

  • To the man I pray to everyday

    You are a man who:
    wears his beard fully,
    not because he’s handsome but because uncle sam, doesn’t have a say anymore

    A man who embraces that hint of wild man that he is

    A man in the woods, only answering to the birds call

    A man who knows not the name of every tree but all of their essence

    A man who isn’t afraid of alarms anymore

    A man whose son’s friends all want to meet

    A man no longer confined by garmets who tried to garnish Vietnamese farmers

    A man who travels the word sharing his love for poetry, enticing others to write their own story

    He doesn’t care how sad or boring,
    this man wants to illuminate a safe space for your allegory,

    Because on any given day, your words may save someone’s life

    A man grounded in the Earth
    A man who doesnt fidget and twitch because his back doesn’t hurt

    A man who doesn’t get anxiety between 5 and 6 PM anymore

    A man that doesn’t lash out when he’s challenged by a loved one

    A man who takes a deep belly breath each time

    A man who’s presence alone makes people feel better about themselves

    A man who’s wife always feel safe in his arms

    A man that takes those wanting to fly, under his wing

    A man….
    that I think I’m
    Pretty close to actualizing


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    • Keep rocking on Rick! The pic is so cool this poem and the pic looks like you’re in your element. I want to hear more of your poetry live!! Hopefully we can have a live poetry session during one of our Unsealed conversations.
      Thank you for sharing and inspiring !! 🙂

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    • Another GEM! I think your ideal self is the man you are right now. I feel like you are such a soft kind soul. Once you figured out who and how you wanted to be, you went all in and it came so naturally. Your heart is changing the world. Thank you for being part of our family. Happy Holidays!<3 Lauren

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      • Wow thank you so much for saying that, when this page is at the for front of the world I can say that I was here since 23 lol

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  • Dear Little Sunshine: I Know it is Dark Out There

    Dear Little Sunshine,

    The world might not make much sense to you right now and I know you are just trying your hardest to find a place where you feel seen and heard in the way you see and hear other people. I can’t promise you that people won’t break your heart or mislead you, but I can promise you that every twist and turn you take will be your very own journey into a world that makes sense to you.

    You’re going to be known as the helper before you ever truly feel helped. You are going to the big cousin, big sister, best friend, and even the parent sometimes. And you are going to be great at it because you have a natural ability to connect with and care for people. There will be a lot of times where you feel like too much is being expected of you and that you just can’t do it anymore. I want to let you know that for every moment you push through, you grow into a stronger version of yourself and encourage others to do the same.

    Little Sunshine, I need you to know that you light up rooms when you walk in. I see the way you bring love and inspiration to people three times your age. I see the way you check in on others to make sure everyone feels included. I see that your mind never stops racing and your body never ceases to move. I see that you are as full of love as you are fearful of it.

    I know those around you are impressed by your self-sufficiency because they don’t know it was your only option. I know that you’ve been given too much responsibility at a young age and just want to make mistakes. I know you feel neglected, but still show up for everyone. I know it hurts to think you always have to give more than you can receive, but I want to assure you that your incessant desire for curiosity, connection, and care will motivate you to be a pillar of love and creative expression in the lives of others.

    That light you shine because you feel so overlooked, will teach others to unashamedly be themselves. That depth you possess because you’ve seen so much in such a short amount of time, will teach others to take time to learn themselves. That warmth you radiate because the world is just so cold, will teach others to be kinder to themselves.

    So, when your heart hurts, don’t turn away from those in your life who never did you wrong, remember to lean into the love that surrounds you and multiply it. All the boys and girls, friends and foes, family members and strangers, who made you question your heart, hold them closely like they couldn’t hold you and I promise you that your life will be so much better because of it. I don’t ask that you stay strong and silent when the world doesn’t give you what you need, I ask that you stay soft and resilient. I ask that you continue to be an example of the shining, permeating, unwavering love you wish to feel. You will change the lives of so many others because of it.

    I love you, Little Sunshine and I am so proud of you


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  • tasnimae submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend timeWrite a letter to TIME or to yourself about your favorite way to spend time 1 years, 9 months ago

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    A Conversation With Time

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