

  • Benjamin Fuller shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 1 days ago

    Signs Of Growth

    Signs that a man has truly grown
    Is when he’s able to see life through eyes not his own
    When he stops chasing after the foolish things he seeks
    And knows when to bridle his tongue and when to speak
    When he is able to quiet his soul
    Walking in temperance and self control
    When he’s willing to forsake his pride and make himself low
    Making himself not a spectacle or show
    When he sees others as greater value than he
    When his hands are shackled, yet his heart remains free
    When he’s able to overcome fear
    And willing to let go of his own life and well being, which many hold dear
    When the desire of his heart is to give
    So that those around him may live
    When regardless of his position
    He never forgets the art of submission
    When in the face of adversity he stands
    But to his enemies he’s still willing to bestow a caring hand
    When nothing is able to quench his love
    That he may mirror the God in heaven above
    When he seeks after the truth of Christ divine
    For the fruit of a man’s growth, these are the signs

    Donald M. Clyde

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    • Donald, what an inspiring message! You have persevered through so much and I’m so proud of you!! Your growth is obvious and your ability to overcome fear is very admirable. Great work!!

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  • Marli Wright shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 3 days ago

    Simply Me

    Simply Me
    Marli Wright

    If only, if only, this little ol’ me
    Could inspire just one, how wondrous that’d be.
    I could win the lottery, share my great wealth,
    Buy homes for veterans, grant them good health.
    Adopt all their pets, and feed children in need,
    Clothe them and house them, fulfill every need.
    But how can I, just small me, spread cheer?
    As Buddy the Elf says, “Sing loud for all to hear.”
    Yet that’s not my vibe, not these days, I find,
    So I’ll do it the old-fashioned way, kind.
    By being myself, with a caring heart,
    Sharing a smile, a hug, a heartfelt start.
    Being there for the grieving, a comforting hand,
    Kissing the boo-boos, helping them stand.
    It’s not much to boast, it’s not grand or new,
    But to inspire, I’ll simply be true.
    This is all I know, the way I can be,
    To inspire with love—just letting me be.

    Marli Wright

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  • Titus Armon shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 5 days ago


    Broke my limbs and tore my spirit
    As I walked and smelled debris
    I could barely talk
    Was hard of hearing
    Even lost feeling in some places
    Some places still looked nice
    But they were broken
    Why am I the chosen
    To see these things
    To be unfazed after the truth
    After the storm and troops
    Everyone is gone
    No sound but mine
    Where do I go and be fine
    Limping on distraught knees
    Existing with little breathing
    I continue…
    Down the wary roads
    As I see the smoke
    As the rain provokes
    My will elopes
    And I continue…
    Through the Hurricane

    Titus Armon

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    • Titus, this captures your emotion so well and in such a visual way. I am sorry you are going through a hard time. This piece reminded me of a quote: “When you are going through hell, keep going. ”

      Sending hugs. <3 Lauren

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    • Titus, what an inspiring poem! You have endured so much and I am so proud of you for persevering even at your lowest times. Great poem and a great message.

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  • Benjamin Fuller shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks, 5 days ago

    Forgive, Find Peace

    What is the point of holding a grudge?
    To carry along a heart full of hate?
    To stand firm in wrath, and not budge
    For it is but a burdensome weight
    One must learn to forgive
    To let streams of mercy flow
    For their own spirit to live
    One must learn to let go
    Why must one torment their own soul?
    Why must one harden their heart like slate?
    For vengeance is but an empty hole
    And it’s endless cycle shall be one’s fate
    It has been said, an eye for an eye
    But I simply ask why?
    Life is short, and one day we die
    So why is mercy something that we deny?
    Harken unto this decree
    Forgive and be free
    Looking back you will see
    Bitterness only holds you back from all you can be
    Like venom in your veins
    Circulating through your blood
    When hatred reigns
    One may as well be laid to rest in the mud
    Living but not alive
    Overcome by offense
    Forward on they’ll strive
    Until they get recompense
    Hurt ever looming
    Never healing
    Internally reeling
    The torment won’t cease..
    Find peace

    Donald M. Clyde

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    • This was so powerful. I too struggle with forgiveness, its sometime is something that happens day by day. but thanks for sharing.

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    • Donald, great work! Even though forgiveness can be difficult and trust may take a while to regain, I am glad that you have recognized what is best for you and what will help you become a better person. Great message!

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  • Amanda Townsend shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 weeks, 1 days ago

    A Letter To My Younger Self

    Girl, you better get ready, and hold on tight! You, my dear, are in for the ride if your life! You will be surprised, stunned, scared, and more. You will wonder at the beauty life has in store. When the time comes you will cry as never before, but fret not love, for they will be tears of joy. And though you will live through the darkest of days, in the end, you will be okay. So remember this as you walk bravely through time: God has his reasons, and you shall be just fine.

    A.T. 2024

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    • Aww, this is beautiful. And you are right. You will be just fine. This piece really took me on the rollercoaster that is life. I could totally feel it. Thank you for sharing. 3 Lauren.

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    • Love this!! The beauty of life is that you never know what is coming for you next. No matter what happens, you indeed, will be just fine. Great work ❤️

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  • Keyanna Blass shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 4 weeks, 1 days ago


    I want to give you all of me.
    But i see what you’ll do
    I wish 1+1 could = 2.

    Our greatest fear confirmed what we already know
    That we will grow close and then have to let go

    I want to be what you need
    But, your void is hungry and hard to feed

    I’m starting to pick myself apart.
    I try to reach your head, but go straight for your heart.

    You probably are realizing that I’m just a dream
    Idealized goddess I’m not what I seem

    I’m sorry that you thought that I was all you need
    I tried to tell you that this was a dream


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    • Awww, You are more than enough for the right person. This is so heartfelt and creative. Thank you for sharing. Sending hugs.

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    • You are perfectly enough. You are you and don’t change yourself just to be loved by the wrong person. I know it’s difficult to change your mind and lose an attachment to a person that you loved, but your life will improve when you realize that someone who really loves you wouldn’t ever make you feel the way you do now.

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  • Miracle Dixon shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months ago

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  • Tracie Sperling shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    But If You Got A Problem

    Typos are a common everyday problem. Not only does it reflect poor grammar but, it causes miscommunication. It starts to rain and writers get abused and lazy. The critical experiences were unheard. It all goes against all the hatin. The root of all evil decides to get a little greater when dealing with typos. And it shows how things can be harsh. The future ain’t as bright as the day before the night is out. Even with the highs and lows of grammar. Me being the underdog of the herb. But aint done dirt when your next move is heard. They all consider this lyrical jerk.

    The truth becomes hard to understand. My enemy of publishers is the upper hand. Some things are out of our control as far as what “they” look for and what “their” target audience is. We can do less about our jobs and our selves. All we can do is express ourselves. We can’t hold back in fear because of typos and let it consume us out of guilt. Sometimes I stay in the same lane but, I don’t know what I’ll find. Writers conduct with a conscience and purpose in mind. I have often have remained ashamed of the time we lost our label.

    As if we were education and a lot of tough crimes could be so blind. If we understand the consequences of our existence. Theres no reason to have any resistance. We have the kind of knowledge that will destroy the people in the world. But because we have no confidence of our own we are afraid of the careless movement of typos. We don’t have a problem because we don’t care about anything because of the obvious present stubble. Everybody knows we are untouchable. You cant just throw your cards on the corner. So, we re-create our image. We are the writers of the future with our inner self.

    Tracie Sperlinf

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    • Aww Tracie! I hope you never let the fear of a typo hold you back from expressing yourself. This piece is super creative and well-written. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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    • Tracie, you are so creative!! I know that it may be hard to express yourself in such a vulnerable way, but feel free to keep sharing! We all would love to hear about your experiences and you never know, maybe hearing what happened to you might make someone else feel more normal and help them out a bit! Great work ❤️

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  • Patrick Stapleton shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

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    Cash Chaos

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  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago


    Dear Unsealers,
    Time- can have a frame
    Within it, many things can be contained
    Time- can never be restrained
    It runs within seconds of its domain
    Every minute is within it
    It stops or its infinite
    There are clocks of all kinds
    Catch up or get left behind
    But beware of father time
    Some things remain some things never last
    But what do you think about these little grains of sand
    Flowing In the hourglass
    Time- will be a part of your future, present, and past
    You can have so little
    You can have too much
    I have never seen time on my hands
    Because it is something I can’t touch
    Time- can have an effect In many different ways
    24 hours In a day
    It can be a part of your healing, grief, or pain
    Should I go or should I stay
    There’s a Time for everything
    But never a wrong time to pray
    Over Time there’s nurturing and growth
    Destruction or decay
    Sun up or sundown
    The only thing that matters
    Is that the world keeps turning to circle back around
    This makes It worth my while
    Another way to tell Time is by looking at a sundial
    Time can be used wisely or wasted
    Once it’s gone you can never replace It
    Maybe Time doesn’t even exist
    And life just is what it is
    Now this got me thinking
    That the present is the gift
    This thing ticks and it toks
    It’s a tower or a wristwatch
    Time-is needed to evolve
    The cicada to do its mating call
    Someone else’s Time is not parallel to mine
    But we make connections
    To see who’s on the other line
    One thing is for certain either you do
    Or you don’t have the Time
    Better late than never
    Watch the moon and stars appear
    Time- is of the essence in our atmosphere
    This could be your last ticket
    Or your last shot
    Either way sometimes
    Time- is all we got.

    James Morsching

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    • James this is soooo good. I have thought a lot about time and how it changes us – some ways good and some ways not as good. But at the end of the day, I think, as you wrote, we just have to be grateful for the moment. Thank you for this wise and thought ful piece. <3 Lauren

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    • James this is such a creative piece! Time is so valuable. We all need to be grateful for the time we get to spend with others, the time we get to spend having fun, and just in general the time we have! Life is a privilege and we should never take it for granted. Love this!!

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  • Roses shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    Your Eyes Sound Like

    A lot of guys get lost in your eyes
    But I found myself in those depths that galaxies rest in
    Your eyes hug stars and sprinkle glitter for their shimmer when the sun wants to shine
    I didn’t know it then but when momma would sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star it was a love song
    Because I’m one of the dots to your constellation and the others are the children
    Our love is so good it should be a sin
    God forgive me, I know I’m not supposed to look directly at you
    But your daughter has your eyes, and I can’t stop staring
    She helps me stay centered with you when I get full of myself
    Seeing my reflection in her eyes is one of my favorite things because it’s a moment of Trinity
    God eyes saying straighten up son
    Your eyes whisper I love you
    My eyes catch us with His hands and say I’ll hold your heart
    Followed by, I love you too
    Our eyes share an embrace that never let’s go in silence
    But anyone who sees the way I look at you hears the softness of a love song
    They covet the way my eyes hold you like I hold the hand of our child
    Their eyes have never seen a sight that sounded so pure
    And anyone who sees the way your eyes reply to me, listens to that unforgettable poem on repeat
    Then they get lost trying to find your gaze under my sunset
    So, the closest thing to feeling that poem, is to hit repeat on this memory
    I can’t help but smile when I see your eyes talk about us
    p.s. your eyes make the best ASMR…


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    • Aww, I love this! The beauty that we see in others can seem ethereal at times and it can be such a wonderful thing. The connection you have with this person sounds so deep and meaningful. I am glad you have found a person like this.

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      • Haven’t found that person yet, I just like to write about moments in time with the theme of relationships 🌹, thank you for reading and sharing your encouraging words ‼️

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        • You are welcome! Don’t worry, you will find this person! When you do, your life will change for the better ♥

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  • Melinda Stone shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago

    The Light ✨

    ~The Light ✨

    Every so often,
    I fall into a hole
    It’s dark and lovely
    A haunting under control

    It’s peaceful
    And it’s quiet
    But I easily get lost
    When I’m too weak to fight it

    Because sometimes I can’t see
    Just feeling my way through
    While at other times, my hope
    Flashes the way back to you

    I go searching, hoping to find
    What wants to remain hidden
    Sometimes I catch a glimpse
    And wish to be forgiven

    Often I sit and wonder
    With the darkness closing in
    How do I embrace what I can’t see?
    And where do I even begin?

    I guess that I’m doing it
    Bleeding out pain for you to see
    But the words that are forming,
    Are the driving force guiding me

    And even when I can’t find the light
    Your presence, a silent knowing
    You sit with me in the dark
    Until the light in me is showing.

    ©️ Melinda Stone ✍🏼🖤🪽 #TheLight

    Melinda Stone

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    • Melinda, this is beautiful, and I think it really captures how a lot of writers and poets feel. It’s like the words channel our emotions and hold us till we find the light or maybe even guide us towards the light. Thank you for sharing! <3 Lauren

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    • Melinda, what a beautifully written poem. Your words are so relatable for me! It can be hard to fight off the negativity and sadness in our lives! I am glad you shared this to make me and so many others feel not alone in this journey.

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  • Melinda Stone shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 months ago

    This morning, I woke up, and we were out of juice.

    This morning, I woke up and we were out of juice. Juice that was meant for my kids. Juice that I had to get from the Christian help center because I had no money and no other way to get my kids juice myself. I got it yesterday and this morning, it was gone. And my boys didn’t even get a glass. It’s been a daily struggle to ensure the kids stay fed and hydrated, and my pops drank all their juice without a shred of concern for them, his grandkids. I woke up and there was no juice. And this same day I yelled in my 5-year-old autistic nonverbal son’s face that I wanted to die. It’s the day I cry all day, randomly, and I can’t stop them. I don’t even remember the last time I cried, and cried like THIS.. Something has changed in me. I’m not sure what triggered it, where it came from, or why it happened, but all day I’ve felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. Making it harder to take breaths and it was so heavy that it was just squeezing out everything in my life that contributed to traumatizing me or hurting me to my core. And as I talked to Jehovah off and on, I kept having epiphanies for my life. I told Him I could handle it, I just wanted to be able to heal but how do I heal if I don’t face it? How do I face it if I can’t see it clearly?

    I like to think I’m strong but I’m not. I’m just unfeeling. Empty. A void so deep I can’t see my way through it.

    Yesterday I wanted to die. Today I’m thinking about life with me gone.

    All my life I’ve been raised and conditioned to avoid emotion. And I was the golden child because I did it so well.

    Maybe if I’m gone, they’ll start having a conversation. Maybe they’ll realize I was a person who was never really strong; just somebody who needed someone to stay. Someone who showed up for ME.

    I feel like I don’t have a real place in THIS world. What am I passing to my kids but more of the same? A quiet, passive emotionless, existence all because I don’t know better how to teach them any different.

    Don’t they deserve better than that?

    I mean every person I have ever loved has turned away from me to something better, someone else. They must know I’m empty and have nothing to offer. I guess it’s caught up to me because now that’s all I see.

    I can barely feed my kids, or buy a pack of diapers for my son. I yelled in his face that I wanted to die. He doesn’t know any better. He is the purest, most innocent being and I am ashamed of myself. He deserves so much more. So much better than me. They all do.

    Ever wonder how different your life would be if just one person in your life wasn’t scared to love you; if just one person didn’t walk out?

    Ever wonder why you couldn’t just be like everyone else who’s blind to the truth and didn’t have to walk around with your head hung in shame?

    Ever wonder what really makes you special as a human being?

    Who am I when I’m not a mother, a daughter, or a friend; what if when you answer that question you realize there’s nothing that defines you?

    (I just want you all to know that I am not suicidal, and I am in therapy. These are just thoughts that I believe many people have but do not voice in fear of other’s judgments.)

    I write this so others know you are not alone and I love you!

    Melinda Stone

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    • Melinda, you ARE strong. Enduring all of that is not for the weak! You are capable of so much and even though life may seem to be moving slower that you want it to, that doesn’t take away from the value in your life and your kids lives. You will get through this, I believe in you!!

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  • Matthew Jablonsky shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months ago


    Facebook Facebook,
    Here we go again…
    “Like if you agree!”
    “Share and tag your friends!”

    It’s all the same stuff,
    just on a different day.
    “I never make posts like this…”
    “So I just wanna say…”

    No one really cares,
    this isn’t even real.
    “Click the link below!”
    “What a great deal!”

    Scrolling and scrolling,
    the hours fly by.
    “Someone liked your post!”
    “Someone went live!”

    But we’re all missing out,
    on a little thing called “life”.
    A husband stares at his phone,
    and ignores his lonely wife.

    No one raises their kids,
    it’s easier it seems…
    Children don’t make noise,
    when they stare at the screen.

    I worry what it’s doing,
    to our world and our minds.
    It’s become a way of life,
    or a sign of the times.

    I feel like a prisoner,
    and I know I’m not alone.
    We’re all prisoners now,
    that’s why it’s called a “cell” phone.

    Matty Jablonsky

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    • I LOVE this. And it really made me think of my finace yelling at me to get off my phone. It really is hurting our relationships and so much more. This is such a creative way to make a poignant point. I will be including this piece in our newsletter today (Friday). Check it out :). Thanks for sharing your talent with us. You are amazing. <3 Lauren

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    • The truest of words. Technology has its perks but the social decline because of cell phones alone is scary. I absolutely agree!

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    • Woah. This is eye-opening. Society today is so glued to screens and I completely agree, it is affecting our quality of life! Being someone who is on a screen a lot and is trying to cut back, it can be so difficult to refrain from the use of them. Our brains are wired to want it, like a drug. It is scary and I hope we can find a way to stop this.

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  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Welcome, August

    Dear, Unsealers:

    The first day of August is heading into the evening hours.

    Eight months into 2024?! Time’s picking up speed as the days move along.

    As I tend to do at the first or so of every month, I write a poem to welcome in the new month. The dog days of summer are here…

    A welcome to the month of August
    31 new days in the heart of summer

    For the dog days are here
    Where it feels like one day morphs into the next

    Although the calendar is blank
    There’s still reason to look forward

    From the tail end of the Olympics
    To the Premier League’s return and the US Open’s first serve
    With plenty of room for so much more to be done

    When August ends
    All roads will lead to a long weekend getaway
    From concrete buildings in NYC, out to the Newport shores

    Oswald Perez

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    I'm no fool...

    I walked in the house-huge it was,
    seems I walked for miles.
    May a church mouse-full of love,
    Begetting me on trial?

    What are you doing here-I heard,
    Why such the long face without smile?
    Then at the top-I overheard,
    “Child, be thankful for the whiles.”

    I thought, “How silly-in the kitchen here,
    What a great-aged bottle of wine…
    Sure would taste good-I wish I could,
    Drink the sweet of this vine”!

    Then I thought, “I’m just a branch,
    On the true Vine I hang…
    No need to feel fine with fake romance,
    God’s Goodness caused me to change”!

    How would be-if I got caught,
    Cheating on my Lord?
    Then came to me-in my mind brought,
    A Word sharper than all 2-edged swords…

    It cut my thinking away from drinking,
    Saying, “Look straight with thine eyes…
    For if you drank, and even gave thanks-
    Your foolishness would prove unwise”!

    Then I just looked a little farther to see-
    A deceiving snake staring back at me.
    He said, “Just drink, I may not bite…
    But I will sting and mar your life”!

    So I looked again and heard with all,
    My common sense telling me-not to take the fall!
    So I didn’t, I quit it-And I will drink no more…
    For when I get tempted-my Overcomer is the Lord!!!


    Timothy T 🙂

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago


    you are that which calls,
    silky flowing hair,
    deep eyes to die in,
    diamond in form,
    i bow to your waist,
    lay my head at your hips and pray,
    you are poetry,
    but it’s not your body that i want,
    it’s the body you’re inside of,
    and i want inside,
    i want to share your mind,
    to see me how you see me,
    to see you how you see you,
    to break free from the chains of the material world,
    and intertwine with your spirit,
    a coil forming around a love without word,
    a love there is no word for,
    hermetic, prometheus, my punishment is for daring to breach the seal that binds us to being,
    my punishment is that i cannot be part of you,


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  • maintain4life shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    Inside Job

    Dear Unsealers,
    My rhymes are about addiction
    and how it inflicted pain and infliction
    now I can no longer tell the difference
    between fact or fiction
    a whole world of indifference
    I just lost interest
    couldn’t be sufficient
    But I can go out and get high
    and die in a instant
    or nothing to show
    I lost my glow i had as a infant
    for instance a stronger inner self
    Is what I’m missing
    steady building better intuition
    My daughter needs daddy to be more sufficient
    I can hold more significance
    you seen me up close
    and you seen me from a distance
    you can do the most
    and have a toast to my existence .

    James Morsching

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  • Timothy T. Willett shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    My Chrome Book...

    My nephew messed up
    On his “Chrome Book”…
    So it was given to me.
    Now it is mine to look and see,
    Only the things that are clean.
    A great opportunity to prove,
    That worldly lust will loose!
    An opportunity to share with all
    Of the One able-to stop every fall!
    A possible chance to be promoted
    By the One to Whom-my life is devoted!
    A very great way to get in touch
    Of the ones in time past-
    Of whom I may not have said enough!

    A great time to learn and grow
    Improving more on things I ought to know.
    May I even be going back to school,
    With this little computer-that’s pretty cool!

    Greatest of all, a way to overcome
    The traps set up for me-I’ve fallen through some.
    But I trust in the Great Grace of God…
    That I’m an Overcomer-through His Word I trod!
    By that same sweet Grace-
    He always lets me know,
    He is my heart-monitor…
    Wherever I go!!!

    Titus 79 🙂

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    • Congrats on the new computer. I hope you use it to make all your dreams come true and more. I can’t wait to read all the brilliant poetry you write. <3 Lauren

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      • Thank you so much Lauren, I do so appreciate all the encouragement from you-you are such a blessing in my life!!! 🙂

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      • Lauren, I wish I could talk to you. Not as between a man and woman, but as someone who I believe would be able to understand me and possibly be able to help-probably even with some answers. I probably won’t be able to, and that’s all right. But I believe God somehow does and He likes taking broken people like me and loves to fix them. Know for…read more

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  • Brittney Bailey shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 months, 1 weeks ago

    "Perfect Day?"

    What is a “perfect day?” I sit and find myself wondering.
    In all honesty, I have to think about it.
    My life has been filled with more “bad days” than “good.”
    It’s okay though, I’m used to questioning.
    That’s my superpower. Always questioning everything. Double and triple checking my answers to ensure they are correct.
    Today is just another question that finds itself stagnant waiting for an answer.
    It’s something I’m used to.
    Nothing that’s new.
    I find myself breaking down with tears as I question “has any day been truly “good” let alone “perfect.”
    No…I guess not.
    That’s okay though, my life isn’t over.
    I still have time to find the answer.
    Although, it may seem like I’m full of despair. That part is actually over.
    So, I might find that “perfect” answer, but for now I’m left with blankness surrounding all of my questions.
    Which is okay I guess.
    It takes time to recover from survival mode and move onto being just a survivor.
    However, if I had to answer the question point blank, I would probably say a “perfect day” to me would be if I had the ability to fully rest and restore my body.
    Maybe watch the sunrise and drink some coffee, while I reminisce on all the things life should’ve been.
    Not to change anything that happened, because what’s done, is done.
    The past is nothing to be tampered with.
    The past is nothing to focus on.
    The future is where I’ll find my peace, and hopefully my inner child will be pleased, by all of our progress and needs finally being met.

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    • “The future is where I will find my peace.” What a powerful line. I am so sorry you have had so many difficult days. But I hope that going forward you watch lots of sunsets and restore your mental health. Each day, focus on you and whatever makes you feel good, and over time, I think your inner child will get and find the happiness and peace they…read more

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