

  • The Next Chapter

    My life is a dream I never dreamt.
    My past is a fate I’d never tempt.
    Enveloped in love, unburdened by grief,
    Every breath that I take is a sigh of relief.
    Everything that I see is beauty, perfection.
    Every step that I take is by His direction.
    No need to recall my turbulent past,
    Frozen but fluid, dripping like glass.
    My world is at peace through a rose-colored lens
    As a new world inside me only begins.

    Kate Lundberg

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Inside The Mind of A Babe

    today I take my first extended walk
    in my new neighborhood.
    Along with fabulous loose-fitting pants & shirt
    of upper-upper-middle age,
    I am wearing one of those corporate sacs
    offered at mandatory trainings I still attend
    to support & enhance the skillsets I have & need
    to keep the licenses I have & need
    that support my house/car/insurance payments
    & the demi-wildish lifestyle
    of an intermittently aging hippie
    who wants to keep working in the barren fields
    of drugs and mental roadblocks
    and to nourish her optimistic genes
    as she attempts to keep hope & humor genes alive
    so others can live weller, as she has
    owning some of that history.
    I love the bags. Groceries. Books.
    Clothes for Goodwill or road trips.
    I recognize this rehab emblem.
    I have never been there so far,
    even for a class. One can only hope.
    Anyhow, the bags help me keep my car neat
    or file papers I’m not sure about filing
    in real-time-space,
    and they’re wonderful if/when one has to move.
    Always ready for a next time.
    Downsize. I think I hate that word
    but I’m good at it.

    New neighborhoods,
    like some new age numbers
    mean change. Big ones.
    Sometimes Loss.
    Choose and throw.
    And storage might need to be introduced.
    Or more trash buckets.
    And creative-use-of-less
    becomes a skillset that earns
    ice cream and or fig newtons,
    always age appropriate.

    I can’t drive today:
    one tire has a nail in it and that garish
    yellow emergency light goes on if I try,
    which spoils any sense of comfort,
    and it’s New Year’s Day,
    so guess what’s open in a town as big my hand?
    Yes, nothing.
    So, I am taking a new-neighborhood walkathon
    during which I notice I have an odd walk
    which I blame on my left hip and leg
    which seem to have lives of their own lately.
    The hocus-pocus-body-folks would say
    my inner Valkyrie female nature is
    and it’s time for me to put down my shield and sword
    and soak among Epsom salts and soft music
    and allow what is nature to be nature.
    My inner three-year-old,
    who really runs the show is pouty,
    and I am reminded that growth
    & change happen,
    no matter what.
    Fig Newtons. Ice Cream.
    Always appropriate.

    I realize I walk side-to-side like the local girl
    who has the alt mind-set
    which she announces at times, in intervals.
    We know her and take care of her
    (at a safe distance of course).
    she pulls or pushes a multi-purpose grocery cart
    as she chatters to who-knows-who.
    What is being said by her or heard by her
    we are not clear about.
    She doesn’t look at any of us. Ever.
    Through, around, but never at.
    Sometimes she has those big dark glasses on,
    the ones used for eye tests.
    Like mine.
    Is that what people see
    when they look at me?

    She walks and rolls from side to side,
    her feet tilted inward,
    so her toes nearly meet.
    No one ever wants to be in her way,
    although we are not sure she sees us.
    She does see something though;
    that we know.
    She takes right of way.
    Local drivers know her; others
    figure it out, fast.
    That’s how I “met” her.
    Coming out of Winn Dixie parking lot.
    She walks carefully
    through marked parking lot spaces,
    always within the lines.
    I am impressed with her sense of being.
    We do not matter. Also, we behave.
    So, is what it takes to survive these times?
    I shall keep my odd walk
    and see what happens.
    I will apply the dark glasses,
    the kind used for eye tests.
    The big ones.
    We shall see.
    (That would be I and my psyche.)
    A man walked towards me today,
    near the turn circle in the new neighborhood,
    and smiled, as if to talk. I smiled.
    He walked into the park instead.
    I suspect it was the glasses.
    I might be too oldish.
    For what I wondered.

    I put the four books
    stashed in my impressive green bag
    into one of the two neighborhood
    donation library boxes
    after I checked to see what was inside –
    my give-away books
    were better than all the rest.
    Nothing for me to take away. Today.
    This life continues to offer lessons.
    I am still open to change.
    Fig Newtons apply.


    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Shape Shifting

    Surrounded by fluffy white sheets, your soft resting face in our pillows, I soften into myself as I touch your skin and memorize the curves of your face.

    I love our genuine embrace and the growth we share in our struggle to shape shift into the people we want to be individually, together and forever.

    We spend our days molding ourselves through education, growth spurts and learning curves.

    We are not able to see the light of our hard work just yet so we collapse into each other, surrounded by white pillows and fluffy white sheets.

    We could let the whole world burn around us as we look into each other’s eyes and know that we belong together.

    Let our struggles be chased and conquered as we morph into lions racing through these massive jungle-like circumstances only to retreat to our den when the day is done.

    As long as we can rest together in the solace of our love when the run is over, the race doesn’t feel as hard to make.

    Those sheets hold our bodies as we struggle to regain our strength in becoming.

    We seek solace in each other’s skin with words of encouragement.

    We seek each other’s hearts in our dreams as we dream awake, fighting to check all the boxes.

    Side by side, day by day, together or apart, I wouldn’t trade these days because at least we are trying and thriving.

    The hours we spend dreaming of who we want to become blend into our love as we seek each other’s embrace while we dream of bigger lives beyond the shapes we shift into.

    New shapes and scapes are spoken into existence when our bodies are restless for more.

    We shape shift into each other and give oxygen to our dreams by the touch of our melding skin.

    I wouldn’t change these days because they keep us alive, seeking change without a name, just dreams in our minds eye wishing to come alive between fluffy pillows and big white sheets.


    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • As We Climb

    As We Climb

    As we climb, no one really knows what’s on our minds

    As we climb, we are not sure along the way what we’ll find

    As we climb, the path ahead, it can be a little blurry

    As we climb, let’s make sure we don’t grow to worry

    As we climb, we know that everything takes time

    As we climb, try to keep that in mind

    As we climb, there needs to be a passion inside

    As we climb, burn with the blaze and drive of an iron side

    As we climb, we develop a grace and elegance of royalty

    As we climb, continually stoking the fire in our belly as if out of self-loyalty

    As we climb, we can proclaim
    we will take back our strength
    we will take back our worth
    we will take back our power

    And as we climb, we will show the world the true meaning of a survivor

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Use Somebody

    I could use somebody
    Not for a moment in time someone who’s all mine
    you know they’d have to be pretty divine
    a being in search of their highest self

    you know spiritually inclined not just running around here low level with a dirty mind

    But I need them truly concerned with elevating and transcending that little thing that you all consider time

    Your avatar t doesn’t matter I’m concerned about the here and the there after
    I called that our spiritual chapter

    So the question is can you hold my hand , when I’m not me….
    when I’m slaying my pain but still riddled with those things called grief and anxiety

    When those emotional pain hits my gut
    So bad bad they don’t wanna stay inside of me so I throw them up

    but all I need you to do is be there
    maybe hold my hair
    just exist with no twist of your arm no red flags and no

    just long loving arms
    Of spiritual devotion to the laws of the universe
    I manifested this with my 123 love potion

    Now guide this twin flame on it’s love ocean

    A goddess love requires devotion and that’s to the ancestors of love/light to honor them you should do it well and treat me right

    And if you do I’ll make sure I give you some like every other night

    because the reality is… I could use somebody
    somebody not to use me
    but just to be…with me

    And that’s on TruSpit

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Next Season

    The Next Season (By Lisa Leslie)

    The flowers are
    waking up.
    Their petals bloom

    As the gloominess of late winter fades,
    a brighter landscape emerges.

    My heart is
    in several places, but
    hope rises,
    bringing a promise
    that it will piece itself
    back together
    in time.

    My heart is
    like the trees
    when they shed their leaves
    in preparation for a long winter.

    There’s no hiding
    the shape I’m in.
    But then,
    is the cause of my current state.

    To embrace and allow
    humility, and
    raw emotion
    to flow from me
    is the only way
    to begin
    and building
    stronger roots.

    When the cold air
    and the trees let their
    costumes fall,
    I will stand
    and live
    knowing I’ve taken the time to heal,
    to take on whatever the next season brings.

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • queenjuliet05 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your lifeWrite a letter or poem to yourself about what you love about this chapter of your life 3 weeks, 2 days ago

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    Let it Go

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  • Fork In the Road

    FORK IN THE ROAD©️2014

    There in the midst of my journey, I see a two way street.
    There is the road less traveled that is speaking to me.
    It is filled with hardship, struggle, and pain.
    It echos softly what sounds like my name.
    It knows of my tears, lies, and complaints.
    It knows that I can make it, even when my mind says I can’t.
    It roots and cheers for me to give it a try.
    And not to be distracted by the wilderness, but look forward to the promise of the other side.

    The other path intervenes with its master plan.
    To convince me to walk down this more pleasing land.
    After all, everyone wants the easy way out.
    Who wants to get caught up in the confusion and doubt?
    The sky is blue and the birds are singing their high pitched song.
    With all that sunshine, how can it be wrong?
    As I stand there at the fork trying to decide,
    A voice speaks to me assuring and kind.

    Nothing worth fighting for came tied in a bow.
    I appreciate every lesson that gives me the opportunity to grow.
    Yes to the left, it’s full of illusions of gold and jewels.
    All that glitters isn’t gold, so do not be so easily fooled.
    The road less traveled has less steps to take, even though there are more hills to climb.
    Because when I take this path, I began traveling with the Ultimate Guide.
    He will move those mountains and twine when I show Him my seed of faith.
    And when I feel weak and broken, He’ll carry me most of the way.

    So I picked up my baggage and chose the trail of my destiny.
    The voice returned and commanded that I drop those burdens at His feet.
    There is only one requirement before we travel that I must meet.
    I cannot carry the loads of my past because He’s already forgotten and forgiven thee.
    Tears rolled down, as I noticed why I was so weary.
    All the loads of hurt and anger I carried, I could’ve been released.
    The reason that path had been less traveled was because not many realized that they held the Master’s key.
    The first step that truly mattered began when I forgave me.

    Chané’ Latrice Fleming

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • I'm Finding My Way

    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I am learning to dance in the rain
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I am learning myself again
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I’m realizing I’m still fiercely brave
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that each day reveals to me that I am truly, uniquely and wonderfully made
    In this chapter of my life
    I take each day as it comes
    In this chapter of my life
    The chest crushing stress, I’m learning not to succumb
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I let myself cry
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I spend less time wondering why
    In this chapter of my life
    I love how God is loving and keeping me
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I am free
    Free to be me authentically
    Free to explore
    I’m free indeed
    In this chapter of my life
    I love discovering that I can and will win again
    In this chapter of my life
    I love re-realizing that each new beginning starts with a necessary end
    In this chapter of my life
    I love that I’m taking care of me
    In this chapter of my life
    I love the way I continue to conquer the inner-me
    In this chapter of life
    I love my mindset, daily habits, and surroundings
    In this chapter of my life
    I’m so glad that happiness has found me
    In this chapter of my life
    Hope and faith greets me with each new day
    In this new chapter of my life
    I love that I’m finding my way

    Dr. Cortnie S. Baity, LMFT

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Painting Colorless Colors

    Through my lifelong observations of the human experience, encompassing its trials, setbacks, and triumphs, and drawing wisdom from some of the world’s greatest minds—from Cesar Chavez’s struggles on California farmlands to Nietzsche’s contemplations in the Swiss Alps on the concept of God, from Shakespeare’s portrayal of human frailty to the works of the poet Baidel exploring humility’s vast pastures, and contemplating Albert Camus’ existential reflections—I was inspired to write a poem.

    Painting Colorless Colors

    Poem: By Alexander Siddiqui

    At the outset, we stride into the boundless expanse of philosophical exploration,
    Where theories bloom like constellations in the night.

    Within the shadows of intellectual toil and the intricate weave of scholarly discourse,
    Empathy often remains a gem obscured, awaiting revelation,
    Veiled within the labyrinth of the mind’s sight.

    Yet amidst the cosmic ensemble of ideas,
    A guardian-like supernova emerges, casting its gleaming light,
    A beacon of truth in the enveloping darkness,
    A shimmering fabric of humanity woven with threads of enlightenment.

    It reminds us that genuine connection with others
    Resonates like harmonious notes,
    A delicate melody in the heart,
    A perfect symphony of souls in the divine orchestra of existence.

    Approach each encounter as a celestial journey,
    Navigating galaxies of cognition and perception,
    Where understanding serves as a guiding pulsar,
    Illuminating the path through the cadence of introspection,
    A heavenly compass pilgrimaging the astral seas.

    Conquer the hypotheses, elevate the strategies, and refine the techniques
    Yet as we sketch life’s grand canvas,
    Handle them with the grace of an artist’s brush,
    For in the delicate art of touching souls,
    We must paint with the palette of humility and kindness,
    Our hands guided by the constellations of empathy and compassion,
    Painting colorless colors of humanity.

    Alexander Siddiqui

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • My Kind of Perfect

    You’re perfect, my kind of perfect
    Especially when we peck lips for a kiss
    Feeling the intimacy with your gentle touch
    It makes me feel so complete, whole, and alive
    Just as if nothing was wrong and all my worries disappeared
    You can hypnotize me with your gorgeous eyes
    Or with the words you speak from your mouth
    Either way, you make me forget of life’s hardships
    And create a bubble like it’s only you and me
    Within the current moment of Father Time
    You can be a cute geek without the perfect tone body
    Hate the way you laugh loud or have too much body hair
    Either way, I’ll still love you just the same
    Because the way you look, mmm, I can’t get enough
    You can charm me with a big, adorable smile on your face
    Become such a gentleman and a total romantic
    Or even say I look beautiful when I think I’m a mess
    Either way, I’ll fall for it everyday, every time, and anywhere
    Because your smile and personality is out of this world
    You can make mistakes and mess up like everyone else
    Or accidentally say the wrong thing to hurt some feelings
    Either way darling, no one is perfect on this earth
    But no matter what, somehow and someway
    You are my kind of perfect and always have been
    Since the very first day that we met and fell in love
    There’s so many ways to describe and say
    Of just how perfect you are in my hazel eyes
    I hope you can see it and believe it to be true
    Because there’s simply no one else that can replace you
    You are a one of a kind, my love, a one of a kind

    Alexcia Cegelski

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • blue sea salt

    Everything looks to me with importance
    the music did not make me want to dance
    the sun in the summer
    did not give me heat
    the flowers
    had no scent
    my journey
    had no beginning

    my eyes did not shine with happiness
    even though laughter is to be heard
    from angels playing ahead
    my heart cries golden tear drops
    I pray to god to find me love
    I found meaning to life
    the music brought memories
    the sun gave me light to my journey
    in which I must go in life
    the flowers refreshed my spirit
    laughter came from my mouth
    I pray
    I pray to god to find me love.

    Cynthia rose Rodriguez

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Hummingbird Beauty

    People may see the contract
    But not the contractions of wearing my heart on my sleeve
    That now fits like a glove.
    I’m striving to heal generations through self-love.
    I’m choosing faith over fear and hope over hurt
    For my heart to swell with laughter, love, and joy.
    No longer afraid of the spaces, holes, and voids.

    My positive vibes increase the vibration of others around me,
    Beating to the sound of my own drum.
    Each new day I live is a new beginning I’m open to experiencing
    Turning my deepest secrets into my greatest superpowers,
    Empowers me to release what no longer serves me
    So I can serve myself flowers while I can still smell them.

    Before I die,
    I pray that my story will be someone else’s survival guide.
    A Hummingbird beauty.
    Someone’s call of duty to find love to heal again
    And a love letter to that person that’s been laying in bed
    And hasn’t seen beyond the four corners of their room in days
    I pray that they will finally experience what solace looks and feels like.
    I once heard that love is what healing sounds like.

    Stephanie Anyaoha, PMHNP (Steph Zion)

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • My Favorite Chapter Of Life

    The chapter of life that I love
    is living all the way then going above
    Life before death is the way to go
    Is there another way to do it, I don’t know
    I cannot explain why I love it so much
    But living happily is to die as such
    Happy or not, though, the life is good
    Almost anyone could have it, I know they could

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Youth

    In the bloom of youth, we tread a path unsure,
    Early twenties, where dreams and doubts endure.
    With passion ablaze and aspirations high,
    We chase dream that we hope take flight.

    Through freedom, we find our stride,
    Exploring the world, with nothing to hide.
    Yet shadows linger, whispers of the past,
    Reminders of moments too fleeting to last.

    In this chapter of life, a tale unfolds,
    Of lessons learned, and stories yet untold.
    We stumble, we rise, in this journey we roam,
    In our early twenties, we seek our home.

    So embrace the chaos, the laughter, and tears,
    For in this moment, we conquer our fears.
    In the canvas of youth, let our colors unfurl,
    In the canvas of youth, let’s paint our world.

    Ravien Burns

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Kintsugi: An Invitation

    My Dearest Frightened Inner Child and My Courageous Present Self,

    You are warmly invited to your much awaited, Refuge.
    For You have been Rescued.
    Welcome to Safety and Stability.
    Where You are Considered, befittingly.

    No! You are not an Outcast.
    Once You get past that, You will see –
    You are a wondrous Art of Kintsugi.
    Cracks here, Cracks there.
    Repair: A process – Handled with Care.

    Look out My Dear, as this will be Bittersweet.
    What an overwhelming feeling to feel – Oh So Complete!
    You are now in two places as One.
    Sunlight piercing through Dark clouds – Stay a little longer…
    A missed Childhood –
    I promise to make it Fun!
    Forever Evolving and Growing
    You’ll Always be My Number One!

    Together We Heal,

    Our Guardian Warrior

    Sumantha Halder-Karim

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • I'm Good.

    I see you looking-heading my way
    thinking about what it is you want to say.
    It’s so interesting to be in this place.
    Not wanting or needing attention,
    your approval,
    your love-
    unwilling to participate in the chase.
    I feel full, no need for a second helping…
    I’m good.
    No really, I’m good.

    Not your money, your resources, or your name—
    a woman of my means?
    Sir, in that arena,
    you and I are the same.
    It seems as though you came to offer me your cape,
    and it offends you to see that I’m not waiting for you
    to have my life take shape.

    The man who has me- loves without control,
    contributes to my thinking,
    my being, my purpose, my soul.
    He lets me in, knows when to let me guide,
    supports my ambition and desires;
    taking any losses in stride.
    He’s my person because he tends to my heart,
    there are no conditions or ego- yeah, THAT part.
    How he leads allows me to maintain feminine energy-
    together we pursue joy,
    since happy is my responsibility.
    To put it plainly:
    I choose to love him, and he chooses to love me.
    So, I’m good.

    Madison King

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Unafraid

    I stare at a blank doc
    The line blinks at me, teasing me
    Taunting me
    Daring me
    Daunting me

    A heavy sigh escapes me
    And warm arms wrap to embrace me

    I’ll write something amazing, he tells me
    And i find it in my heart to believe
    Not in myself, not yet,
    But in the version of me he sees

    My brow furrows
    And i begin to type
    As he smiles into my shoulder,
    Fighting not to say he was right

    I close the laptop
    Set it off of the bed
    And rest comfortably, listening
    To the heartbeat in his chest

    For this is where i am most content

    But content does not begin to cover
    The comfort and safety
    Being under these covers

    Content does not quite express
    How unafraid i am
    Here, on his chest

    I stare at a blank doc
    A prompt heavy on my mind
    And all i can think of
    Is his eyes

    Victoria Suarez

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • Coping with bipolar.

    A letter to myself
    Grabbing an old book off the shelf.
    Starting a new chapter
    To help me see.
    What I’ve been through
    Yes Indeed!
    Showing the wounds
    Of my inner child
    Adding a new chapter to help me smile.
    Showing my affliction
    Of bipolar disease
    After twenty years of hurting
    I’m being set free.
    In the hospital in and out
    Finding the answers
    Of what it’s all about.
    Looking for answers
    Through food and ice cream
    Coping with bipolar
    And what it means.
    Taking medication to help me grow
    Saying, “Why me” I did not know.
    Finding answers to my depression
    Was my victory.
    Extending my life and
    Escaping the mind
    Finding hope and answers to a certain degree.
    This was a sign.
    That I can be “normal”
    In this world, I CAN SHINE!
    In my mind there is a tunnel
    A mother of two
    Seeing the light at each end
    They have grown so much
    I give them what I can
    Of a mother’s touch.
    Escaping my mind
    And never married
    This was another load I always carried.
    Living this chapter of love and happiness
    Living this chapter of not being depressed.
    Wanting to help others as an employee
    As a companion for those in need.
    Highs and lows
    Of mental stability
    Finding love is the key.
    I’m beating bipolar again and again
    From doctors and lawyers
    Finding the right medicine.
    I escape the highs and lows
    And depending on others
    Like mountains and valleys
    Wanting to do better as a devoted mother.
    Yes, defeating bipolar
    I do not cry.
    Defeating bipolar
    Is what I say inside
    To myself I will not lie.
    This is a new chapter just for me
    Doing much better
    In time I shall see.

    Sonya Eldridge

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Fire Within

    Oh what a time,
    a time of curiosity
    letting your hair fall differently each day
    passionate words drifting from your soul
    Into this world of constant stimulation
    Hoping that you will bring a light to the minds of those who live in the dark

    You are shining so brightly
    Being yourself looks really good on you
    You are growing and evolving
    Becoming a woman of the divine
    Allowing the simple pleasures of life
    to bring light and joy to your heart inside

    I love the way you laugh,
    And share your love with others
    You are truly so caring
    You are learning to love
    Letting your heart fill with joy
    as well as the tears and the sadness
    and the pain of all the years before

    My love you are so strong
    you forever stand tall
    As you know you are made
    To bring so much more

    To the people around
    Who wondrously wander
    Hoping something will catch their eye
    You are here to remind them
    That their fire lies inside

    Oh my love, my admiration for you runs high
    A pure soul that never seems to dry
    Keep shining your light
    And just know
    that your fire lies inside

    Maggie Jane

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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