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Voting will start June 1st for those moving on to the next round

Voting will end July 6th at 11:59pm ET (member votes count 5x, non-member votes count 1x)

Our winners will be announced July 7th

$500 in cash prizes.

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  • parisce submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    The secret Journey

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  • marquesha13 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    The Suns Inspiration

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  • saraleeg submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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  • Letter's to a Friend

    Write A Letter To Your Future Self

    Dear You,
    Did you find yourself yet or are you still in that space of self-discovery that one can only get to after life has delt us the heaviest of cards? Did you ever learn how to grieve the sudden loses of the many you’ve loved or are you still finding escapes in food and work and sleep? I hope you finally found the courage to push for the goals you desire without the fear of failure, because as we sit now imposter syndrome still has a hold on us. What’s it like in the future? Has technology finally taken over? Has there been a revolution? Are you healthy?
    To you who has been with me since the very beginning when we were still energy floating in the universe waiting for an opportunity to be something. I hope you have traveled the world and back and found pockets of home in foreign spaces. What concerts have you gone to? Are concerts still a thing in the future or is everything virtual? Do you still love vegan doughnuts like you do now or have you found a new dessert to crave? Are daisies your favorite flower or have you discovered a new plant to fond over. As we sit here now, I think about, have you finally bought a house yet? What new adventures have you had? How is the bookstore coming along?
    To you in the future I hope that you are better at making decisions and have discovered more about the new you that has emerged from the grief, and pain, and heartbreak. I wonder if you and sister are still finding joy in all the chaos and make random excursions to find new food to break bread over because those moments of joy are special, and I hope that you have kept them. What’s it like being you in the time and space that you exist in now? Did you finally get your license because as I sit now where I am, it looks like driving anxiety is still kicking our butts. Did you ever learn how to manage your time or are you still overbooking yourself, because we both know that saying no has been our hardest sentence. However, I will say as we stand now, I am super proud of how far we’ve come. We have accomplished so much and made it so far. There are so many things we forget to celebrate that I hope you finally took the time to celebrate your wins, because I promise we ae learning that they are greater than their losses.
    In the future I hope you are I hope you are going even harder than you are now for your goals because you deserve all the things life has in store for you. We are learning that we are worth every number of blessings that find their way into our spaces. We are learning that now, so I hope you are still learning that in the future we designed for ourselves.
    Remember to write me back when this gets to you. Compare notes. See the comparisons of our lives then and now. Until this letter finds you my closest friend.

    With Deep Love,
    From Me, you, Us


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    • Asia, I love all the adventures you want to go in life, and I sure hope concerts are still live and NOT virtual. It sounds like you are already learning to say no, and realizing who and what matters in life. I too am proud of how far you’ve come. You deserve all the good things coming your way, and I can’t wait to see all your dreams come true.…read more

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  • arianavvalencia submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    A Letter To A Broken Home

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  • My Wishes to You

    Dear younger me,

    I thought of you today, recalling the letters you have written to me, your future self. I remember and can feel the pains you are going through now. and I am sending you three wishes.

    I know deeply your worries of the future. Worries of how you will make enough money to pay your bills, how you will build the life you want and how you can do all these and not disappoint your family. My first wish for you is to let go of the desires of others. The dreams your mother has for you and the future your father wants for you. The ideas your family has for your career to ensure stability and a life of safety and comfort. Their wishes are only for the best, but remember it is the best in their eyes, not yours.

    You know what is best for you.

    Trust yourself to do what is right for you even when you make mistakes. Success is found amongst the mess. Don’t try and keep your decisions clean and minimal. Dig into the box of your hopes, dreams, and ideas and try a few of them out; you’ll find the right one. Let go and enjoy the experience of making a mess. I can already sense your anxiety about this idea and I’m telling you- we made it just fine.

    Another wish I’m sending you is to trust others, instead of expecting the worst from loved ones. I recall the lesson we were taught so long ago that has cut so deep, that the world is cruel and no one is to be trusted but us; yourself. But you’ve created a bond with a partner that has heard your deepest and darkest secrets and sees the truth of who you are and loves you unconditionally- the whole of you. Others can and will do that too, and you can share your love without fear. Build deep connections and let go of those that don’t work out. Send them love and accept that you were meant meet for a time, for growth, to learn and to move on. You will find the ones that are meant to stay.

    My finally wish for you is to stay the dreamer. You have always been a big dreamer and yet you have been afraid for so long of what others will think; about the way you look, the way you act, what you eat and what you do. Others will always have something to say. Don’t let their thoughts and your fear allow them to take your dreams of writing, of creating an artist world that you can live in and share with the others. it’s ok to be afraid, take a breath and hold hands with your fear and work together towards your dreams.

    I know it is scary to do what is right for you. Remember, we have chosen the right partner, we will find and choose the right path.

    I love you. The whole of you, with all my heart.

    I can’t wait to connect, in our future.


    Kat Coffin

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    • Kat this is sooo good! I love all your wishes. I am someone who did and still does at time stress about similar things as you. What I learned is if you take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself. You will figure it out. You are clearly very smart, and have a wise and mature way of thinking. I am dreamer like you. I always follow my…read more

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    • Kat this a fantastic and vulnerable letter, I loved to read it. You are a great writer and so intuitive. I love to hear you trusting that intuition more and more, as it will lead you to great things! I voted for you!

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  • jmalone submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    My Own Ever After

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  • itsnyah submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    April 2nd - My Parents Anniversary

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  • treadwell91 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Dear Future Self

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  • I Know You

    Hey you,
    I know you wanted him to tell you more, but you’re beautiful.
    I know the pain overwhelmed you, I know it hurts. I’m sorry you’ve heard more lies than apologies.
    I know you.
    I know you have secrets, I know your smile hides it all so well.
    I know you laugh so loud & cry so quietly.
    I know you.
    I know you love so deeply and care so much. I know your weakness.
    I know the darkness controlled you, I know it stole your joy.
    But you are a light.
    I know you.
    I know you pray for the storms to end, I know you pray for love. I know you pray for peace. I know you pray for strength.
    I know your prayers will be answered.
    I know you are a blessing.
    I know you had times that were depressing.
    I know you wanted him to say it, but I love you.
    I know you are impatient, I know you’re tired of waiting.
    I know you.
    I know you’re hoping this will end soon, I know you want to give up. I know it’s harder to wait.
    I know you drown yourself in work, to escape your thoughts.
    I know you have insecurities.
    I know you have scars that are visible & ones they’ll never see.
    I know you hide behind your beauty.
    I know you’ve been tested
    Some you have passed, many you have failed.
    I know you are healing. I know you are strong.
    I know you are brave, you are bold.
    I know you are beautiful.
    Listen, I know you.

    Alycia Manuel

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    • Alycia, It sounds like you are so self-aware and have experienced a range of emotions and circumstances. Let go of anyone who didn’t or doesn’t love you how you deserve. And, most importantly, always love yourself. As you said, YOU ARE A BLESSING! I love the ending to this piece, “I know you are healing. I know you are strong.
      I know you are…read more

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  • thevirgopoet submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Letter to my 10 Year Old Self

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  • msoul18 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    When Death Opens Your Eyes.

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  • A letter to my younger self and to the young girl I am raising to become a woman

    I wish I had the time to sit with you at a young age and prepare you for what was coming. How bad I wanted to nurture you, hold you and slowly ease you into what living on Earth really is like. Maybe that is why I was given a daughter. A second chance. An opportunity to teach you, support you and love you how you were supposed to have been loved. I wish I could have been an accessible guide from the moment you came into the world.. Today, I write from the future self to my past self as well as to the woman I am raising. May the words that I wish someone told me empower her.
    Let me start by telling you one important, yet powerful thing. You were born a baby girl to become a woman. That is deep and has power to it. Women were given the gift of birth, many magical, spiritual energy is in our wombs. We create life and then we heal from the process. From the start we are asked to always be on the go. We are asked to become strong and dismiss how we feel. We are asked to put others first and rest later. We will be told no. But no is only the determination you need to keep going. You will be restricted. You will be told how to dress, how to act, and what to look like. Baby girl, I am here to tell you that they are all wrong.
    When you were born, you were born with choice. Freedom. Beauty. Abundance. Faith. You were given a fresh new start. God made you different from others but yet we are all the same. You were born in a beautiful world, one with adversity among other challenges. You were taught to survive and put feelings and emotions aside. But that does not always work for everyone. I want to tell you to feel, to cry, to laugh, to fall in love. I want you to feel safe to ask questions about the world. About being a woman. About your very own strengths you hold as a woman.
    What are those strengths? They are those of your voice, intuition, creativity, alchemy and compassion. Understanding your very own energy and reading the energy of others. Your Sovereignty. Please know you do not have to think like others around you. You can have a mind of your own. You have the gift of creation, you can bring together what you want for your life because it is already yours. You have to believe in yourself more than anyone because sadly, those around us may not push us to believe in ourselves. Happiness is something that you have to go out and birth yourself. No one will bring you happiness and no one will love you like you love yourself. You will fall, you will fail, you will get your heart broken and you will experience loss. Never reflect back on these times as something negative, as these cycles in our life bring you lessons. You will learn from these life experiences and apply them to your future so you will be step ahead of falling.
    Do not be afraid to dream. By that I mean, be authentically you with no apology. Take up room and do not be afraid to take up the whole room if need be. They need to make room for you, never make room for them. Let your voice be heard. You are a leader. Be a teacher but also know when to be teachable. Stand up to bullies. Stand up for change. Stand tall for the people that came before you and the people that will come after you. Baby girl, it all happens with you.
    Love always,

    Your Empowered Future Self

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    • There is soooo much about this that I love!!! You are so wise! Don’t be afraid to dream and go after those dreams. Be unapologetically you. And feel all the emotions that life has to offer. You clearly already know the path to living you best life. Go do it! And write us about the journey along the way. Thank you for sharing and thank you for…read more

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    • You are an inspiration and a beautiful writer. This letter deeply moved me! I voted for you! Thank you for sharing your voice and it was an honor to meet you via zoom! 💝🙌

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    • I really enjoyed reading your letter and how the message was to two people: your younger self and your daughter. Your voice and beliefs were so powerful in the letter and the weight on being your authentic self was very empowering.

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  • I hope you realize how deserving you are!

    Dear Leyah,

    I write this letter to you in a brief moment of clarity. I’m sleeping beside the love of my life with the golden rays of the sunset complimenting the blue tones in our bedroom in the house we worked so hard to have. This is bliss. I want this feeling forever.

    I want to not worry so much about you and what you’re going to do. I want to have confidence and assurance that you’ll be alright. I get so concerned in who you are that I neglect who I am. I work tirelessly to ensure that you will have a good life financially and physically. But I have only recently began desiring peace for you more than anything.

    Forget all of the career aspirations, the “perfect” family, the body, and the looks I want for you. I would give all of that away if I had a way to make you happy forever. I want you to wake up with gratitude and not fear the day to come. I want you to enjoy the passing moments of happiness without feeling guilty. I want you to have confidence and assurance in every decision you make. I want you to trust yourself. I don’t want you to speak to yourself so unkindly. I want you to give yourself that same love and gentleness you give effortlessly to everyone else. I want you to trust the LORD more. I want you to feel like you’re enough.

    I have faith that you will be so kind and wonderful to everyone you meet. I know that you’ll still wrestle with the demons of the past but I’ll fight them off as hard as I can before they get to you. I want you to know how much you deserve happiness and pure joy. I want you to feel safe knowing that the life you’ve been given is a blessing and that you don’t have to suffer to earn it.

    Nothing matters to me more than that. Knowing that my work now will guarantee a great existence for you. But my work will be in vain if you still feel empty most days or if you torture yourself with guilt and stress. The biggest bully you have right now is the one you face in the mirror. The greatest limitation in your life would be gone if I could just love you more.

    I’m learning how to love you every day. By the time you read this, I hope my efforts have paid off. But even if they don’t, I need you to know this; You are more worthy than you’ll probably ever be aware of. You should have joy, leisure, and fun. You deserve ease and comfort. You deserve to be happy. I don’t say it enough, but I love you. I will start saying it more to you. Actually, no. I will start showing you. Every day of my life, I will find a way to remind you that I love you and that I care. I will start by prioritizing your peace. This is the least that I can do. So until we meet again, hold tight and know that I’m trying my best for the both of us.

    Leyah 2023

    Leyah Michael

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    • Very good! Leyah, I have no worries about the present you or the future you. You are brilliant and kind and so wise. I think as you continue to pour into yourself, the impact of your past will continue to be less and less. You are so worthy of everything that has and will come your way. You are so strong, resilient and kind, I know there are so…read more

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  • akay88 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Always Queen

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  • karessbykay submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Sister, Sister

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  • Dear Future Me, Don’t Give Up On Our Dream

    Do you believe in yourself yet? Have you started living for yourself instead of living for others? Have you let go of unrealistic expectations and learned to embrace yourself, imperfections and all? I was you not that long ago and I remember how we felt. Lost, fearful, unappreciated, and unfulfilled.

    That white-walled prison called a job did not appeal to me. Worker bees, that’s all we were to them. Not people with families, emotions, goals, desires, or needs. To them, the idea of power and money was everything. My every move was scrutinized by the omnipotent “big brother”, followed by empty praises and unfair criticisms. I found that joy regularly eluded me. Creeping around corners hoping I would take action and pursue passion but always ever-so-slightly out of sight, out of reach. Living for someone else helped me to realize my purpose is not found in the expectations of others but in my self-awareness; It’s found in my ability to dream, to dare, to learn myself, to take action despite fear, and to make mistakes while doing it.

    I hope we turned our backs on that place we hated so much and pursued the opportunity we so badly craved. I hope that we worked through the mental blocks that ADHD was causing us and made something great of ourselves. If I know us we ended up taking a leap of faith by going to that baking school in Vegas, and we loved it! We loved every single minute of it and we wondered why it took us so long to bet on ourselves. Our eyes that had previously lost their childlike sparkle were filled with wanderlust again.

    Do you remember when you first watched that baker on Netflix, the one who runs the school? He would make these unbelievable chocolate sculptures and you were so in awe that you couldn’t take your eyes away from the screen. Once you got hooked on that baking show, you started watching them all and completely immersed yourself in the craft. I’m overwhelmed by nostalgia when I remember the times you used to experiment in the kitchen just to see how creative you could get and what new things you could make. Your first love was science, and baking was very similar to that. I can see why you fell in love with it and honestly, it was meant for you. You’ve always had a warm, bubbly spirit and that extra spark that set you apart, and I know that translated into beautiful, dream-transcending desserts. Remember those countless scholarship applications we filled out so that we could even afford to attend? It was intimidating to think about, but it proved to be less complicated than our imagination led us to believe. After leaving for the program, we struggled to pay our rent for a few months without our job, missed our significant other, and were afraid of the outcome not working in our favor. So what? We did it anyway. What’s more? We succeeded. Now we get to make dessert for a living and we’re really close to our savings goal to purchase a property for our very own bakery.

    We took the more crooked path and it had a lot of detours, but somehow we ended up with an outcome we were happy with. We followed our heart which was the scariest thing imaginable; for the first time, it wasn’t about how much money it made us or because the idea impressed other people. We did it because we couldn’t think of anything we wanted to do more. I can’t wait for you to read this because I know you well enough to realize that if this hasn’t happened yet it will be one heck of a wake-up call. There is no way you aren’t meant for greatness. There is no way you were not meant to be happy.

    Charity Griffin

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    • Charity!!!! This is AMAZING! You are right. You are so meant for greatness!!! I think the hardest thing in life is figuring out what your passion and purpose actually is, and you already know. You just got to go for it. And you already know you are tough and resilient. You so got this. You are going to be your own hero, and your own bakery! I…read more

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  • consciouslybeingbrooklyn submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

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    Dear Future Self, I hope you’re proud of me.

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  • You Can Handle It

    Dear future me, I hope life is treating you well. I know you’re living by the scripture Luke 1:45 cause you can handle all things that come your way, or… can you? I know that somewhere along your lifeline you think life is failing you right now. Probably going to have an anxiety attack again or even shutting the world out again. But isn’t this something you haven’t handled before?

    A lesson in contrast, life has been exciting, wild, entertaining, boring, unanticipated, and expected. You’ve managed to wear glitter every single day despite your ongoing insecurities, and hey, that’s kind of a success, right? You wake up each day praising God through daily devotionals and living life to the best of its ability. You have a wonderful relationship with your family and friends, and are doing better than how you were before. The times we were bullied, carrying a lot of sadness and depression and staying in hotels are past us. It’s Nothing you can’t handle! It’s terrific that you get to spend time outside in one of the most breathtaking locations on the planet and that you’re in the best form of your life thus far. I hope that traveling grace has been given unto you bigger and better than ever. Remember you’re just going to get cooler as you get older. And you have a wonderful job doing what you absolutely love, and that’s telling stories. As of right now your story is being told in the eyes of the main character which is you.

    Despite the frustration and thinking you don’t have it all together doesn’t mean that the world is ending. You are moving toward greatness at your own pace through all of your dreams, and with your nice bank account that you’ve hopefully accumulated by now (let’s pray). Please understand that it’s going to be okay and It’s nothing you couldn’t handle.

    You got this!

    Ravien Burns

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    • Ravien, I totally agree with you. There is nothing you can’t handle. You have already proven to yourself that you can persevere through very difficult things, so what can stop you now? NOTHING! Don’t worry about having it all together. No matter how much it looks like everyone else has it all together, no one really ever does. Once you figure one…read more

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  • Queen, Bring Your Wand. Make Wonders.

    Dear Queen,

    I know now you are struggling. Life has been kind but also it there have been furious storms recently. I know even as I use the word Queen you are unsure that you should accept this word yet your head bobs up like a kid swimming in the summer lake with full life jacket regalia on- you are not giving up, you are floating and trying to find the right time to make your big splash and swim through the deeper waters on your own, so you accept Queen. Queen, you got this.

    So much has happened these past few years. You have applied for the same job three times because it’s the next step in your career to be tenured as an educator in higher education. You have failed to get the job each time even though you are a huge contributor to the program. The last time it ripped a part of your heart and you’ve spent the year repairing and patching it up again. Rejection again and again can be like a ton of concrete on your heart. It’s heavy. However, you’ve moved it and are repairing. You’ve been able to do some of this work through reflection, through processing grief, and you’ve done some of the healing by being near family, friends, and a good therapist. You’ve done healing through nature walks, where trees let you stop and lean on them and where fields are covered in big skies of cumulus clouds and sunshine to warm you and allow you to continue to dream.

    Now, you’re facing this again: a new tenure position application. You are still in your teaching job because you love the definition of what you do, you are engaged as a teacher because you love connection and empowerment, and it is a way to arise above limited systems while existing in a system. The power of teaching is an art. No one can just steal that passion and love from you. You have heard from another friend being a revolutionary in these modern times is to work in systems and create anew. You know this has been history. You swallow the truth. You look to your past indigenous ancestors, you look up to other heroes -Black and Brown and Indigenous sisters and brothers, white allies, women sisters, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual, trans lives – all of those who have been shut down but still rise. Those who have been pushed down but get up and smile more. Struggling, and walking forward is the way – being in safe spaces with support of your loved ones, those who believe in you and where you can keep carrying your light forward. Be in those safe places to not have to fight to stand but to be cherished and delighted in so when you do go to more controversial spaces you have your light to get you through, your stamina still comes from love, your perseverance still pushes you to new places. Do not hold your self-worth to one position.

    This tenure: you have applied for. You’ve been here. There are a few dragons up top that you do not get along with, but you’ve learned how to navigate better near the dragons. Maintain some positive affirmations: “I am excited to interview.” “I deserve this” “My self-worth is not attached to this position.”
    Many good teachers deserve a shot. The demands of economic security are higher than the positions available on higher ed campuses. Higher education needs a renovation, they need to take care of their teachers – they are failing here, you know this. The majority of adjuncts know this. The students also know this. Quality has been replaced by a factory belt of outcomes. It is all unfair. People are barely able to meet their basic needs –greed is winning. Hope is only in light and innovation.

    Queen, you WILL get through this. Do NOT let FEAR win. Hold your head high. Teach. Go forward.
    Carry your torch. Carry your truth. Your people are standing strong with you. This position is a small. If you do not get it, you will still carry your light. You will still create paths to uplift. You are a creator because you are a Queen.
    Go on, Queen, you got this.
    Bring your wand.
    Make wonders.


    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, you will get through this! These types of things are so political and not a reflection of your abilities or the difference you are making in your students’ lives. Keep pushing. I know you will completely shatter any ceiling that anyone tries to place upon you. You are right, you are a Queen. Never lose sight of the fact that you are…read more

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      • I wanted to say thank you so much for your kind words. I did end up getting the tenure this round. This letter was a part of my journey. The beauty here is we work to better our communities and the spaces we live in. I also will be mindful of areas to continue to engage in educational spaces to make them more equitable. I know this is a balance…read more

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        • CONGRATULATIONS ON TENURE!!!! That is amazing! You are right life is quite the dance. And I couldn’t agree with you more – staying connected to your values, your truth, your strength and who you are is what it is all about! Congrats again! I am so happy for you!

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