  • kitkatcoffin submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your future selfWrite a letter to your future self 1 years, 1 months ago

    My Wishes to You

    Dear younger me,

    I thought of you today, recalling the letters you have written to me, your future self. I remember and can feel the pains you are going through now. and I am sending you three wishes.

    I know deeply your worries of the future. Worries of how you will make enough money to pay your bills, how you will build the life you want and how you can do all these and not disappoint your family. My first wish for you is to let go of the desires of others. The dreams your mother has for you and the future your father wants for you. The ideas your family has for your career to ensure stability and a life of safety and comfort. Their wishes are only for the best, but remember it is the best in their eyes, not yours.

    You know what is best for you.

    Trust yourself to do what is right for you even when you make mistakes. Success is found amongst the mess. Don’t try and keep your decisions clean and minimal. Dig into the box of your hopes, dreams, and ideas and try a few of them out; you’ll find the right one. Let go and enjoy the experience of making a mess. I can already sense your anxiety about this idea and I’m telling you- we made it just fine.

    Another wish I’m sending you is to trust others, instead of expecting the worst from loved ones. I recall the lesson we were taught so long ago that has cut so deep, that the world is cruel and no one is to be trusted but us; yourself. But you’ve created a bond with a partner that has heard your deepest and darkest secrets and sees the truth of who you are and loves you unconditionally- the whole of you. Others can and will do that too, and you can share your love without fear. Build deep connections and let go of those that don’t work out. Send them love and accept that you were meant meet for a time, for growth, to learn and to move on. You will find the ones that are meant to stay.

    My finally wish for you is to stay the dreamer. You have always been a big dreamer and yet you have been afraid for so long of what others will think; about the way you look, the way you act, what you eat and what you do. Others will always have something to say. Don’t let their thoughts and your fear allow them to take your dreams of writing, of creating an artist world that you can live in and share with the others. it’s ok to be afraid, take a breath and hold hands with your fear and work together towards your dreams.

    I know it is scary to do what is right for you. Remember, we have chosen the right partner, we will find and choose the right path.

    I love you. The whole of you, with all my heart.

    I can’t wait to connect, in our future.


    Kat Coffin

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    • Kat this is sooo good! I love all your wishes. I am someone who did and still does at time stress about similar things as you. What I learned is if you take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself. You will figure it out. You are clearly very smart, and have a wise and mature way of thinking. I am dreamer like you. I always follow my heart. I was a sportscaster, and now I write letters for a living. I doubt that’s what my parents had in mind when they send me to an Ivy League college — opps. :). But I am happy and I love. Always follow your heart. It may not lead you where you plan to go but it will take you exactly where you are supposed to be It will allow you to find your purpose. Congratulations on finding such a wonderful partner. And kudos to you for being able to appreciate your partner. I am so confident that you will find the right path for you. Trust yourself. You got this! <3Lauren

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    • Kat this a fantastic and vulnerable letter, I loved to read it. You are a great writer and so intuitive. I love to hear you trusting that intuition more and more, as it will lead you to great things! I voted for you!

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