
zemellauren's Letters

My Transformations

At a tender age I started small.
From there the journey starts.
Bigger and bigger I grow.
All is good on charts and in numbers.
Then someone takes a note.
And you are forced to pay attention.
You’ve been growing for a while now.
Making Interesting jagged lines on standard square boxes.
Your family sees the slight overdrawn curves.
They send you a…read more

Dreaming In The Dark

We are children who sit alone in the dark.
Always just out of reach of the lights and sounds outside the door.
We can see out of our windows the sight of lovely larks.
It tells us that unlike them for us there’s not much more.
Their flights just make our eyes glue even more to the dark floors.
Everything we’ve heard them say a reinforcement tha…read more

To my younger unsure self

To my younger unsure self,

There will be a day when you realize that you have reached an unimaginable low. It comes out of nowhere as if you are finally ready to reveal it to yourself. A simple glance up from your car wheel to a passing light pole. The twitch in your fingers confirming that just for a moment a thought passed through your mind,…

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Lauren Grace

To my younger unsure self

To my younger unsure self,

There will be a day when you realize that you have reached an unimaginable low. It comes out of nowhere as if you are finally ready to reveal it to yourself. A simple glance up from your car wheel to a passing light pole. The twitch in your fingers confirming that just for a moment a thought passed through your mind,…read more

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