  • Letter to My Blossoming Self

    In the garden of my late twenties,
    Where dreams weave through realities,
    I stand, a creator, a learner, a leader,
    Crafting my path with the hands of a dreamer.

    Each day a canvas, my career the brush,
    Dipped in the hues of knowledge, a quiet hush.
    With every stroke, I grow, I thrive,
    In this dance of creativity, I feel alive.

    Challenges rise like mountains steep,
    Yet within me, a resolve so deep.
    To climb, to conquer, to reach new heights,
    Finding strength in the toughest of fights.

    Impact is the echo of my silent roar,
    Touching lives, opening a new door.
    In this chapter, a rebranding so bold,
    A story of transformation, waiting to be told.

    As twenty-eight whispers of time well spent,
    I gaze toward thirty with pure intent.
    A decade looming with promises anew,
    A journey of becoming, a perspective true.

    In this blossoming, I find my grace,
    A higher self in time and space.
    Strong, unswayed by the external din,
    Rooted in self, a radiance from within.

    With every heartbeat, I fall deeper in love,
    With the person I am, the skies above.
    Pride swells like a tide, vast and wide,
    In who I’ve become, I take immense pride.

    Abigail Jane Stopka

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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