  • astopka811 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of What are your goals for the new year?What are your goals for the new year? 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    2024 Goals, A Symphony of Love

    In the dawn of 2024, a canvas unfurls,
    With goals profound, like precious pearls.
    Self-love, like a compass, guiding my way,
    In the gentle embrace of a brand-new day.

    Within, I seek a love so deep,
    A promise to myself, a secret to keep.
    Mirror reflections, it is a start,
    Loving every piece of me, a work of art.

    In the tapestry of dreams, a vow I weave,
    To embrace imperfections and in them, believe.
    Stars in my soul, twinkling bright,
    I continue on this journey of self-love’s light.

    Acceptance, the bridge, to hearts that care,
    In 2024, love is in the air.
    No fortress of doubt, no walls to build,
    A dance with hearts, the space is filled.

    With open arms, I welcome the tides,
    Affection and warmth in love’s sweet strides.
    In this chapter, I choose to receive,
    Love’s symphony, in which to believe.

    Nurturing my mind, a garden of thought,
    Seeds of wisdom, lessons sought.
    Books and knowledge, like rain on soil,
    A fertile mind, a lifetime to uncoil.

    Learning and growing, expanding my view,
    In the vast expanse of the intellectual brew.
    A sanctuary of thoughts, a haven of peace,
    Nurturing my mind, the quest shall not cease.

    2024, a year of growth and bloom,
    A tapestry woven with lessons from the gloom.
    In self-love’s embrace, I find my might,
    Accepting love, like morning light.

    Nurturing my mind, a scholar’s quest,
    In the pages of wisdom, I am truly blessed.
    The mind, a garden, thoughts take flight,
    In the canvas of dreams, I find my light.

    So here’s to my 2024 journey, a story to tell,
    In the symphony of life, where dreams swell.
    I set my intentions, a heartfelt decree,
    For a year of love, growth, and wisdom, to be.

    Abigail J. Stopka

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    • Abigail! This piece is amazing! I love this line: “Mirror reflections, it is a start,
      Loving every piece of me, a work of art.”

      I am excited to see what this year brings you. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3Lauren

      Write me back 

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