

  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 6 days ago

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  • Rain

    Remember change is necessary for growth
    It can rain all day but prone to flower’s survival
    The heat of the sun will come again
    And the rain will have already sucked in
    More buds
    More roots will spread again to make something even more beautiful
    Trees die but new ones are planted
    You can put your seed in whatever is necessary and good for you
    And if not, you can pick it up and plant it elsewhere
    Make a new, cozy home for it
    Protecting it at all costs
    Living with the peace
    Focusing on the good
    Releasing the bad
    Don’t let bad roots stay intertwined in your mind
    Release them, cut them, do whatever you need to do
    Otherwise you will stay stuck and broken
    Clouding what is the greatness of life

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Believe in Cliches

    Dear Little Jaynee,
    I know I rarely write back but trust me when I say I read every single letter you wrote to me. In fact, I was always there when the words on the page became blurry from your tears and the ink would bleed just as much as your heart.
    I’m here now to tell you that your deepest wish came true. Now it didn’t materialize instantly, no, it was a painful journey. Almost a decade’s worth of wishing that your mom would change her mind about you and your new partner. The toughest pill you learned to swallow was “You cannot change others.” You released your expectations, and you blocked your mother out of your life because the agonizing pain from her repulsion became too hard to bear. All of this could have been avoided if only she accepted you as you were, but alas, she tried to change you, just as much as you tried to change her.
    Now both of you are different people, you come as you are. You, a girl who married another girl, and she, a religious mother who finally learned to love you for you.
    I’m proud of you, Jaynee.
    You had to choose between the love of your life and the love of your mother. But shouldn’t a mother’s love be unconditional? So you gave up your mother and not because your wife asked you to, but because you needed to honor your true self. Speaking honestly, I’d do it all over again. I found myself stronger in being authentic.
    I can see how different my life could have been, how miserable I would be if I had allowed her to manipulate me another day.
    So just know that the torment you are going through now will subside.
    One day, you will get to laugh with her again.
    One day, you will hear her apologize to your wife.
    One day, your dream will finally come true.
    I love myself, and I love you.
    Ps. Thank you for getting me here safely.

    Jaynee Monarrez

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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  • Name in the Credits

    Learning fast
    Thought I would apply
    Not knowing what would happen
    Or if I would get in
    Or if the world would come crashing down
    Thinking too good to be true
    Then got that email
    That email that would change everything
    The ability to do something bigger than yourself
    To the bigger name actors
    To the lights surrounding you
    To the chance to build connections
    To the nicest people
    Not the never ending drama
    To the people you’ve gotten to meet
    What you’ve gotten to create
    Knowing you were apart of something
    Seeing your name rolling away
    Knowing the people that made it possible
    To the great times
    To the hard times
    To the things that make it worth it
    To see it on screen
    To the birthday boy celebrating
    To the cupcakes and singing
    To the fun times and laughs
    To the premieres and dinners
    Trying to enjoy it before its all done
    The excitement of finishing
    From start to finish
    Oh how proud you’ll be
    What you accomplished
    Can’t believe its over
    Till next time

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachel, this is so cute! I am so happy that your journey has been successful. You have clearly become an amazing person and I am glad you have reached a place of peace and love in your life. I can’t wait to see what else you will accomplish in your life, because I know that it will be great. Keep up the good work. ♥

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  • Letter to my inner child

    You are stronger and wiser than you know
    Your thoughts are stalking you
    do not queue any hue that’s not meant for you
    People’s opinions of you are their own.
    You are stronger than you were yesterday.
    continue to forgive yourself for not being able to control the horrific actions of others.
    Self-love is necessary for your healing.
    It is putting you back together whole and true.
    forgive any past actions by acknowledging how they have not served you well.
    You will continue to trust the process and your progress.
    You will not let the fear of being taken advantage of scare you to stillness.
    You will stand up for yourself and tell the truth.
    You will do it with dignity and respect.
    You will be vulnerable even when it makes you uncomfortable.

    Little Big Sister

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • Creativity

    Not a big deal, she said
    Everybody does this she thought
    But being creative is one of the biggest blessings
    It means winning every school project
    Escape with my aunt
    Be proud of my accomplishments
    The excitement of start to finish
    The chocolate piano making music sing
    The t-shirts of Percy Jackson fighting high in the sky
    The valentines boxes impressing the judges
    The special birthday cards for special people
    The constant inspiration
    The constant smiles
    The constant love
    The constant people
    The constant showing off
    Impressing the crowd

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Rachel, this is a great poem! You are SO creative and it really does shine through your writing. Even though you have a brilliant mind full of great ideas, you are amazing and you are enough! You don’t always have to please others or worry about their views of you. Keep writing and being yourself! ♥

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago

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    Healing side of Mental Health

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 months ago

    Broken dreams

    Hours upon hours of time
    Of energy of feelings
    All for the wrong person
    The states from people who have a different perspective from you
    The greatness, the love , talking about how amazing that person is
    But never forget about the struggles, the overwhelmed
    The droplets of rain ruining the cars
    Your soul, your peace
    Before you realize it’s too late
    To stop the feeling of attraction
    The broken bottles of alcohol
    Laying on the ground and not feeling the same way,
    The ick of making things uncomfortable
    Ignoring the trying to be nice
    The effort and meaning a gift from God
    And me meaning a block of clay
    And while you are enjoying life
    I’m the one with the gambling problem
    The fight between the gods
    But I deserve the clouds subsiding
    On a rainy day, both worlds on the same wavelength of light
    The same level of power
    Not electrocuting the lines, but
    Having the goals and being in line with myself
    That you add to my math problem
    And not subtract away my life
    Do not pull the trigger
    To gain knowledge and wisdom
    And to be amazed by the museum of art
    And to not pick up the glass shards with my bare bare hands.

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I love this part Rachel, “That you add to my math problem
      And not subtract away my life.” It so wise. clever and powerful. I am sorry you are hurting but also glad you are healing. Sending hugs <3 Lauren

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 months ago


    Healing can feel 2 paths
    The one with all the rocks
    And the one with the steps to the mountain
    The flowers that bloom for every little accomplishment
    Finding the things that work for me
    The constant therapy appointments
    The constant doing things alone
    Finding the peace with the sun
    The peace with the birds and the breeze
    The walking up on another chance
    Another day
    Closer to where I want to be
    Closer to the northern lights
    Closer to the place where nature is the most beautiful
    Where the leaves stop falling
    Where your so at peace
    That nothing or nobody takes that away from you again

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I think it takes a lot to find what in life helps you cope and makes you feel better. It is a constant journey on how to keep ourselves as balanced as possible. But the journey is worth it. It takes a lot of courage and self-awareness, so be proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing and for being part of The Unsealed. <3 Lauren

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  • Pain

    Hi you,
    You would be 25 or 26 today. I miss you. It still doesn’t feel true that your still gone. I have seen the way it has affected your friends and family around you. I don’t know what you went through but I do know all the pain that never stops, the ground that doesn’t stop shaking. Trying to pull you under so fast its hard to breathe but you helped me to think about my own life, the people around me. And to remind me that the never ending storms or what it feels like will stop. Lights will be turned back on. Many more people care about you then you will ever know. You will go on to do incredible things, do things that you are proud of and people you will meet that will make it worth the wait. Everyday you wake up alive is the greatest blessing. Never forget that.

    Rachel Milligan

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Rachel, I do not know who it was that you lost, but I can tell that it has had a huge impact on you. It is important to always remember that we are loved and cared for, even when it doesn’t seem that way. Having the privilege to live life is a blessing. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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    • Aww Rachel, It is so hard to lose someone so young. I am sorry there was so much struggle in your loved one’s life. Sending hugs. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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  • Sara Kumar shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Dear Beautiful Woman

    I drink Skinny Girl Coffee
    And I’m thinking, can we like not call it that?

    I drink Americano coffee
    And I’m so American, and I love India

    I drink coffee in a cup with lavender petals
    And I’m like so loving Pakistan and Kew Gardens right now

    I need to drink coffee in a cup my nephew gave me
    And think about something bright
    I think we need to not worry
    Although sometimes I need to feed the ones close to me

    I drink Skinny Girl Coffee
    And I’m like are you alright with weight taking up so much time?

    I can’t jog like I used ta
    And I’m not super skinny
    But like in college I think it was obsessive

    I think I need to change my coffee brand
    I think Barbie dolls are not made well actually
    I’m walking after a stroke, and I still think about weight often
    But I don’t worry like I used to

    Can we call this coffee ~ beautiful coffee?
    Because it’s good coffee

    I like black coffee without milk or sugar

    I like Skinny Girl Coffee

    And let’s not call girls skinny, is that fine?

    This world has so much beauty

    I like coffee with ice cream a lot
    It tastes good to me

    I’m so loving to observe more, and I like to listen also
    And now I’m at peace with both happening together
    I wish I had gone to less nightclubs in my twenties
    I don’t remember them well
    I remember the names of quite a few coffee shops, and I think about what happened there
    I remember Atomic Cafe, and is it still there, in Houston?
    So many remember what an atom is
    And that atoms are small
    They are beautiful
    And so are planets
    Where do we go with this conversation?

    So many need to go and drink coffee and like chat with people

    Children don’t drink coffee until later
    I think it’s the taste
    It’s lovely to drink though now

    I’ll have a cup this afternoon, mayhaps
    And think about people crying because they are happy

    Here’s to long conversation

    Sara Kumar

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    • I love that you highlight this idea that coffee and coffee shops are the center of conversation and I couldn’t agree more that we have a weight-obsessive culture that negatively impacts women- myself included. And we need to stop marketing and promoting products from a “skinny girl” angle. We should celebrate all people as beautiful and not…read more

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    • Check out our newsletter today. We will be featuring this piece!!!

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    • I also drink coffee and think about things. I love how you wrote this as one long “sip” of thought. And as a curvy girl, I agree…. from now on I am going to call my coffee Happy Coffee.

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  • Time Standing Still

    Dear Country Concerts,
    From the moment I first went to you
    Cowgirl boots rocking in the stars
    Flashing lights like the northern lights
    Singing along to the late nights
    The late night drinks, the late night music
    Us speeding along like there is no tomorrow
    Time Standing Still
    Living the life we dreamed of
    Stomping our feet against the wind
    Night Flowing like it’s never going to end
    Healed hearts,
    Phones disappearing like ghosts
    No service, no responsibilities
    Becoming one with music
    The music is you
    Heartfelt conversations and times
    We’re all the same
    We’re all the same in the moment
    Swaying like astronauts in space
    no gravity, no gravity

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I love this poem! Country music is so fun and I’m glad that music in general can help you escape the chaos of life. My favorite line would have to be “The music is you” because music can be interpreted in so many different ways, which is such a beautiful thing! Great poem!!

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    • I always loved going to concerts and would find my worries drifting away, slowly getting drowned out by the music. As a fellow concert goer, I really resonated with this poem and loved reading it!

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  • Shavasana

    130 bpm 一 The steady rhythm of my breath synchronizes with my movement
    140 bpm 一 I feel alive
    150 bpm 一 I feel like I’m dying
    160 bpm 一 I am capable of more than I think possible
    And done

    I come to lay on the ground to calm my breathing.
    From an outsider’s perspective, I look like nothing but a corpse,
    but laying in shavasana is where the magic happens.
    Coming to this place of surrender where there are no expectations and the only thing to do is observe how my breathing regulates is peaceful.
    This is where I come to balance.

    We would not know peace without peril, ease without force, and I wouldn’t be feeling this right now if it weren’t for the intense physical activity I put my body through.
    It’s the same reason why you sleep the soundest after ugly crying.
    It’s our own body’s way of balancing out.

    Peace is not found in stagnant stillness but in steady flow, aka breath,
    It’s found in feeling a human touch massaging away the tightness your muscles have endured,
    It’s the feeling of safety being in the arms of a beloved,
    And the acceptance of an invitation to match its frequency.
    When someone dies, we say que en paz descanse;
    Our final wish for someone is that they may rest in peace.
    And peace is a choice, a piece of us, a possibility.
    It’s our duty to experience every feeling + emotion and peace is simply one of them.

    Jaynee Monarrez

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    • I love this poem, Jaynee!! I relate to every word you said. Peace is a journey and it can be difficult to find it, especially when you are working on overcoming other tasks as well! My favorite line of yours is “We would not know peace without peril” because without going through the lows in life, we would take all the highs for granted! Great…read more

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    • This piece reminds me so much of all the advice my fiance gives me on how to calm myself down: massages, meditation, etc. Breathing and just observing your body is so important. He always says “Your body needs your attention.” Thank you for sharing and reminding me of a place where we can all find peace. <3 Lauren

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    • I learned something from reading this poem and related it in a way that I want to try yoga as a form of therapy. Thank you for this piece. It was therapeutic reading it!

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  • Sara Kumar shared a letter in the Group logo of To my younger selfTo my younger self group 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    To My Twenty-Five Year Old Self and To Me Now

    Dear Sara,

    I am now forty-two years old, and I’ve traveled. I went to the Vatican, and I saw the Sistine Chapel, and I thought of painting with words and maps.

    I want you to know that this journey was difficult, and it’s not apparent here in the writing. You were not always happy awn this journey, and you cried, because you wanted to be married to someone who was not the right man.

    “And now you are happy,” says Papa. “And now you’re at peace,” says Papa.

    So read what you have written here, and believe that God was forming you even then. And you dedicated your trip to a saint who loved you and loved the theatre also, and who loved to help couples find their way.

    And now, read this, what you have written awn July 8th, 2007. Here is an excerpt:

    “Of all the Renaissance artists, I find Michaelangelo the most fascinating. He was not liked by his contemporaries (Leonardo da Vinci, Bramante, etc.), probably because he was better than everyone else. Mich. was primarily a sculptor. Probably the best the world has ever seen. His Statue of David in Florence and the Peter at the St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican are spectacular. So when Pope Julius II asked Bramante who should paint the Sistine Chapel, he replied “Mich,” for he knew Mich was not a painter, so he was setting him up to fail. Mich. proposed the Pope a series of panels depicting scenes in the book of Genesis. He hired 4 workers from outside Rome to help him. Later, he fired these helpers, because he discovered that he did indeed know how to paint. Mich’s masterpiece is so interesting because in it, you see the development of a painter. The first panels were too detailed, too small, not as stylized. Later panels are larger and you can see the mastery of the artform that Mich. obtained during this 4 year project.”

    Do you think it is a masterpiece though?
    Let’s go again with St. Valentine and ask this question in the ether

    Because the detail may be beautiful now

    And let’s not call anything a masterpiece, and that will be brave

    Because here are temporary things, even the planets

    They are God’s handiwork, and they are spectacular, yes

    And now the scene with me is after the flood and the people are awn a rock, and some are not awn the rock, and thank God we are safe now.

    I think I need to see St. Peter again, quite frankly, because it’s David awn my mind, but St. Peter would be lovely to see, and would you like to see Florence again with a dear friend who loves St. Valentine?

    I’ll continue when I can, and know that so many times, you were rescued awn this trip, and so many times you acted bravely, and your backpack is still with you, and so are these words in your journal

    Be well, and love well

    Sara Kumar

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  • Finding Peace at Doors

    Dear Friend,
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    you can let people know
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    people will send hearts
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    if you need a nap, that will be fine here
    My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open door and says enter and
    there is a friend at your side comin

    My heart is so happy to write a song

    My heart is so happy to wait and rest knowing I can write a song

    My heart is so happy because peace is non man-made

    My heart is so happy because peace is needing my involvement

    My heart is so happy because I can rest now

    My heart is at peace

    Friend, I love you

    Sara Kumar

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    • Sara, your poem inspires me to find peace through the love and support of friends. It is a beautiful reminder that we do not have to fight our battles alone. One of my best friends always centers me after I see her, and it seems like this friend does the same for you. I love the line “My heart is listening to a voice that guides me to an open d…read more

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    • Sara, it sounds like your place of peace is whatever you do when you follow your heart. Keep following your heart. When you do magical things happen. <3 Lauren

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  • Halycon days

    I am a snowy sculpturer
    Carving waves of welding down the chute

    I spy a young racer
    riding a magic carpet for the first time
    Into the bluebird forest

    A witch floats overhead
    Mesmerizing us with her backflips and wildcat ways
    A chef making pizza nearby devours every bite

    As each dreamer creates their own masterpiece,
    I inhale frosty air
    and transform into a helicopter
    Gliding uphill and experiencing the aerial view
    In all its wonder

    I arrive at the white crown
    And dismount
    A new friend emerges, a snowcat,
    She welcomes me with champagne

    Encouraging me
    to savor each elevation
    and remind me halcyon days are here

    Jordan Essenburg

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    • Snowboarding and skiing arent activities I would typically do but your poem makes me want to try out some snow sports. I love the creativity and the language you use to represent everything you see. Keep writing!

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    • I love to rollerblade. How you describe snowboarding reminds me of the freedom and peace I feel when I Rollerblade. The way you describe the way you feel makes me actually feel like I am on the journey with you. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Wild Dreams

    what if you could not speak for two years
    you only had your two ears
    now you are listening to your peers
    checking out Instagram, it appears
    they got plenty of souvenirs, but yet volunteered in their careers

    too afraid to be the engineers to forge a whole new frontier
    paid education can teach us to adhere to the profiteer
    head hunters poach us and sell us to the highest-bidding auctioneer

    shit appears severe,
    but you are a pioneer, fuck that career
    this is the year to do something for the world that is truly dear to your heart
    You are too smart not to start,
    failure may come, you might have to restart
    your heart be pure, but fear can outsmart
    telling us that shit is too hard
    don’t be jarred the universe has pulled your card

    your ancestors are standing guard,
    telling you to manifest your wildest dreams, they will safeguard
    jump into the deep end the universe is your lifeguard
    sending you messages in your dreams like postcards

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I enjoyed your poem. You dropped a lot of messages in your moving words. Doing things that are to our heart will feed us as well as our favorite foods.

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    • I love the rhythm and the rhyme scheme! The central idea is powerful and i really resonate with it. You opened and ended with motifs of communication. Well done!

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  • Peace

    Fendi and Gucci are idolized
    remaining sane is ostracized
    when you stand up against the man, you will be demoralized
    my pain runs deep like it’s crystallized
    I can’t even front I became hypnotized
    I can’t run forever, shit, I’ve already been traumatized
    I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize
    my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise
    it is in this time I came to analyze, and visualize my next sacrifice
    I plan to live forever in this paradise

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I really love the message behind your poem. You’re so right; we idolize things that lack importance and judge each other for the things that should matter, like standing up for what’s right. It’s beautiful to see that you’ve prioritized the sunrise and you’re starting to see life from beyond the lens we’re given 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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    • I love this piece. Each line so thoughtful and so powerful. “my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise.” This sentiment is so powerful and such good advice for all people trying to find peace in their lives or even peace in the moment. I also thought this line was very creative:
      “I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize” It r…read more

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  • Silly Photos

    Our minimum 14 poses at every teenage girly photoshoot:

    “Let me carry you”
    Hang upside down pic
    Tackle pic!
    “Wait-I wanna show my sunnies”
    Show me those baby blues ….
    Silly pic !
    Now, Serious face.
    Okay real picture,
    Photobombed by strangers and made new friends

    Now that you’re gone, those silly photos aren’t so silly.

    Jordan Essenburg

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    • This poem takes me back to a very carefree time during my teenage years! Thank you for reminding us that although life will never feel as care-free as they were back then due to hardships and loss, at least we can treasure the memories and photos of those rose-colored times and the people we shared them with <3 Juvi

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    • It is the moments we take for granted that we seem to miss most as time moves on <3 Lauren

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  • Wisdom

    Dear younger Rachel,
    Waves come faster than you think
    Trying to catch the sunsets before you blink
    Days and years coming at you like the speed of life
    Demons haunting you
    But light shines in something everyday
    Remember to hold the rope and climb
    No matter how many steps it takes
    Reach for the stars
    Keep shining bright
    Remember things will pass
    Remember the root of the tree
    The people that love you
    The simplest things that make you proud
    All will be well
    You will meet incredible people
    Touch so many hearts
    Inspire the world
    And most importantly be at peace
    With yourself
    You will find strength
    And everyone will know your name


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    • Life seems to move so much faster as we get older, and your poem does a great job of instructing us all to slow down and appreciate the smaller moments. We tend to not give ourselves enough credit for our smaller victories, and it is very wise of you to remind yourself and all of us to take the time to congratulate ourselves on the “simple…read more

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    • I love this, Rachel. I can feel the peace in your life through your writing. That is a true testament to your perseverance and strength. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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