

  • Thank you Emmy. I loved my grandparents. They lived with us as that was the norm back in the day.

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  • Vicki Lawana Trusselli responded to a letter in topic Poetry 5 days, 6 hours ago

    Thank you Lauren. We live in a very serious world this decade or perhaps it’s always been serious. Let’s smile ☺ 🌹

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    Dear Unsealed,
    My faith keeps me sane.
    There are many twists & turns in my life.
    I will be 75 on September 18, 2024.
    As one that goes before
    Gen Z and other decades I have many stories to tell
    As deep as an old wishing well.
    I worked at The LA Times,
    All day every day.
    I met my kid’s dad,
    Which turned out to be very sad.
    He did not work there.
    His twin did.
    I met Jekyll & Hyde, I did
    But blew it off,
    Threw salt over my shoulder for a start.
    Neither were in journalism or writing or art.
    They were both security guards.
    Oh lordy!
    As an empath I dated a narcissistic guard
    Who pretended to care,
    Wined & dined me.
    So, it would be
    I was so naïve.
    Well, that would be I had two C-Sections.
    Both were ten pound babies,
    One was born 1983,
    The other was born 1987,
    The year before my mom went to heaven.
    This was a marriage of two boomers in the 80s.
    The father was from south LA.
    The mom is from North Hollywood,
    Of her own hood.
    I am of worldly DNA.
    He is a Black Republican narcissist.
    He is a gun loving nut.
    He is a woman hater.
    So, when I found out he lied to me profusely everyday
    Along the way of the everyday
    Way, we trod to different roads and ways,
    Of how I was so naïve.
    I was into college and looking forward of being a reporter soon.
    But he manipulated me as a man into marrying him.
    He wined & dined my parents under the moon
    In REDONDO BEACH pier,
    Only to smear
    My mom’s name after she died of a massive heart attack 1988.
    When he told me he hated my mom & glad she was dead
    I cried for days.
    My heart was broken that day
    I found out he was cheating on me,
    It had to be,
    More lies!
    I traveled to Palm Springs with my boyfriend. I left the boys at their dad’s mom’s house. Upon arriving back to my Burbank apartment, I found out my ex, the kids dad and his twin had locked me out because I vacationed in Palm Springs. I cried for hours.
    My plan was to pick the boys up from their grandma’s house. When I called my ex, I was banned from seeing them. He told me I was a bad mom. He spent over 30 grand on a divorce attorney. I spent 600 bucks on my Montgomery Ward attorney. It was a horrific divorce. I loved my boys very much, but the courts took my kids and placed them with their narcissistic dad.
    The turning point was when I chose to go on a vacation with my movie boyfriend to celebrate my birthday in the year of 1989.
    My ex is still trying to turn my boys and now my grands against me because I am a liberal boho hippie chick who still is an empath, a liberal, equality for all, for gun control and education for all.
    I accept the fact that he is holding my personality and belief systems against me. He once told me during the divorce that he had to blame me for everything because he was perfect and wanted to keep his job.
    I began with a poem and a prose as I have my entire life but the seriousness of the 1980s events changed my life more than anyone will ever know.
    I continued to work in the music and film industry moving forward. I was a union rep for the IATSE at Universal Studios Hollywood, worked freelance for three newspapers, and continued my educational pursuits until I was 51 years old.
    However, when I told my grown boys the truth, they were angry with me, calling me a liar. It did not end well. Now my ex, my two boys want to shut me down politically and as a human being. This is probably because I tell the truth, and you do not push a narcissist into the wall because they sting like a honeybee and dig into the person spreading their venom across states and other humans. I have been in therapy for many years. I am much better now. The turning point from being a good mother to becoming a bad human as my ex called me in 1989 was shocking and like a horror film.
    I watched a movie from the 80s called, “The Good Mother”, a 1988 movie about a divorced mom with a daughter who meets an artist, and her ex gets custody of the child. The movie is available on Prime Video.
    I pray every day for peace, love, & understanding. I will continue my humanitarian activist ways!

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Vicki Lawana Trusselli shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 2 days ago


    Dear Unsealed,

    Kindness is a word.
    Hate is a word.
    Love is a word.
    Like is a word.
    Kindness means kindness.
    Have you heard
    That once you spread the word,
    Kindness spreads all around
    The merry go round
    Of life
    As we work, play, and sleep
    With strife
    Of everyday life?
    The word kind
    Is to help your fellow human beings
    So sublime,
    So kind,
    So ruthless,
    So it seems,
    Kindness would spread like a wildfire,
    Spreads over the mountains & up tall towers
    But there is always someone to try to burst your balloon,
    As you stare at the moon
    Dreaming of smiles and loves and caresses
    Of yesterday’s messes
    And blessings
    One kind word
    I will remember that word & what it meant to me.
    The word
    Will spread,
    like butter on bread
    Eventually the word kind
    Will either form syllables
    From the lips of the sad one
    To blurt out sublime
    So kind
    “Hey you are kind, why?”
    I reply and sigh,
    “You are a unique person among the others of life
    That now smiles,
    Even with a smirk,
    But it is your worth
    As a human being amongst the others of life & strife
    Of tears and joy
    Of joy and pain.
    I will remember you now
    And you asked me how
    With the look in your eyes.
    Your smile made my day
    On a summer day along the way.”
    You look at me grinning from ear to ear
    In this 2024 year,
    I see you now, that is how!

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

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    • Vicki! Kindness and a mere smile are so powerful. It can go such a long way for someone who needs it. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful piece. Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

      Write me back 

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    Dear Unsealed,
    My mottos are from my favorite lady Maya Angelou
    “IF you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”
    “You nay not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them”
    La vita è bella
    I want to share
    To the world
    The big ball of Earth
    Spinning in the sky
    My looking forward poem that so relates to my favorite lady poet, Maya Angelou as it similar to my motto of moving forward through the storms.
    I found this poem I wrote in 1967 or 1968. I suppose I was beyond my years at that time of my life’s journey. I found out one must ‘carry on’ through the storms that our universe sends us or that we casually ‘bump’ into along the roads we choose throughout our lifetime.
    Despite the nays and the ‘you can’t do that’ or ‘you are not college material’ suggestions from a friend of yesteryear. I was already in college, so I tossed her suggestion away into yesterday’s trash bin. Because she knew not how or when or where or what she was talking about.
    There are different roads to choose as we reach each decade of our life’s journey in time. I chose the road of different avenues and boulevards along the straight path cause’ I was curious. I don’t regret studying nursing and healthcare. I don’t regret studying union management. I don’t regret studying journalism, art, and film. Now I have so many stories to tell. I have so many songs to write. The avenues and boulevards I strolled down off the beaten straight path taught me lessons to remember in my next lifetime of creation and light.
    So, I will share my poem from my back pages of 57 years ago in another time period before computers, cell phones, and AI. Each decade presented a new chapter in my life of fun, work and strife. I don’t look back and say how bad I was for different relationships or different guys in my life each decade. We all meet people along the way. Some people will stay. Some people will go. That’s life in a ‘nutshell’ with detours; the good, the bad, the ugly and the absolutely beautiful scenarios that happened that make me laugh, cry and ‘jump for joy’ in time and space of our universe to live, love and spread light.
    Written by Vicki Lawana Trusselli 1967
    It’s been a long life,
    Had a whole lot of learning.
    Had a good time,
    But there’s still that yearning.

    There’s been bad times
    When the way looked dim
    I prayed and hoped for better.
    Yes, I prayed to her or him. (“God is omnipotent of all genders.”)

    Tears have come and gone.
    Heartaches I’ve had great,
    But each new tomorrow
    Opens a new gate.

    This gate is bright and shiny.
    This gate opened my heart
    When I’ve gone wrong
    To help me make a new start.

    The dark clouds appear,
    To which there seems no end
    But pray and hope things will change,
    That they want be like they’ve always been.

    Look forward with a smile
    When the end seems near
    Don’t give up hope
    Just dry that tear,

    For your life will change
    When you hope and pray
    And try and try more each day,
    Just over the rainbow there’s a brand-new day.
    La vita è bella

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting starts December 2, 2024 12:00am

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    Dear Unsealed,
    I have learned so many things about life. I will be 75 years old on September 18, 2024. I have seen it all, the good, the bad, the ugly and still move forward with life for as long as I can live out my life with my disabilities of getting old. My brain works well, but my body has slowed down a lot since I had covid 2021.
    The major life lesson I have learned is that I should not let guys talk me into fast romance or marriage or moving in on the third date. That may sound ‘wacky,’ but it truly is more helpful to not be boy crazy beginning at 8 years old. I had my first boyfriend at 8 years old. His name was Eric. He was in my second-grade class. We were friends so I thought, then he broke up with me. I ran into my parents’ house crying like a baby. Mom thought that I was physically hurt. I yelled at her, “Mom, Eric broke up with me. He told me to leave him alone. He did not like me. My hair was too curly. I was so upset, mom, I peed in my pants.” Mom looked at me rolling her eyes, tossed her head back, “My dear child, it’s going to be okay. Eric and his parents are moving to New York City next week. Eric broke up with you because he is a baby too and that is the only way he knew to move without hurting you. You have your whole life ahead of you, Vicki.” I sighed, “Okay mom.”
    Growing up in eight decades, I kept falling in love and out of love not learning my lessons. My advice to the world is to continue your education. Do not let a ‘dude’ talk to you out of going to college. Do not let jealous people knock your dreams into the dirt. More than once the person trying to crush your dreams is a jealous, fearful person who does not care about you. Follow your dreams of life and focus on yourself as a woman. One needs to love oneself to fully love someone another human being as to live with another human being.
    I was raped at 16 years old by five guys on the football team. I had to sweep it under the rug and try to wash away the scariest party night I had ever experienced. The guys were calling me an Indian squaw, stupid ‘whore’, and yelling, “You are no good.” I was devastated.
    I kept dating men but had not learned the lesson that I did not need a man.
    I studied art, journalism, Business union management, computers, and other subjects of interest. Boys were always barking up my tree. I should have been pickier or just lived by myself.
    I married in the 80s. I had no plans for marriage at 30 nor to have children at that time. He swindled me into marrying him and having babies. The lesson I learned from that disastrous marriage is we had nothing in common and I should have ignored the ‘dude’.
    We divorced, but I remarried an artist this time. That ended in April 2000 in domestic violence,
    After we divorced, I had all these musicians barking up my alley. I followed one to Austin, Texas. I left an excellent job in computers with good retirement. He moved back to LA, and I stayed because my auntie was in her 90s and I wanted to be with her. A lesson from this is my family in Austin were strangers to me. I had not seen them in 40 years. Never move across country on a whim to follow a ‘dude’ to his destiny when it’s probably not your destiny. Check your family out that are strangers and only remember you as a little curly headed throwing tantrums child. Just because they are family does not mean they are your best friend.
    I got involved with a ‘dude’ who moved in with me after the third date. I do not advise anyone to do that. I collaborated with the man.
    My letter will end here as the chapters of my life are extensive with heartache, pain, joy, laughs, and life ‘happens’ experiences.
    My final note to the world is, “As a woman please do not let men interfere with your beauty or your well-being. If they show one bit of jealousy or start dictating your life to you, walk away before the years pass and you say at 74, “OMG! I wish I would ‘of’ or could ‘of’ known about life before all those broken relationships of wrongdoing men ever came into fruition. Watch for red flags to not get involved with a narcissist person period.”

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • The ocean has positive ions that we inhale when we are by the ocean. our oceans are our lifeblook on planet Earth.

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    Dear Unsealed,
    Since I am almost seventy-five
    I will tell you a story of my life behind my eyes.
    I was one to read music magazines,
    All the boy bands and whims
    Of rock and roll
    Blues and soul
    At the incredibly youthful age of ten.
    Yes, I did begin to dream to win.
    I worked hard.
    Played hard.
    I studied hard.
    It was the seventies,
    Then the eighties,
    Then the nineties,
    I worked at the LA Times in the eighties.
    End of the eighties
    I was working as a makeup artist.
    And let us wind down there.
    You might not have time to spare,
    As I have thousands of stories to tell
    As deep as a wishing well.
    The nineties were good,
    As I was forty going on twenty-five
    As it seemed to a few bees in a hive.
    My first dream job was The LA Times,
    But I met a man and forgot to be sublime.
    My second job per say
    Happened in freelance journalism and film
    With my new guy
    And no rhyme at that time
    I worked with The American Indian Movement in the nineties.
    I met john Trudell,
    And that went well.
    We were there to interview
    For a documentary film
    The Palomino Club of North Hollywood
    So, I have stood
    In so many good places and even on a whim.
    I met Sonny Bono, the Mayor of Palm Springs at a POW WOW
    So how
    Did I do that you say?
    That is for another day.
    I joined up with Women in Film
    On a whim.
    The nineties came along
    To sing another song
    I met another guy,
    A music writer by trade.
    My new guy took me to a special party
    In Burbank,
    To a Christmas party
    Really swank.
    I dressed up in fancy high heel boots
    To walk by my guy in his suit
    My dress was a tight mini skirt and top,
    And all were cream of crop.
    We drove there to the valet,
    Then I walked into the door with my guy
    Waving at friends in high places
    We were sitting at our reserved table
    To wine and dine at the insatiable
    Country Music Association Christmas Party
    Music, dancing, food, and ‘party hardy’.
    I could go on to tell you more,
    But I will say later my friend
    Before you get bored.
    This is a tiny burst
    Of my adventures of blurs
    And good times
    Of rhyme
    Or reason
    For the season!
    Love is real
    It’s a deal
    Of the good, the bad, the ugly
    Of time spans of decades
    Of love, heartache, laughter, blues
    Of time
    To smile at my life
    The strife
    At almost 75
    I have written a song
    From my back pages of strife of life.
    My song, “I Woke up Alone”
    The song
    Was published on Apple
    A full song on Spotify
    Of life, love from above
    To be a woman at 75
    Still rocking & rolling
    To the beat.
    The publication of my song
    Was to say the least
    My newest job of sweet sighs
    Of “I did it.”

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    Dear Unsealed,
    I think about the times in life that I struggled to get through life financially and physically. There are numerous events in my 74 years that have either changed my life for the better or set me back a bit before concluding that everything will be okay in a bit.
    Life is a survival of utmost importance to live my life according to my ideals and attitudes about my life experiences, people I meet on a day-to-day basis of reality. I have survived many relationships with men, friends, and acquaintances.
    I survived an 11-year relationship with a Texas cowboy. June 2016, he moved his younger girlfriend into his bungalow in Fulton, Texas. I had decorated the house in my boho style furnishings and was feeling comfortable. His brother called me to tell me his brother was two-timing me. The next day my ex told me he was moving his girlfriend into the bungalow, and I would have to move. So, I said, “Wow, seriously after 11 years?” He did not respond.
    I walked into my office, sat down to write a letter on my computer. I looked around at my cool new décor and almost cried. Then I heard him typing on his pc. I walked into the living room where he sat in front of his computer, chatting with his young girlfriend. They were exchanging love notes. So, I poured me a cup of coffee and walked back into my office. He had a doctor’s appointment that day. I waited for him to leave.
    Upon his leaving I sat down at his pc, disabled his security system and other goodies to keep him safe that I had paid for forever. I got in my car and drove to the internet office. I explained what happened to the secretary at the office. So, they disabled the internet. I used my hot spot with my AT&T cell phone.
    I drove home. He had returned home from his doctor’s appointment. He was desperately trying to start his pc. His pc was dead and so was the internet. He asked me, “Why did you do that? How will I chat with my girlfriend?” I told him, “Oh, maybe your new squeeze will fix it.” We did not talk much about anything after that moment.
    I packed my bags with as many clothes and belongings as I could squeeze into my luggage. I packed the XBOX in my luggage. He was watching me. I did not care. I was done with his lies and carousing.
    I had caught him in lies before but blew them off. We were never married. That was May 2016. I bought a ticket to LA. I sold my car. My friend picked me and my three suitcases up, my camera, my laptop to stay at her place before parting Rockport on a bus to Austin. I stayed with a friend in Austin who drove me to the train station. I rode the train over mountains, deserts, cities, towns to LA. Upon arriving in LA, I stepped off the train and bent down to kiss the ground.
    I had been away from LA 13 years except for the vacation trips I took to visit my family and friends.
    I was 66 years old. I sold my car, left half of my clothes, my family heirlooms, etc. in Fulton-Rockport, Texas. It was okay because I was home.
    I survived other events too after arriving because life happens.
    I stayed with my friends in LA awhile. I remember the day I left my friend’s apartment in North Hollywood to go to my son’s house in Irvine. Lyft dropped me off. I stepped out of the car to walk to my son’s front porch. I was towing three huge suitcases, a laptop, a camera, and my exhausted self into his house. I was 66 years old and humiliated that I was there in this manner of unfortunate circumstances. My son asked me, “Mom, hello. What did you do to Mike for him to kick you out?” I replied, “Nothing. He moved his girlfriend into the bungalow, so I had to leave, my name was not on the lease.” I ignored him. I asked him to help me with my luggage and show me to my room. So, he did that.
    My relationship with his father ended in 1989. We were 180 degrees opposite. It was a horrible divorce. My dad was by my side during my divorce. There were so many tears.
    So, after I arrived, I saw all my grandkids and concentrated on them, cherishing every minute I spent with each of them.
    My story unfolds into so many avenues and freeways of life of being in different relationships with different men. I now know I can survive without a man. I do not need a man to create with, hang with ever again until I find one who is creative, truthful, caring and accepting of my ghost encounters and movie dreams of life.
    The moral of the story is I do not want to go back to the 1950s when women were the property of their husbands. I refuse to go back. At 74 I survived two marriages and various relationships with people. Why go back now?
    She goes
    Where she strays
    Across the roads
    Of choices to take
    In the wake
    That she is older now
    Too many men
    Too many wrongdoing ones gone
    So long.
    She looks around her room as types away on her Lenovo laptop.
    For what
    To be alone to think about her life
    As continues as an older woman
    Of strife
    Of joy, pain, happy times
    As the clouds go away
    The sun shines so close and so far, away
    Surrounding her body
    The bells chime
    The music blares out of Alexa
    A gypsy soul lives!

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

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    Dear Unsealed,
    A I look back in time
    Of reason & rhyme,
    I liked my persistence
    Of whom I was in existence
    Of time & space
    In the rat race
    Of life & dreams.
    But it seems
    I had to go through many changes,
    In different decades of stepping into the light
    Out of darkness to learn to rearrange,
    Various aspects of learning to live
    As an empath,
    And not even knowing about what path
    Was that?
    My younger self grew up with my grandpa Boss
    Until I was five years old.
    After that he passed of a massive heart attack
    So many years back
    In time
    Of reason & rhyme
    I have been told,
    Grandpa Boss was a writer & sculpturer
    Of many lost works now.
    He taught me to read & write from birth to age 3
    When he was alive.
    He called me the apple of his eye.
    I would read his books of poetry
    Of mostly religious beliefs of his mindset at that time
    In my life of reason & rhyme
    We would sit on the back porch
    & we would talk for hours about how to carry the torch
    Of art & creativity & beyond
    To express feelings of joy, love, God & life
    As I was so incredibly young.
    I remember his trips to New York City to publish
    His poetry of life, God & love.
    I would rush
    Into the living room to welcome
    Grandpa Boss home from his long trip
    From so far away across to the east coast &
    away from me & Grandma Carrie Soleta.
    My two favorite people,
    Grandpa Boss taught me love the written word,
    To express my feelings and sip
    From the creative cup of cornucopia of life
    As a writer of sorts &
    Of course, my Grandma Carrie Soleta was a teacher,
    Of creative words and the history of humanity.
    She loved to sit with me on the piano bench,
    As I played music of different chords
    & style of religious, blues, rock, country
    My youthful days are reminisced by clouds and sunshine of that reality as a young child from birth until three years old when my grandpa passed. My grandma continued to nurture me in rhythm, reason & rhyme.
    I realize that between my grandparents and my parents I am thankful for those human beings in the time of decades of my life.
    At three I was young, naïve, carefree.
    When my grandpa passed, I saw a huge dark cloud
    Over my head as mom explained to me Boss was dead
    In the flesh
    But alive in the spirit in the clouds
    Of heaven.
    I remember my grandpa as a creative, kind person.
    I was sad for a while as a little child.
    But soon the sun would shine above the clouds of grief,
    Of sadness and pain.
    What was to remain,
    Is this prose of mine
    In this decade of my life
    To remind me of the two
    People who gave me joy & creative endeavors
    Of reason, rhyme, & music, history
    And to grieve through my music and books and art
    Of everyday existence of all my decades
    Of life as it fades
    Into being old.
    I used to respect my grandparents,
    As they were my elders and so I was told,
    They were wise and watching over me as I dream
    And walk through my last decades
    Writing & artistic creativity
    To say to my peeps,

    “Thank you, Grandpa Boss and Grandma Carrie Soleta,
    For teaching me the ins & outs of my fate
    To realize it is not too late
    To continue with chapter 74 of my life,
    To continue as I will soon be seventy-five.
    Thank you my BFFS for always being there.

    Vicki Trusselli

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • Vicki, this poem beautifully honors the strength and drive of your grandparents. They must have been quite wonderful to hold such a special place in your heart. I love how you describe your experiences of sitting on the porch talking and playing the piano with them. Thank you for sharing such vivid memories.

      Write me back 

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    Dear Unsealed,
    Today as I lay across my queen size bed,
    As though the universe led
    Me supernaturally to this phenomenal sad,
    But a joyful photo of me and my dad.
    I am a little Vic.
    My poppa was a big Vic.
    The photo was from long ago,
    In my reality of the 1980s highs & lows
    Of experiences in Hollywood &
    Beyond with my dad, big Vic.
    Time goes by so quickly,
    Like a bite of an avocado
    As I swallow the last bite.
    My pop, Victor was my hero.
    Vic was always my rock to lean upon.
    No matter what I said or did,
    In those days of growing up singing my song,
    Vic was always there to teach me right from wrong
    & to work hard, study hard, smile,
    While all the while
    You ‘wanna’ cry,
    Ask why,
    Or just hug the world
    As you travel the road I chose.
    My poppa Vic
    Passed away as he was sick
    With leukemia.
    I was there by his side
    To hold his hand as he died.
    I bent over to kiss his forehead,
    Telling him thank you for always having my back.
    I now look at the photo
    Faded from decades of dark & light.
    My poppa Vic
    With his baby girl, Vicki
    As we sat at the celebration dinner party in LA.
    I had rented a dress from a costume shop in Hollywood,
    Judi Garland’s once upon old black sequin dress.
    I wore my late Grandma Carrie Soleta’s beads,
    I had cut my hair so black and short with waves,
    To help me smile & celebrate the event.
    That was so special that night.
    I look at the old, faded photo,
    I smile as I remember my big Vic,
    My hero always there to catch me when fell
    Or celebrate me when I stood up,
    When he was there to pull me up,
    “Sister, everything’s gonna be okay. A hundred years from now you will forget about it.”
    “Yeah dad, in a hundred years we will be dead. So, forget about it.”
    That was my poppa Vic!
    Now I remember those words of inspiration alert
    From big Vic.
    I loved my poppa Vic,
    My hero
    I still feel him around
    To keep me sound
    & so,
    This letter is dedicated to my late poppa Vic,
    So handsome, so sweet
    To everyone he would meet.
    I dreamed of my big Vic & my mom, Thelma,
    One-night years ago
    Before I moved back to LA
    I was living on the south Texas beach
    With the Jekyll & Hyde dude.
    Poppa Vic knocked on my bungalow door.
    I opened it, “Dad, Mom, hello, OMG!
    My poppa said, “Come with us sister.”
    I stepped out the door
    To leave that bungalow door
    Adobe behind to never go there, nevermore.
    We drove over the mountains, the desert,
    To LA.
    Then as I stepped out to pray
    To thank God to be back in LA
    After a long trip
    With my poppa my late mom & late poppa Vic.
    They disappeared like a puff of smoke
    As I awoke
    To daybreak.
    Three months later I was on the train to LA
    Over the deserts & mountains night & day.
    I stepped off the train,
    Kissed the ground, so glad to be back in LA.
    My poppa, big Vic was there in spirit for me
    To bring me home, no more to roam.
    “I love you my poppa Vic.”

    Vicki Trusselli

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Vicki, I am so sorry for your loss. These times that you mentioned sound like they bring back great memories for you and remind you how much you love your dad. The relationship you two had with each other sounds so lovely and genuine. I am sure that he would be so proud of who you have become today. ♥

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    Dear Unsealed
    I wake up each day
    In the everyday way
    I read my email as I do
    Each day in the everyday way.
    Old photos found of yesteryear,
    Brought back a tear
    To my eyes as I thought I lost
    At such a cost
    Of a long-ago broken relationship
    Like a ship
    On the ocean of life
    I ask myself why.
    Then as I scroll through the lost photos
    That I now found,
    Of long ago.
    I remember the seagulls of at the beach
    Where I lived temporarily as though
    I could now reach
    Out to touch the seagulls
    Hear their cries of joy
    At 5am as they call for me to feed their bods
    Of beautiful feathers of grey & white joy,
    Of walking out in my sundress to the backyard
    Behind my adobe
    As they cry with joy so loud.
    I had another fight with my ex,
    Of the complex
    Relationship with Jekyll & Hyde dude.
    As I sat in the chair watching the birds eat
    Their treat
    From kitchen so neat
    I forgot about the harsh words spoken
    The night before the morning light
    Of the seagulls feeding frenzy flight,
    My buddies, the seagulls.
    My friends in flight
    Take me with you tonight.
    We will sit on the beach
    As the sun fades into the night,
    As the sunrises the next day to say,
    “Girl, you ‘gonna’ be okay.”
    Hear the call of the seagull in flight
    To carry your sadness into to the night,
    To smile,
    To laugh,
    To care,
    To carry on,
    Despite harsh words
    & other verbs
    Of yesterday.
    The sun shines brighter today
    Along the way.
    I can still hear my feathered friends.
    Knowing that if I stepped into the photograph for just a minute
    I could smell the salty air
    As my feathered friends
    Say, “Girl we care.”

    Vicki Trusselli

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  • Yes I have found out it’s better to talk about being human instead of acting like a mean super woman. 🤗Lauren I have had relationship issues or men issues. So has the whole wide world . I could write a story or prose what I would tell my younger self to help other women. I am okay today. Just sometimes I get bored with my own sons who don’t except me as a peace activist as their dad has completely braunwashed them. I am not over it but have come to the reality that I am okay and don’t need their approval to be a peace humanitarian activist nor my ex I divorced 1989. This is 2024 .

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    My ‘comfy peace zone
    Is being alone,
    Or with a friend
    At the beach
    As to reach
    Out my hand to touch the wave,
    To breathe at air, catch the wave,
    With my toes embedded in the sand
    As I walk in the forever beach land
    I breathe in the positive icons of the ocean,
    as they are a magic potion
    of supernatural omnipotence of life
    the life
    of humans and all living creatures as they crawl
    and walk, sleep, produce and create,
    out to me,
    “Come out to me, Vicki Lawana!”
    I regroup at the beach,
    Of which
    It is a quiet place for prayer, solitude and throwing out
    Negative icons to the breeze,
    To the wind, the universe of time and space.
    This is the case
    Of confessions to the sea
    From many stories of love, heartache, tears, joy
    And laughter of past present and future to be
    I look out at the ocean blue.
    Listen to the seagulls too.
    Although other humans are here
    I have created a tiny little sphere
    Of the atmosphere
    Of light around my space
    I sigh a bit.
    I remember my youth days,
    the 2am night drives to Malibu
    Parking my car feeling blue
    A romance gone awry, adrift, and away,
    As I step out my car
    Into the parking lot
    In my special spot
    I sigh.
    Cause now I say, “No worries!”
    All thoughts of grief & heartache
    Into the ocean blue
    Throwing my cares to the waves, the salty air
    Of time & space
    Not a waste
    But a taste of salt and minerals seeping
    Through my toes radiating through my whole body
    Creating a flow of the case
    Of joy and time & space reality
    Of no more grief
    Cause I feel the ocean spray
    On my face
    On my body
    As I sink my barefoot toes in the sand
    Of this LA land.
    This is still my ‘comfy zone,
    As it my time alone
    To pray, to say
    I am okay.

    Vicki Lawana Trusselli

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends August 31, 2024 11:59pm

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    • This piece feels almost musical! It’s very animated and it commands attention. I love that the beach is such a tranquil space for you to the point where you can tune everything else out and fully connect with the nature around you. Thank you for sharing!

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    • When I am in Miami, I always skate right by the ocean, find a quiet spot on the edge of the beach, and sit and be still. The ocean/beach really does have some magical powers to calm us and motivate us to be still. Thank you for sharing. <3Lauren

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  • Thank you Lauren. I encountered a negative force the last few months. I keep moving forward!

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    Dear Unsealed
    Today I look forward to my life.
    This decade I am 74 years old.
    Not sure but had lots of strife.
    So, I have been told.
    I can say today,
    As I relay or dream night and day
    Of younger days and love and heartache
    Of give and take,
    This decade of clicking the box,
    That says 70 +,
    Such a fuss.
    I am an elder with wisdom,
    About life and love,
    But somehow remain strong,
    With reason and rhyme
    Of space and time.
    This is a time when I should have respect
    From kid, grandkids, but
    It does not always happen as I have kept.
    Moving forward with time
    Books and computers all that
    I read, listen to music, write and all that.
    This period in my life
    I look back at relationships,
    Loves, marching for equality for all,
    And the concept of my fight for humanity
    Love, peace, and light,
    Are still not understood by certain people in my life.
    I thought by this time
    With reason and rhyme
    They would understand my strife,
    To create peace and love
    Blessed from up above.
    However, this is not so with certain people
    But now I am old
    I continue to be strong and bold.
    I toss specks of salt
    Over my right shoulder and left shoulder
    To send peace to all
    As I recall
    Without humanitarians as I am
    To tell folks it’s okay
    Any day
    I am to adventure to say
    I do it my way
    You do it your way.
    I live one day at a time,
    One moment at a time
    Of reason and rhyme.
    At 74 years old
    I am still for peace and love,
    Despite the folks who shut me down
    All around town
    I am woman.
    Here me roar!
    I have been down there on the floor,
    Still an embryo
    But I will be strong, progressive,
    To move forward in time
    With reason and rhyme
    I am considered to be an old lady.
    I can dye my hair pink.
    Or gold or red.
    Or whatever I choose,
    Its okay today


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    • People may have disappointed you in life, but you still have you. And you are fierce, talented, and wonderful. So hold on to that and enjoy it and lean into it. And make each day count. Thank you for sharing and as always, thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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      • Yes I have found out it’s better to talk about being human instead of acting like a mean super woman. 🤗Lauren I have had relationship issues or men issues. So has the whole wide world . I could write a story or prose what I would tell my younger self to help other women. I am okay today. Just sometimes I get bored with my own sons who don’t…read more

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