  • chloewritespoetry77 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 10 months ago

    "I will love you"

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because I’ve hurt you enough

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you tried so hard to fight him off

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you still opened for love

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you made my baby

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    I’m trying to love you
    because you feed my son

    I am trying to love you
    I will try to love you
    And I will love you
    the way you are.


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    • Awww Chloe, congrats on your beautiful baby. Keep telling yourself how much you love your body and keep expressing gratitude. Over time, you won’t need to say it anymore, because you will truly feel it. Thank you for sharing. You are clearly so strong. And thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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