

  • The Twenty-Second Chapter Of My Life

    Hello world, I know you are probably wondering how’s life, what’s going on, what has been happening to me. We are beauty, We are one with ourselves without a doubt. Let’s begin to be in a world surrounded with true loving inspirational humans. To go through this chapter with no regret. I’m living life as time goes by with ambition, and conquering fears. I can be myself with no judgement. No fear or care of judgement from strangers who mean so little. I stand up for myself not so timid. Eighteen year old me was not ready for who i am today. I’m a published author now who knew that would be happen, I accomplished I’m very gratefully eccentric . I love myself finally after 22 years of not. I sang karaoke with the love of my life in front of an audience. I was confident I’m proud of that. I’m joyful, in love, and all i see are the beauty of everything around me. I met the most beautiful woman I’m spending the rest of my life with, She’s my always and forever & I couldn’t ask for anyone better than her. She’s my person, whom i can be vulnerable with always. To Mi Amor, the New job, The New opportunities , The New Special Memories I adore you. I’m looking forward to chapter 23!!! As we continue the journey, we now embrace life no longer dread it. I feel it, the wind from the trees everything so beautiful from the rustle of leaves, feel the ground beneath my fee ,the clouds moving slowly but surely, the stars shining brighter than ever before, to finally just get in touch with mother nature herself has truly been Exceptional. Who i am today & Who i was before i see the change ,the growth just to make it here. I know now that all the struggle & obstacles I’ve been through had to happen for me to be the beautiful, strong intelligent woman i am now & now i know that i have always been strong, I just couldn’t see the strength in me till now & for that i smile at this twenty-second chapter of my life.

    Vision. W

    Voting starts July 1, 2024 12:00am

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  • DInSTANT Comfort


    While it seemed as if the world was falling apart, In 2020, the deepest parts of myself were drastically coming together.

    Strikingly, my spiritual reawakening shifted the entire trajectory of my perspective, including everything else that slowly led to this rare occurrence.

    All within that same year, I had an epiphany that came to pass nearly a year later… When a close friend of mine had just moved to Texas, somehow I intuitively felt that I was soon going to as well. Although, I had never been there or even thought about it prior.

    To some degree, it was beautiful to share this news with close relatives about all that I was experiencing spiritually and planning to do.

    That still came with some disheartening moments and conversations. No one else fully understood or related to me and I had to accept that they may never will.


    In 2021, The opportunity finally presented itself. I was asked if I would like to move to Texas and take the leap of fate as my best friend’s roommate… and I did!

    With the expectation to do Real Estate, I had no clue what would unfold there. But, I moved from Michigan with only $1k saved for my road trip and received angel numbers reassuring me I would be assisted with everything else I needed. The divine used strangers, signs, and miracles from every angle.

    I had never driven a U-Haul before then. Ironically, there was a shortage going on at the time. I had to drive a 20″ truck, which was very intimidating!!! While prepping for the move there, my best friend offered to fly in to drive with me towards my new destination.

    It was one of the BEST things I could have EVER done. It has created literal direction and purpose (for each area of my life).

    I was able to dive deeper into my healing journey. All while closely reevaluating my life and where I truly desired to, which seemed to have been a challenging journey before and throughout arriving there.


    After living in Texas for almost two years, I am forever grateful for all of my learning experiences there. It felt like some sacred spiritual retreat for both of us to be present and within our freedom. I loved it! It has helped shape me while experiencing the purest joy, even during occasional harsh storms of other emotions.

    I’ve had to make peace with the sacrifices I have made throughout this path… Letting go of old friends, distancing from toxic family members, being willing to be somewhat isolated for deeper introspection, and going to lengths without a set income, to name a few.

    Throughout my life, I haven’t felt as connected to seeing anything regarding purpose within jobs, schooling, and other things.

    However, I undeniably committed to follow through. It’s been nothing short of a blessing to receive the exchange of what’s on the other side of it… Unlimited possibility.

    Many things in life come at the cost of facing many truths, changes and growing while in some uncomfortable moments.

    Although I am unchanged at the core, I’ve grown so much as a being! This happens to be a lifelong journey I am willing to go the distance to explore.

    Valencia B.

    Voting starts June 17, 2024 12:00am

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  • The Second Turn Around

    I started taking up Ballet when I was about six years old. Despite how fleeting it was, I can still vividly recall being in school changing into my pink leotard and shoes my mom had bought me. I also remember doing a few shape and hand-movement coordination that my class had done.

    Throughout most of my life, being around my family during gatherings would create space for me to dance and connect with my community while being hyped up by their cheering and smiling faces. Around my early-late adolescent years, I felt as if I was the life of the party around friends and others my age.

    I was up to date on all the latest moves and bold enough to share it during dance-offs. I often would imagine myself dancing in music videos. More specifically, dancing with one of my favorite performers as I would constantly watch and mirror every move of hers.

    I was no wallflower, which surprised others when they saw me move! However, at some point, all of the partying faded away. There were even no more family gatherings as we once had.

    That brings me to now seeing that roughly eight years later, I would be here seriously pursuing my passion as a dancer and sharing the gift to minister light into this world. I could feel deeply within my spirit that I would to some capacity.

    At 28 years old, last year in 2023, I recall being out for a meditative walk. I was a bit frustrated with where I was while living with family and not being off yet to where I initially planned to be (moving to California).

    However, during that very walk, I felt intuitively led toward a Christian Center right around the corner. Everything within my spirit and surroundings allured me (the birds loudly calling in the dead of winter near the location).

    The next day was a Sunday. I attended service and a few more after that. By surprise, one day I was able to see them live on stage. I was then in awe to learn that their creative arts department had a dance team.

    For a brief moment, I had let fear get the best of me by telling myself “I’ll join in somewhere else here… I’ll join the poetry small group”. Undeniably, dance is a part of what makes me passionate about the flow of music and the freedom to move.

    On the contrary, my previous encounter with stepping into this space did not go well!!! I was in my second semester at Western Michigan University when I had taken contemporary dance and music exploration as electives that I was excited to take.

    Unfortunately, depression (which I thought would subside after winter break) was staring at me right in the face. Showing up for classes was a struggle to keep up on my main courses, let alone electives. While I was sitting in my dorm room contemplating what I would do. I had decided to drop dance.

    I felt so embarrassed on my last day being there. While gliding across the floor in groups, my focus had my mind and body moving opposite from the crowd, causing me to stand out like a sore thumb.

    Now, I’ve come to realize the question “If you had a second chance at this, to do anything, would you take it?” I said YES to taking a real chance this time around! I asked whomever I could to inquire about joining their CAD Department. Eventually, I was sitting in on my 1st official practice.

    My 1st audition for a part felt like a stretch emotionally. I felt my spirit needing to fully “break out.” However, I still felt some resistance and energy to work through.

    I was selected for the part as my potential was louder than the resistance.
    Ironically, being back to living with relatives longer than I had planned had become where I have been planted to grow, be challenged to reach, and develop!!!

    One year later, at age 29, I am still dancing and developing with my team at Love Life in every way. I now understand the love and support the universe has in store for me this time. It carries me while living out my fullest potential! Also, there are people who genuinely hold me accountable with the honesty and nurturing criticism needed.

    I’ve danced quite a few collaborative solos. I even helped to choreograph a number as well. It seems that some callings somehow seem to call back when a time is more convenient. As for me, it’s a dial of grace called destiny.

    Valencia B.

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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    • Valencia, I am so happy for you and proud of you for keeping your heart and mind open as far as dance, and you found that second chance you so deserve. And more importantly. you are making the most of that second change. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 lauren

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  • Candi Carroll shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 2 months ago

    Losing a Child

    I had thought that I had been through fire, but last year showed me different. On February 2nd of 2023, I received a phone call as I was on my way to the doctor to prepare for back surgery. My son’s boss called to inform me that he had been in an accident and was unresponsive. I canceled my appointment and rushes a little over an hour to where they took him. Little did I know that I was driving up on the accident as it was being cleaned up. I drove by his truck being towed off with nothing left of his truck. The semi that hit him had damage but not as much, and they survived. Falling apart driving to the hospital, and when I arrived the doctor sat us down in the family room to tell us how bad it was. He had six head fractures to his face and skull. He had broken rib that punctured his lung, broken arm that the bone came through the skin and unresponsive until the day he died. I spent 10 days by his side praying and crying, spending it mostly alone because my family had to work and watch my other kids. I refused to leave him. On the 9th, we were informed that he was brain dead and they couldn’t do anything else. They were sorry but we had to talk about letting him go. On the 10th, I came home long enough before anyone else told my kids, that I had to let their brother go the next day. I had to chase them down the highway and my oldest daughter had just found out she was pregnant. When I got back to the house, I fell to the ground and balled my eyes out. My kids had to pick me up and take me inside. When I calmed down and they calmed down, I returned to the hospital to spend one more night before taking him off the machine. On the 11th, at 10:15am they unplugged him, there was no heartbeat, no breath taken, nothing but silence and crying. No pain will ever beat the pain that I felt in those ten days. I struggle everyday fighting depression missing him. It is so hard to bare. Everyday, I have questions that no one can answer about the accident. I just pray that one day maybe the guy who received his heart, will one day let me hear it. I pray for anyone who has to deal with this pain. He was able to help 6 people with his organs that weren’t damaged. I am so proud of him and he is my hero. I miss him so much.

    Candi Carroll

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    • Candi, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son and the pain you have endured. Your strength and love for him are evident in your words. I hope that you find peace in knowing that he was able to help others through organ donation. May his memory bring you comfort and may you find the support you need to navigate through your grief.

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      • Thank you so much. I’m doing my best. I wrote my first book for my kids and my second one is struggling with his loss. I hope to be done with it this year.

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  • Missing My Angel

    As your mom, I birthed you
    And held you in my arms,
    I cuddled you as I tried
    Shielding you from harm.
    Though many years I have missed
    Wishing I could go back,
    Even though I did not see you
    My love for you did not lack.
    A few years ago, when I met you
    Was the best day of my life,
    That filled a missing piece as
    My life started to feel right.
    The day of your accident
    We never left your side
    Through the tears and prayers
    We were hoping you were all right.
    The day we had to say goodbye
    Definitely shattered us all,
    When I got home to the kids
    All I could do was fall.
    It’s not the same without you
    For this is extremely hard for me,
    I did not get enough time
    Before you had to leave.

    Candi Carroll

    Voting is open!

    Voting ends June 17, 2024 11:59pm

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  • The Guilty Pleasures of Womanhood

    I wish I could wake up in the morning
    To a house that’s prepped and made
    No dishes or mess to clean up
    The laundry is folded and put away

    I wish that I was understood
    That my efforts were noticed
    And in return the context clues I love to scatter
    Get swept up by loved ones
    Offering to return the favor

    I wish that I could walk the streets late at night
    No mace or pepper spray in my line of sight
    My keys are meant to unlock my door
    Not clenched between my knuckles
    Waiting to be bore

    I wish that I could shake the hands
    Of each passerby I encounter
    Grinning widely from cheek to cheek
    Exchanging pleasantries and
    our hopes for the future
    Morals aligning and feeling at ease
    Knowing many people feel the same as me

    I wish I had one perfect day
    To rest and partake in hobbies
    No work to stress
    Just reading my favorite books in hotel lobbies
    I would sing and dance and play in the rain
    No anger left, no unresolved pain

    Because womanhood is often a burden
    That at times feels like a tyrant warden
    Patiently waiting until my time is served
    And knowing my aptitude is mildly absurd
    But I often hope for the little things
    Because to me they feel like extraordinary wins
    And when this mindless duty is fulfilled
    My perfect day will be without guilt

    Poetry Veguez-Chang

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    • this is wonderfully done! very clever to use the prompt to discuss the struggles of being a woman

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    • Your words resonate deeply, Vequez. Your wishes for a peaceful and carefree day, where burdens are lifted and joys are embraced, are shared by many. May your dreams of understanding, safety, and simple pleasures become a reality. Your vulnerability and hopefulness are truly inspiring. Keep holding onto those little moments of joy, for they bring…read more

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  • withinwords submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    To The One I Come Home To

    To the one I come home to
    Each and every time
    When it seems like no one else is there
    I find myself with you again

    I won’t pretend that my love is perfect
    I’ve abandoned, I’ve betrayed
    But you continue to accept my flaws
    And for this I love you so

    Because anyone can forget and move on
    But to forgive is the strongest power there is
    I find relief in your strength
    And comfort in your trust

    It’s funny the ways in which we accept only the love we think we deserve
    Although it would be so nice to write about the beauty of self love
    The truth is that the self can be hard to love
    And I’ll admit, I’m still trying to learn just how to

    It’s the external influence that surrounds you
    And having your voice silenced
    By those who are in a position to lead you
    That makes this love so hard sometimes

    It’s the generational trauma
    The demoralizing behavior passed down
    Through a world of dysregulation
    And incredible misguidance

    It’s true that love is learned
    In the early years of life
    But when no good examples exist
    How does one navigate with the heart?

    The young mind absorbs like a sponge
    The screaming, the fighting, and everything in between
    This is what becomes home
    So all my life, I’ve sought for chaos around every turn

    My favorite thing about you is that you learned how to love
    After being brought up in an environment deprived of it
    Either because your body needed it
    Or the world needed to see it

    Twenty seven years I’ve gotten to know you
    I’ve seen you flourish and fail
    I’ve seen laughter and tears
    The crazy thing about growth is it never ends

    So I’ll continue to learn just who you are
    And what you need in this reality
    To understand the depths of your heart
    I realize is a constant expression

    I love you for giving me space to cry
    The way the men in my life never would
    During times when my emotions needed to flow
    Like rain needs to fall

    I love you for staying with me while I tripped
    Over the ones who couldn’t see my worth
    I spent years trying to find “the one”
    When it was you the whole time

    I love you for being proud
    Even though the voices told you you weren’t good enough
    You found a way to break the cycle
    Of generational shame

    I love you for your curiosity
    The same curiosity I used to call stupid
    I’m sorry for calling you stupid
    When you were just trying to learn

    I love the way that you crave connection
    And the way that you find it
    To dive headfirst with nothing but a handful of vulnerability
    Is a hard thing to do in this world

    You explore far beyond your own skin
    A superficial life will not do
    Rather, you spin circles in the gravity of your own soul
    Searching far and wide for meaning untold

    I look forward to continuing this love
    You are my body, my soul, my everything in between
    You are the one I come home to
    And the one I call self

    Angela Tricomi

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    • Angela, I can definitely relate to this…especially this line: “having your voice silenced
      By those who are in a position to lead you
      That makes this love so hard sometimes.”
      Thank you so much for sharing your truth, allowing your voice to be heard, and 💓 to be felt.

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    • Angela, this piece is beautiful. I love this part “I spent years trying to find “the one”
      When it was you the whole time”

      I am sorry for the lack of love you felt as a childhood, but loving yourself is a superpower all on its own. You sound like an incredibly resilient and powerful woman. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our…read more

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  • vizo2123 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago

    To Finally Love Me

    Here we are
    22 years later
    We smile, show teeth
    The glow is upon our face
    In the mirror
    We no longer critique ourselves so negatively
    We see a perception of time that is you
    Recognizing Beauty
    To finally accept us
    You Love You
    This is the woman you’ve longed to become
    Our soul is at peace
    Subconsciously we can hear the joys of a no longer battle
    With our Competing Minds
    Within Loving me we feel alive
    You notice when you love you that you feel everything ten times better
    From The wind you hear ruffling through the trees
    To the stars you see at night shines brighter than ever before
    You laugh so effortlessly
    You let yourself be loved
    Inside you have this feeling of light
    Light that is not hiding behind the shadows of reject, loss of self respect
    No dim light in sight
    Opinions have no effect if negative, you take it like a grain of salt
    It’s okay if they leave, we let them
    & Leva ( Live)
    Our beauty, Our Love within continues to grow , to prosper
    A Muse a perception of me of true harmony
    Can you hear the angels singing?
    Our skin tinglingly
    Our hair growing
    Our crown showing
    Here lies me
    Coming out of the shadows
    Using voice of reason
    Understanding loving within & what it means to be loved
    A magnificent thing loving you is
    How it can make you hear the birds chirping around you
    The sun shining on you
    It’s a bliss
    A reality
    We are now
    Present &
    I Accept me
    I truly love me

    Vision. W

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    • Vision! This is beautiful!! I am so glad your soul is at peace and you are able to see, embrace, and appreciate all the wonderful things that make you, you. The sun is truly shining on you and you are an absolute gem. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • vbutler13 submitted a contest entry to Group logo of Why do you love yourself?Why do you love yourself? 3 months ago


    February 2, 2024


    To be honest, I haven’t seen myself like this before… Embodying who I really am at core.

    Valuing depth in connections… While being open for correction, my mind & heart is on one accord.

    I am emotionally secured, more matured and all of that for sure.

    Loving OUT LOUD, as my intentions are pure. “Lub- Dup” a sound that beats enough to end a war!

    Feeling through moving waters, as it balances my reflection against the sun’s glow.

    Unshakeable Ms. Mountain on a hill. Aware

    that resting here is not always comfortable as I’d hope for.

    Recently, I’ve discovered a string of things that tries to somehow still hold me back… so, I ask how deep does my layers lie? Is it really intact?

    Home, going within the house to unpack…Alarming? I must have forgotten the code being too tough of a shell to crack. No one is perfect, I’m steadily learning to embrace that.

    I was built from love, while ego tries to misplace it.

    Splitting while the foundation crumbles, I had to see it through to heal and learn from my mistakes before molding something other.

    I choose to look at the scars to face what I see within.

    That’s both the beautiful and ugly which once knocked me down, just to get back up again because I love me. Acting with love. . . that takes courage!!! “Me-time” of self care to well nourish

    I always state that “Love is maintenance” believing that I am more than worthy of it. The pain of discipline sometimes would take me under

    From set backs, memories and dysfunction. Carrying me is the love that started from somewhere ethereal, way before my Grandmother’s comfort.

    I rediscovered, no wonder who I am when I did encounter God! Open invitation, accepting the fact that I can love my self like this, without conceit… Really? Wow!!!

    It’s still no excuse for me to be naïve while re-learning who I am, from whom I once known

    myself to be… that’s something!

    I am both Zen & Lit. Sharpened, yet humbled with a bit of bumble… I’m ready to rumble, if I am called to sting… solidly vibrates just as a bell rings

    Gracefully open for arriving at my own timing. It’s so nice to finally be here!

    The woman that the child within in me could not wait to meet. The poetic, romantic… the dancer who swiftly sways, right and left feet.

    As we harmonize with love, I give thanks in advance while loving even more of the lady I am becoming…Continue on love because you’re on to something!




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    • I love this! I bet that it would sound so good as a spoken piece

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    • Valencia!!! This is so beautiful and extremely deep and thoughtful. There are many lines I just want to save and highlight. I am so glad you became the woman that the younger you always dreamed of becoming but I am not surprised. You truly are a beautiful human. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Valencia B shared a letter in the Group logo of Magical MomentsMagical Moments group 5 months, 1 weeks ago

    Lauren, Happy Birthday!

    Lauren, I hope that this wish (prayer) finds you well… Happiest Birthday!!! May your day be filled with pure joy & warmth!

    I am honored to celebrate this special day for the amazing impact that your light is contributing within this world, just by being YOU.
    I am so blessed to have found this platform last year… it has truly helped revive a part of myself that the world needs to hear and for that I THANK YOU!!!
    Btw, I loveee how compassionate and such a great effective listener/ communicator you are. That goes so unnoticed.

    All the best & Cheers to more life!!!


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    • Aww thank you so much! I am so glad you are a part of our community. You are a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for the kind words, it truly made my day! <3 Lauren

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Why i Love The Woman I've Become

    You’re Confident
    You’re Beautiful
    You’re Loving
    You’re Kind
    This beautiful heart that has developed
    To care about individuals as much as you do
    The confidence you truly found in you
    I’m proud and love the woman I’ve become
    It took me a long time to get here
    You’re a queen
    You’re a goddess
    You are it
    No one can take this away from you
    You made it Vision
    You love you
    You don’t doubt yourself anymore
    You believe in you
    I love who you have grown into
    A true Vision of Love

    Vision .W

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Let It Out

    If i say what is on my mind
    Will i be heard
    Will it show on my face before my mouth says anything
    If i express it
    Should i
    Will i regret it if i come out with it
    The flashbacks are coming out
    I can’t hide it anymore
    It will release me
    Get the burden off my shoulders
    I see it still hurts me to think about
    A moment where i truly felt weak and helpless
    No means no right
    Why did he do that
    I trusted him
    He was supposed to be my best friend
    Stop please i said
    I don’t want to do this i said
    My words meant nothing
    I tried to fight him
    I wasn’t strong enough
    He’s hurting me
    As i am crying saying please stop stop
    When he finished i was bleeding
    He took it from me without my consent
    I balled up in a ball told him to get out
    Fucking Leave
    The audacity to ask me if i am okay
    No i am not okay
    You Took advantage of me
    You took something i can’t get back
    I’ve never been the one to cry for help
    I held it in
    My emotions
    My feelings
    Feeling of embarrassment
    How could i let it happen
    I had no control
    I need to scream it out
    I have to Let it not anger me anymore
    I have to tell my mom
    So i can feel free &
    Live in peace

    Will it hurt as much
    As it does now
    Am i overreacting
    Am i being dramatic
    Or am i just expressing how i feel inside
    Should i be penalized for feeling this way

    Vision W

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    • Vision, Your pain and emotions are valid. It’s important to express how you feel and seek support from those who care about you. Don’t doubt yourself or feel guilty for sharing your truth. You deserve to be heard, understood, and supported. Take the necessary steps to heal and find peace. You are not alone in this journey.

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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 6 months, 2 weeks ago


    Even now sometimes i have my moments
    Moments where i feel like
    I’m gonna fall apart
    Can’t let it consume me
    Let it go
    Breathe just breathe
    You’ve come so far
    To go back
    I know it hurts
    You cry when you don’t want to
    It’s trying to release
    He’s gone
    Your dad is gone
    In the wind
    You severely question
    How can he not love you
    Not be there for their for you
    To still have breath in your lungs
    But alas be gone
    I never thought you would leave me again father
    Why don’t you want me
    When i am made up of half of your DNA
    I can’t even say i hate you
    I Love you Dad
    But i have to let you go
    You abandoned me
    Came back
    Left again
    Came Back
    Left again
    Why come if you never intended to stay
    You can’t be the reason
    Theirs’s no peace
    I will always love you
    I have to live
    To explore
    Without a painful memory of you
    Here is our long distance goodbye

    Vision W

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  • Joy

    Endless Smiles
    Heart unbroken
    Life looking up for you
    Looking at the girl of your dreams
    Doing what you love
    Writing more
    It’s your passion
    Spread your voice
    Let them hear you
    It’s okay
    Don’t be scared anymore
    To let it show how talented you are
    I’m sure it’ll have them impressed
    But again you’re not doing it for them
    You write for you
    It brings such joy
    Puts an instant smile on your face
    Lets Embrace
    No more hiding in the shadows
    This is our year to show who we really are
    Not what others want to believe
    Protect your peace
    Go with the flow
    Let it be
    We are truly smiling again

    Vision W

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  • Mi Beautiful Musician

    The moment i locked my eyes on yours
    It felt like magic
    An instant connection
    All we did was smile at one another
    We knew what it was
    It was
    Love at first sight
    For the first time in my life
    I felt a feeling i haven’t felt before
    It’s not the same old saying
    Oh i like her cause she’s different from the rest
    It’s a feeling where my heart beats a million beats a minute
    It’s pounding out my chest to the
    Sound of your voice
    By the way you look at me
    Your intellectual mind
    Your touching soul
    Your glowing smile
    How big you heart is
    Mi amor i truly am thankful for you
    And all you do
    You show me you love me
    That you care
    You have my heart
    I wish to not part
    To this special woman i love
    I’ve fallen in love
    You make my life worth while
    You take my away from my reality
    Only you are not a dream my love
    You are real and true
    I get lost in you
    I never thought it was gonna be like this
    Such a bliss
    You amaze me
    This is true
    Baby soon you’ll know it’s true
    How grateful i am for you
    I’ll express how i feel
    To show you what i feel is real

    Vision W

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    • Vision, this piece feels magical. It is such a beautiful reminder of the magic of love, connection, and destiny. You are so lucky to have experienced such a sweet and magical love. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being such a big part of our Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Ideal Self

    My best self is truly joyful
    Not letting the little things bother
    Live with ease
    Proceed with caution
    Not everyone has pure intentions
    Stop giving to those whom don’t give back
    Don’t Stress on situations you can’t control
    Be you
    No matter what
    Don’t let anyone change the woman you have become
    You’ve come such a long way
    Through pain in the past
    To get you where you are now
    You are Poet
    You are a Singer
    You are a true writer
    Here’s to sharing your story with the world
    Using your words and melody
    Smiling even though you’re hurting
    This growth i see
    This Vision
    Our Journey is here
    It’s Ours
    Patience is key
    Persistence is needed
    Be Consistent
    You are no longer distant
    You are me
    We are one
    Us as one will become
    Everything we dreamed of
    In time we will see
    What it takes to
    Express me

    Vision W

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    • Vision, This is excellent. I love this part:

      Our Journey is here
      It’s Ours
      Patience is key
      Persistence is needed
      Be Consistent
      You are no longer distant

      I feel like so much of what you want to be is who you already are.

      Keep shining.


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  • Vision shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 7 months, 2 weeks ago


    Please don’t go away
    Please don’t go away from me
    Don’t hurt me
    I thought you loved me
    Show me
    Don’t walk away
    Why won’t you stay
    I love you
    Can’t you see
    You’re Everything to me
    Why leave me
    To confuse me
    You made my heart believe you
    Truly loved me
    What did i do to deserve this
    You hurt me
    All i ever did was love you
    Hold, Squeeze you hoping you’d dream of peace and harmony
    We were supposed to grow together
    Now we are apart
    I never knew
    You’d be the one
    To Break My Heart

    Vision W

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    • Aww I have totally felt like this in my life before. In the moment, it is so excruciatingly painful and confusing. But in my situations, time not only helped me heal but it also helped me see why these situations were not meant for me. In the meantime, keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do things that make you feel good: workout, yoga,…read more

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  • The Appearance of The Inevitable's Impact

    There is no doubt that one of my favorite motivational quotes is “Be the change that you wish you see.” Herstory told, they would like to repeat it…

    Like how everyday I choose to defy the odds of struggle. Abundantly filled to navigate new heights… An unshakable force of humble.

    Someday they’d say “Yeah, she did talk about making change…” but I hope that they actually can see it!!!

    I’d love to tell them how I did it… and that everything in life is intentionally done for a reason. I let my guards down, enough standing on defense.

    I challenged the flaws, to know whatever is underneath it. Impacting the masses is the goal that I’m reaching.

    Bigger than me… My life is bigger than me!!!

    I am devotedly aiming towards doing the best things. Learning that all of the better things in life are not free.

    I am actively working my light within my art, family, and community.

    I’ve sacrificed it all, but this mission to help others involved truly helping myself to start. It shows more than something when freedom calls!

    I have all the answers that I need divinely a dial away. All I have to do is let them in and say “Thank you for leading the way!”

    It’s important for the picture, pouring into myself. Mixed emotional colors create art that’s good for one’s health.

    Developed within trusting the process… I had no clue I’d see it like this.
    In order to get clearer, I push past the resistance.

    I am a leader! I choose to be the one to reach back to uplift & help other people out!!

    As I reminisced about 5 cents ago, all of it did not add up… but, merely relying on money just was not enough.

    I am purposeful.

    I embrace this with gladness, that the shift that I vibrate while in this world is peace beyond the madness.

    Valencia B.

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    Voting ends July 31, 2024 12:00am

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    • Valenica,You are a beautiful person. Your life is already so much bigger than you. Your compassion and spirit reverberate and impact many. Thank you for sharing your heart with us all. <3 Lauren

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      • Laurennn, thank you so much for your kindness. Always! It really does mean alot. Thank you for providing this safe space and platform for us to share with one another in this way. The Unsealed fam will forever have a place in my heart along this journey 😄❤

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    • Your impact is astonishing. To be able to realize both your strengths and weaknesses and use them to make a positive change is amazing. It is ultra important to pour into yourself, to make time for yourself and give yourself the grace need to be the ever change. A person of your magnitude Valencia are special. Thank you for sharing!!

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      • Wow, Gie… Thank you so so much!!! I am nearly at a loss for words on how timely your kind words are.
        I truly needed this! I appreciate you, and receive your warmth & light. Much💞

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  • Leaving your 9-5 with Your Inner Child

    Hear me out. What does your inner child have to do with leaving your adult 9-5? Well for me, I don’t resonate with my job and never have resonated with working for someone else who clearly doesn’t value you as a person. Working in healthcare has made me realize that many of these companies capitalize on our empathy. I have learned my soul lights up like it used to as a child, when I am working on my spiritual business and empowering women. I am a Latina Woman who comes from two strong and hard-working, immigrant parents. So I am slowly coming out of survival mode because that is all I know. So, being a spiritual business woman does not resonate in the Latino community. However, I have learned that I am worthy of a successful business. As I have embodied this worthiness, I am seeing my spiritual business growing and my creativity unlocking. The reason why I mention the inner child, is because when I was a child, I remember that child being fearless, and never giving a fuck about what others thought of her. That is why I invite you to let your inner child come through and take over. Let your inner child take the wheel or the passenger seat. Put your ego in the back seat. Put that bitch in the trunk. When you are ready to change your life, however you see that fit for you let your inner child come through. When you choose a goal, let your inner child guide you. As you do this, you honor your inner child and you begin to heal that person that needed this empowerment and confidence.

    Elena Hernandez

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    • I so agree with you Elena. As adults we tend to be so cautious, and scared to take changes. But as children we tend to dream big, and just go for it. I so think you should channel your inner child and follow your heart. Create or build whatever brings you joy, and then tell other people all about it so you can inspire them to do the same. You got…read more

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    • I totally agree with you. I have been going through a spiritual journey myself and plan on starting a spiritual healing business of my own. Recently my inner child reminded me when I was younger adults use to always say you can do anything you want or set your mind to, I truly believe that now; as an adult. Keep pursuing your dreams, you got this !

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      • Yes! I tell my daughter all the time and I wish I would have had a little more encouragement to be my own boss and not stay in survival mode! Yessss keep pushing for that spiritual business, I know it’s possible once you recognize you’re worthy of that success.

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    • You should always pursue the things that make you happy even if it means leaving your 9-5. You should be your own boss and follow your own rules. Thank you for sharing

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  • “Handled with Care, Nurtured by Love”

    Dear thriving woman,

    I am beyond grateful that this message has found you well!!! I knew deeply within my heart that one day you would get to read this. I would like to start off by saying THANK GOD for allowing you to still be here to experience the life that you have co-created for yourself. Valencia, I am so proud of you! How do those roses smell for you now that you finally get to accept them in full bloom? How does the fresh fruit taste from all of those seeds that you have planted?! Ha!

    Undoubtedly, you have grown tremendously over these past years. After all of the adversity, triumph’s and dedication towards advancing along your path… you have come a long way. Who knew that after attempting suicide as a teen, being homeless on a few occasions (but further on learning that as long as you had family or friends to stay with, technically their home WAS your home as well), being unemployed (while still somehow being supported), and overcoming depression that it would all lead to these situations helping to shape you into the woman that I am reading this today… I’ll tell you who… You did! “God did!!!” (As the saying goes).

    As you know, God did not give you anything that you could not handle. You are so very brave to press forward, bettering your circumstances. That was only just part of the fuel that has driven you to reach your fullest potential. Even as a young girl you have always felt that there was much more to life than what was being presented within your surroundings. You are one of your inner child’s biggest dreams come true! It is a blessing to have truly rediscovered your authentic self and boldly walking in that light. I thank you for making peace with your past and choosing to live without any regrets.

    Look at all that you have accomplished!!! Although your upbringing has had its waves of dysfunction and unhealthy patterns that you’ve had to unlearn, you have still managed to create a beautiful family unit of your own. I recall your desire for you all to hold a healthy, supportive and nurturing connection… That part was extremely important because you knew that it was possible for you to experience! Plus, you get to do meaningful/ purposeful work as a multi-talented creative, advocate for holistic health, healing tools/services, philanthropist and motivational speaker…landing a few of your very own major events alongside your amazing team. Another thing to mention is to have traveled around the world and connected with God’s blessings in various forms (culture, land, food, etc.) It is a blessing to experience having a positively abundant life doing all the things that lights you up, it helps to light the world up!

    The positive impact that you are making all over the world is beyond remarkable. It only took you one leap and many brave steps for you to know and trust that the divine was (and still very much is) backing you EVERY STEP of the way. Sheesh… girl you knew that the universe was gonna bless you with far more than you could have even imagined, so don’t act surprised!!! You are whole, healthy, successful, loving/loved unconditionally, a leader, creative, a healer, a woman of divine faith, a loving wife, mother, and mentor. All while being genuinely joyfull while being so, I may add. This is exactly what it means to embrace the journey and trusting the process towards reaching the destination.

    My humble words of encouragement going forward: Never stop dreaming, (those dreams are your heart’s desires in rare form, only because it’s up to YOU to truly see them) aim high!!! Your potential is still very much unlimited. I love you!!!


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    • Valencia, I so agree with you. You are so brave for pressing though despite your circumstances.The fact that you are able to create a loving beautiful family connection despite maybe not fully getting that yourself as a child speak to your strength and power. You have a loving beautiful soul and you continue to nurture all that you are and all…read more

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      • Thank you so much Lauren for such kind words. I really do appreciate you! I am honored to be a part of our uplifting community of amazing people like yourself 💜

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