

  • Compliments to Myself

    I love how I persevere
    Through the hardest days filled with endless tears
    I don’t lose to my fears
    I’ve been overcoming depression for 20+ years

    I find gems to be grateful for
    I feel my feelings rather than ignore
    I can do hard things
    I’ve done a number before

    My poetry prowess is a gift
    In general, I’m a talented writer
    The way I excel at academia
    Despite my mental health struggles, I am definitely a fighter

    I share my emotions freely
    The act is freeing
    I connect with others showing them they’re not alone
    I’m open and honest
    My hardships I own

    I maintain loving friendships
    With the sweetest humans
    I consistently fight my winter blues demons

    I find delight in existing
    And search for joy throughout my day
    I am lovable
    I am beautiful
    I am going to be okay

    I love that I am hilarious
    and have an amazing heart
    I am proud of my intelligence
    and my passion to create art

    Jordan Taylor Bradford

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends May 16, 2024 12:00am

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    • I really love your use of words. This poem has such a nice flow to it and is very easy to connect with. I love the lines “I am lovable
      I am beautiful
      I am going to be okay”
      You reminded me that I’m to be okay too, and it’s very powerful to be able to tell a story in a way that makes people feel your feelings with you.

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    • The ending of this piece soo sooo good. Clearly, there is so much to love about you. Keep shining. <3 Lauren

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford responded to a letter in topic Poetry 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    Thank you, Lauren! Happy New Year to you, too.

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months, 1 weeks ago


    The tears are ferocious
    The days feel meaningless
    I realize I’m in a rut where
    everything seems pointless
    I’m not sure how I will find
    purpose or joy again
    But I am being gentle with myself
    as I navigate that journey
    I made it to a new year
    I am here

    Jordan Taylor Bradford

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford responded to a letter in topic Poetry 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Thank you so much for the kind words, Traci. I really appreciate the encouragement.

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford responded to a letter in topic Poetry 6 months, 1 weeks ago

    Awww. Thank you so much, Shelley!

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Grandma Thelma

    “Grandma Thelma”
    written 20 October 2023
    by Jordan Taylor Bradford
    * Trigger warning: mentions suicidal ideation

    In the cozy light of my lamp,
    with the cold morning
    showing through my window,
    I thought of butterflies

    Since age 15, I have planned
    a butterfly tattoo for Grandma Thelma

    She fucking loved butterflies!
    They way her face would light
    when she saw a beautiful butterfly
    Filled with sheer delight
    and the absolute certainty
    that there was beauty in the world

    Gim always found beauty,
    and she shared it with me openly
    Look at that hummingbird!
    She’d exclaim, with the expression of a child on Christmas morning

    In the darkest of my childhood times,
    when I would say with certainty
    that I would take my own life,
    Grandma Thelma got the message through to me
    That suicide is never the answer

    I tend to default
    to it being my answer,
    but then I hear Gim –
    her voice filled with love
    and a stern concern –
    telling me “No, baby.”
    From her, I learned
    that to be a lady,
    especially a black one,
    meant that you were like the sun:

    Strong, strongest woman I ever knew
    Wise and smart with the absolute biggest heart
    and the darkest humor in tow
    For life showed her
    the darkest of times,
    the blackest of days and nights

    Even in the utter black,
    Grandma always found a nightlight

    So when my soul fills with fright,
    When depression steals my delight,
    I will find a nightlight
    and see a butterfly:
    Grandma Turtle,
    Thelma Jackson Bradford

    Jordan Taylor Bradford

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  • Jordan Taylor Bradford responded to a letter in topic Poetry 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Pretty Dee, this is such a pretty and inspiring poem! I love how you share your love of the rain, as well as an alternative take on the sun. Rain is my favourite weather!

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  • Wow. Malia Bert, that was beautiful. Each stanza was my favourite until the next stanza. What a powerful progression. I especially love letting wholesome-ness and messiness coexist. And how you address humanness.

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  • Naziat Hassan, this is beautiful. I really appreciate this poem and your mindset. I needed to read these words, especially today. Thank you.

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  • I really love this, TP_Poet! I love how you traveled through time with this poem and how you brought in science references (something I don’t usually think of when I think of poetry. I love the alliteration you use. My favourite lines are: “You better write in light and scribe in darkness.” & “Write in colors and hues; in emotions and moods; in rhythms and times; and then…” This is such a beautiful poem! I am in awe.

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  • Dear Jordan Taylor Bradford

    Dear Jordan Taylor Bradford,

    I have always wanted to be unapologetically myself
    And I would say I was,
    Yet I would find myself apologizing for existing

    Apologizing and resisting
    Doing what I truly wanted
    What my heart of hearts yearned for

    I want to be famous, and myself

    You are a household name
    I want to be like you,
    I want everything I have to be earned
    To put all the years of school
    and life lessons I learned

    To positive use
    to make a legendary impact
    to inspire future and former generations alike
    to follow their dreams
    and keep their heart intact

    Dropping out of grad school
    wasn’t a waste.
    While it drained my finances,
    it makes me who I am today:
    someone whose heart dances
    with joy and delight, rage and depression alike

    Excitement, obsession, and envy despite
    Being so magnificently me
    So powerful on my own
    Even more so when I’m not alone

    I am beautiful and strong –
    Words I vehemently denied for so long

    I want to be ethereal like you
    So delicate and seemingly too light to be true

    I am well on my way
    to becoming Myself today
    I eat for energy and happiness
    which is a long way
    from the darkest depths of my eating disorders
    That I am overcoming each day

    I indulge in
    the meditative and physical aspects of yoga
    as privileges, rather than
    “must-do tasks”

    Because it is an honour
    that I get to ask
    My body to take a breath,
    take a break

    I am *mostly*
    no longer someone I hate
    I am like you,
    I am whole and real

    When I feel my feelings,
    I mean I really FEEL

    and that makes my heart happy
    Along my journey to heal


    Love, Jordan Taylor Bradford

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    • Aww Jordan! You are whole. You are so strong. And your soul is beautiful. Never apologize for yourself. Degrees are great, but there are always other ways to reach your goal. And the more you let yourself feel, the more you will be inspired. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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