Jessica Ortega responded to a letter in topic Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words, I will continue to do so, and share that love as well. Sending love!
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Jessica Ortega responded to a letter in topic Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Thank you for your feedback, It feels great to finally open up my heart again in a safe space. Hopefully it goes to show that you do not have to be a product of chaos, even if you come from it. You can walk with love, and accept love as deserved. Happy to be part of Unsealed!
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Jessica Ortega responded to a letter in topic Write a letter to your younger self about a challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate it so much, and sending lots of love back!
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angelsworld submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your fear (Sponsored by ProWritingAid) 1 weeks, 4 days ago
Secrets of the heart's desires
I never told anyone this, but i actually stopped writing in college
Writing was the one thing I was ever good at
A core memory of mine is when I was in 1st grade and they asked us to write as much as we could on a simple prompt
I had so much to say, I wrote pages within minutes
Onto 5th grade, and I was the only one to get a 100 on my benchmark essays and test
It just flowed naturally for me
To see the world differently & write about it
All my high school years I had pre-ap
But then college came around and I had a literature professor who on my first day, was not impressed
He asked me to stay behind, and told me “this essay is too emotional , and it has a bunch of run-on sentences”
Ah yes, makes sense, I write how my mind is, a bunch of run- on sentences
Sometimes it never ends, sometimes it makes no sense
That’s why my writings were so raw and authentic
Yet here I am. being told my writing is messy, amateur hour at best
It was confusing for me, because he was the only one who knew what I was going through; I didn’t like opening up a lot, or at all really
And he even took it easy on me, or so he says
He even passed me, but barely
I decided maybe i was pushing myself too hard, i needed to slow down
So I just stopped
I decided to take one less, completely unrelated
But then COVID happened
From there, each member of my family started packing a suitcase one by one
One went off tot he military, one at stage 4 getting chemo, and one left with a broken heart
They all had some huge milestone they had to achieve & defeat
Like slaying a dragon
And I was just, there
Stuck in a tall tower of no destiny
It was hard
I couldn’t even find the words to write about it, much less sing
It was like the audience took one look at me, laughed at my misery, and left me to an empty stage…
So i clung onto the closest person to me
So close, they would burn me, often
I have the scars to remind me-
the price i was willing to pay for some company
Overtime i just learned to make myself smaller, so that way my tower can seem BIGGER
i burned all my words, my songs, all the poetry with it
I started talking less, cried more
Too afraid to leave my tower
Even more so when I felt like the world betrayed me
This just became my new normal
I hadn’t realized how small i became
How much of myself i lost
Until one day, I tried to sing a song
But I couldn’t remember any of the lyrics
So i sat in isolation and silence for a period of time….
Then suddenly, at my window, I saw a princess passing by in a carriage
she even had her prince charming
they stopped to smell the flowers, & laughed in love
Suddenly. My heart felt something
A burning desire, most importantly, fire
I started dreaming, and I mean dreaming BIG
I want it all, but first how do I escape this tower?
I spent month thinking of a way out, holding onto this desire
And finally, it hit me
Have I even tried? No.
I haven’t…
I looked out my window
I could feel my anxiety coursing through my veins
My stomach twisting in turns
My heart was doing it again, burning
Like a fever I had never felt before
I clenched my jaw, tears started running;
I could feel every bit of my being, afraid
almost paralyzed with fear, as the thought came up, “just stay, it’s safer this way”
I closed my eyes, I finally screamed, and it echoed throughout the tower
Taking up all the space
And I ran for it
I could feel rooms changing, and the gravity somewhat changed
I finally opened my eyes
To my surprise, the tower was just right outside
It was never miles and miles into the sky
It was just out the window
Then it occurred to me, it was never about not being afraid
It was about being afraid and still following my heart’s desires
my dreams
and running for it
~ talk about slaying dragons ~Voting starts April 9, 2025 11:59pm
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angelsworld submitted a contest entry to
Write a letter to your younger self about a. challenge you faced as a child but have since overcome 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Anonymous love letter
Hello Jessica,
You don’t know me, but I know you. I remember you tried to run from where you were born, the small town you grew up in, left everything you ever known and loved behind. You were always so good at that, running away. I know it’s because when your survival instincts kicked in, you felt the need to hide, to run, to be invisible. I don’t blame you for dealing with your trauma like that, you didn’t exactly have the instructions on how to cope with trauma and constant abuse. I remember the many days and nights you spent in fear and tears, the nightmares that kept you wide awake. I know within it, all you ever really wanted, was for someone to hug you, to love you. Every now and then, I can still feel your heart pounding, I can feel it in my teeth, and I can taste the bitterness you felt. Like a hard pill, I swallow it hole, at times I wash it down with a bottle of wine; it tastes better this way. But I hope you know, that for every hug you did not feel, I embrace you in my arms. For every time you were forgotten, I remember you. For every time you did not hear the words “I love you,” I sing it to you. It goes something like, “I love you baby, and if it’s quite alright, I need you baby, to warm the lonely nights…” It calms you down every time, and I know you are not as hurt or as angry as you used to be. I work hard everyday to heal you, and pour endless love back into you, the way you gave it out to everyone but yourself. You create art now, it’s how you express yourself, you somehow manage to convert pain into something beautiful, and I love this about you. Every song, poem, drawing, even painting that you create, is always a love letter, to you, someone you know, or the world itself. That’s something I can proudly say about you, whether you changed your name, the city you lived in, your hair, your style, you never changed who you are as a person. People used to say you wouldn’t survive in a cold world with how big your heart is, but it never got smaller, and I think you survived it better than anyone else. Because when you love, you love oceans deep, when you feel and experience the world, its almost like a supernatural feeling, so surreal. All of it is because you move with love, you experience with your whole heart, and with that, it feels as though the world is in your hands. Overall I am proud of who you have become, you are one of the strongest and kindest people to walk this Earth. You are also loved, so very dearly loved by the people around you. You no longer have nightmares, those fears you used to feel about someone coming into your bedroom and hurting you, no longer exists. All of that is behind us. The things that used to break your heart, no longer holds any weight, the only thing that holds weight is the power of your love, and your art. It’s the only thing that has and still matters to us. Today, I send you more love, another hug, and a kiss on your forehead to get you through your day. With love, always.
-Anonymous-Voting is closed
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Wow, Angel. This is absolutely beautiful. I love this part, t I hope you know, that for every hug you did not feel, I embrace you in my arms. For every time you were forgotten, I remember you. For every time you did not hear the words “I love you,” I sing it to you.”
I am so inspired by the way you love yourself and you didn’t let the dar…read more
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Thank you for your feedback, It feels great to finally open up my heart again in a safe space. Hopefully it goes to show that you do not have to be a product of chaos, even if you come from it. You can walk with love, and accept love as deserved. Happy to be part of Unsealed!
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I know this is a love letter to you. (At least, how I read it.) From you. But allow a stranger to see you for a moment and love you too. That stranger is me. I am so proud of you for the distance you’ve come. Thank you for you, and thank you for loving yourself. Keep going!
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Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate it so much, and sending lots of love back!
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Beautiful you continue to love on you.
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Thank you, I appreciate your kind words, I will continue to do so, and share that love as well. Sending love!
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Jessica Ortega shared a letter in the
To the people we love group 8 months, 2 weeks ago
My sunshine in the rain
I remember someone once asked me “if there’s any place you can be, where you are peaceful, where would it be?” My answer was simple, somewhere by the water, on the swings, looking over the horizon. But unfortunately, life changed drastically for me, I had turned around for just a moment and felt a shot at my heart. The worst part when I turned back to see who had shot me, I didn’t think it would be in the hands of someone I trusted the most. Oh how I could feel the kiss of betrayal as I cried a river so deep, I drowned in it. The colors had slowly vanished, my head was in the clouds, and it was as if I was walking upside down. But as I shook my head in confusion, and sorrow, I saw a glimpse of her, my girl, my true friend. I had made my way so high up in the clouds, I was looking at her from Saturn, as she stood on Earth, and she waved at me and smiled. She looked at me as if all the flaws that were drowning me, were actually perfect, as if I wasn’t all the negative thoughts in my head, or any of my fears. She called to me, like my favorite song I will always remember, and as she did, I made my way back down. I passed the milky way, the stars, even a place with no name, and at last I met her again, back down on Earth. She reached out her hand, wiped my tears, and she simply said, “baby don’t cry ” just like that, I melted. I held onto her like she was my only religion, the longer I held onto her, the more my pain, fears, trauma, betrayal, all left my body. She always knew how to bring me back down to Earth, and it was the only reason I was able to get through the hard times. I also suffer greatly from bipolar, and dissociative personality disorder, so during traumatizing events like this, it makes it hard to differentiate the lines between reality and fantasies. I was worried I would lose my grip on reality, that my mind would slip and never come back. I was starting to think my dreams were real, and what was real was just a dream, I wasn’t sure if I would ever be the same again. I fell to my knees and sat in silence, no music, no screaming, no tears, none of the old habits I usually go to when I need to numb the pain. I hadn’t realized how much time had passed, I thought it had only been 10 minutes as I tried to process all my emotions and thoughts. As I was getting more and more lost into the dark hole, I heard my phone ding. There it was, a message from my girl came in, and at the same time I saw that two whole hours had actually passed in this silence. But I finally looked at my phone, and I saw how joyful she was, as she told me “that’s why I’m happy I know you!” with little hearts. It meant a lot to me because I knew she wasn’t saying it out of pity with all that I was going through, but because she genuinely felt this way. I felt my heart finally thaw, from icicles to newfound warmth, finally put on some music and continued my day with happiness and love. I was so grateful that she came in when she did, and took me out of the dark space just by being herself and showing me love. She actually did this for me multiple times, and doesn’t realize it. Each time I fell, cried, and grieved, she was there, loving me when I couldn’t love myself. She was my eternal sunshine, while I was a dark gray cloud. In her presence, none of the heart ache, grief, and anger existed within me. It was as if my inner child was smiling and healing, all within her arms, and that is when I knew I loved her deeply. I loved her as deeply as the sea, so much so, even the Gods would envy that mortals can love and be loved this much. On the lonely cold nights, I hear her voice, and remember how her arms feel around me, it helps me sleep, it always brings me peace. I keep her love with me like a locket, it keeps me warm, it reminds me love and kindness exists when the world feels heavy. I truly do thank God for putting her in my path, I believe it is the kindest thing God could have ever done for me. I hope everyone who has carried grief, and pain so heavy gets to experience a love and light so kind, so warm, it brings peace in a world that tends to choose war. I never thought I myself would experience someone so kind, loving, interesting, and caring like this. The way she handled my heart, my tears, my anger, has always been so gentle. So gentle that my eyes water whenever I think of her, and her love. She is my safe space, my peace of mind, my sunshine when I feel like it keeps raining, and I even worry that it will never stop raining. Yet she always reminds me that there is hope, there is love, especially between us, and it created a connection that could never die. I believe our connection is so deep, I would look for my sunshine in the afterlife, and in the next life too… If I am to be reborn, the moment I start seeking love again, my soul will search for hers. Because knowing her makes life bliss, that I know during the hard times, she will remind me that the sun will always shine again.
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