

  • My love letter about me to you!

    My love letter about me to you!
    What I like about this chapter of my life is being honored to have my degrees and allowing my degrees to work with me as a full-time teacher! I want to say that I am in a wonderful time of my life! I am a wife, mother, mother in law and grandparent. I have raised three successful sons. I have been married for thirty-five years and am a proud mother-in-law and Granna of two beautiful girls!
    It has been a lot of work taking care of me and the life I am in. I was a hard worker all my life. I have worked since I was a teenager. I was a babysitter, worked for low-income youth programs, worked at a fashion store, retail factory and so on. I attended a college out of my home state but transferred back to my hometown. I kept attending college but took time out to get married and raise my sons as a stay-at-home mother. In the back of my mind, I always wanted to finish college. Well, I did go back part time juggling my last son between my family as his babysitter to help me out. I did substitute along the way once my older two sons became full time in elementary school.
    I ended up receiving not one but three degrees! I received my associate degree, then a bachelor’s degree which led to a master’s degree in early childhood. I say that to say this, my life went well and as intended, but with some detours, however, I completed a lifelong dream of receiving my college degree. I am proud of myself that with the help of my husband and family I completed my dream.
    Did I say it was easy? No, it was a lot of hard demands, time, disappointment, uncertainty at times, and exhausting with three sons. However, was it obtainable? Yes, as I finished the course my confidence increased because the light was at the end of the tunnel. Do not give up too fast or not at all if you can, just change course and find another dream to go after!
    To you, try to put your dreams out there so people can hear them, and to write them down so you have something to go by. Life will get busy and complicated as you age, but your dreams are still waiting for your return. Find someone or others who can encourage you to stick with your dream(s). Never give up the fight even if it is slow progress. My dream of getting my degree was a long one, and it took a lot of support, but I had to do the demanding work! You too will need to do challenging work as well! Do not get too discouraged but reach out to a loved one who has your back and work hard to make your dream come true! I believe in you, just as someone believed me! In fact, I had to believe in myself first before anyone believed in me! Go get your dream!! And you too will have the best time of your life!

    Angela Pinkins

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  • Bloom to Purpose

    Dear Charmaine,

    What you love about this chapter in your life is it is believed to be…Pruning time! Pruning is something you found out that continuously needs to happen. You get cut down, cut back, trimmed on. It can come out of nowhere or you can see it coming. You realize that when you are serving God, get ready or don’t be shocked when it happens. He will cut you with things that are going to test your faith. To see if you are spouting words or believe what He says. No matter if it is your health, people, rejection, finances or whatever. He wants you to grow back stronger and more beautiful. He wants you to say “I have a TESTimony” My God brought me through!!! People trying to take your home you worked so hard for. Your insecurities that you allowed people to give you, questioning your ministry and self. Your children’s health, your marriage. Your rare, mysterious health issues. God is bringing you through them all. He will continually bring you through them all! You are here to witness God’s Goodness, Grace and Mercy. How can you do this unless you walk through some swaps, dirt, mud, been through some terrible storms. To say you are still here, you are still standing. God has brought you through. Even though you don’t want the tornado to come your way, you don’t want things eating at you or being cut down to start again. God is able!!! He is letting you be prune, so you can stand beautifully ready to be open again, to Bloom in another Season. Trust God, It is not what you want! But God knows it is what you need! So remember it is Pruning Time Again!??!
    As I would say you are actually the perfect candidate for God to use. You have no special degree in any minister, no special teacher degree or a scholar. Not the popular girl and most experienced in life. That is where God gets His Glory from the normal, mundane, not so look at, not so talk about young lady. It is funny that you are someone who seems to be doing some stuff now. Things out of your character, realm of knowledge and expertise.You don’t have a degree in that. How are you going to tell others the truth about things? Well, God is the only answer to how. If you are a believer, it is the only answer that makes sense! That God uses the simple things of the world to confuse the wise. He also is using you again in sharing His Glory by using a health problem. He allows you to have this unique, rare mysterious condition. That teams of doctors are scratching their heads over. Questions of why it came, where it came from and now how do they treat you? There are no seemingly bad habits, no drug, alcohol, or smoking in my life. You are pretty much healthy and young. No high blood pressure, diabetics, no history of cancers in the family. “So what do I have and how are the doctors going to treat it?” So here comes God showing his miracle magic miraculous all knowing power! Showing them treatment to try, but ultimately He has to heal and save!!! That job forever belongs to Him. So, He wants you to testify of his goodness and grace! How often do you and others say no you can’t do this minister thing! God says Yes You Can!!!
    When the doctors, professionals and you are all confused about what is going on in your body and why. God is here to say, “I AM NOT! I know all, I see all, I knitted you in your mothers womb. I made every cell, tissue and bone. Just look at me and I will show you how and why I am the chief physician who never lost a case!!!” You have to say Hallelujah Amen to that. So, this rare, unique, mysterious flower in God’s garden is destined to bloom. No matter how many storms come to destroy and cut you down. God controls storms, they cease at His command!!! So even when you are pruned again, because you will. You know who holds the future, your tomorrow and beautifully allows you to Bloom!!!
    Love you and keep pursuing your purpose. You love this chapter of your life because God has pulled you through, made you see things you never thought you could face before and show you your strength in the midst of the storms.


    Charmaine Casimir

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    • I am so glad your connection with God has brought you so much peace and faith in life. It is truly helping live your best life and feel your best self. And that is wonderful. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Inside The Mind of A Babe

    today I take my first extended walk
    in my new neighborhood.
    Along with fabulous loose-fitting pants & shirt
    of upper-upper-middle age,
    I am wearing one of those corporate sacs
    offered at mandatory trainings I still attend
    to support & enhance the skillsets I have & need
    to keep the licenses I have & need
    that support my house/car/insurance payments
    & the demi-wildish lifestyle
    of an intermittently aging hippie
    who wants to keep working in the barren fields
    of drugs and mental roadblocks
    and to nourish her optimistic genes
    as she attempts to keep hope & humor genes alive
    so others can live weller, as she has
    owning some of that history.
    I love the bags. Groceries. Books.
    Clothes for Goodwill or road trips.
    I recognize this rehab emblem.
    I have never been there so far,
    even for a class. One can only hope.
    Anyhow, the bags help me keep my car neat
    or file papers I’m not sure about filing
    in real-time-space,
    and they’re wonderful if/when one has to move.
    Always ready for a next time.
    Downsize. I think I hate that word
    but I’m good at it.

    New neighborhoods,
    like some new age numbers
    mean change. Big ones.
    Sometimes Loss.
    Choose and throw.
    And storage might need to be introduced.
    Or more trash buckets.
    And creative-use-of-less
    becomes a skillset that earns
    ice cream and or fig newtons,
    always age appropriate.

    I can’t drive today:
    one tire has a nail in it and that garish
    yellow emergency light goes on if I try,
    which spoils any sense of comfort,
    and it’s New Year’s Day,
    so guess what’s open in a town as big my hand?
    Yes, nothing.
    So, I am taking a new-neighborhood walkathon
    during which I notice I have an odd walk
    which I blame on my left hip and leg
    which seem to have lives of their own lately.
    The hocus-pocus-body-folks would say
    my inner Valkyrie female nature is
    and it’s time for me to put down my shield and sword
    and soak among Epsom salts and soft music
    and allow what is nature to be nature.
    My inner three-year-old,
    who really runs the show is pouty,
    and I am reminded that growth
    & change happen,
    no matter what.
    Fig Newtons. Ice Cream.
    Always appropriate.

    I realize I walk side-to-side like the local girl
    who has the alt mind-set
    which she announces at times, in intervals.
    We know her and take care of her
    (at a safe distance of course).
    she pulls or pushes a multi-purpose grocery cart
    as she chatters to who-knows-who.
    What is being said by her or heard by her
    we are not clear about.
    She doesn’t look at any of us. Ever.
    Through, around, but never at.
    Sometimes she has those big dark glasses on,
    the ones used for eye tests.
    Like mine.
    Is that what people see
    when they look at me?

    She walks and rolls from side to side,
    her feet tilted inward,
    so her toes nearly meet.
    No one ever wants to be in her way,
    although we are not sure she sees us.
    She does see something though;
    that we know.
    She takes right of way.
    Local drivers know her; others
    figure it out, fast.
    That’s how I “met” her.
    Coming out of Winn Dixie parking lot.
    She walks carefully
    through marked parking lot spaces,
    always within the lines.
    I am impressed with her sense of being.
    We do not matter. Also, we behave.
    So, is what it takes to survive these times?
    I shall keep my odd walk
    and see what happens.
    I will apply the dark glasses,
    the kind used for eye tests.
    The big ones.
    We shall see.
    (That would be I and my psyche.)
    A man walked towards me today,
    near the turn circle in the new neighborhood,
    and smiled, as if to talk. I smiled.
    He walked into the park instead.
    I suspect it was the glasses.
    I might be too oldish.
    For what I wondered.

    I put the four books
    stashed in my impressive green bag
    into one of the two neighborhood
    donation library boxes
    after I checked to see what was inside –
    my give-away books
    were better than all the rest.
    Nothing for me to take away. Today.
    This life continues to offer lessons.
    I am still open to change.
    Fig Newtons apply.


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    • I love that what you love about this chapter of your life is that you are still learning, and you are still growing. Also, you clearly are still up for an adventure. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. You always have such interesting insight and stories. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much for choosing to post this. Sometimes I need to be reminded too, and having this coming from The Unsealed brightens my day. This life can get hard at times.

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    • Dale, I love that you give yourself permission to accept all of you:) You inspire others to be happy and be just them:)

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      • Oh Charmaine, I’m honored you have taken the time to write to me!
        Thank you for the kind words. I’m a top-floor introvert and an overthinker, so when I can go past those evildoers and just be I’m so happy. Writing helps me see me better! Take care. And thank you again. Dale T.

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        • You are welcome! That why you have to continue writing. It opens up so many great things. It helps you and inspires others. You take care and be blessed😃

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  • Use Somebody

    I could use somebody
    Not for a moment in time someone who’s all mine
    you know they’d have to be pretty divine
    a being in search of their highest self

    you know spiritually inclined not just running around here low level with a dirty mind

    But I need them truly concerned with elevating and transcending that little thing that you all consider time

    Your avatar t doesn’t matter I’m concerned about the here and the there after
    I called that our spiritual chapter

    So the question is can you hold my hand , when I’m not me….
    when I’m slaying my pain but still riddled with those things called grief and anxiety

    When those emotional pain hits my gut
    So bad bad they don’t wanna stay inside of me so I throw them up

    but all I need you to do is be there
    maybe hold my hair
    just exist with no twist of your arm no red flags and no

    just long loving arms
    Of spiritual devotion to the laws of the universe
    I manifested this with my 123 love potion

    Now guide this twin flame on it’s love ocean

    A goddess love requires devotion and that’s to the ancestors of love/light to honor them you should do it well and treat me right

    And if you do I’ll make sure I give you some like every other night

    because the reality is… I could use somebody
    somebody not to use me
    but just to be…with me

    And that’s on TruSpit

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    • This is so real and authentic. You know one thing I love about this chapter in my life, is the standards I know hold to allow people to be a part of my life. It sounds like you are raising your bar and sticking to it. Keep doing so, and the right people will come into your life – whether they are friends or partners. Thank you for sharing and…read more

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      • I am very new to sharing my poetry and this means a ton to have this type of feedback from someone of your caliber much gratitude and I look forward to sharing much more

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    • Tru- I love your strength to walk in your Authority of what you want. Continue to be blessed and keep being courageous!!!

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  • The Fire Within

    Oh what a time,
    a time of curiosity
    letting your hair fall differently each day
    passionate words drifting from your soul
    Into this world of constant stimulation
    Hoping that you will bring a light to the minds of those who live in the dark

    You are shining so brightly
    Being yourself looks really good on you
    You are growing and evolving
    Becoming a woman of the divine
    Allowing the simple pleasures of life
    to bring light and joy to your heart inside

    I love the way you laugh,
    And share your love with others
    You are truly so caring
    You are learning to love
    Letting your heart fill with joy
    as well as the tears and the sadness
    and the pain of all the years before

    My love you are so strong
    you forever stand tall
    As you know you are made
    To bring so much more

    To the people around
    Who wondrously wander
    Hoping something will catch their eye
    You are here to remind them
    That their fire lies inside

    Oh my love, my admiration for you runs high
    A pure soul that never seems to dry
    Keep shining your light
    And just know
    that your fire lies inside

    Maggie Jane

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    • This is beautiful. It sounds like you are living and embracing your authentic self proudly and unapologetically. That is both empowering and inspiring! I love this line, “You are shining so brightly
      Being yourself looks really good on you”

      It really captures what the poem is about and why this chapter is so wonderful for you. Thank you for…read more

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      • That is my favorite line as well!! I definitely agree that it captures the whole poem. This whole chapter of my life is all about learning who I am and embracing it fully

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    • You are wise and strong. You have so much great things ahead of you. Keep walking in that promising future:)

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  • Edenish

    Window watching.
    Always coffee first.
    Sunshine. I see sunshine.
    My eyes and brain and spirit
    are very happy.
    I go to the nearest chair
    on my quasi-porch
    and slowly absorb the coffee.
    Ah hah,
    I am ready:
    messy red sneakers
    and happy socks,
    whooshy pants,
    and a bright pink tank top.
    I’m going to my version of heaven,
    an island
    still underdeveloped enough
    to be magical.
    I know it won’t be long
    before it’s buried under the selfishness
    of people,
    so I put in all the time I can get.

    I drive the bridge at illegal speeds
    and sincerely hope
    the State Patrol is nowhere
    near me.
    I notice other cars
    and wonder if the passengers
    will run over my spirit
    by getting off at my island.

    Well far out,
    they keep going
    and I’m the only car heading to the gates.
    Used to be a state park. Now Real estate.
    Good Real estate.
    Still gated.
    Good real estate.
    Getting pricier.
    Good real estate.
    I have a sticker on my windshield,
    so the gates part for me,
    like I’m Moses at the Red Sea.
    I drive
    State Patrol is everywhere
    on this side of the gate.
    They even have a building and parking spaces
    near my first stop, the ladies’ bathroom.
    Door slam #1.
    Now, more able to drive carefully,
    very carefully. SP everywhere.
    Left turn into the historic district.
    Yay, parking space.
    Door slam #2.
    Keys attached to the medallion around my neck.
    Yay, I’m free.

    I walk through the commercial area,
    with the signs and stores
    and quick cafes and outdoor
    seating and price signs
    Rabbits, squirrels, and I.
    No people yet. (I’m not people.
    I’m a leaf.
    I’m a squirrel.
    I’m the air.
    Spanish Moss.)
    No people. Yaaaay.)
    I walk.
    Small breezes pat my face,
    fluff up my hair,
    blow out my whooshy pants.
    I shuffle along.
    No people. Too early.
    I walk.
    I hear me breathe.
    I walk.

    I smile.
    I watch the waves
    dance in and out
    and hear them bark at me,
    welcoming me
    as long as I don’t talk back.
    I don’t. They carry on.
    I hear seagulls.
    I walk.
    I see trees.
    They see me.
    Oh no, a human coming at me
    from the opposite direction.
    Yay. A non-chatty one.
    A brief-waver. A smiler.
    A me-form.
    And we pass.
    I walk.
    I sniff.
    I walk,
    I stare and smile. I walk
    I walk until I realize
    I’m sweating
    and thirsty
    and sweating
    I find the water.
    Walk. Walk.
    Smile. Sniff.
    Part human, part dog.
    A friendly labradoodle thinks we’re family.
    Owner is not pleased.
    I smile and move on.
    Dog wants to continue talking
    so I wave. Owner waves.
    Dog smiles. Dog gets it.

    I finish my travels
    as the hotel-stayers
    and visitors
    and locals
    decide it’s time for breakfast
    and begin to make too much noise,
    so I find Luther, (the car)
    and put on The Grateful Dead,
    open the sunroof and
    say goodbye to the family
    and let them know
    that, like Arnold Schwarzenegger,
    I’ll be back,
    whether they like it or not.
    Like family.

    Dog and I say so.


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    • Dale sounds like an amazing and very scenic getaway! Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • To Whom it Concerns and Dear Self

    To Whom it Concerns and Dear Self,

    I am to whom it concerns.
    I have so much that I still need to learn.
    I’m living in the now, not before or the after.
    This is what I love most about this chapter.
    To whom it concerns and dear self,
    This chapter is titled health.
    I am achieving my goals with stealth.
    These feelings that I’m feeling were once felt.
    This chapter that I love most is new to me.
    I am myself and myself is who I choose to be.
    Life is short so therefore I am living it fully.
    I am constantly growing, and I am loving who I grew to be.
    I mentioned before that this chapter is titled health.
    Life is difficult and it can hurt like a snapped belt.
    Life leaves visible bruises and unseen welts.
    This is to whom it concerns and dear self.

    By Kelly M. Wolff

    Kelly Wolff

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    • Kelly, “Health” is a great name for a chapter in your life. It sounds like this is a chapter where you feel revived and empowered, and I am all for it! Keep growing and keep living. You got this. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you,
        I appreciate the feedback and the supportive platfom. The Unsealed Family has been a great inspiring writing community.

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    • Dear Kelly, I am concern and I love your strength! Be blessed and always know your value:)

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  • Letter to My Blossoming Self

    In the garden of my late twenties,
    Where dreams weave through realities,
    I stand, a creator, a learner, a leader,
    Crafting my path with the hands of a dreamer.

    Each day a canvas, my career the brush,
    Dipped in the hues of knowledge, a quiet hush.
    With every stroke, I grow, I thrive,
    In this dance of creativity, I feel alive.

    Challenges rise like mountains steep,
    Yet within me, a resolve so deep.
    To climb, to conquer, to reach new heights,
    Finding strength in the toughest of fights.

    Impact is the echo of my silent roar,
    Touching lives, opening a new door.
    In this chapter, a rebranding so bold,
    A story of transformation, waiting to be told.

    As twenty-eight whispers of time well spent,
    I gaze toward thirty with pure intent.
    A decade looming with promises anew,
    A journey of becoming, a perspective true.

    In this blossoming, I find my grace,
    A higher self in time and space.
    Strong, unswayed by the external din,
    Rooted in self, a radiance from within.

    With every heartbeat, I fall deeper in love,
    With the person I am, the skies above.
    Pride swells like a tide, vast and wide,
    In who I’ve become, I take immense pride.

    Abigail Jane Stopka

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    • Thank you for writing this. It makes me look forward to my thirties! I’ll be 27 in April, so I’m only just a bit behind you.

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    • Aww Abigail, this is great. I love that you have such a sense of pride in the person you have become … that will only serve you will as you continue to pursue your dreams and goals in life. I love this line, “In this chapter, a rebranding so bold,
      A story of transformation, waiting to be told.”

      I feel like your transformation is just your…read more

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    • So glad you are walking into life with beautiful and exciting eyes! Life has great things waiting for you 🙂 The best is yet to come!!!

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  • That Time I Didn't Give Up

    That Time I didn’t give up.
    I was in crisis feeling lifeless, but that didn’t mean that I loved life less. I just know I had to pass life’s test.
    I had more blessings to go in my cup.
    I had so much love.
    Which is why I’m grateful for that time that I didn’t give up.
    That time I didn’t give up.
    Let me count the ways.
    I gotta give God Praise.
    I cherish my life that can’t be erased.
    Remember you are strong and you are more than enough.
    This life is so crazy rough.
    Which is why I’m grateful for that time I didn’t give up.

    Kelly Wolff

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    • This piece hits hard from the jump! “I was in crisis feeling lifeless, but that didn’t mean that I loved life less. I just know I had to pass life’s test.” hit so hard that I had go back and read it again. This is excellent! You have a very smooth flow and packed a lot into a very short poem 🙂 Good job!

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      • Thank you,
        I appreciate the feedback. I’m glad you liked it. I hope hit helps others especially during Mental Health Awareness Month.

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  • You Got This! Life is Hard but Somebody Has to Do It! Why Not You! You Are Enough!

    Growing up, I had to tell myself during my teenage years and as an adult, that I was enough!
    I remember back then when my self-esteem was determined by what others thought about me, the choices I made and if I was good enough for them instead of for myself. I remember wanting to be like my mother and my brothers. They all attended a school of higher learning. I recall going to my mothers’ graduation as a young teenage girl. She was a divorced mother of five children. She beat the odds and became a woman with a two-year associate degree in social work. Both of my siblings seemed to do everything right. Unlike them, I seemed to struggle with learning. I always had to double study for everything. My family seemed so perfect that I put myself down. Then, after high school, I ventured out to become a college student myself. It was not easy. I had no money. I got loans and Pell grants. I had to work and study. I often had to study all night, in libraries, my dorm room to pass a test. I finally got to be like my family, I thought! Extremely optimistic and then I became very unsure. I wondered was it just as hard for my family too? At college, I found myself very alone and missing my mother and the crisp scent of blankets of home. Instead, I was in a dorm with crickets and the smell of mold. Don’t get it wrong, I liked college life, it just became too much for me all alone. I eventually moved back to my home. Now, my education was in jeopardy. My expectations for myself seemed doomed. But the story did not stop there. I remembered I had a dream.
    I met a man along the way, and we decided to marry. With two children and a third on the way, I remembered I did not finish what I had started. This time I had to juggle my family. I eventually would go back to college. I completed the course work for an associate degree just like my mother! After which I started to substitute in schools. I went on to complete my bachelor’s degree in business education. As my children grew older, I needed a flexible job. I read about a program that could help me become a teacher and receive a master’s degree. I said to myself, as I had lacked confidence along the way all along, because learning was hard for me especially with juggling kids now. Well, this program worked! I graduated with a master’s degree and became a teacher. I often doubted the process. I doubted my dream, but I say this to let you know, life will not always be easy. You may have goals in your life or future that you may wish to dream of. Well, today that dream can become a reality. With hard work and dedication, asking for guidance, and receiving help along the way, you too can benefit in the end.
    You got this! Keep your head held up high, stay strong, try to ignore the negative thoughts, and persevere! Self-talk positively to yourself, positive affirmations to yourself! You can do it! Make good choices, try hard and do not quit, dream big and apply yourself. With the pressures of today for example: peer pressure, body image, family, friends, belonging, exposure to drugs, relationships, social media school concerns, and money struggles just keep trying. These are all real concerns that are staring you in the face, do not ignore it, seek help, and remember your dream! You are allowed to dream but think about making it happen! Had I not remembered my dream and I looked back to see what others in my family succeeded in doing and not myself, I would not be a teacher today. Self-doubt is real, peer pressure is real. I too had to fight. I cried to sleep. I had negative thoughts, telling myself during the process, “You cannot do this, you are a low-income family, you have children, just quit and go on.” But then, my inner strength kicked in and it told myself “Hey! You can do this!” Tell your beautiful self the same thing. I can work hard and never stop! I am not going to give up until my dream becomes a reality. Life is hard, but somebody must do it! Why not you! You too can make it! Decide what it is you want, go for it, take a chance, and do not stop!
    You got this! You are enough!
    By, Angela Pinkins

    Angela Pinkins

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    • Angela! You have such a beautiful soul. I always felt like school came easier to my brother than it did for me, and that was hard for me as a child. But I am so glad you never gave up and you got your degree. And now you are encouraging young people to have confidence and pursue their dreams. You are amazing! <3 Lauren

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    • This was so encouraging, my eyes teared up just reading this. It spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing #Unsealed family <3

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  • The Black Box

    In shadows of my childhood, a tale unfolds,
    Of a fractured family, where sorrow molds.
    A black box whispers secrets long untold,
    A narrative of pain, in letters penned in gold.

    Tiny voices echoed in the paper’s embrace,
    Innocence scrawled, each heartfelt trace.
    “Daddy, where are you?” in a child’s grace,
    Penning pleas and dreams in a desperate chase.

    A brother’s memory, a phantom in the past,
    Gone at three months, a love that couldn’t last.
    His clothes, a reminder, in the box amassed,
    A tragedy’s echo, a life’s fleeting contrast.

    Mom and Dad, once entwined, love turned to strife,
    A broken bond, unraveling the threads of life.
    Divorce’s bitter aftermath, carving like a knife,
    Pain’s cruel dance, as they battled inner strife.

    Enter a new man, a chapter of despair,
    Abuse’s cold touch, a burden hard to bear.
    Fifteen years of shadows, a relentless snare,
    In a house of torment, where love was rare.

    In the dance of addiction, Dad lost his way,
    A little girl’s hero, fading to shades of gray.
    Baby pictures and letters, memories in disarray,
    In a black box, fragments of a yesterday.

    Letters pleading, a child’s silent scream,
    “Daddy, do you hear us?” in every desperate theme.
    Abandonment’s weight, a river of tears extreme,
    In the echoes of silence, love became a dream.

    Through the haze of addiction, love’s flame grew faint,
    In the heart of a child, an enduring plaint.
    A father lost, a bond left to taint,
    In the dance of shadows, a life left to acquaint.

    In the black box’s whispers, the past does unfurl,
    A symphony of sorrow in this broken world.
    Yet, within the pain, resilient spirits swirl,
    Hoping for healing in the journey’s twirl.

    Abigail J Stopka

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    • Wow! Abigail. This is so good. I am so sorry about all the hardships you and your family have endured. You are clearly strong and with a beautiful heart. Keep moving toward wherever there is light. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • A Cosmic Love

    In the cosmic dance of chance and fate,
    A story unfolds, a love so great.
    A Spectrum of colors, a call in the night,
    Where fate intervened, two worlds took flight.

    In the realm of pixels and data streams,
    A Spectrum call center, where reality gleams.
    As a troubleshooter, I entered the scene,
    Little did I know, fate was foreseen.

    In the sunshine state, where palm trees sway,
    Florida’s warmth met Ohio’s gray.
    A sweet voice on my line,
    A connection so divine.

    Fate had more in its grand design.
    Little did I know, she’d soon be mine,
    She insisted on more, a number to exchange,
    Feeding into destiny’s range.

    Two and a half years, our connection grew,
    Before I gave into her irresistible pursuit.
    A realization of self-discovery, coming to light,
    As I embraced the truth of my own unique sight.

    In the closet’s shadow, I found my way,
    Guided by fate’s hand, in the light of day.
    Coming out, my thoughts unfurled,
    She stood by my side, as I reshaped my world.

    Long-distance whispers across state lines,
    A love so deep, like vintage wines.
    Florida to Ohio, miles and miles apart,
    Yet, she captured my soul and entered my heart.

    Through video calls and messages, love took its place,
    A connection so strong, no distance can erase.
    Her laughter echoed through a virtual space,
    Serenading me in a symphony of love and unspoken grace.

    In her, I found a safe harbor, a haven of peace,
    Long-distance love, a sweet release.
    She, a lighthouse, guiding me through,
    In the vast ocean of love, our connection grew.

    Miles may stretch, but love knows no bounds,
    With the help of fate, our story resounds.
    A love that bridges the space and time,
    A testament to fate, beautifully sublime.

    Here’s to the place where it all began,
    Our fate smiled, as it crafted our unique plan.
    In the Spectrum of love, we found our place,
    A love story written by destiny’s grace.

    Abigail J. Stopka

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    • Abigail your poetic words beautifully capture the journey of love and fate that brought you and your partner together. As your connection grew over two and a half years, fate continued to play its part. And through it all, your partner stood by your side, supporting you as you reshaped your world. Despite the miles that stretched between you, love…read more

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    • Abigail! This is so beautiful and sweet and romantic. Also, last lived in Ohio and I know live in Florida! But this is so well written. I am going to highlight this piece in our member spotlight today in our newsletter. <4 Lauren

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  • 2024 Goals, A Symphony of Love

    In the dawn of 2024, a canvas unfurls,
    With goals profound, like precious pearls.
    Self-love, like a compass, guiding my way,
    In the gentle embrace of a brand-new day.

    Within, I seek a love so deep,
    A promise to myself, a secret to keep.
    Mirror reflections, it is a start,
    Loving every piece of me, a work of art.

    In the tapestry of dreams, a vow I weave,
    To embrace imperfections and in them, believe.
    Stars in my soul, twinkling bright,
    I continue on this journey of self-love’s light.

    Acceptance, the bridge, to hearts that care,
    In 2024, love is in the air.
    No fortress of doubt, no walls to build,
    A dance with hearts, the space is filled.

    With open arms, I welcome the tides,
    Affection and warmth in love’s sweet strides.
    In this chapter, I choose to receive,
    Love’s symphony, in which to believe.

    Nurturing my mind, a garden of thought,
    Seeds of wisdom, lessons sought.
    Books and knowledge, like rain on soil,
    A fertile mind, a lifetime to uncoil.

    Learning and growing, expanding my view,
    In the vast expanse of the intellectual brew.
    A sanctuary of thoughts, a haven of peace,
    Nurturing my mind, the quest shall not cease.

    2024, a year of growth and bloom,
    A tapestry woven with lessons from the gloom.
    In self-love’s embrace, I find my might,
    Accepting love, like morning light.

    Nurturing my mind, a scholar’s quest,
    In the pages of wisdom, I am truly blessed.
    The mind, a garden, thoughts take flight,
    In the canvas of dreams, I find my light.

    So here’s to my 2024 journey, a story to tell,
    In the symphony of life, where dreams swell.
    I set my intentions, a heartfelt decree,
    For a year of love, growth, and wisdom, to be.

    Abigail J. Stopka

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    • Abigail! This piece is amazing! I love this line: “Mirror reflections, it is a start,
      Loving every piece of me, a work of art.”

      I am excited to see what this year brings you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

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      • Both the poem and the Author-took my breath away! 🙂
        Why are the women so beautiful?
        It’s their Mom’s fault…
        Why are men so crazy?
        It’s their Dad’s fault.
        Great Poem!!!

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