaculated
    And would have a seductive smile on his dirty ass face
    He would Peek at me through the bedroom closet door that was connected to the bathroom
    This creep would watch me undress
    Or when he heard the shower water turn off
    And I would step out of the shower
    His eyes were staring at me
    I felt so violated
    My freshman year in high school
    I still remember
    I was attending Crawford High
    Living on Streamview Street
    I was so afraid of going home after school
    Because both of parents were working at the same time
    My brother would be out running the streets with his friends
    My older sibling hateful sibling would be at work or attending college
    When I used to finally arrive home from school the sick creep would be laying on the dark gray living room carpet floor watching television
    I would just walk straight back to my bedroom that was in the hallway on the left side from my parents bedroom
    Close and lock myself inside
    Put my dark beige flower couch behind my door to feel safer
    And wait for family members to come home
    I would even wait for my jealous sibling to come home so she can keep an eye on her demon
    Flash back
    I still remember this awful night like it was yesterday
    I fell asleep on the same dark gray living room carpet floor
    My Jada Pickett Smith set it off Bob braids
    The touch of this creep filthy hands touching on my behind (butt)
    While I was asleep
    Froze me
    I was froze like frozen cold ice
    My eyes lit up
    But I still did not make a move or make a sound
    The whole time this creep touching me
    I played asleep
    I cried
    After he was done touching me
    I stayed laid flatly up on my stomach
    On the living room floor for about a minute or two
    Then finally I got up and went into my parents bedroom
    Like a rabbit
    I hopped into bed with my parents
    Crying in my mother’s arms
    I felt I lost my innocence
    The sick bitch violated my freshness by touching me
    But this whole situation got swept under the rug
    Some family members even thought I was lying
    But what will I get out of lying? Nothing
    Till this day I hate this child molester
    If I was told this sick ass creep got murdered
    I will not have any remorse.

    I want to send a message to young women that has been through the same situation do not be afraid to tell somebody, even the police. Get creeps like this off the street. If a family member choose not to believe you, do not give up talking to someone and remember you are not alone.

    Dainnese Jackson

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