

  • It'll Be Great

    Hey, Young Drew: I’m you from 2024. I know that the future might be challenging for someone with autism, but I’m here to tell younger you: The future is bright.

    A number of your friends who are with you will still be with you and rooting you on. Even better, you’ll make new friends. One of your buddies from college will hook you up with your first job opportunity.

    You’re going to kick butt at this job because you’ll be a brilliant writer. Although there will be a pandemic in your late 20s, you won’t let it get you down because you’ll write a book.

    Amazing things will happen to you. Even though people will say that you won’t amount to anything, you’ll graduate college and have a successful career– not to mention a great life.

    In short, you don’t need to worry about the future, because I’m here to say that it’ll be great.

    The Older Drew Zuhosky

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    Voting ends August 26, 2024 12:00am

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    • Heck yeah, Drew! I love how frame your life in such a positive light. Life will deal you adversities, but at the end of the day, it’s all about how you view it and capitalise on the opportunities that are given to you. Congratulations on your job and a life well lived! <3 Juvi

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  • A Great Day

    “Have a great day!” It’s a common wish among friends and well-wishers. We can easily say to someone “I hope that you have a great day today!,” and, unlike other hopes that we might have, is easy and effortless stuff.

    At the core, it all depends upon what you make of your day. It has a different meaning for different people. Since we’re here, I’ll give you mine.

    Simply put, my definition of “A great day” is easy as pie. A great day means getting up in the morning and being able to know that I have new episodes of podcasts to listen to in my feed.

    Every weekday (barring major holidays), I start the day by listening to Nothing Personal with David Samson, a former Survivor castaway and President of the Miami Marlins. He’s smart, fresh, and funny.

    A great day means that I can write. Since writing about combat sports is how I make my livelihood, I’ve had so many great days over the last six years.

    Perhaps most importantly, a great day is one spent talking to and hanging out with the people most important me. The greatest days happens when my nieces get to spend time with me, their uncle.

    Thanks for reading. Make this day a great one.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • Drew, your letter beautifully captures the essence of a great day. It’s all about finding joy in simple things like podcasts, writing, and spending time with loved ones. Keep making each day great!

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  • Having a lifelong dream

    On various classic episodes of The Simpsons, Homer’s adventure of the week will sometimes become his lifelong dream, only for Marge to tell him that his lifelong dream was something different entirely and say that he’s already done it.

    Example: In Colonel Homer (1992), Homer becomes the manager of a country/western starlet named Lurleen Lumpkin (voiced by guest actor Beverly D’Angelo) and proclaims that it’s been his lifelong dream. Marge’s retort: “Your boyhood dream was to eat the world’s biggest hoagie, and you did it at the county fair last year. Remember?”
    Anyway, I bring this up because yesterday, I had my annual meeting with my home health aid and her supervisor, during which time the topic of lifelong dreams came up. I mentioned that my lifelong dream has been to attend an event at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena.

    My home health aid wondered if there were any events held at that venue aside from the Rose Bowl Game on New Year’s Day, to which I mentioned that the stadium is also UCLA’s home stadium for football and that they have flea markets in the stadium parking lots every so often (according to Google, the next Rose Bowl Flea Market is scheduled to take place in March.)

    Now, make no mistake: Although I want to attend an event at the Rose Bowl, by no means am I interested in attending a flea market. I want to see a game there. Every time I see a telecast of a sporting event from that stadium, it takes me back to the times I was a bright-eyed little boy watching the Rose Bowl Game on ABC with Keith Jackson on the call.

    It’s my hope that one day, this lifelong dream turns into reality.

    Follow Your Dreams, Drew Zuhosky

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  • To Our Champion, Lauren:

    Lauren, you are to be commended. A few years ago, you had an idea: Create a judgment-free zone online where people could write letters to one another for the purpose of inspiring and uplifting.

    It’s worked out handsomely for you. You’re now a published author with a compilation of selected writings from this site soon to be released and another one’s on the way in February.

    This is a special day for you. It’s your birthday, a time for celebrating another trip around the sun and taking stock in what you’ve accomplished this year.

    You’ve done plenty turning a little website that could into a dedicated community, one which I’ve been part of for close to four years. You’re a champion of The Unsealed and all of its members.

    You’re OUR champion, Lauren. Bravo! Happy birthday!

    Lots of Love, Drew Zuhosky.

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  • The character of Nathan Dean (Hank Harris) was the one on the spectrum. Upon first viewing, the way he presented himself and his behaviors were consistent with someone on the spectrum.

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  • I Think I've Earned Your Respect

    It was Aretha Franklin who once sang about respect. As a matter of fact, she spelled it out in her cover of what was originally an Otis Redding single. “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, take out TCB,” her lyrics went.

    While singing about respect is easy (and Aretha Franklin’s single is proof of that, as it topped the United States Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard Hot Rhythm and Blues charts upon its 1967 release, along with winning two Grammy Awards), actually getting it is hard stuff. It’s harder still when you have autism like I do.

    When I was going to high school, my mother was concerned when I started hanging out with my classmates at the lunch table. She legitimately thought that they were going to poke fun at me because I’m on the spectrum.

    Nothing of the sort was ever the case. They respected me and treated me as an equal, including me in the conversation whenever I had something to say.

    As I navigated through my college career, I found that earning respect became easier with time. I was a star sports reporter and sports columnist for my school newspaper, winning the respect of my fellow staff and the Youngstown State Sports Information Department.

    Upon graduating, I entered into a year filled with uncertainty as to what would happen as far as professional employment went. I thought I nailed down a production assistant’s job at my local CBS affiliate, but as time went on, the dream became unrealized.

    Once I started writing about MMA and soccer, I gained the respect of a few MMA promotions and those people working in MLS. Just like I’d done in the past, I earned this respect.

    Bottom line: You can’t count on respect being handed out to you like trick-or-treat candy in late October. Sometimes, you have to earn it yourself.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    Voting ends September 1, 2024 12:00pm

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    • Aww Drew. I am so glad the kids were nice to you. And you are such an ambitious, hard-working, kind, talented, and wonderful person. I certainly respect you. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • Drew, this is a testament of time and in time I believe you earned the respect you needed now to soar well into your own!! MMA is pretty tough stuff. The fact that you were able to bring a creative space into that realm with writing is awesome!!
      I pray you keep soaring , singing and gaining that respect!!

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  • Opening Up Through Podcasting

    For years, I was always known as the quiet guy. I’d go to school every weekday (barring sick days, holidays, snow days, what have you). After school, I’d keep to myself and not go out on weekends.
    I couldn’t hang out with people outside of school because I lived far away from the district. I was hungry for an outlet to express myself in a judgment-free environment.
    Oddly, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic gave me a sliver of hope to find the outlet I was looking for. In order to keep a daily routine intact (something that people on the autism spectrum, like myself), I started listening to podcasts.

    I found one pertaining to 1990’s Nickelodeon, Big Orange Couch. After listening to the show for a while, I decided to email one of the hosts about a suggestion for an episode dissecting an installment of The Secret World of Alex Mack. I noticed that the guest character in the episode showed signs of autism. After a couple days of waiting for a reply, one of the hosts supported my idea and invited me on as a guest.

    The big night came. It was a rainy Thursday night at the end of March. Usually, a rainy night kills the mood for some people, but not me. Within a few seconds of the recording starting up, I was cracking jokes in all directions.

    I utilized my sense of humor advantageously and it was because of the icebreaking jokes that I was able to speak so openly about my autism. Before I knew it, an hour and 15 minutes ticked away and the recording was in the books.

    Prior to March 23, I merely listened to podcasts. Now, I can say that I’m a podcast veteran. It all starts with finding a lane to open up.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • Drew – I love this! You are so amazing and so perceptive. Just curious. Which character on Alex Mack was showing signs of being on the spectrum? How could you tell? I think your so brave and inspiring, and I love how your confidence keeps growing every time you step out of your comfort zone. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of…read more

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      • The character of Nathan Dean (Hank Harris) was the one on the spectrum. Upon first viewing, the way he presented himself and his behaviors were consistent with someone on the spectrum.

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  • Hopefully, these are the uncensored versions of the episodes. Sex and the City, much like some of the other shows initially airing on premium cable, have had to be scissored when entering broadcast syndication. Tales From the Crypt had a plan to make the edits less noticeable: Certain scenes in the syndicated cuts of Tales From the Crypt were reshot completely with the rewritten dialog.

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  • She’s loved by everyone. Hollie’s been on the air at WKYC for 21 years. She’s as kind on the air as she is off of it. Hollie is an amazing woman.

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  • Power Wash Simulator is one of the best video games out there. It has the right mix of fun factor and challenge, which is crucial toward a video game’s success on the market. The producers had no idea that the game would be a hit.

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  • To My Second Mom on Mother's Day Weekend

    I know I’ve said this one before, but it is Mother’s Day weekend. So, I figured I’ll say it again.
    Sunday marks Mother’s Day. Without mothers, none of us would even be here. Most of us only have one mom. If we’re lucky, we come across women who become a person’s second mom.
    You’re my second mom. We’ve rooted each other on and prayed for one another when we needed it.
    Thank you for always being in my corner.

    Your Honorary Son, Drew Zuhosky.

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    • Aww, this is so sweet. I am sure Hollie feels so loved and appreciated by you. You are such a sweet and kind soul. I am grateful you are part of our community. <3 Lauren

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    • This is beautiful. Your line ” Without mothers, none of us would even be here” Is very true and mothers should be getting more appreciation even if they aren’t birth mothers. Thank you for sharing

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  • Time to Unwind, Time to Relax!

    I am a busy guy. There’s no denying that. In fact, my work week sees me writing practically every single day. I’m not one to complain. I love what I get to do every day.
    Not everyone has that luxury to be able to go to work and know that they’ll enjoy what each day brings. I consider myself fortunate to be able to do that.
    When the work day ends, I take some me time. Having the time to myself at night after work does wonders for my mental health.
    I’ll often unwind by going upstairs, turning on my XBOX and playing some innings of MLB The Show.
    I find that video games like MLB The Show and Power Wash Simulator are a great way to relieve stress. Taking the time to relax and unwind is important. Be sure to take time for yourself.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • That’s great and Good for you. Anything we can do to relax and take time out for our mental health is something we all need to do. Relax, unwind and gather all that was done in the day, and or the week and reflect back on possible mistakes and/or the great things you’ve done and take it all in. Think if there’s anything you may need to do over…read more

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      • Power Wash Simulator is one of the best video games out there. It has the right mix of fun factor and challenge, which is crucial toward a video game’s success on the market. The producers had no idea that the game would be a hit.

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    • I, too, need to unwind sometimes. For me, its exercise or TV. Sometimes I binge-watch one show. Right now, I am watching old-school Sex and the City episodes.

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      • Hopefully, these are the uncensored versions of the episodes. Sex and the City, much like some of the other shows initially airing on premium cable, have had to be scissored when entering broadcast syndication. Tales From the Crypt had a plan to make the edits less noticeable: Certain scenes in the syndicated cuts of Tales From the Crypt were…read more

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  • When I started college, I wondered what the experience would be like. I had a great time and wouldn’t have traded away those seven years for anything in the world.

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  • I happened to see Madison again last week at the Press Club’s Annual Meeting. It was the first time I’d seen her since the letter. She hugged me. I thought she’d start bawling again.

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  • In a profession where the workers are seemingly under attack by the general public on a daily basis due to a lack of trust and a perception of misinformation, Madison thrives.

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  • To Three of My YSU Colleagues

    Dear Angela, Mollie, and Mary Beth:
    I’m so glad that we’re all friends with each other after all these years. While our paths crossed at different times when I was at YSU, I’m glad I got to know you just the same.

    Angela, you were my co-worker in the Office of Marketing and Communications. We’d talk about this and that pretty much every day. You made me realize that I wasn’t too hip for the room when I was at YSU. You are, and always will be, awesome.

    Mollie, you’ve always been most cordial to me. When I found out that you were going to be part of the Youngstown Press Club, my first thought was “Let’s go! I want in!” It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

    Mary Beth (MB), what can I say about you that hasn’t already been said by me and your other students? Simply put: You are the best professor any YSU alum could ever had.

    Lastly, I consider all three of you as my honorary moms. I love you all very much.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • Awe this is so sweet. All three of them sound so nice and like great company. Your so kind and I’m sure these ladies are grateful to have someone like you as their friend.

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    • This is her best, such beautiful words for the closest people who have made your life that much better. We go through so much in life, but when we have those certain people, certain closeness to get us through the day, there’s nothing like it and it makes those not so good moment sin our lives, better. We all need people we can always go to.…read more

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    • The way you describe each is very wholesome and they sound like wonderful people. And it seems like you’ve had a wonderful time because of these three and I’m happy for you!! Thank you for sharing.

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  • It was a great seven years, for certain. I think my favorite part was my internship in senior year. I made two friends on that internship. We’ve known each other seven years.

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  • In a profession where the workers are seemingly under attack by the general public on a daily basis due to a lack of trust and a perception of misinformation, Madison thrives.

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  • Johannes Gutenberg was a man, actually. In addition to the movable printing press, he pioneered using ink with an oil base to print manuscripts and was a blacksmith by trade. His year of birth is not definitively known.

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  • To Johannes Gutenberg

    In the mid-15th century, you invented the printing press, thereby beginning the spread of the written word across Europe and eventually around the world. As a person who makes his living on the written word, I along with the rest of the writers the world over, want to thank you.

    In modern times, we have social networks on the Internet, enabling us to communicate with our friends and family instantly, even if they live halfway across the world.

    Everything has to start somewhere. For the spread of the written word, the starting place was the printing press. Technological advancements have enabled people to read books electronically.

    If you were alive today, you’d be amazed at how far the written word has come. Thanks for all you’ve done.

    Drew Zuhosky

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    • So cool that you wrote a letter to her. It’s so crazy because now I’m thinking about all other investors and how their invention helped shape the world today. Your letter is such an eye opener. I would’ve never thought of something like this. One person can truly make a difference.

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      • Johannes Gutenberg was a man, actually. In addition to the movable printing press, he pioneered using ink with an oil base to print manuscripts and was a blacksmith by trade. His year of birth is not definitively known.

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    • His small idea evolved into something much greater and if he were alive today I’m sure he’d probably wonder why we make things so complicated or maybe he’s be excited. It’s hard to tell needless to say I’m sure he’d be intrigued.

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    • This is so true. At times I love to write, but I must continue to practice in areas like, going back to read over my writing statements for mistakes, which I do, but usually and only if I’m turning in an assignment or something very important, but I should do it all the time, no matter what. So hopefully one day I’ll get a lot better in it,…read more

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    • This is very unique. Thanking a monumental figure for pioneering the spread of written word. I’m sure that if he were here he would be blown away by not only the way we communicate now but the way we travel, the way we live, and even the way we talk.

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