

  • Oswald Perez shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 21 hours, 34 minutes ago

    Bienvenue aux XXXIIIe Jeux Olympiques!

    Dear Unsealers,

    Bonjour from New York City!

    As I type this post, the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is on my screen. After an already busy summer of sport due to UEFA’s Euro 2024 and the Copa America, the main event of the summer has finally arrived.

    Seeing the athletes floating along the River Seine is making me nostalgic for the City of Lights. I can’t wait to see the competition to come and all the shots of the city in the next two weeks.

    As I tend to do, I wrote a poem to welcome in this event, one that only comes once every four years. Let the games begin!

    As the athletes of the world gather in Paris
    To open the games of the XXXIII Olympiad

    Here’s to the next sixteen days
    After the cauldron is dramatically lit

    All the stories that will be told
    The drama the competitions will bring
    With the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat coming full circle

    From La Tour Eiffel, crossing the globe to the waves of Tahiti
    Visions of France in all it’s splendor

    Casting the cynicism of the world aside
    For the ideals of sportsmanship that Mr. de Coubertin appealed

    In the distance, the Olympic Fanfare is here
    Pour dire bienvenue à Paris à tous!

    OSwald Perez

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  • Chris Riddle shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 2 days, 10 hours ago

    That one phone call...

    The phone rings.
    “Hi Mom. Guess where I am?!?”
    “I don’t know,” I said. “Where?”
    I hear my daughter catch her breath with anticipation and excitement. I’m sitting on my couch in suburban Minneapolis home. It’s cold outside and I’m under a blanket, it’s late, I have to be at work early. I couldn’t sleep.
    “I’m in Canada! I got here! Oh Mom, I’m so excited!”
    I hear her fumbling around.
    “Mom, just listen…”
    I hear the beep of a key card being accepted in a lock.
    “That was me, I’m in my hotel room!”
    I gasp, catching a little hitch in my throat as a tear escapes my eye. I am picturing my 5-year-old daughter standing on tippy toes. She is grinning as she opens the door, turning to see if I am looking.
    “I’m so glad you got there safely, how was the flight?” I don’t want her to hear the emotion in my voice. She is my child, and she is a capable woman.
    “It was great, no problems, and here I am. I wish you were here. I want you to hear me give my paper.”
    “You will do great,” I say, wishing I could be there. I don’t want to make this about me. It’s not, it’s all her. My sweet and spicy first born.
    So, this is parenting. I did not raise my kids so that they would need me. I raised them so that they would be capable, reasonable and compassionate. I don’t mean to speak of them as a group or a possession, singular or plural. The babies that I grew in my womb, that I gave birth to, that I suckled and nurtured do not belong to me. They belong with me. I belong with them.
    In the beginning there were three, a daughter and two sons. My little crew. My daughter became a big sister at 17 months. My oldest son became a big brother at 28 months. It was crazy, I was struggling in an abusive marriage, with a mother who had struggles of her own. Precarious describes the first years perfectly. It is good that my precious posse was more important to me than life itself. We had adventures, we ate at McDonalds, we had guns that you could only shoot at charging pink Rhinoceros in the house on Tuesdays that started with J.
    `I did the best I could to give them a good education, a good work ethic and the understanding that in many statements the word can’t actually means won’t. You should be honest and clear about what you mean. I gave them religious education in the hope that it would springboard them into a spiritual awareness. The ability to discover the importance of a faith walk, and dedication to their individual vibration. I encouraged sports and music. Joining a group and taking part for the duration of the commitment. You don’t need to sign up again. You do need to honor your commitment.
    I could have taken them away from their father. I chose to share custody, legal and physical. I chose to love them more than the disdain I held for him. I knew him as my abuser. They knew him as daddy, they adored him, and they were of him. They had every right to know him on more than just the weekends. Warts and all, he was theirs. Warts and all, so am I.
    I gave them as much space for self-discovery and development as I could. I grew up with suppressive rules. My mom was fighting the demon of anxiety and depression. Her safety was conditional on my compliance. I held loose reigns, and there could have been more slack.
    Parenting is a dance of generations. You will always be influenced by your past, not controlled by it. My parents were donors of many loving hours with my children. They enriched the lives of these children as they grew into the adults that they are. My parents gave them deep roots, and heritage. There are many teachers, coaches and friends that took on roles of immeasurable value. The influence of adults outside our family group are the buds of branches in the young lives. Branches that will reach for the sky, nourished by the deep roots and supported by the strength of these remarkable young lives.
    My daughter is standing inside her hotel room. In a different county. Alone. Capable, proud, and she is sharing the moment with me. I am crying. I am not proud of her; I am proud for her. Yes, I guided, and she accepted. Yes, I taught, and she chose to learn. Yes, she failed. Her failure is not my lesson. It is hers. Yes, she succeeded. The success is not mine. It is hers.
    Three people. One momma. I love them all, better yet I really like them.

    Chris Riddle

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  • S.K shared a letter in the Group logo of ParentingParenting group 2 days, 18 hours ago


    Clear the road- I am 16!!
    Happy birthday, my sweet boy.
    This is when I legally run out of excuses to get you that driver’s permit. This is when I nervously let go of your last little finger , only to grasp and firmly shake your hand in friendship🤝 This is when many transitions happen. This is when some of it makes sense to you but a lot more does not. This is when the world suddenly looks weirder, scarier, cooler, exciting, fun,crazy and different for you, all at the same time. Then is when we may agree to disagree on a lot. Remember, nobody has it all figured out entirely, neither have I, neither will you.
    But I promise to try and understand..I promise to stay onboard, face the tides and ride the unending high and low waves of life side by side with you forever and ever and ever.

    Sarita (Amma to D)

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  • Sarel Hines shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 3 days, 21 hours ago

    Silent Pleas

    Behind the mask, no face to find,
    A trick of mind, ‘neath sun that’s kind,
    Yet rain pours down within the soul,
    Where hidden truths take their toll.

    “Get up, get on, you’ll be alright,”
    The lies they tell ease the plight.
    A crown once worn, now tipped and slanted.
    Society’s stigma, harsh and untrue.

    “Go out, be free,” they say, unaware,
    That solitude’s chosen over despair.
    In sorrow’s depth, alone you wallow,
    While unseen, in code, for help you call.

    Attention sought? Not even a hand to hold,
    A listening ear, as your story’s told.
    Over and over, being told “You’ll be okay,”
    But will they listen, or just turn away?

    Until the end, when all is read,
    And in the paper, your name is led.
    Will they see then, what they missed before,
    Or just a picture, nothing more?

    S.B. Hines

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  • Asia Harris shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 5 days, 7 hours ago

    A Friend

    I love you truly
    You seen me in times I can’t imagine
    I love you truly
    More than your faulty car engine.
    Can you love me more than anything
    I truly can’t imagine
    Back and forth from you
    Communication lacks
    Time apart grows
    I see us as bros or homes
    Instead of lovers or odd dear friends
    Help clear my heart
    Can you make my life
    Inside a picture like still life art
    Living alone with feelings has taught me
    You are all I need baby
    I need you and you only
    If you was love I would ask to rescue me
    From aros arrow of anguish and torment
    So I can heal and flourish
    Cause I couldn’t pick
    Truly love
    I love only you
    And you truly.

    Asia Marie Harris

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    • This is so beautiful and heartfelt. Loving someone or ourselves connects us to the most honest and true parts of ourselves. Thank you for sharing and thank you for being part of The Unsealed family. <3 Lauren

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 6 days, 21 hours ago

    This post is viewable by the Unsealed community only.

    Healing side of Mental Health

    This letter is only available to The Unsealed subscribers. Subscribe or login to get access!

  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 1 days ago

    Broken dreams

    Hours upon hours of time
    Of energy of feelings
    All for the wrong person
    The states from people who have a different perspective from you
    The greatness, the love , talking about how amazing that person is
    But never forget about the struggles, the overwhelmed
    The droplets of rain ruining the cars
    Your soul, your peace
    Before you realize it’s too late
    To stop the feeling of attraction
    The broken bottles of alcohol
    Laying on the ground and not feeling the same way,
    The ick of making things uncomfortable
    Ignoring the trying to be nice
    The effort and meaning a gift from God
    And me meaning a block of clay
    And while you are enjoying life
    I’m the one with the gambling problem
    The fight between the gods
    But I deserve the clouds subsiding
    On a rainy day, both worlds on the same wavelength of light
    The same level of power
    Not electrocuting the lines, but
    Having the goals and being in line with myself
    That you add to my math problem
    And not subtract away my life
    Do not pull the trigger
    To gain knowledge and wisdom
    And to be amazed by the museum of art
    And to not pick up the glass shards with my bare bare hands.

    Rachel Milligan

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    • I love this part Rachel, “That you add to my math problem
      And not subtract away my life.” It so wise. clever and powerful. I am sorry you are hurting but also glad you are healing. Sending hugs <3 Lauren

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  • Rachel Milligan shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 1 days ago


    Healing can feel 2 paths
    The one with all the rocks
    And the one with the steps to the mountain
    The flowers that bloom for every little accomplishment
    Finding the things that work for me
    The constant therapy appointments
    The constant doing things alone
    Finding the peace with the sun
    The peace with the birds and the breeze
    The walking up on another chance
    Another day
    Closer to where I want to be
    Closer to the northern lights
    Closer to the place where nature is the most beautiful
    Where the leaves stop falling
    Where your so at peace
    That nothing or nobody takes that away from you again

    Rachel Milligan

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  • wendyunique shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 2 days ago


    Floating through the ocean of life a
    Tale at times to be a ferocious Journey through a turbulent current
    Filled with pain and strife
    Mariners who I thought would always
    Be with me have not survived
    Times of weakness my heart wanders and loses faith
    That one day I too will be where they have arrived
    The Seafarer is who I became
    Feeling lost in the choppiness of life’s shifting ocean
    The waves swell through the night
    To and fro with immense commotion
    Realization hits me, I have no control,
    I fall to my knees and give The Lord my devotion
    Waking after outlasting the tumultuous waves
    Sun glistening, oceanic seabirds squawking in praise
    A restful, serene state
    The stream now has become a quiet, vision of peacefulness
    Preparation to guide me through life’s immeasurable distress
    Next time I know I will never again be alone
    He is always with me
    Through the tempestuous waters
    To calm my storms
    ©Wendy Ronshausen

    Wendy Ronshausen

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  • Jennifer West shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    Sick and Twisted

    Sleeping awake, choking on a dream. Listening loudly to a silent scream. Her mind is a mess. Chaos at best. Everyone else is the ball and she is the wreck. Addicted but gifted, bad choices, good intentions. Her beauty is inspiring but her self-steem is trippin. Like quicksand I’m sinking, someone please pull me out. I’m drowning in my own dried up spout. What do you see when you look at me? Don’t cover my scars,let them bleed. Sick and Twisted yet beautiful as a willow tree.

    Jennifer West

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  • Vanessa Aguirre shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 3 days ago

    We made it

    I once was a girl with the spirit of an adult

    Now I am an adult with the spirit of a young girl

    I never felt like a child growing up

    I always felt different

    Like I could see different sides of the world

    And I guess in exchange the world punished me for being so tall

    I was pushed down in many ways

    Made to feel small but never little

    I wasn’t worth protecting

    And now as a women I have found ways to protect my own self

    And the world has flipped over once again and turned its back on me

    Sweet child of mine

    To the innocent girl that was never made to feel safe

    You are finally free

    Free of worry

    Free of anything weighing you down

    You are loved

    You are protected

    You are Devine

    And I’m sorry that we never got to feel what it was like to feel little

    But now as an adult we get to feel it all

    And I promise to carry you with me on all our magical adventures

    And to smile everyday

    And to have deep belly laughs

    And to taste every meal with love

    We made it

    Vanessa Aguirre

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    • Aww, Vanessa, I was tall too. It’s interesting how being tall causes people to treat you like you’re older than you are. I am sorry you feel you lost some of your childhood, but I am glad you are feeling free and empowered now. It sounds like you are giving yourself the flowers and love you deserve, and that in and of itself is inspiring. Thank…read more

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      • Ahh! Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate you this means so much to me. This is my first time sharing my art. I am so happy in this moment. I can’t express that enough. I’m hopeful more people will heal and give themselves the flowers they have always deserved.
        Thank you, Thank you

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    • Wow Vanessa, that was very powerful and moving! I felt the same way when I was so little (kid) I thought that I was a 40 year old man-I expect that was from my Dad calling me so at that age, he burnt a lot of things in my brain. But just wanted to say thanks for being an encourager and I’m very blessed to hear that you finally made it! I will make…read more

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      • Thank you for your kind words and reply, I appreciate the feedback deeply. It’s not the type of race that finishes with the speediest as the winners. It’s in fact the turtles that win the biggest prizes in life. I’m sorry you too had a difficult childhood, a narrative too common in this world. I’m hopeful that will change soon. Yes, smiles are the…read more

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  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Breaking me

    Your breaking me can’t you see I don’t know why you just won’t leave me alone and let me be why you keep trying to tear me apart don’t you think you already did enough can’t you see that you already did a number don’t you get it you already broke me you fuckin destroyed me there’s not really much more you can do to me I’m all above and so much more you even took me from me cause I didn’t even know myself anymore but that’s when I should of walked out the door but not much longer I just don’t care anymore my mind and gut was telling me I had to go it was going to get really bad I had enough and was about to snap so I ended us and walked out that door cause I know I’m so much better than u made me feel u took everything away from me even my pride I’m so lucky I got my dignity back it took everything I had to find it again cause you absolutely broke me until no end I had to get away from you to find myself again cause you did everything to destroy me and take my happiness away from me I’m finally free and there is no more breaking me

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  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 4 days ago


    Never forget that I love you always remember that your beautiful, your smart, your enough and your always worth It don’t listen to anything else you know what you deserve you know what your worth so don’t settle for nothing less your always guaranteed the best cause around me your nothing less always keep a smile on that beautiful face cause your deserve it never want to see you upset or hurt but I’ll be here to fix or patch anything I can I promise you to be your best friend lean you a hand from time to time or to just be that person that always has your back no matter what through the thick or thin the good or bad I just want you to know I can’t promise to be here for the rest of your life but I can promise to love you for the rest of mine

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  • Amanda Henderson shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Who am I

    I lost myself don’t even know me anymore who am I broken, damaged, destroyed believe me there’s more who am I not to sure was she even meant to be who am I the one that’s lost in the world and all alone who am I the one that no one has ever wanted and lefted on the back burner who am I the one person people like to use or walk all over who am I the that gets lied to or don’t know what to believe who am I the one that there for everyone and no one is ever really there for here like you think who am I I’m just that girl yeah that’s me who am you really wouldn’t you like to know who am I I’m just that girl that’s lost and has been through enough shes broken, destroyed and so much more who am I I’m just that girl that’s who I am nothing special so u know who am Im just that girl

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    • You are the girl who is not giving up – who is sensitive and loving. See the greatness in yourself. I promise there is so much to love. For help, please also take a look at our resources page. theunsealed.com/resources.

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  • Kaylee Field shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 1 weeks, 4 days ago

    Body Dysmorphia

    I wonder what it must be like
    to have a normal self-image.
    To not be swallowed up by body dysmorphia,
    Stealing away every opportunity that comes.

    I wonder what it must be like
    to show up just as you are,
    Instead of avoiding and hiding away,
    So not to be seen the way that you are.

    What a relief it would be
    To look in the mirror and not see an enemy.
    To not want to throw up at the sight,
    Of the body that serves me every day

    To not want to shatter the mirror into pieces,
    As if it makes me go away.
    To glance at my reflection in a window,
    And not startle at the monster staring back.

    I wonder what it would be like
    To not pick myself apart,
    And chip away any self-esteem left,
    Just to convince myself of how bad I am.

    What a relief it would be,
    To have it be the last thing I’m worried about.
    To feel good enough to chase a dream,
    Even just good enough to participate.

    To allow myself to feel excited,
    Without the side conversations in my head.
    The intrusive thoughts that shatter me
    And suffering caused by distortion.

    What it must be like
    To wake up in the morning and not worry
    About what new perceived image
    You will have in the reflection this time.

    To not be obsessed and compulsive.
    To not base my activities around
    How I feel about myself
    To not be restricted.

    I wonder what life I’d have
    If I didn’t restrain myself from it.
    To break free from the prison of my mind
    That holds me chained against my will.

    The disorder has me in a chokehold,
    And there is no release.
    I am in an endless battle with my mind,
    And I wish I could just be free.

    How does it feel
    To not be restricted by behavior
    That stops you from leaving your house?
    Repetitive, agonizing, panicky behavior

    What a relief it would be, to just be.

    Kaylee Field

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  • Darnel LaFrance shared a letter in the Group logo of Mental HealthMental Health group 2 weeks, 3 days ago

    the river

    wifi’s off,
    sun beats again the brow,
    little embers dancing on your forehead,

    “do you want to?”
    you know i want to
    “i want to”
    i know you want to,
    come then,
    devour my body,

    you make me hate myself,
    love so strong it’s like i’ve never been love before,
    i know what hurts you,
    i know what he did,
    i hear the pain hidden in your voice,
    but i can’t apologise for something i never did,
    i can’t be sorry that i remind you of him,
    i can’t apologise that you see him in my face,
    and it hurts you.
    i know it hurts you,
    i’ll never hurt you,
    so i have to go.

    give me the blade,
    i’ll go the the river,
    i’ll take away your pain,
    i’ll take it from my body,
    numb to texture of your skin against mine,
    like nails on a chalkboard,
    heart lost under frozen,
    u give your your tears,
    you give your suffering,
    i give my tears,
    i give my innocence,
    do you feel safe here,

    i don’t know why you still wanted me,
    i don’t know why when i turned around to meet your tug there was nothing there,
    gone without trace as if it never happened,
    do you feel safe with me?
    is that why you gave me hurt in exchange for love,
    then acted like it never happened?

    i don’t remember your name,
    i’ll never forget your face,
    i wake in a pool of sweat in blood from manifesting nightmares into something i can feel,
    something i can chase,
    something i can touch,
    i wonder if that touch reminds you of me,
    every time i go to the river i remember the feeling of you,
    i miss it more than it deserves,
    and i’ll never let myself forget the sensation you are

    teen romance

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  • Botox


    It’s a new century.
    Everyone has lips stretching to their ears,
    cheekbones with a fine line razored on.
    Waists suctioned by a vacuum.
    It’s a new century.
    A century where anyone can look like anything.
    The doctor will plump your chest,
    a surgery to define your stomach,
    will make you feel more confident, your best!
    A face with permanent perfection.
    No blemish,
    an unwavering portrait.
    I was never unaware of the fake identity of this world,
    or of myself.
    I never went to a doctor,
    yet my face holds an everlasting smile.
    A grin stretching from my lips to my ears,
    I laugh when I am supposed to,
    I look like a perfect image.
    One with the crowd.
    Maybe better than the crowd,
    because that’s what you wanted.
    No one likes ugly.
    No one likes blemishes, acne, and cellulite,
    so I wore none.
    My tears were suctioned up,
    my makeup never stained.
    My smile,
    wide as ever.
    My eyes,
    If you looked close enough, you could see the void.
    A small sacrifice.
    To be perfect.
    To you.
    To this world.
    is not beautiful.
    A crack in the facade,
    a slight inconsistency,
    give me the injection.
    Hold my face tight,
    bare my teeth,
    I smile.
    I smile so wide.
    For you.
    I am not broken,
    I am a picture of perfection.
    A tear may slip,
    I take another injection.
    Clenching my teeth.
    I smile,
    I laugh,
    It’s a new Century.
    We can look like anything we want to be,
    and I can look like anything you want me to be.

    Frankie Baker

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    • Frankie, this poem is truly eye-opening. In this time, the beauty standard can be so fierce and intimidating. It’s extremely difficult to not compare yourself to the instagram models with perfect bodies, your best friend who has the clearest skin in existence, or even your family members, wishing you inherited the ‘good genes.’ Even though you m…read more

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  • Dear Romeo

    Dear Romeo,

    Since you’ve been gone, all I can think about is what you taught me. I am so
    grateful to have learned so many life lessons from you. You were my best
    friend and almost my lover too. Here is some of your best advice:
    ● Don’t dress like an elf (even though I still have my elf shoes, I
    coordinate them now . . . most days anyway).
    ● Don’t hang up the phone without saying a proper goodbye and giving
    the other person a chance to do the same.
    ● Don’t dance to music ridiculously; appreciate it.
    ● Appreciate items genuinely when someone lets you borrow them and
    make sure to give them back.
    ● Be extra patient with the people you love.
    ● Be thankful and grateful for the little things and smallest of gifts.
    ● Learn by doing.
    ● Get sincerely excited when something awesome is happening (like
    being at a Flogging Molly concert)
    ● Love the planet, protect it, and stand up for it, even if you fail.
    ● Go to the places you have always dreamed of going, and do the things
    you have always dreamed of doing.
    ● Appreciate great music (metal bands like Of Mice and Men, Attila,
    beautiful bands like Pretty Lights, and some goofy 80’s and 90’s bands
    like New Kids on the Block)
    ● Always make time for the people you love.
    ● Be yourself and don’t worry about impressing people.
    ● Love the quiet spots of home (Beans Bottom, the pump house, etc.)
    ● Never feel like you have to deal with anything alone. Those who love
    you the most will never let that happen.
    Your Best Friend,

    Juliet (K-Bro)

    Voting starts September 4, 2024 12:00am

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    • Katrina, this is so sweet. It is crazy how one person, without even knowing it, can inspire us and change our lives in so many different ways. My favorite line of yours is ” Be thankful and grateful for the little things and smallest of gifts” because it really is such great advice. Some people don’t experience things you might take for granted.…read more

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  • Pretty Dee shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 2 weeks, 6 days ago

    When I Shake My Ass

    You might shake
    Your head at me
    in Disapproval
    And say
    I have no class
    Poke fun at me
    And laugh
    You might call me
    You might call me Whore
    Because I can
    Move these hips
    So melodically
    On this dance floor
    Your brain can’t help
    But fantasize
    About me doing more

    It’s a Hot girl Summer
    Imma shake my dreads
    To this Sexyy Red
    Drop it down low
    Cause whether
    This ass is big or small
    I am thick for sum
    I back it up for
    The 99s and 2000s
    And twerk fa sum
    Hands on my knees
    I don’t mind bending
    It over
    To let it breathe
    Cause I got hump
    In my back
    And I’m shaking this rump
    Because it frees me

    You might
    Think I am sleazy
    And that sleeping
    With me is easy
    Because I love moving
    This booty meat
    I shaking off shackles
    Off me
    Everything that used
    to hurt me
    When I shake my ass
    I tapping into my divine and
    dark femininity
    Twerking away the guilt and shame
    From the trauma of early
    Exposure to sexual activity
    I am shaking myself loose
    I am shaking myself free

    From the voice of the imposter
    and silent critic
    Cause in the words of my
    Granny B “ I don’t give a shit”
    I am shaking off years of
    Physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse,curses
    And trauma
    This shit is generational
    I inherited it from
    My Mama’s mama’s mama’s
    Mama’s mama
    This shit goes deep
    These thick thighs
    Don’t save no other lives
    But my own
    I wiggle these hips
    For every time
    When I was younger
    And was told
    Dancing made me fast and Too grown
    Like being stiff as a board
    Made my sexual abusers leave me alone
    So I guess I will be that floozy
    Cause I will shake it to anything from
    Slipknot to Tupac
    Mozart, Dolly and Shaboozey
    I shake my ass because I inner stand
    The freedom in my movement
    I fall in love with all I am
    And who I am coming to be
    I don’t give a damn
    You can Judge me
    I know who I am and that I am set free
    So you can sit there like a bump on a log
    I am celebrating me
    So enjoy the view I guess
    While I gyrate and wiggle
    This bodacious booty
    And receive the blessings
    release the stress
    and Set my soul free

    Pretty Dee

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    • DEE!!! This piece is awesome. It’s so real and authentic. I love to dance, and dancing is very freeing for me, too. Like writing, it’s a form of self-expression. I am glad you don’t care what other people say or think, and you just celebrate yourself! Keep doing your thing. Xo. I am highlighting this piece in our newsletter as a featured story…read more

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      • Thank You Lauren! I am Slowly but surely making my way back. I just published my first book and OMG it’s freeing and give me so much anxiety at the same time. Thank you for proving the space as a writer to always be my authentic self

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  • jasmine_v shared a letter in the Group logo of PoetryPoetry group 3 weeks ago


    If God came now , Would you be ready?
    Defend yourself by saying ,
    “But I go to church on Sundays already?!”
    “I give money to the poor and I don’t bet on scores ,
    I go to church already….”

    What if the sky opened like curtains ?
    You try to remember a message of any sermon ,
    You thought you had more time , that’s for certain..

    What if his time doesn’t come but yours does ?
    And the meet of his face steals the air from your lungs ?
    Well , It was only borrowed….
    Used it to get high ,Thinking you still have tomorrow

    What if you get to his feet, ?
    all your sins on repeat ..
    All those times he offered you the prize,
    You ignored it by trying to compete?
    Many times you failed him and expect him to STILL complete …

    Live now, worry about him later
    Not like 39 gashes kept him alive,
    So His 40 becomes our savior…

    It’s not like,,.. from the ground his blood cries ,

    What a gift ,yet we still choose to die
    What a trip, yet we still choose to fly.
    What a grip , the enemy has on your lives
    What a fix, to choose the one the world denies

    We don’t fit in and that’s just fine.
    Not one person can give you
    what your lips won’t say but it’s stuck on your mind ,
    He reads between our lines ,
    In the stories he’s written but still have not come to time.

    The past is his present but your future .
    No money or jewels can’t make you any newer

    What if he walked down the path to meet you halfway?
    Would you have him wait
    till there’s a time you no longer want to stay and you can’t take it another day?
    When we hit the dead end , we ask him to make a way …
    We only notice we’re far from home
    when what feeds us doesn’t stay
    It leaves us astray , looking for more ways ,
    To fill a void ,that’s been made
    So only he can have that space ,
    that secret place

    If he came now we’re all going down,
    Look around , nothing but winds surrounds
    The lost sheep that he went to keep,
    they rejected him too many times
    so now they weep.

    Made in his image , but a reflection of what the enemy perceives
    without giving it life , it can’t conceive

    So now we carry the chains ,
    Locked in to our veins ..
    By feeding the flesh.
    Stuck in the mud ,
    With sour seeds and spiced buds ,
    our fruits were rotten.
    While his is fresh.

    before I die, I hope I get it right
    So when my eyes open on the other side,
    It’s not darkness that meets me but it’s The Light.

    Jasmine I Valenzuela

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    • Wow Jasmine! This piece is amazing. I am sure you are getting it right. And you already are the LIGHT. This is extremely creative and flows so well. Thank you for sharing. <3 Lauren

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