  • Shape Shifting

    Surrounded by fluffy white sheets, your soft resting face in our pillows, I soften into myself as I touch your skin and memorize the curves of your face.

    I love our genuine embrace and the growth we share in our struggle to shape shift into the people we want to be individually, together and forever.

    We spend our days molding ourselves through education, growth spurts and learning curves.

    We are not able to see the light of our hard work just yet so we collapse into each other, surrounded by white pillows and fluffy white sheets.

    We could let the whole world burn around us as we look into each other’s eyes and know that we belong together.

    Let our struggles be chased and conquered as we morph into lions racing through these massive jungle-like circumstances only to retreat to our den when the day is done.

    As long as we can rest together in the solace of our love when the run is over, the race doesn’t feel as hard to make.

    Those sheets hold our bodies as we struggle to regain our strength in becoming.

    We seek solace in each other’s skin with words of encouragement.

    We seek each other’s hearts in our dreams as we dream awake, fighting to check all the boxes.

    Side by side, day by day, together or apart, I wouldn’t trade these days because at least we are trying and thriving.

    The hours we spend dreaming of who we want to become blend into our love as we seek each other’s embrace while we dream of bigger lives beyond the shapes we shift into.

    New shapes and scapes are spoken into existence when our bodies are restless for more.

    We shape shift into each other and give oxygen to our dreams by the touch of our melding skin.

    I wouldn’t change these days because they keep us alive, seeking change without a name, just dreams in our minds eye wishing to come alive between fluffy pillows and big white sheets.


    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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