

  • A Promise To My Body

    Hey Girly.

    Gosh. We’re going through some changes, aren’t we? It wasn’t too long ago that we could drink black coffee on an empty stomach, or devour countless Jack-in-the-Box tacos, or say “yes” to shooting tequila at midnight for the sake of shooting tequila at midnight. Nowadays we don’t even want to do those things because nowadays we respect our GI tract. We also never compromise on sleep. In fact, speaking of sleep, aren’t you glad we finally did that sleep study last year? I swear, I can’t even remember how it felt to sleep without our C-PAP machine. We may look like a cyborg, but at least we sleep like the dead.

    Remember when the first gray hairs on our head appeared a decade ago? I’ll admit it: I was scared. We were only 26 and I didn’t realize gray hairs grew in that early. Moving our part from left to right helped for a while, but I think we ultimately did the right thing by going blonde.

    26 was a big year, wasn’t it? We lost all that weight with those awful Jenny Craig meals, and everyone showered us with praise. Our calves and arms were sticklike, and our muscles disappeared, but we were told it was a good thing that we could squeeze into an extra small. Remember how some of the meals didn’t require being frozen? All we had to do was cut open the plastic pouch and squeeze lunch onto a plate. I swear, for the rest of our lives, I will never do that to us again.

    Listen. I took us to that stupid clinic because I was convinced we weren’t good enough. I just…I had just had enough of people referring to us as “curvy” in a tone that made it obvious they were thinking of a different word. I was tired of feeling mom’s eyes on us every time our stomach spilled over our jeans. I was tired of dad’s jokes about the span of our hips, and I was tired–so tired—of being made to feel defective. This was 10 years ago, before anyone talked about “body positivity” or “self-love.” This was before brave souls stood up and said, “I’m fat and sexy and proud.” This was before I knew that loving myself—loving us—meant a heck of a lot more than shopping sprees and occasional massages. I had to learn to love us. I’m sorry I learned the hard way.

    I’ll admit that for a little while, it felt exciting watching the number on the scale decrease. Every time it happened, I felt like we gained another degree of acceptability. 10 more pounds and mom will stop it with her looks. 15 more pounds and dad will quit it with the jokes. 20 more pounds and oh my gosh, we might actually be “pretty.” Of course, “pretty” didn’t quiet the voices inside that insisted we were still “defective.” No diet, however restrictive, was going to do that.

    I remember when we hit our goal weight and officially entered the “maintenance phase”—a completely unrealistic part of the program where we were supposed to go back to eating real food without gaining back any weight. Hah. It took no time at all before that number on the scale crept back up. I remember the Jenny Craig employee looking at us with mild, but perceivable shock and disappointment. I yelled, “But I eat healthy!” What I wanted to say—and perhaps, what I should have said—was, “I love eating real food and I think I look just fine.”

    We never officially quit Jenny Craig, but we also never went back after that appointment. After months of casual starvation, I wasn’t going to devote an hour of our precious weekends to recounting every single indulgence to a woman holding a clipboard. The whole thing ended quietly, and then the real work began: the real work of loving you, no matter what other people said.

    I love that we gained the weight back. I love that we found a therapist. I loved when we joined that gym and learned how to throw around a kettlebell. I loved stepping out of the shower that one day and catching how swollen and shapely our biceps looked after months of training and eating right. I love that we’re no longer sticklike. I love that we are strong.

    And poof, we’re 36. Our gray hairs are more abundant. The lines on our forehead are more pronounced. Our curves are softer, our skin is thinner, and the tequila bottle usually goes untouched. We are going through some changes, and I am so grateful to have you with me for the ride.

    I love you.


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    • Stephanie, This is sooo good and so real. Someone once said to me that nothing looks as good as healthy feels. And it’s so true. Starving yourself is NOT the way. Embrace your strength and power. It’s all about how you feel. And I love how through this whole journey you not just found yourself with a healthier body and relationship with your…read more

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  • To My Body That Shines In The Dark

    Used abused and cut through,
    The story of the body is beyond words.
    Growing and evolving to its highest
    Always flowing through the moment.
    Left with an ugly rip in the gut,
    From never getting enough.
    Until the very last breath/

    falling in and out of touch with the truth.
    My body hurts
    My body loves
    My body is enough’
    To my body..
    I love you but i hate you
    Why did you think of what could’ve never been..
    You rose from the grave with lotus petals touching your face , ALL TO JUST STAY THE SAME?..

    This was never your destiny, to be gone in a day.
    How things can change,
    One day you wake up and things are not the same.
    Your a masterpiece, with cuts in your veins
    Building a structure of novocaine.

    How can things ever be the SAME?

    If only we Knew what the future held…
    But after a hurricane there does come a rainbow,
    Thats so bright even the night didn’t know how to shine its own light. Beaten and cut loose…

    YOU have always been the one that got me through.

    My body, your body..

    It was all just the same…

    Listening to a thought that pierces your own brain.

    That you’re not good enough, a question that resurfaces from the dust…

    But you will always be the one that shines the way..

    Or the thing that gets in my way..
    Of making a change..
    Or so I say..
    But the truth lies deeper than just the surface..

    Shiana Jasmine

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    • Shiana – I love this line, “But you will always be the one that shines the way..” Lean into this idea: “But you will always be the one that shines the way..” Your body is always the one to shine through – to be strong – to keep going. You are thoughtful, fierce, and powerful. Never forget that. Thank you for sharing! < 3 Lauren

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  • This Body that Betrays Me

    The body can convey a marvelous snapshot of outward circumstance.
    All the jumbled incoming information from the world,
    Sorted through within us via entry our fingertips,
    Our wandering eyes, our fiery nostrils, perky ears, and flirty tongues.
    Whole experiences broken down, and their pieces subtly absorbed,
    So that they can be reassembled in a space within our minds,
    Or is it a place above our minds?

    Nevertheless, the pieces sort themselves into pictures,
    That come together frame by frame to form “whole experiences,”
    Our own little movies in real time.
    What’s more, I can

    Indeed, the so-called cinema of my life.
    I wouldn’t dare to call myself the main character,
    For I know that much of life occurs in the third person perspective.
    This life won’t allow you to forget that there are others living it with you,
    So sometimes I play the side character in the background of other’s
    Achievements, heartbreaks, and upgrades.

    However, unlike in the movies,
    The personhood of the side character doesn’t just cease to exist
    In the luminous gleam of the person who’s more saturated in life’s thrills.
    In certain moments, I too feel the limelight,
    Like an internal compass directing my attention.
    It’s not something I can mask either,
    For the body often knows before I do.

    Then, suddenly I’m met with the reality of the world outside
    And the world inside of me.
    And as often as they work in harmony,
    They also sometimes don’t agree.

    And as often as they work in harmony:

    Yeah, the sweets of life are as tasty to the eyes
    As they are to the tongue.
    And every vertebrae in my spine moves
    In a consecutive, synchronist fashion,
    Conveying an embodiment of satisfaction.

    I beg: share this masterpiece with me.
    Touch me there on the small of my back,
    And let your arms embrace me
    I start to feel my body go slack, my heart beats with ease

    Am I pulling you closer or are you pulling me?
    Then, my nose starts to reach back to the top of my forehead
    And I’m smiling into the smell of an atmosphere created by me and you.
    The pads of my toes melt into the ground,
    And my heels lift me up into an otherworldly celebration of body and soul.

    I fall through ephemeral moment into lasting experience,
    Except it feels less like a terrifying descent
    And more like an ongoing embrace.

    White clouds with the softness of giggles caress me.
    Their delicate pecks graze the concave between my hips and just beneath my bust.
    With the invincibility of water and the tenderness of flower petals,
    They trace the curve in my legs, spine, and neck.
    On the surface, my skin glistens in synchrony with the beat of a cinematic climax.

    The comfortable fall to a jagged top with a dangerous descent
    Prickles the sensitive places on my skin.
    But, it’s the strangest thing:
    because once it starts, I’ve no idea where and how it began
    I have no idea what exactly it is I’m experiencing.
    I’m familiar with this sensation though,
    This feeling of falling uncontrollably.

    Instantly, I’ve violently tumbled out of a scene of fantastical triumph,
    Pictured in the perfectly entwined bodies of mind and soul,
    And the social and intrapersonal,

    And I’ve left behind my tittering clouds
    As I crash through a barrier that escapes my grasp,
    But it’s as cold as the silence after a well considered thought,
    And it suffocates like my doubts that resurface uninvitedly.
    It wrecks my body.

    I’ve been here before.
    I swear I’ve been here before.
    And yet, my heart beats ferociously,
    Banging against the restrictions of my ribcage
    With the rhythm of a runner trying to escape from me.

    Then my breath is taken captive and proceeds
    Out of sync with the nervous shaking of my leg.
    Suddenly, I’m too big and I’m taking up too much space.
    A blood red spot light highlighting the individual performances of my limbs
    Settles upon me, and suddenly I’m not a complete person.

    I’m in pieces.

    My body is wrecked, but I’m here.
    Safely hidden behind this veil of courtesy,
    But I’m here.
    Behind this watery and impenetrable wall.
    But I’m here.

    And they are there.

    Apology teases my lips
    As the vile unseemingly rises up my throat,
    My throat which burns like the fire that blazes on
    Hot from the lies that keep our interpersonal relationships alive.

    I taste the bitter heaviness of truth and blatant discomfort on my tongue,
    But my lips are only stained with the sweet exchanges
    Lacking the audacity to inconvenience and stir up the formalities of life.

    The tint on my lips washes over the rest of my body.
    It fills my ears to where I can’t hear actual words,
    But can only fill in the sentences with conventional guesses.
    My chest stains blue as I’m so desperately holding back the breath
    I wish to set free
    Though I fear my thoughts will chase the wind.

    The stiffness in the air carries over into the stiffness of my red arms and fingers,
    And oh, how my tailbone extends into the ground
    As if I can root myself in this moment
    But also fade into the background as the limelight wishfully gets smaller and smaller.

    Momentarily, I’ve convinced myself that I can overcome this internal compass,
    If I can pour myself out, unbeknownst to the world,
    Into a box that keeps the heaviness off my tongue and neatly in the shadows,
    So that I can then be filled with the plot lines of those around me.

    I tame this body and its desire to escape,
    And I sync my rebellious body to the experience at hand.

    But, I mess up somewhere in the process of restraint.

    The body often knows before I do.

    And on the off chance,
    Someone casts a set of flash-lit eyes to that shaking leg of mine.
    And the words catapult like a life raft in the deep end:
    “Are you okay?”

    Body, STOP!!
    Why did you betray me?

    Then, suddenly I’m met with the reality of the world outside
    And the world inside of me.
    And as often as they work in harmony,
    They also sometimes don’t agree.

    They sometimes don’t agree,
    But I also can force them to be
    Because I’m too scared to make them stand feet to feet,
    And therefore be face to face with the truth and weakness inside of me.

    Am I okay?
    Well, I guess sometimes I just have to be.
    After all, life isn’t actually a movie,
    And I can’t just skip to the next scene.
    So, isn’t it better to skip the bothersome irregularities
    In order to stick to social routines?

    Well, I certainly thought my body would agree.
    But, unfortunately my body has betrayed me.
    And it has decided to instead push me toward honesty.

    Sierra Putney

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    • Sierra, Honesty is not a bad thing. And the more honest we are with ourselves the more we become one with ourselves. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • In The Mirror

    I stand naked in a mirror and what do I see … I see a warrior Queen.

    You may see titties that don’t sit as high as the used to,
    but these breasts have fed the next generation
    so show respect and give them there due veneration.

    You may see stretch marks snaking my tummy
    but these markings they tell a story….
    Every mark is a battle scar that screams out
    that I am a bearer of life.
    I am woman and I am proud
    I’ll never drop this crown.

    I am where the river begins,
    I am the source.
    A force to be reconned with.

    Resilient as ever. Give up never.

    Overflowing with strength and soul
    I am a beautiful sight to behold.

    It took me a lifetime to get here and see this truth,
    People tried to drag me down
    and make me confused.

    And for a while it worked.
    I didn’t know my worth.
    But I tapped into a level of inner strength
    That I didn’t know I possessed.
    I ate the plate of self respect
    That I refused to partake of in the past

    I’m eating now and I’m filled up.
    Anorexic no more I digest Love

    Scarf down joy by the handful.
    I never miss a meal now
    I honestly can say
    I can’t remember how

    I drink with intention
    With purpose and determination
    My cup is always filled up with heaps of motivation

    Surrounding myself with good vibes
    and positive energy
    My self awareness thrives
    as I strive to be a better me

    Rub shoulders with those whose
    values align with mine
    I refuse to waste anymore time

    So I stand in this mirror
    gazing upon royalty
    my heart swells with pride…

    What a journey

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    • Char !!! This is so good and such a wonderful reflection of the strong, beautiful, badass woman that you are. You are empowered, and it really is inspiring to read how you evolved. You are a star, and your children as well as anyone else in your life are lucky to have you! Our unsealed community is lucky to have you! Thank you for sharing this…read more

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    • Char replied 9 months ago

      Lauren thank you for saying that!! I think that every woman should feel this and not let ourselves be ruled by insecurity! Which is easier said than done but once mastered is everything!! Thank you for providing this space!!!

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    • Lady!!!! What a great story! Sometimes our insecurities can be so loud, that it blocks the positivity in us. Good for you!! Keep overflowing with the good vibes. This was a great poem.

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      • Janet I am so glad this was able to resonate with you. But yes this is an ongoing day to day journey and just taking a moment to look back at how far I’ve come always helps me to keep going!!

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  • leahlives submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

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    To My Body, To Me?

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  • I'm Sorry, Sweet Body

    To my body:
    I’m sorry
    I’m sorry for everything
    I’m sorry for being ashamed of you
    I’m sorry for not trusting you
    I’m sorry for putting you through hell
    I’m sorry for holding you to the ridiculous standards of modern society

    You were screaming
    You were screaming at me to stop
    You were screaming for more nourishment
    You were screaming, crying for me to love you
    But I couldn’t hear you
    My ears were clogged with bullshit “goals”, with deep seeded hatred

    I’m sorry for hating you
    You didn’t deserve it
    You don’t deserve it

    You’ve put up with a lot
    You put up with my stupid vices, yet
    You make sure my vitals stay level
    You’ve helped me truly understand balance
    You’ve grown stronger
    You’ve allowed my mind to open, to soften

    And now I’m scared

    I’m scared my hatred was too strong
    I’m scared the damage is irreversible
    I’m scared I’ve hindered your full potential
    I’m scared as the thoughts come creeping back in and
    I’m scared they’ll never stop
    I’m scared and I wonder if you’re scared, too

    I can’t say I’d blame you – but if you’ll have me – we can do this

    Please give me one more chance
    Please know that I’ll never go back
    Please accept my apology, my unconditional love
    Please relax, unwind, allow for this miracle
    I’m sorry
    I’m ready

    Mary D

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    • Aww Mary, your self-awareness and readiness means wherever you want to be – that is where you are headed. Keep striving towards your best self. You got this! We will be here cheering you on along the way. Thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • "I will love you"

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because I’ve hurt you enough

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you tried so hard to fight him off

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you still opened for love

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you made my baby

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you feed my son

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    And I will love you
    the way you are.


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    • Awww Chloe, congrats on your beautiful baby. Keep telling yourself how much you love your body and keep expressing gratitude. Over time, you won’t need to say it anymore, because you will truly feel it. Thank you for sharing. You are clearly so strong. And thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • jbear submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

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    The Shell of My Soul

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  • “my beauty”

    Barbie doesn’t get the privilege of being fresh-faced
    Like Dove models or Alicia Keys
    Her makeup must be removed with paint thinner and endless scrubbing
    My makeup can be removed with soap and water
    But the standard of beauty that was stamped on my inner adolescent
    Is an indelible mark that no amount of cleaner can remove
    When did I grow such a self-hatred that to
    View my own reflection repulsed me?
    When did I decide my beauty was no beauty at all
    Rather an image needing to be stamped out
    Covered with concealer
    Layered with lipstick
    Marked with mascara
    To the point, I don’t recognize me?
    “Black is beautiful” was the saying in the 1960s
    Yet in the 2000s Black was disgraceful
    Black was sinful
    Black was not desirable
    How will my daughter know her own beauty?
    Sometimes I wonder if her acceptance of self
    Will be based on her fair skin
    Her softer features —
    Her DNA reveals she has more African American
    Heritage than her dark-skinned mother
    Yet to see her from a distance one would not believe
    Such a genetic declaration
    Beauty in America is fleeting and deceiving
    Slender hips slender lips
    Fair skin straight hair
    When will my full hips lips
    Wide nostrils be the beauty mark
    That overshadows our Marilyn Monroes
    And our Taylor Swifts
    Our Ellie Gouldings and our Goldie Hawns?
    When will I know, as I peer into a mirror ,
    That my Black is truly beautiful?

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    • This is really powerful. I don’t know the answers, but I do know you are a strong beautiful, Black woman. It comes across in your heart and your writing. Try and forget what society makes you feel, and focus on who you are and what you are about, and remind yourself every day how you beautiful you are. You deserve that. And it is true. Thank you…read more

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      • Lauren, thank you so much not only for your words, but more importantly for a platform such as this that allows us to share our stories and our hurts and our wins. I’ve needed a writing community for some time now, and although I have not been present recently, I anticipate being present now! I recently was laid off from my job so it’s been hard…read more

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    • You have just touched my heart. How very beautiful you put your words together in writing show what an incredible and empowering woman you are! I see such beauty and great power through your work. You are moving mountains. Thank you for sharing your intimate thoughts. 💞

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      • Thank you that means so much, Michelle. Glad to be apart of this incredible writing community. 💜 I am excited for read your words and engage with your works. Here’s to us!

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    • Black is beautiful. You captured this very well. I could literally see you walking across a stage being fierce and reciting this poem in a crowded quiet room full of people. You definitely have everyone’s attention. Clap clap

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    • I read this piece again today cause I am proofreading it our book. It is so good and so powerful. I wish I could jump through the screen and give you hug and tell you how beautiful you are inside and out. xoxo

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  • daicoles submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Best Kept Secret

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • emilygrace submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    be here now

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  • zemellauren submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    My Transformations

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  • Pathways in Generosity

    We live in the present through connection and pathways of our bodies.
    The sustainability it seeks and provides simultaneously equal magical miracles: us, and me.
    Our bodies as an earth, the roots spreading below the ground, growing into strong Sequoias listening.
    Our bodies are water flowing, splashing love over walls and edges created without to help our flow. Our bodies are one, we are one, and yet one in our own bodies. The earth is our mother.
    My body holding my head up, view ahead, surpassing struggles, hugging peaceful flowers of rolling hills and little critters the scatter about, the winds carry new adventures, and our bodies feel the air. Our bodies and my body.
    My body is aging towards the dead.
    Because we all die, we exit to another world.
    So dwell on today. So be in today. Jump for today. Play. Pray and sway safely.
    My body.
    I am present, breathing, my veins pumping blood, my neurotransmitters zapping, resting and guiding me through many emotional spots of expression, suppression, and identification and providing me with abilities that can encompass possibilities, silence, and space. My body, our body motions us in all ways: spiritually, mentally, and physically.
    the galaxy of being alive – the sun, the stars, the ocean blue, the vastness of land, open to us as we open to it.
    Saunter and spread out and over through these pathways in generosity.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, it sounds like you truly in touch with the power within you and how it connects to the world around you. That is so beautiful and magical. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • My Apology, sincerely to my body,

    Dear Body,

    I’ve been told by therapy,
    To write to my personality.
    After all, “you’re just a shell,”
    A shell for my inner hell
    but they never spoke of that fact,
    So, instead I’m writing to my outer contact

    Dear Body,
    This is really more of an apology.
    Dear Body,
    I know it was wrong to fill your head with lies;
    When I told you to be smaller
    That it didn’t matter if you died.
    I’m sorry I decorated you with scars and blood and pain,
    Instead of earrings, make-up and gold stain.
    I’m sorry for throwing you at walls
    Hoping it would make your heart stall
    I’m sorry for locking doors
    So no one would witness you on the floor.
    I’m sorry for banging your head on doors and glass
    I mean, anyone would see that as crass.
    I’m sorry for shoving my fingers down your throat,
    All because I couldn’t cope.
    I’m sorry for the hours spent in front of a toilet
    Sitting in front of bile after nothing was left.
    I’m sorry for the reason you can’t use a straw
    Because it made your throat raw.
    I’m sorry for that drawer I never should have let stay
    Of knives, scissors and razors to make the pain go away.
    I’m sorry for letting your mouth lie,
    To tell everyone you didn’t want to die.
    I’m sorry you had to tell your sibling:
    “No, mom threw out the hand soap”
    (not because you chugged it in hope of a killing).
    I’m sorry you couldn’t change in front of friends
    Because of the scars under your jeans.
    I’m sorry I told you that you were worthless,
    To shrink to let go of stress.
    I’m sorry you felt alone
    Because you’re hell was at home.
    I’m sorry I made you pull over on the side of the road
    To bring up the elements of energy
    (or so I was told).
    I’m sorry no one knew of your attempts
    Not friends, family, or even therapists
    I’m sorry that it was one, two and three
    And all because you wanted to be free.
    I’m sorry you can’t look in the mirror
    Because what you see, you might fear.
    I’m sorry you told everyone that lie:
    “I’m fine.”
    I’m sorry you woke up in the middle of the night
    Because the only person you would ever fight
    Is in your head,
    And it wanted you dead.
    “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

    But remember
    Those scars are burns from the cafe you worked at!
    The reason your throat closes when stressed
    Has nothing to do with the bathroom and the thought of being fat.
    That red stain is ketchup on your mattress!
    Straws are too expensive,
    You like soap bars more than hand soap, it’s a texture thing,
    You simply don’t have time to look in the mirror
    You would if you had time or if you tried!

    But, what color are your eyes?
    Well body, that’s it, that’s my apology,
    I’m sorry.

    Yours, truly

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    • I am so very sorry for the hurt you felt, and the symptoms that followed. Now, It’s up to you to see the wonders of the body and the strength in your heart. You’re still here. You didn’t give up. Keep pushing to do whatever you need to do to love yourself and your body. It’s worth it. You are worth it. Also, seek help if you need it. You got this.…read more

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  • youngmg516 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Perfectly Imperfect

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  • indyacyn submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    The Sanctuary

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  • Wet Footsteps

    Dear Body,
    I spent time with you today. Real, intentional time. I usually spend so often residing upstairs in Mind I couldn’t tell you the last time I came down to visit. We cried today, Body. We laughed, too. Funny, isn’t it, how similar the sounds of laughing and crying are? The clenched stomach. The gasping breath. The eyes pinched shut. The relief that follows. I immersed you in cold water today, Body. Let you sink down far enough for the water to come up over our ears. You told me that these are the sounds you remember from the womb. The muffled outside world. The intensified sounds of inside of our own being. So attune to the sound of our breath and heartbeat- increased to crystal
    Clear frequencies. The weightlessness. The splashing. Since the water was so cold, though, Body, the upstairs brighter, Mind, thought we were dying! She was screaming up a storm- increased our heart rate and set off the fire alarms of flight response and everything! But you stayed put, Body. You didn’t give in to her fearful false alarms. You breathed. You calmed. And we smiled. You shook, too, Body. Ferociously. But in that shaking, I could feel you shedding internal layers. Energy and trauma and memories that have been clung to your bones for years. Decades, even. Untouched and gotten a little too comfortable hiding down there sucking the life out of you. So we shook. And we breathed. And we laughed. And we cried.
    When we emerged from the water, Body, I observed you in the mirror. Gently and unjudgingly just noticing you. I apologized to the parts of you that have been hurt and abused- taken from you and taken advantage of. I thanked the parts that produce, provide and propel. I noticed how when your skin is wet from the water, you sparkle, Body. Glimmer in those beads of liquid as if infused with magic. I looked into your green eyes, Body, and I said without saying: “I’m sorry. And I love you.” Your chin quivered and your brow furrowed as liquid filled those places, too. Your eyes always did get even more lusciously green when you cried. Beautiful. Soft. A hardened sweetness. I like you, Body. And I’m going to visit more often. Now, get some rest. I’m proud of you.
    Love, Emma

    Emma Frasher

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    • Aww Emma, I am glad you are able to better connect with your body. This is so sweet and so beautiful. And it is kind of crazy how similar laughing is to crying. Sometimes, I don’t know which I am doing. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Reflection is misery

    Look in the mirror, what do I see? I horrid reflection of a person not free.
    Free to feel sexy, free to feel safe, free to be happy, free to be me.
    How did I get here? This person isn’t me, the reflection in the mirror made myself an absentee.
    Eat till I’m full, usually even more. Fill the void with food until I’m sick to my core.
    What do people think? do they laugh at me? do they whisper to each-other “look at that fatty.”
    Go to bed, wake up, get dressed & ready. self-Check in the mirror, another reflection of misery.

    Marshal Oberer

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    • Marshal, this is well written, but I am sorry you are struggling. Change your mindset and your body will follow. Chase the idea of feeling better not looking better. Healthy is what matters. And only you know what is healthy for you. Cheering you on. <3 Lauren

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  • justiceforyoursoul submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    True Beauty

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  • brilisophical submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months, 1 weeks ago

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    Hello beloved body!

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