

  • The Youth

    In the bloom of youth, we tread a path unsure,
    Early twenties, where dreams and doubts endure.
    With passion ablaze and aspirations high,
    We chase dream that we hope take flight.

    Through freedom, we find our stride,
    Exploring the world, with nothing to hide.
    Yet shadows linger, whispers of the past,
    Reminders of moments too fleeting to last.

    In this chapter of life, a tale unfolds,
    Of lessons learned, and stories yet untold.
    We stumble, we rise, in this journey we roam,
    In our early twenties, we seek our home.

    So embrace the chaos, the laughter, and tears,
    For in this moment, we conquer our fears.
    In the canvas of youth, let our colors unfurl,
    In the canvas of youth, let’s paint our world.

    Ravien Burns

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    • Ravien!!! This is soooooo good. I love this part, “In this chapter of life, a tale unfolds,
      Of lessons learned, and stories yet untold.
      We stumble, we rise, in this journey we roam,
      In our early twenties, we seek our home.”

      This is such an inspiring and honest way to describe your 20’s. I feel all of this. It is such a mix is chasing your dreams…read more

      Write me back 

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