

  • The Footsteps of my Heart

    See these footsteps? These are the imprints of the precious little feet I created with my DNA. My little son walking, frolicking, and playing in the sand. Living life and enjoying it in the moment. I can now hold on to this picture, the memories attached to it- and now even this letter … forever and ever 🌹❤️

    May the strength of my men always carry me through the longest of walks in life.

    Kelly M.B

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 4 days, 7 hours ago

    Joey's Poem

    If you had any shred of decency left in you
    You’d stay away from my boo
    To that little boy
    I’m the only one that’s true
    If I could flip it all back
    Spin it all around and let you see
    Literally the little me…..
    Nurturing, loving, carrying him through
    When not everyone else was always onboard too
    I’m the only thing and woman he’s ever really known

    Now he’s sitting here looking at me full grown
    What you tried to protect your whole life, sits there looking at you like you’ve just ripped out a knife
    What I tried to avoid his whole little life
    Will he ever understand that all mommy every wanted was to make a good man?
    Can’t he please just understand?
    This precious seed turns around and now questions me, how dare he?
    I can’t explain it all, I don’t know how I could
    If I could lay it all out right here, right now trust me I would
    Let it all go for good
    Let you see all my choices weren’t always the smartest
    But always out of love and always for good

    I guess protection is a strange thing
    You want to take them under your wing
    You don’t realize how much you cling
    Well, here we are young man, here I stand
    This is all of me, still standing, still fighting
    Always will
    At least I will try
    I hope one day you understand

    Love Always,
    Your “Teen” Mom

    Kelly M.B

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  • Star lit Babe

    A small shadowy figure of a girl stumbles out of her house, and quickly paces through her backyard. The lawn hasn’t been cut but she still treads through barefoot without a care. To others around her she seems disheveled, even slightly scary. She heads towards the darkest corner and peers over her raggedy fence and caught a nice gaze at the sky. “Ahhhh, no clouds tonight” she happily told herself.

    What this means for Jaria, is she can do her thing now finally. No obstructions tonight. She closes her eyes and throws a nice calming frequency tone on in the background. Takes a deep breath and then asks for guidance from within. She realizes that way too much suffering has been occurring for far too long. Past, present, and future if nothing changes. Her focus starts tuning in and here come all her higher thoughts. She calmly reaches for her blue selenite crystal because she remembers the moon will recharge it. A special friend from the Unkechaug Tribe told her this tip many years ago. She keeps paying attention to her breathing, and the breaths get longer, fuller and somehow even more fulfilling. She stretches out every part of her body, then says ok “RELEASE”!

    Nothing major or dramatic seems to have occurred. Atleast not instantly that is….Jaria lightly starts humming and moving her legs around. She remembers stories as a little girl, and now senses the whispers of her ancestors telling her to dance. See, dancing for her was not just for what you see on television. Dancing was not only part of her culture, it was used for it’s healing properties as well.

    We all have energy, and movement causes vibration. Vibration can in turn heal us. Jaria didn’t have many words to speak anymore. She has seen a lot here on Earth. So this is what she must do to remain calm and strong if there is to be any future hope left in humanity.

    Dancing somehow holds the key which is put into a doorknob and when she turns it-she’s granted access to somehow release all of her hidden emotions. She can somehow feel a sense of control by the mastery of her movements the older she gets.

    All of a sudden Jaria isn’t so disheveled and uncharged. Swiftly she notices more, then she has enough self awareness to pick up on her own bad mood and decide to change it. She has no care for the conception of time, monetary items or toxicity. She walks to the beat of her own drum… literally.

    Two hours has gone by, and it’s going to take a full nights rest now. This was a lot on Jaria’s soul. But in a good way. She breezes past her neighbors, now seeming light as a feather. Even her neighbors figure she must have gotten some good news or something.

    Unfortunately this is a common pattern for our little moon child here. This is what Jaria must keep doing not only for herself, but for all future spiritual creatures alike. May we all find our place in the Universe.

    Kelly M.B

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 1 days ago

    Heavenly Moon Child

    She wanders silently through the night,
    Fighting off demons and spite,
    She looks to the moon for guidance and strength,
    For she knows these earthly gifts talk to her like Saints.
    Please keep me balanced and pure,
    For there is nothing on this earth that is sure,
    Walk me and guide me to the Heavens above,
    As if I were your child, that your taking care of
    Lift me up and get me through, and I promise I will devote my life to you.

    Kelly M.B

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    • Kelly,
      This is a lovely and moving poem about the power the moon has on the soul. While some people turn to the sun for comfort, others find solace in the quiet beauty of the moon. It can provide the strength needed to fight all the battles of life. Thank you for sharing your work!

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 1 days ago

    The Butterfly

    Sink your eye into my beautiful butterfly
    Twirling around my purple bush, I spotted it
    The prettiest one ever. I knew I had to have it
    I paused, and gazed. I caught an up-close glimpse of its unique coloring. Blue and purple.
    Didn’t think that was possible, but there it was- right in my face. It had the largest wings I’d ever seen on such a small creature. It fluttered around so gracefully, getting love drunk off the nectar. Bobbing around, minding its business and helping my garden.
    Drifted off and started to wonder, are all the things that they say about butterflies true? Can this thing see me, sense me? It must. Look how delicate and beautiful it is. It trusts me to sit still and gaze at it.
    Kept thinking about the transformation from birth till now, the little head with actual eyes, floaty looking wings and vibrant enchanting blue and purple eyespots like an encryption code to the butterfly heavens.
    Fetching a small net, a jar or even a photo will do. I must share this with this world
    Ran off to not miss my chance, came running back full speed, with excitement still in my heart- but it had already flown away.
    ~Inspired by Mindfulness Meditation

    Kelly M.B

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    • I’ve always heard that butterflies are sent from Heaven, and the way you describe this one’s beauty makes me believe it. It is almost heartbreaking that something so lovely can also be so fragile. I guess that is why they fly away before we can catch them. Thank you for sharing this sweet poem.

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      • Thank you so much for your beautiful comment! I now beleive that Butterflies 🦋 are Angelic creatures as well 😁🤍

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  • kellybeanz87 shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 6 days ago

    Heavenly Hugs

    Hugs from Heaven, they feel so sweet
    A warm energetic connection that will knock you off your feet
    Tune in and listen, look around you’ll be surprised
    Your heart bleeds love, passion & desire from the skies
    All this love can be seen right in your eyes 🤍🦋

    Kelly M.B

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    • Kelly, this is a beautiful and sweet poem. Hugs from Heaven can be felt all around us, even when we don’t see them. My Granny passed away five years ago, and I still feel her warm embrace from time to time. When we let ourselves stop and pay attention, the love is a lot closer than it seems.

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  • Crux

    A life of harm done. Or so I thought.
    Trauma responses from my caretakers. Fear, abandonment, deep rooted pain and dysfunction going on within my entire immediate family. I wasn’t the only one – I was just the youngest one.
    Life became confusing to me, and the cycle of drugs, domestic violence & poverty kept creeping back into my life going up until my mid 20’s.
    I could name a lot of different times where my life was at crossroads, and all sorts of different choices that probably changed my life, as well as major life events and losses that have occurred. Majorly, the sudden loss of my brother in September of 2020 from a drinking & driving accident.
    But that wouldn’t be enough. See, it wasn’t just one turning point for me. I have been on a continual spiritual journey since November of 2010. Accepting treatment and entering the journey of healing from PTSD and substance abuse was a pivotal moment in my life for sure.
    Once I released and faced all the truths about myself, confronted myself in the mirror, and walked through my past traumas with the support of all my Angels and my network here on Earth – suddenly, things started slowly shifting. Not instantly, but things got better for me. Monetary things returned. My faith returned, and my life started getting better. I’ve had a few bumps & falls but am blessed to say I got right back up.
    I always thought I was a victim. I now know that I am a survivor. This mentality has majorly changed me for the better. It’s not to downplay anyone’s trauma, but to be able to say you walked away from it and are still alive to tell the story, is an inspiration to mass amounts of people still silently suffering. There is also an inner freedom found in it that I did not know existed.
    Taking the time to sit with myself, go for walks, color pictures & enjoy being in the present moment. Laughing, dancing – just like a kid. I’m giving new childhood memories back to myself. I can hold on to the good memories that I have & do my best to mourn the bad. I now know what self-love is. I’m giving that back as well, and I’m giving it to my children, and any other kids that may cross my path. These are all gifts that cannot fully be explained. But certainly, all turning points in which I have chosen to walk along the paths that lead me to happiness.
    I Now hold my head and shoulders up higher when I look and speak with people.
    I speak up for myself, and my loved ones.
    I show gratitude, kindness and respect to Mother Nature, my High Power and thank the Universe for continuously showing me that I have a purpose here on this planet. Even if others don’t see it yet.
    I suppose in hindsight as I sit here in this present moment overlooking the Great South Bay of Long Island – my true Turning Point was finding ME.

    Love Always,

    Kelly MB

    Voting starts December 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • Moxx shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 weeks, 4 days ago


    Loneliness slithers in
    Like an unsuspecting snake
    Coiled around my neck
    Struggling to breathe
    With nobody around
    To save me
    In a crowded room
    I feel so alone
    Everyone has someone
    But no one has got me
    Each night I come closer
    To a planned death
    Because loneliness kills
    I don’t belong anywhere
    I’m not needed nor wanted
    So why even bother
    I’ll drift away peacefully
    Forgotten easily
    And never remembered

    Kristen Moxley

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    • Kristen, I am so sad that you have ever felt this way. When you do, there are resources. I believe calling or texting 988 will connect you with a professional. You are an incredible human. And you are not alone. Sending you the biggest hug. <3 Lauren

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      • Hi Lauren – Thank you so much for your kind words! I know I’m not REALLY alone, but my brain likes to lie to me and tell me untrue stories. I was having a really hard time the night that I wrote that poem. Thank you for your kindness. You are an inspiration to me! ❤️

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    • Beautifully written. I think this piece of ART expresses a feeling that many of us are too afraid to admit. I’ve requested to be a pen pal with you. So that you never have to feel this way again.

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      • Awww, you are wonderful! I accepted your request and would love to be pen pals with you! I also think a lot of people feel this way. And hopefully, I’ve helped them to not feel so alone as well. Sending hugs and love! ❤️

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  • Letter to my inner child

    You are stronger and wiser than you know
    Your thoughts are stalking you
    do not queue any hue that’s not meant for you
    People’s opinions of you are their own.
    You are stronger than you were yesterday.
    continue to forgive yourself for not being able to control the horrific actions of others.
    Self-love is necessary for your healing.
    It is putting you back together whole and true.
    forgive any past actions by acknowledging how they have not served you well.
    You will continue to trust the process and your progress.
    You will not let the fear of being taken advantage of scare you to stillness.
    You will stand up for yourself and tell the truth.
    You will do it with dignity and respect.
    You will be vulnerable even when it makes you uncomfortable.

    Little Big Sister

    Voting starts November 5, 2024 12:00am

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  • One Hundred Thousand Dollars

    A dream of mine for as long as I could remember,
    inspired by my father, my most successful family member.

    One hundred thousand dollars was the name of the game.
    How could it be attained?

    A dream I was not sure I would be able to reach
    as an art and psychology major living at the beach.

    Why not try working in the same industry as my Dad?
    After all, he was the closest example I had.

    Once out of school, I dove into the pool of oil and gas,
    an unlikely industry for me, but alas,
    I wanted the money as fast as I could
    so I got to work as any good girl should.

    It’s 2011 at twelve dollars an hour
    no wonder one hundred thousand dollars seemed like such a tall tower.

    Pushing my art and psychology degrees away,
    I found my self grinding and climbing, thinking this is the way.

    7 years later, I am a divorced single mom,
    still chasing that dream and losing my calm.

    With security as my main motivation,
    I was suddenly promoted to Supervisor of Training Administration.

    One hundred thousand dollars, something I thought I would never reach,
    was now in my hands while living at the beach!

    What now I wonder as I look down at my check,
    thinking, what could be next?
    Is this the life I want to be living?
    Sitting in an office years passing unforgiving?

    Fast forward the year is 2021,
    I’m still working and coming undone.

    What happened next is nothing I could have ever imagined,
    instead of living a life unexamined
    I decided to leave the job, the money,
    in search of something sweeter than honey.

    What is that? What could it be?
    It’s happiness only found by looking within me.

    As soon as I left a weight was lifted
    and 2 weeks later the universe gifted me
    an unexpected windfall almost matching my salary.

    With this newfound freedom it was clear to me
    I had a wonderful new opportunity –
    to relax, unwind, take care of my mind,
    and learn to live a life aligned.

    A couple weeks later married my best friend, my twin flame you could say,
    who shows me it’s ok to be yourself everyday.

    Now my days are spent with my husband and son,
    money flowing in unexpected ways and it’s only just begun.


    Voting starts October 18, 2024 12:00am

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    • Khara, I love this! Setting goals for ourselves can help us grow in so many different ways. I am so glad that you got to experience this happiness and that you got to flourish in both your personal and monetary endeavors. Great work, so proud of you! ♥

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 2 weeks ago

    Your Eyes Sound Like

    A lot of guys get lost in your eyes
    But I found myself in those depths that galaxies rest in
    Your eyes hug stars and sprinkle glitter for their shimmer when the sun wants to shine
    I didn’t know it then but when momma would sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star it was a love song
    Because I’m one of the dots to your constellation and the others are the children
    Our love is so good it should be a sin
    God forgive me, I know I’m not supposed to look directly at you
    But your daughter has your eyes, and I can’t stop staring
    She helps me stay centered with you when I get full of myself
    Seeing my reflection in her eyes is one of my favorite things because it’s a moment of Trinity
    God eyes saying straighten up son
    Your eyes whisper I love you
    My eyes catch us with His hands and say I’ll hold your heart
    Followed by, I love you too
    Our eyes share an embrace that never let’s go in silence
    But anyone who sees the way I look at you hears the softness of a love song
    They covet the way my eyes hold you like I hold the hand of our child
    Their eyes have never seen a sight that sounded so pure
    And anyone who sees the way your eyes reply to me, listens to that unforgettable poem on repeat
    Then they get lost trying to find your gaze under my sunset
    So, the closest thing to feeling that poem, is to hit repeat on this memory
    I can’t help but smile when I see your eyes talk about us
    p.s. your eyes make the best ASMR…


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    • Aww, I love this! The beauty that we see in others can seem ethereal at times and it can be such a wonderful thing. The connection you have with this person sounds so deep and meaningful. I am glad you have found a person like this.

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      • Haven’t found that person yet, I just like to write about moments in time with the theme of relationships 🌹, thank you for reading and sharing your encouraging words ‼️

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        • You are welcome! Don’t worry, you will find this person! When you do, your life will change for the better ♥

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    Little one

    You know what I love

    I love a rare soul

    You can’t see them

    Until one day

    London Poet Enane

    Voting starts September 27, 2024 12:00am

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    • I love this poem! The last line, “Until one day,” inspires me. In those words, you capture how we grow as humans until one day we are able to finally see our true souls. Thank you for sharing!

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    • Wowww, ” you can’t see them until one day…”
      You can unpack so much within this line alone…it really gives the audience time to meditate on what one day looks like or what they would like it to look like, then how to get there!
      So, much beauty in a rare soul!

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    Treading water

    Just once
    Can I see you


    The AWE

    Slipped away

    My First
    My Only


    The Lonely

    Head high
    Patiently waiting

    Clouds of pleasure



    Until we meet
    In Heaven


    London Enane

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends October 4, 2024 11:59pm

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    • London, your words capture the feelings we have when we lose someone close to us. When someone who inspired and moved us dies, it can feel like loneliness will overtake us. Luckily, we have the hope of being with them again one day to sustain us. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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      • The weight of loneliness carried on your shoulders has always been the love in your heart, your angel, your guidance, you just have to listen, you were never alone (;

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    • =0
      This !!!!!!
      Everything about this moment in mental thought you’ve captured is perfectly illustrated, such a joy and journey reading this.

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    Can you feel it
    Hear or see it
    At first zip
    No need to trip
    The moment I glance
    Another chance
    Shooting through and through
    Oh the view
    An overwhelming sigh
    Boy do I feel high
    Together in breif
    You see it

    A safety net
    Make me sweat
    Your the someone I’d put first
    Wrap yourself up in his comfort
    I wanna scream
    Wake me from this dream
    Flounder with ease
    It’s me you shall please
    Whole body’s weak
    I can’t even speak
    Minds in a trance
    A little love and romance
    Souls a bliss
    It’s you that I miss

    Into the frosty blizzards of winter
    No time shall hinder
    Continuous breeze through the crisp Spring air
    Come and go as you please, no despair
    Entering warm Summer nights
    With all of you in site
    Beneath the trees of Fall leaves
    Oh the web we wove and continue to weave
    In the midst of the dark
    Making my mark
    Manifestation of orbs
    It’s you that I adore

    If I could touch you, just once
    You know it’s you that I hunt
    I look up, I see you
    Full view and I pursue
    The world turns
    Heart burns, it yearns
    Tender Love let us feast
    Together in peace
    Serenity, oh the intensity
    I melt
    Under your belt

    London Enane

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    • This is a beautifully written poem, London. Love is such a wonderful thing and I am glad that being with your partner brings you this overwhelming peace and happiness. My favorite part of this would be when you said “Oh the web we wove and continue to weave” because being in love can bring you to many new adventures and things you wouldn’t have…read more

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      • Thank you so much! I love that same phrase, and the boy in the story, my high school sweetheart, it’s been over 20 years. Communication skills were not developed back then… One day I will find him so I no longer have to look into the sky but into his heart, the brightest star…my star😉

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    • Your poem is a reflection I believe on your passions for life, being loved and cherished. It touched my heart and soul. I read it 3 times. It has a heartbeat all it’s own and yet it is your heartbeat.

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  • Wild Dreams

    what if you could not speak for two years
    you only had your two ears
    now you are listening to your peers
    checking out Instagram, it appears
    they got plenty of souvenirs, but yet volunteered in their careers

    too afraid to be the engineers to forge a whole new frontier
    paid education can teach us to adhere to the profiteer
    head hunters poach us and sell us to the highest-bidding auctioneer

    shit appears severe,
    but you are a pioneer, fuck that career
    this is the year to do something for the world that is truly dear to your heart
    You are too smart not to start,
    failure may come, you might have to restart
    your heart be pure, but fear can outsmart
    telling us that shit is too hard
    don’t be jarred the universe has pulled your card

    your ancestors are standing guard,
    telling you to manifest your wildest dreams, they will safeguard
    jump into the deep end the universe is your lifeguard
    sending you messages in your dreams like postcards

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I enjoyed your poem. You dropped a lot of messages in your moving words. Doing things that are to our heart will feed us as well as our favorite foods.

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    • I love the rhythm and the rhyme scheme! The central idea is powerful and i really resonate with it. You opened and ended with motifs of communication. Well done!

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  • Peace

    Fendi and Gucci are idolized
    remaining sane is ostracized
    when you stand up against the man, you will be demoralized
    my pain runs deep like it’s crystallized
    I can’t even front I became hypnotized
    I can’t run forever, shit, I’ve already been traumatized
    I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize
    my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise
    it is in this time I came to analyze, and visualize my next sacrifice
    I plan to live forever in this paradise

    Crystal Hockless

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    • I really love the message behind your poem. You’re so right; we idolize things that lack importance and judge each other for the things that should matter, like standing up for what’s right. It’s beautiful to see that you’ve prioritized the sunrise and you’re starting to see life from beyond the lens we’re given 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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    • I love this piece. Each line so thoughtful and so powerful. “my life changed when I prioritized the beautiful sunrise.” This sentiment is so powerful and such good advice for all people trying to find peace in their lives or even peace in the moment. I also thought this line was very creative:
      “I’m in therapy, like bankruptcy to reorganize” It r…read more

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  • My Wrist Watch Hands Point to Peace

    I invented a new season for life because I got tired of the winter spring summer fall pattern
    My paisley doesn’t like to conform to the depression of polka dots only on the pocket square and not the entire outfit
    Where’s the art in the plain white t?
    I see the aesthetic, but I want the screaming art to argue with my calm voice
    It’s the beauty in the pain that you can’t see until the scars have enough time to grow wings
    I used to feel most at peace listening to music on my bed as a haunting sleep would close my eyes
    I used to feel most at peace under the dim lights of cinema pumping hope into my veins where I had blood run free
    I used to feel most at peace on the solidarity of solo ventures between the court and I
    It would hum deathly echoes like lullaby’s to my heart
    This trinity became my medical addiction as pride got in the way of God
    Then over the years my coffee finally became cold, and I missed the warmth of summer
    I could smell my own toxicity deeply rooted and swallowing my faith
    So, I questioned myself through the tears, I marked the points of pain with my pen, and dug up the weeds I planted and reaped
    This time I will sow truth within the uncomfortable moments
    Because in this season until forever I’m most at peace on the grounds of the earthquake
    Knowing that I can’t move forward unless I shake things up
    Staying in a comfortable pattern only leads to a broken record repeating the line you hate to hear
    You are meant to break records
    p.s. peace is born in the growth of pain…


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    • You are absolutely right! We look for peace in the calm parts of life, but really peace is everywhere, especially in growth. I love the creativity in your words for example when you said, “I invented a new season for life” or “I could smell my own toxicity deeply rooted.” Your mind is clearly incredibly creative and I am so glad I had the honor of…read more

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      • Thank you for your kind words, I’m so thankful you enjoyed this piece. I hope you find yourself being more uncomfortable like the poem in order to grow!

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    • “Staying in a comfortable pattern only leads to a broken record repeating the line you hate to hear“ can we share this to the world! The stagnant waters where people’s remains remain.

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      • Yes, totally more self-reflection and challenging ourselves in order to see a better world from the better version of us, is where it starts. Thank you for sharing your time with this piece

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  • Your Age Shouldn't Worry

    I’m currently 13 and the only thing that makes sense is sadness
    So, to cope I like to hear melodies caress my ears because I’m too damaged to hug myself
    Then I’ll let my pen tell stories of love and horror for the simple fact that I’m afraid to love myself away from depression
    I get the impression that an early death is the only way to escape to peace
    But I’m afraid so for the time being I’ll clean my room since I can’t find the energy to organize my life
    I just found an extra cassette tape in my music collection next to the pile of CD’s and Records
    Complementing the art hanging on the wall adjacent to my mood
    I think to myself: curiosity let’s have a conversation where you tell me all the secrets Victoria victories made me hate
    The tape starts with no words
    The opening scene let’s nature sing before the score interrupts
    Then some old guy starts speaking about life like he knows me, I’m in no mood for a lecture but I have time today
    After all I was just thinking about ending it all, how could this hurt more
    He says: There’s a wealth beyond financial peace within the things we blink past every 24 hours
    Try not to take for granted the natural order of life around you
    I know the stress will have you crying rivers on the inside that you never let water your cheeks
    But you need to face your fears, or the dam will explode
    You need to Yoga flex your way through the challenges less flexibility become a weakness
    Not your strength; muscles are for show, but the morality of your core can lift you past anything if you water your flowers of dread
    “Be like water my friend,” and if I’m being bru-tal-ly honest you lie to yourself too much
    Fright has kept you in third place longer than you should have been
    Unable to reach the heights you are meant for
    Remember the natural order of things, but know a long list keeps your further from progress than small steps of truth
    You’re 34 now and just entering your prime
    The next decade will be the soundtrack to the whole of your life
    The season from the age of 13-32 was just a small slice
    My teenage brain begins to become bored and 34 is forever away
    And right before I was about to stop the tape he said something that made me think, maybe he knows a little something:
    “You are the most coveted rose”… you see I love the floral print of life
    And this statement was the first time outside of my parents that I felt worthy
    He then went on to say
    You’re beautiful in full bloom but still walk like a sunflower with its head down
    It’s ok to be a lazy daisy sometimes but remember the sun never stops smiling and the moon never stops dreaming
    So, neither should you
    Your tulip words are meant to be heard by the world
    And one day they will, as sure as a daffodil
    Will blow it’s horn of victory past everything that has held you back
    Just keep fighting and I promise you will win
    p.s. don’t be afraid to cry…


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    • The way you write from the perspectives of then and now shows how far you have come and how much you have grown. Thank you for sharing!

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    • “You’re beautiful in full bloom but still walk like a sunflower with its head down
      It’s ok to be a lazy daisy sometimes but remember the sun never stops smiling and the moon never stops dreaming
      So, neither should you.” This is a beautiful sentiment. I am so sorry you hurt so much as a child, and I want to give you the biggest hug. You are a ros…read more

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    • “I know the stress will have you crying rivers on the inside that you never let water your cheeks
      But you need to face your fears, or the dam will explode“
      Wow!!! Have you written a book? You really should and let me know so I can buy!!! I finish mine 2023 and currently waiting for a miracle with the person I asked to write my foreword 😀

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      • I just released an eBOOK entitled Random Thoughts (which encompasses all of my favorite topics of poetry I like to address, along with a few that don’t come up as much). If you’re interested, I can send you the link…once again thank you for sharing this moment with myself and poetry!

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      • Claps for the author, get those books out to the world!

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    Writers Block

    The Tortured Poets Department has a writer’s division that has to approve every poem before it goes out
    And my mind is tired of being held hostage
    A loose-leaf definition of writer’s block was once defined by the utter of: I don’t feel like writing, this isn’t good enough, my hand only works for the remote today
    Then she interrupts my train of thought to ask: why have you never wrote a poem about me
    It’s not that I haven’t
    There are 100s getting as comfortable as you can be in the waste basket
    The last poem I Kobe shot, Melo made, and Curry posed to the trash can started like this:
    An eye lash is trying to make your cheek more than just a Sunday service sanctuary
    It wants a home
    I know you’d like me to remove it
    But who am I to destroy a home
    I can’t help but think how beautiful you look with that eye lash
    As it rests there like a pair of doves flirting on a branch not far away from me
    What are you starring at, she exclaims
    Oh, nothing I reply, today I’ll let the eye lash remain
    Your rosy cheeks, kissed by my dead rose petal lips
    Reminding you of the time we went camping and you hated that you smelled the outside
    You hated that you smelled like outside
    And I kept teasing you but hiking, visualizing, and tenting next to nature is maybe the closest thing to
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your beautiful
    Falling asleep to your gorgeous
    Ugh, I can never find the right words to describe a tenth of your gorgeous
    And it makes me want to drop dead out of frustration
    Because the writers need to feel exactly what I do when they read:
    Holding her hand is to get a glimpse of forever before I die
    Holding her makes my heart resemble the flight of a butterfly
    Holding her hand is to hold my battles in the palm of my hand and make them cry
    The writers consist of a delicious various assortment of personality; often referred to as me, myself, and I
    Every time I get ready to seal this poem to you the writer’s block me from letting you receive it
    p.s. I haven’t learned to love myself enough to love you…


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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 months, 1 weeks ago

    The Last Breath of the Flame

    The clock, the watch, the phone all have eyes that watch from the view of 2 AM untamed
    Heart rates jumping like the heat of the flame
    Me plus You is a movie, what is the name
    Our love doesn’t fit in the frame
    So, cameras get jealous of the panorama pane
    Real love never goes without pain that can be immense
    So, if you’re hurt let patience play offense
    Slow dancing with your memories is a nostalgic essence
    Sweat dancing with the burning scent
    Wick burning with confidence
    Mirroring our silhouette, naked thoughts present tense
    My hands without your curves, a death sentence
    Each kiss turns a page of my sixth sense
    I don’t need a third eye to see your imperfect contents
    Table this: beauty is born from cracks so use the hurt as accents
    She is priceless so keep your two cents
    Temptation is off limits but I climbed the fence
    The candle falls asleep to our aroma, hence
    The flame goes out, conclusion love making after an argument
    Sweet dreams enter in the tango of sheets, legs, hearts, rest swiftly to the comfort of her name
    My heart is tied to yours, no more games
    I’ve played tug of war and came out lame
    No more burns unless it’s from the candle tamed
    p.s. this is what it feels like when peace kisses love…


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