  • Fork In the Road

    FORK IN THE ROAD©️2014

    There in the midst of my journey, I see a two way street.
    There is the road less traveled that is speaking to me.
    It is filled with hardship, struggle, and pain.
    It echos softly what sounds like my name.
    It knows of my tears, lies, and complaints.
    It knows that I can make it, even when my mind says I can’t.
    It roots and cheers for me to give it a try.
    And not to be distracted by the wilderness, but look forward to the promise of the other side.

    The other path intervenes with its master plan.
    To convince me to walk down this more pleasing land.
    After all, everyone wants the easy way out.
    Who wants to get caught up in the confusion and doubt?
    The sky is blue and the birds are singing their high pitched song.
    With all that sunshine, how can it be wrong?
    As I stand there at the fork trying to decide,
    A voice speaks to me assuring and kind.

    Nothing worth fighting for came tied in a bow.
    I appreciate every lesson that gives me the opportunity to grow.
    Yes to the left, it’s full of illusions of gold and jewels.
    All that glitters isn’t gold, so do not be so easily fooled.
    The road less traveled has less steps to take, even though there are more hills to climb.
    Because when I take this path, I began traveling with the Ultimate Guide.
    He will move those mountains and twine when I show Him my seed of faith.
    And when I feel weak and broken, He’ll carry me most of the way.

    So I picked up my baggage and chose the trail of my destiny.
    The voice returned and commanded that I drop those burdens at His feet.
    There is only one requirement before we travel that I must meet.
    I cannot carry the loads of my past because He’s already forgotten and forgiven thee.
    Tears rolled down, as I noticed why I was so weary.
    All the loads of hurt and anger I carried, I could’ve been released.
    The reason that path had been less traveled was because not many realized that they held the Master’s key.
    The first step that truly mattered began when I forgave me.

    Chané’ Latrice Fleming

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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