  • laurhirs526 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Write a letter or poem to your BodyWrite a letter or poem to your Body 9 months, 3 weeks ago

    The Body that Holds Me

    Dear Body,

    I never know how to start letters.
    I’d ask how you’re doing, but I’m happy to say I think I’ve finally a pretty good grasp on finding the answer to that.
    For years I ignored your requests and even demands.
    Thought you were too much and needed to be less.
    Thought not eating would impress.
    Tried to squeeze you into boxes you weren’t meant to fit in.
    Tried to make you appealing to everyone but the one who was in your skin.

    I can’t say exactly when the shift happened, or what changed my mind.
    I think it was gradual, more like dawn than a light switch.
    A slow burn of self love growing brighter as I worried less about the size of the stitches that made up my clothes and more about the person who filled them.

    Instead of running from the mirror, I paused to Really look into it.
    To sit and stare at the human within, and not shy away from certain parts.
    To relish in the rolls, feeling each one with gratitude for how my body reminds me that I deserve all the space I take up.
    To lounge with the looser parts of my skin and not feel the need to suck it all in.
    To soak in the stretch marks and the story they tell of how I will not be contained.
    To find each freckle and blemish and scar, to let them remind me of how I’ve come so far.

    I’m sorry for the ways I have misused and abused you.
    I’m sorry for the times I put you in a position to let others do that, too.
    I’m sorry for how I starved you, even when you growled with hunger.
    I’m sorry for how I then turned around and smothered you with food, while you silently pleaded for me to find balance.
    I’m sorry for how often I told you that you weren’t enough.
    I’m sorry that I truly believed you would never be loved.

    You have taught me to choose you.
    You are the only body I have, and I am grateful that it’s you.
    You have led me through challenges and adventures that I thought people like me couldn’t get through.
    You have opened my eyes to the fact that I am more than what other people view.
    You have endured hatred and vitriol and strife,
    And still,
    You have held me more than any other person in my life.

    Thank you.

    Lauran Hirschi

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    • Omg Lauran, This is incredible. Your last line is like a mic drop – just wow! You (and your body) have been through a lot together, but through it all, you have come to realize how strong you both are, and together you are unstoppable. You are beautiful but even more than that your power, attitude, and mindset make you UNSTOPPABLE. And any time you feel like you’re losing your way, read this poem over, especially the last paragraph. You got this. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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