  • jordantaylorbradford submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter to your ideal selfWrite a letter to your ideal self 6 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear Jordan Taylor Bradford

    Dear Jordan Taylor Bradford,

    I have always wanted to be unapologetically myself
    And I would say I was,
    Yet I would find myself apologizing for existing

    Apologizing and resisting
    Doing what I truly wanted
    What my heart of hearts yearned for

    I want to be famous, and myself

    You are a household name
    I want to be like you,
    I want everything I have to be earned
    To put all the years of school
    and life lessons I learned

    To positive use
    to make a legendary impact
    to inspire future and former generations alike
    to follow their dreams
    and keep their heart intact

    Dropping out of grad school
    wasn’t a waste.
    While it drained my finances,
    it makes me who I am today:
    someone whose heart dances
    with joy and delight, rage and depression alike

    Excitement, obsession, and envy despite
    Being so magnificently me
    So powerful on my own
    Even more so when I’m not alone

    I am beautiful and strong –
    Words I vehemently denied for so long

    I want to be ethereal like you
    So delicate and seemingly too light to be true

    I am well on my way
    to becoming Myself today
    I eat for energy and happiness
    which is a long way
    from the darkest depths of my eating disorders
    That I am overcoming each day

    I indulge in
    the meditative and physical aspects of yoga
    as privileges, rather than
    “must-do tasks”

    Because it is an honour
    that I get to ask
    My body to take a breath,
    take a break

    I am *mostly*
    no longer someone I hate
    I am like you,
    I am whole and real

    When I feel my feelings,
    I mean I really FEEL

    and that makes my heart happy
    Along my journey to heal


    Love, Jordan Taylor Bradford

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    • Aww Jordan! You are whole. You are so strong. And your soul is beautiful. Never apologize for yourself. Degrees are great, but there are always other ways to reach your goal. And the more you let yourself feel, the more you will be inspired. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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