

  • Yes, you were always OK, no matter what you went through, because you always knew you had that one someone who would cater to you, give you love and support you no matter what, so no one else really mattered. The secret to your strength, love it. Your mother should always be your greatest supporter, your comforter, your go to, your crying partner and you had that. Greatest love, other than God!

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  • That’s beautiful, and I’m too glad you found someone who has been with you for many years now for encouragement, as well as being a true friend. Yes, she pushed you helping to reach your potential, a true friend, but you did it, and always remember that. Help and someone pushing you is great, but ultimately it’s your decision to reach your goal and go as far as you want. Yes, it’s great to have an advocate in your life, someone you can always turn to. Good for you!

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  • Beautiful, and I knew exactly which Jane was speaking of, as well as her famous Father. She was one of my most famous stars growing up. I used to copy some of her exercise videos. I loved this woman. She was also a model at the age she wanted and it’s what I’m doing right now, at the age of 66. I didn’t know enough about her to know when she lost her mother, but I knew enough about her to love watching her on television/movies.

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  • This is wonderful and very nice of you to place Bernie Mac as one of your inspirational people. That he was. He touched so many lives with his comedy, as well as mine. Just to laugh out loud when things are going on in your life that may not be good at the time, is something some just don’t get, but I did and do. No he never censored his words/statements but that’s OK, he just spoke the truth and it really wasn’t for kids or anyone who can’t deal. He made a mark in this world, a mark many will never be able to copy. He will definitely be missed.

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    • Thank you, Karen. He did touch a lot of lives with his comedy and big heart. It feels great to laugh to get away from the stresses of this world. He spoke a lot of truth in his comedy, I agree with you on that. He definitely didn’t censor his words. Lol. That’s one of the things I admired about him. He is missed.

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  • This is precious, too cute and I’m so glad you have stuck together. Yes, he was stuck on you from the beginning. always wanting to be at your side and as you stated, have been since. I too love dogs and I love how they’re so loyal to you, so much better than our counterparts. I had a few dogs as I was growing up, but I don’t have one right now, but have access to my grandkids dog, whom they call Winter. He loves when it’s cold out, and loves to lie in front of a fan or on a cold floor. He’s part of a Siberian Husky. I have so much fun with him when I go to visit them. He knows when my car pulls up and I can see his little face in the front door glass when I pull up. When their door opens, he is ready to run around the house with me running after him; which is now getting harder, because I’m getting older. I love him so much. I even bring treats when I come to visit and he looks for them. I’m so glad you have your precious by your side all the time, even when/if no one else is.

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  • My, My, I know too well how you feel and I’m sorry for you. I was raised in a large family, where we got together every single holiday at our mom’s house. People who lived alone on my mom’s street, thought she was so lucky to have many friends but none of her visitors were friends of hers, they were her own children with their children and it carried on for many years, until it happened. For years our mom and father divorced, and we hung out more with our mom and a lot of the time, our father would come over to visit along with us. We first lost our father in 2005, but we kept up the visits at our mom’s house until she became ill with Alzheimer’s and she could no longer cook for us. That’s when some of the family didn’t come around too often and that’s when the siblings began to separate from each other and only a few would come around. We finally lost our mom in 2016, and to this day, I haven’t even seen some of my family members. You would think we would keep tradition alive for our parents, but it didn’t happen and it’s totally sad. It’s like since the parents are gone, we no longer have to see each other or hang together any longer. So I definitely know how you feel about the fun get togethers, they were the best of times.

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  • Awwwwww, so sweet and I know some of how you feel. I love dogs so much, even after being bitten by one years ago, I still love them. I don’t own one right now, but that’s OK, I still have access to one, my grandkids dog, they call him Winter, because he loves when it’s cold out, love to lie in front of a fan or on a cold floor. He’s part of a Serbian Husky. I love all the fun I have with him when I visit. He even knows when my car pulls up and meets me at the front door, ready to run around the house with me running after him; which is now getting harder, because I’m getting older. He never want to stop running, but I have to. I love him so much. I eve bring treats when I come to visit and he looks for them. I’m so glad you have your babies with you for comfort and true love.

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  • This is beautiful, and this is something I’ve stated over and over in my personal story, as well as just passing the message to others. I’m a two-time cancer survivor and anyone who has gone through such an ordeal knows how hard it is to deal with. The most hardest thing ever, but even with that, I feel that you should enjoy your life even more than. As much as you can or ever had. Don’t allow it to stop you from such. During both of my cancer diagnosed, I never allowed it to stop me from doing anything. People thought that I was in denial. Some didn’t think I was truly going through cancer. What made me continue to stay busy, laughed a lot and enjoy myself was my grandkids, I have two of them, and both was born during the time I was going through both cancer and that gave me more to live for, and I did.

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  • Good for you, seeing others writing and expressing their feelings is a great resource and comfort area to share how you’re feeling. I’m glad you’re seeking to become your ideal self, but as I stated to another, don’t allow your illness/disease stop you from doing “anything” you want to do, unless it interferes and causes your illness to worsen. There’s nothing a person with a disease/illness can’t do what others can, except at times with some limitations, but it can be done. But before even thinking of reaching your ideal self, you need to remember one thing and that is, you’re already there without ever doing anything. You are already a Unique person, you were born Unique. We’re all different in our own personal way, so stand out by just being yourself, not what you think others think as ideal. The illness you have is no fault of your own, it just attached itself to you. Everyone have something attached to them that they don’t want, but most are hiding theirs. We (you) have illnesses that even if others can’t see, it will bother us here and there, where others may find out about it, but it still doesn’t make you any less or different than anyone else. There’s so many other worst off. Be who you are and take your disease and deal with it, but don’t allow it to stop you from reaching your highest. Reach for the moon if you want to, no matter how high, it’s yours for the taking. Live your life to the fullest. Reach and be exactly who you want to be.

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  • I love your question and how you put it all into words, but I don’t think you should call it “that thing”, your disease. That thing is part of you now, it’s something that has attached itself to you by no fault of your own and it’s nothing to be ashamed of, not saying you are. There’s diseases which are called “invisible disabilities” and that’s part of me. No one really knows all of my mishaps (and I have a lot), unless I tell them. I’ve had cancer twice and most had no idea I was going through it. Both cancer left me with many complications, and other related illnesses that came along later, but I don’t allow any of it stop me from doing what I want to do. And me, I don’t care if people see me as “that person”. Yes, I wish I didn’t have any of my illnesses, but I do and I can’t make any them go away. Be you, be proud of who you are with your disease, which makes you unique and your uniqueness is what makes stand out from everyone else. I can tell you are a very lovely person. I don’t know much about illness, but it may be here for the rest of your life, so just go with it, Live!.

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    • Thank you, Karen!

      Yes, every single day I’m getting closer and closer to figuring what ABILITIES stem from my DISability

      “Sometimes we can’t explain why that one “leaf” is drooping, but we can figure out the root of cause and water the plant to new life!”

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      • I love it, watering that plant to a New Life. Thank you for responding to my statement and as you’ve stated, every single day you (we’re) getting closer to figuring out all of our abilities through our disabilities. There’s so much we can conquer when we put our minds to it, just as anyone else. Blessing to your future!

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        • You’re so Welcome! And as you’ve stated, disabilities and all, there’s so much we can accomplish and not allow anything to stop us, just like anyone one else. Once we get started, there’s no stopping.

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  • Great message, and I’ll take it form your last statement. I feel that you can still respect someone who doesn’t agree with you, because that’s their right. You have to respect a person who can think for themselves and don’t agree with everything someone states. You have your right to how you feel about something and another have their right. You don’t have to be best firemns or hang together, family or not, you can respect them of their own particular right. And going with your Gut is being strong, being you and standing up for your rights. You get that Gut feeling, go with it, every time if you want to. Not saying your Gut will always be correct one, but it was yours to take, or not. When I was younger, my parents use to always say, follow your first mind, which means follow that first Gut feeling, because most time is is the correct decision.

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  • Awwwwww, that’s so sweet of you to take out the time to wish everyone a Happy day. Easter is definitely one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy it a lot, because I have grandkids. When I was younger, we barely celebrated Easter, because we didn’t have much growing up in a very large family, where the girls/sisters had to wear hand-me down dresses and we didn’t get Easter baskets. Our parents would hide some eggs for us. Now for me, each year I’ve purchased my grandkids Easter baskets. I would tell my daughter not to purchase one, because that’s grandma thing to do and I enjoy it. Again, Thanks!

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    • Karen, I’m glad you are able to give what you did not have the opportunity to receive to your grandchildren! I am sure they are so happy to be able to celebrate with you!

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  • That’s great and Good for you. Anything we can do to relax and take time out for our mental health is something we all need to do. Relax, unwind and gather all that was done in the day, and or the week and reflect back on possible mistakes and/or the great things you’ve done and take it all in. Think if there’s anything you may need to do over and/correct. Otherwise, just relax and take time ot for yourself. I love by the end of the day, I cuddle up in bed to watch a movie, mostly scary. Beside spending time with my grandkids, taking time to watch movies all night is the peak of my day. No matter what’s going on in my life (good or bad), at the end of the day I get to rewind, relax, be alone for some peace time in my bed watching other peoples lives within a movie. Whether it’s based on real life or not. As you said, anything to relief stress.

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    • Power Wash Simulator is one of the best video games out there. It has the right mix of fun factor and challenge, which is crucial toward a video game’s success on the market. The producers had no idea that the game would be a hit.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Current Events 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    Great words to ponder. We must shine a light on all that we do going forward. Embrace the good things you do, and learn form the wrong or mistaken things you go through.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Magical Moments 11 months, 4 weeks ago

    This is beautiful, what a brother. As he stated, he thought you can do it, and that’s how much he believed in you, even though he didn’t truly know how far you will get with it, he still thought you could do it. and you did. I have many brothers and sister, and I can say out of all, only 1-2 may support you, but most won’t support you in your endeavors, because we’re no longer close to each other, and most are jealous of your accomplishment and will never praise you or acknowledge it. You’re blessed to have a brother who totally believed in you, as well as and encouraged you to do your thang.

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  • Thank you, and that is so true. It’s good to smile at times, but when a person seem to smile all the time, to me that’s not normal, because everything isn’t worth a smile. It seems as if they’re hiding something when they smile all the time. Babies smile a lot when you’re playing with them, some smile just looking into your face, but everyone knows they don’t smile all the time. Lots of things are going to keep them from smiling. No don’t doubt that Twitch was a great person, possibly a great father and husband, but sometimes smiles are made for hidden agendas.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Poetry 12 months ago

    Beautiful, and you are loved and I’m hoping you know this and if not, please know that you are loved. This is a beautiful poem, and I’m hoping it’s just that, not a feeling you’re truly having, because you may feel that you’re not loved, but someone, somewhere loves you and maybe they haven’t told you such recently. All these wants that you’re mentioning, will happen one day. You will be the sun in someone’s eye, you will be the moon in someone’s light, the apple of someone’s eyes. You are and will always be loved and if you don’t believe that, know that Jesus loves you!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Poetry 12 months ago

    That’s so beautiful, even though St. Patrick day has passed, I wish I had read it then, but hopefully the luck travels past that day. I want to also send some back to you, and that’s :may the sunshine shines upon you, where the light comforts you as well. And I past this inspiration, while holding the clover very near, to and with all my love ones, wherever they may be. I thank you for your three leaf clover Blessing. God Bless!

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Poetry 12 months ago

    I love this, especially the statement, Inspire them to be better than before. Pray for the ones who persecute you, they need it more than you. As you said, never lose Hope for betterment. Be strong when others attack. Truly, their hearts more than likely, need to be mended possibly more than yours.

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    • Hi,
      As an educator and mother, I noticed that connections with children is a must for understanding and to be able to provide help where needed. Those who hate have missed out on it and need our support to overcome their troubles.

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  • Karen Rice responded to a letter in topic Poetry 12 months ago

    Awwww, that’s nice, it really is. Very nice of you to invite us into your monthly ritual, it gives Hope. If only we would write a poem or statement each month to ourselves, bringing in a new month with new goals and opportunities. We can all use a boost each month, hour, day and/or year. Thanks for inspiring me.

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