

  • Zoned out

    Think outside not in,
    Don’t worry it’s not a sin.
    Make it a point to explore,
    You’ll want nothing more than to endure
    The scene will make you wary, and it might seem scary.
    Push on and see what makes me, me
    It’s the only way to learn how to discern,
    And know your limit of concern.
    Your in the zone and now your on your own.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Hi, Danielle. I really liked your poem. It was very heartfelt. Thanks for sending me a friend request. I appreciate it. I’m not on any like social media platforms, but if you ever want to talk, please email me at info@tracinealspeakerpoet.com
      I mean it. I’m concerned about you with some of the post you wrote. Again, don’t hesitate to email me. No…read more

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      • Thank you very much for your concern and reaching out I didn’t mean to worry anybody I just use writing as a form to get everything deep inside out thanks for accepting my friend request! And I will thank you again Traci!I appreciate you

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        • My apologies for the late response. I respond to my emails more because I have a busy schedule, that’s why I told you if you ever need to talk please reach out that way. I monitor my email a lot more. I am glad you are well and writing is your outlet. I pray you continue to feel free to share your heart and never hesitate to ask for help when you…read more

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    • Danielle! I love this poem. Short but sweet. Very direct but impactful and inspiring. I absolutely love it. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 8 months, 4 weeks ago

    Mental aesthetics

    It never occurred to me that I was considered mentally ill or sick I never thought of myself like that I guess I am I’ve come to terms with that It’s a hard pill to swallow literally taking them everyday to feel normal feel like my life has been taken away from me. It’s like living in someone else’s shoes It’s not really you until it really is I have bipolar disorder and anxiety as well as depression just imagine how many pills it takes six for me a day I feel like my life is not mine anymore there’s a pill to keep you happy there’s a pill to calm me down there’s a pill to put you to sleep there’s a pill to wake you up in the morning It’s like you’re living by someone else’s standards I hate it I struggle with it everyday I don’t tell people I’m sick because it’s embarrassing I know what they think of me It’s like I have a disease but it’s like the diseases made up to people because mental issues are not seen as a “real”problem unless you could physically see it it’s a cop out it’s a crutch some people say.
    If I could only make these feelings and this hurt gone I would. I hate feeling like this I hate feeling caged in with nowhere to run No one to talk to who understands, sometimes it’s hard to put it in words sometimes I wish I could telepathically communicate my feelings to people without having to say or find the words.


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  • Time carries on when we don't

    I wanted to write an introduction to this piece because this is not about one, it’s about a few of my family members that have passed.

    To the lost and the lonely:
    When I think of you I think of all of the obstacles that you’ve overcome in Your short life and the inspiration and sadness you left behind. Every one of you have inspired me whether it be suicide or a drug overdose I wonder, You checked out early. the Saddened reality of life starts to wash over your emotions, comes in slowly but fiercely Your conscience tells you no, but your mental state overpowers, give me one good reason why I had to stay here when you all took the easy way out and were able to let yourself be free finally. It’s not an honor to live anymore, You are honored in death they’ll whisper at your funeral, “how could she do that to her own children” “why didn’t anybody say anything”The blame, the grief, the sadness, the regret what could have been and what actually was.
    Did it feel freeing at the bridge where you decided to take the inevitable dive? Did all your memories come flashing before your eyes like they say? Or was it just a jump into nice cold water letting go of everything you couldn’t stop?
    Did you choke on all the pills that you took? were you able to feel any remorse before it took you over? did you think about your family before the inevitable? were you able to realize what you You couldn’t before? did you feel safe? were you cold?
    Did you ever think that someone would be writing this about you thinking about you wondering you’re feelings maybe you thought no one wondered before I can only imagine what courage it took for you to take the final jump or injest the last pill that did you in. Do you feel the same about things now that you’ve passed do you have any regrets where do you think this was the best thing for you. Sometimes I contemplate doing the same but suicide and overdoses are made for people who are scared to face their problems maybe I am afraid Would anybody stop me? Would anybody care? Or would people just say they already knew that this was going to happen to me, because of the turmoil I grew up with Time does carry on when we don’t I guess it’s stronger than us It’s the only thing that keeps going when everything else stops.


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    • Danielle, your raw and thoughtful words paint a powerful picture of the struggles faced by those we have lost. The weight of their choices and the lingering questions they leave behind are heavy on your heart. Your contemplation reminds me of the importance of empathy and understanding.

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  • db-cooper shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 9 months ago

    A lack of confrontation

    I’m all alone walking and I’m stoned feel the night rise behind my back I’ve got a flashlight but it’s still black
    I think it’s lack of comprehension but I’m not sure there’s no simple way that I can cure the tension
    Intervention, still alone hanging by a thread on the edge of the world
    Oh, did I forget to mention
    My dear you’ve gone to far
    It was a slight intention by
    Regression, back to basics
    Stay to listen to my submission
    While I revise my inclination.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, this is well-written and powerful. But you are never alone. You always have your unsealed family, and I am sure you also have many friends. Keep writing <3 Lauren

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    So it’s the mid-90s and you think you’re the coolest shit in your school, You’ve got a lot to learn. your young you still have a chance to do it the right way. don’t pay any mind to anyone whose negative and can’t see the good in you. You are a composer a director of you own fate. It’s crazy one minute your 5 eating dirt drinking Kool aid and getting your ass beat by a belt god knows why… Then your 13, relationships and emotions take hold. And you can’t remember if you a boy or a girl.
    These are confusing times that you will always remember.
    16 comes and you think your all that, you suddenly become all knowing, your to busy to pay attention and you’ve got better things to do. it all will make sense later.
    If your lucky you might just remember some stupid advice that someone might have said to you when you were stubborn and thought the world owed you something.
    When you have children the most important thing to remember is that you were a teenager once too.

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle, being a teenager is soo confusing for so many of us. So, I totally relate to you there. Live moves so fast, and you are right. It is so important we never forget who we were at different points of our lives. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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    • Danielle, I apologize for any trauma you felt during your teenage years. You shined so bright through it all and that is so so commendable and brave. Being confused as a teenager is completely allowed. Being confused as an adult is completely allowed. Life is hard to be gentle with yourself, then now and always! Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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  • Oh you pretty little thing

    Used and abused, but I still love you.
    Tattered and torn, but still going strong.
    Beaten and whipped, but still a little human.
    Im sorry didn’t pay attention to you and your will to keep on. sorry I didn’t take better care of you
    Now age sets in , paper mache skin wrapped around brittle bones, like a flag to a pole with out the glory.
    No more curves no more flow
    Sinking into the earth where I belong
    Where I was made, where I feel safe

    Danielle Bettro

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    • Danielle this is well written. While I am glad you feel safe, you should still feel proud of your body. Sounds like your body is quite strong and perseverant! And that’s something to love and cherish, even if, at times, you weren’t always kind to your body. Sending love. Thanks for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • Dear Danielle,
      It is never too late to change the trajectory of your life. You can now live a more healthy life and that will make you strong physically and mentally. I wish you all the best!


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