  • cmitmamomono submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

    Pathways in Generosity

    We live in the present through connection and pathways of our bodies.
    The sustainability it seeks and provides simultaneously equal magical miracles: us, and me.
    Our bodies as an earth, the roots spreading below the ground, growing into strong Sequoias listening.
    Our bodies are water flowing, splashing love over walls and edges created without to help our flow. Our bodies are one, we are one, and yet one in our own bodies. The earth is our mother.
    My body holding my head up, view ahead, surpassing struggles, hugging peaceful flowers of rolling hills and little critters the scatter about, the winds carry new adventures, and our bodies feel the air. Our bodies and my body.
    My body is aging towards the dead.
    Because we all die, we exit to another world.
    So dwell on today. So be in today. Jump for today. Play. Pray and sway safely.
    My body.
    I am present, breathing, my veins pumping blood, my neurotransmitters zapping, resting and guiding me through many emotional spots of expression, suppression, and identification and providing me with abilities that can encompass possibilities, silence, and space. My body, our body motions us in all ways: spiritually, mentally, and physically.
    the galaxy of being alive – the sun, the stars, the ocean blue, the vastness of land, open to us as we open to it.
    Saunter and spread out and over through these pathways in generosity.

    Christina Mitma Momono

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    • Christina, it sounds like you truly in touch with the power within you and how it connects to the world around you. That is so beautiful and magical. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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